Contact This!
by J. R. Handley
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military
Content Rating: Older than 13
They came in peace…
…or so they said. Here are 18 examples of how they lied. This is an exciting collection of First Contact science fiction stories, all completely different! Take a risk – venture into the unknown with us. Who is out there? What will they want from us? Come join is in our adventure to find out how 1st Contact pans out. It will be a great adventure!
"Every story in this book has something to appeal to fans of the science fiction genre, especially those who like speculations into space travel and the future tinged with horror. Lovers of Alien and The Twilight Zone will find themselves at home here, and so will anyone who enjoys science fiction for what it promises: the expansion of the mind into unknown and sometimes intimidating places." Virge B., Red Adept Editing, Proofreader
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