Books tagged with Fiction
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Everyone deserves a holiday
by Shady Lady Julie
A seaside landlady gives a free short break to a visually impaired young woman and her guide dog and finds out just how close the bond is between them.
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Silver Wings
by Joe J
Jody Jamison's young life, from High School student to Special Forces.
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The Blems
by Pars001
Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction
A wise man once said everything is not as it would seem. Ray agreed 100% with that statement. When his senses were amplified well beyond the norm of an average human, the world became a much different place for him. Come join him on this journey for enlightenment and advancement of the human experience.
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Meeting James
by melanieatplay
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
A young, attractive woman attends a fundraiser and meets an older man, her attraction to him is magnetic. Discovering that he was wealthy and powerful to go along with his good looks, Melanie began a journey unlike anything she'd experienced to date, one that would include not just the physical restraints imposed by bdsm, but the mental ones too. Join her on this odyssey.
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Caitlyn, her Mum, and Roxanne
by Mandurah
The Caitlyn series ends with one more wild romp, with the now very popular Caitlyn leading the charge toward a lusty conclusion. An incestuous threesome with Caitlyn and her Mum, and someone new: Roxanne. Does she have to put on the red light? You'll find out, and more, in this dash to the end that's filled with wild sexual adventure!
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Caitlyn & Erin on the Farm
by Mandurah
A group of sexy teens on a farm for a week? Will romance bloom? Or is it more of an incestuous yet consensual affair? Either way, or perhaps both, there will be a plethora of sexual activity going to the extreme for your reading entertainment!
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Dog Island: A Canine Island Fantasy Romance
by Rowan Betencourt
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
After a tragic loss, Keli learned how to sail and embarks on a solo boating trip around the world, only to wash up on an island that appears to be deserted. As she struggles to survive, Keli will meet and find her life forever changed by the four-legged inhabitants of the place she comes to call Dog Island.
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A Teacher and Her Voyeur
by Mandurah
The lusting of a teacher by a student is as old as education itself. When a trio of students find out about a teacher's illicit sex, blackmail looms and a compromise is proposed. Will the trio get "educated"? Or, will another group of students discover that tryst? It's a no-holes-barred romp all across the educational spectrum that you don't want to miss!
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My Voyeur. My Lover. My . . .
by Mandurah
When a young woman, who has been having a tough time meeting a decent guy, acquires a stalker who sends her packages of bondage lifestyle attire and requests exhibitionism from her, she acquiesces, both out of curiosity and being turned on. The game continues, and the requests become more outrageous, until the unexpected happens. Is it romance? Or more sinister?
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My Exhibitionist Mom Book Two
by Jill Jacobson
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » MILF
I'm a normal, highly-sexed 18 year-old girl, and my Mom is an out-of-control exhibitionist MILF! Follow our ongoing adventures!
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by Shady Lady Julie
Sally becomes a ghost after being murdered by her fiancé. She wants to get her revenge, but the question is how will she do it or even if can she do it? One thing she discovers being dead is that sex to ghosts is like food to the living, its simply something they can’t do without.
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Deja Vu Part Two: Rising
by Rottweiler
Categories: Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure
When you reach rock bottom, there’s only one way to go.
Being a double amputee at 15 sucks! It gets interesting when you share your subconscious with a much older version of yourself, determined to keep you from repeating a lifetime of mistakes. Aided by Old Pete and the undeniable support of his remaining friends and family, he begins his meteoric rise to greatness.
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My Maria
by Charla Mayne
Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult
Robert Danner had cows. He did not have a girlfriend. A year after he met Maria Chernov, his customer's translator, that changed. Part of it. He still had cows. Lots of them. Then he had a girlfriend, then another, and... Don't feel sorry for Robert Danner. He's just fine.
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The Hound of Culaain
by Shady Lady Julie
Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark
Set in Ireland in the time of legends this tells the story of how Irish Wolfhounds were created to battle against werewolves that were invading the country. It blends a variety of real Irish folklore with fiction.
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A Not So Welcomed Guest
by Pars001
Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction
The third book in the God series of novels, in this volume we explore the Norse gods who join in with the Egyptian and Green deities. Can these three sets of gods and goddesses behave, or will their natural mischievous and salacious nature overwhelm the mortal world? Discover the answer in this third installment.
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Lost Empire - Book Four
by Pars001
Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction
The adventure expands exponentially! President John F. Kennedy said "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." Inside, a discovery by an ordinary man changes his life and the history of the galaxy forever and Book IV wraps up this 400,000 word epic!
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What's the worst that can happen
by Shady Lady Julie
Categories: Fiction » Gay & Lesbian Fiction » Lesbian
This is a love story between two women who come from very different cultures. One is from the West, the other a traditional north Indian girl. They meet on a plane and then enjoy the Holi festival together. Will their love be sufficient to overcome the cultural differences?
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Another Welcomed Guest
by Pars001
As has been stated before, the Gods and Goddesses are supposed to remain hands-off with regards to mortals. Five years after the events in A Welcome Guest, another group of Gods have their interest levels sparked by the good deeds previously done. Is this good, or, might it spell disaster for the mortals?
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Lonely at Forty-Seven
by Mandurah
Divorcee Jade flies into a rage over a canceled date, only to find out her date's Mum was dying. Lucky for her, the chap is the forgiving type and they arrange another date, a weekend tryst. Will Jade find true love, or, just another desperate soul seeking a once-and-done sexual summit? These and other questions are answered inside!
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Adult Service
by Mandurah
What happens when a 19-year-old girl who is studying at university suddenly needs funds to pay her fees, and, doesn't have the funds? Flip burgers? Sell vacuum cleaners? Get men to pay for her to spread her legs? Which one do you think will better pay the bills?
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