by Cainneach McEinri
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction
Content Rating: Older than 17
Sarah and her friends are now members of a new breed along with a few of their aliens friends. They’ve recruited more people from Earth to assist them with restoring the ship to operational status. They choose to recruited people who were close to or graduating college. Their preferred candidates were those: Majoring in the hard sciences. Sociable as indicated by being part of a group. With little or no extended family due inability to maintain contact due to distance.
As they are restoring the ship the crew comes to the aid of their friends and acquaintances on Earth to extract them from an unpleasant future. The rescues are achieved without revealing their presence to those on Earth most of the time. To support their restoration efforts a settlement on Mars is established. Its purpose is to provide the facilities where they can manufacture supplies needed for restoration as well as build additional ships. The additional ships and supplies would be needed when they move to another solar system. A search is begun for a suitable solar system.
As a way to relax, many of the Earth born crew members sing or play musical instruments. Their hobby leads them to organizing a choir with supporting musicians. The discovery of the music from the ships home world gives them something new to sing and play. The music’s lyrics besides being a pleasant listening experience, tell of the aliens history and social interactions. The music is then used to introduce them to Earth's residence through live performances and publishing the music. Updated 22 Nov 2023