
Books tagged with Hard sci-fi

The Cure cover Thumb

The Cure

by David Holmes

Published: 2020-02-13. 274,914 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (8)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

What if you can cure the incurable, including restoring the dead flesh of a re-attached severed limb? How? Well, that's the rub, isn't it? The secret is in your sexual emanations and only works when reacting to the environment of a vagina.

Part one of The Cure trilogy.


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Final Cut - Book 3 cover Thumb

Final Cut - Book 3

by Chad Brink

Published: 2021-02-21. 120,610 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (2)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

Book 3 of the "Make the Cut" Series. John barely survived a near miss while extracting information from Sri Lanka. Now, he must find a way to use that information to save humanity and rid the Earth from the alien threat. The stakes have never been higher and the odds have never been more grim. Still, he is the Earth's only hope and must try.


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Cut and Run - Book 4 cover Thumb

Cut and Run - Book 4

by Chad Brink

Published: 2021-08-17. 136,664 Words.

rating 4.4 stars (7)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

The "Make the Cut" story continues! Book 4 in the overall storyline and the beginning book of the sequel to the first Trilogy. The situation on Earth becomes desperate as the long-awaited arrival of the enemy's space ark looms.


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Singularity: The Synthesis of the Ethereal and the Corporeal cover Thumb

Singularity: The Synthesis of the Ethereal and the Corporeal

by Vincent Berg

Published: 2016-02-10. 55,976 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

An experimental NASA flight goes horribly wrong, and the test pilot who died wakes up back home, unhurt. Eric Morgan returns to NASA prepared to face a thousand questions as things continue to unravel. Is he still human or a new species and what does it mean for those around him? Is he helping or threatening humanity? How will the changes to him impact them?


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Zombie Leza cover Thumb

Zombie Leza

by Vincent Berg

Published: 2016-11-13. 55,706 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

Leza lives with, cares for, communicates and controls an army of the undead. She can teach the living how to survive, if the humans can only keep from killing her. Leza represents more than just another day of survival, but whether she portends humanity's rescue or the impending future of the undead is anyone's guess. She may be humanity's redemption or their ultimate annihilation.


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The Cuckoo's Progeny cover Thumb

The Cuckoo's Progeny

by Vincent Berg

Published: 2016-07-05. 69,280 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Hard sci-fi

Al and Betty aren't like their classmates. They've developed skills which separates them and sets them on a search for others like them. As they discover who they might be, they alienate friends, family and humanity in general. Between walking into disasters, ungrateful rescues and government agents tracking their movements, they're searching for a way out and a way home, wherever that might be.


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