Peter Pan
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Cool Among the Flames
Categories: Non-Fiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
The life and times of "Peter_Pan." An autobiography, authored in his real-time name: Noel Bailey
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Who the Hell is Phrenetic_Ice?
A collection of stories that on many sites have been attributed to the author Phrenetic_Ice, simply a pseudonym of Peter_Pan. A companion piece to "The Best of Peter_Pan" volumes.
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The Best of Peter_Pan: Volume II
Varied stories of the erotic from Peter_Pan, outside the Harper Valley universe.
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Harper Valley: Fadeout
The conclusion to the Harper Valley chapter, containing stories that have never been published in book form before.
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Harper Valley: A Postscript
Certainly the family, as a cohesive unit, has not been drawn-in to the maelstrom any further, but for myself I must plead guilty to the charge of cavorting with the Devil when he has asked me to dance.
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Imagine For A Moment
I thought I would break with tradition and publish a little book of collectively unclassifiable “short stories,” some of which were inspired by real events, others by bed-time tales I used to tell my own children and the balance, that simply wrote themselves while I wasn’t watching.
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The Best of Peter_Pan
This comprehensive book is the direct result of so many readers, from Auckland to the Channel Isles, emailing me, wanting to acquire a printed compilation of Peter_Pan stories rather than having to laboriously search and select one by one off various websites themselves
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The Complete Harper Valley
This compilation is the result of sustained pressure by so many readers (of both sexes) of the Harper Valley episodes worldwide, who have indicated their great desire to acquire a published version of the entire series. With the technology available now to deliver e-books, many others can access the whims and fancies of these sexually free-thinking teens in a Utopia perhaps not that far from you.
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Room Service & Other Tales of the Erotic
Twelve erotic tales, the first of which - "Room Service" itself, is based on an event that actually occurred more than thirty years ago. Most of the stories here are gentle in tone - of appeal especially to women and others of a non-confrontational disposition. "Two Cent Whore" and "Intemperate Acquaintances" be warned, are far outside those parameters.
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