
rating 4.4 stars
(5 reviews)

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Bookapy - Into Cart


by Pars001

Published: 2017-04-19. 81,898 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Older than 13

A man is hunted for what he has created. Roger Gance, a brilliant cybernetic/android programmer, spent the past 15 years developing S.H.E.I.L.A., a synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living android that had far superior capabilities than normal humans. Imagine his surprise (none) when the military tried to grab his creation.

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Reader Reviews


good read

Reviewed it on July 1, 2024

fast paced a little disjointed but plausible, a fun distraction for a few hours, Thankyou.