
rating 4.3 stars
(3 reviews)

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Bookapy - Into Cart


by Pars001

Published: 2017-12-14. 117,488 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Older than 13

A man is taken, then returned. He's not the same, or is he? Now, with a lot of questions, he leaves earth to search for the only other one like himself, so far. An epic quest that interweaves science fiction, aliens, and mind control against criminal elements and politics leaving us with . . . a superhero? It's a 100,000+ word journey in a masterful story that sweeps across time and space.

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Reader Reviews



Reviewed it on June 27, 2024

As always, an excellent read. Didn't want to put it down. Luckily, being retired I have time to read.


A interresting story

Reviewed it on April 19, 2024

A interresting story