Man of Shadows
by David Holmes
Language: English
Content Rating: Older than 7
Darras was a veteran of a brutal five year war against a despicable yet powerful enemy. Ordered to hold for three days as the last of his defeated nation’s people were loaded onto colonisation ships, he’d done the impossible and held for ten, leaving the invaders with nothing but an empty port and massive casualties. Their revenge was terrible, those few that survived the final onslaught were impaled before him even as he was tortured to try and reveal where his nation had fled. Finally, he died in agony, alone and mocked… and then discovered that death was not to be his, with a new life and a new challenge with the blessings of a goddess who needed his help.
Review Book
Reader Reviews
It captivated me for 4 days and I could not put the book aside
Reviewed it on November 28, 2023
I loved the book and it gave me some ideas about my own writing. Excellent plot, storytelling and flow. I highly recommend itbardo38
I trust there will be more
Reviewed it on August 1, 2023
This was a great read. The author is skilled in creating worlds and the individuals that inhabit them. The plot lines are well developed and the characters real with all their flaws and foibles I look forward to the next installmentGuywithgunz
Really Good Fantasy Adventure Story
Reviewed it on July 4, 2023
Excellently written and gripping storyline. Well Edited.
Further episodes in the works?
Reviewed it on July 1, 2023
Is there to be further episodes or is the end?
I really enjoyed the entire story!!
Struggle between Gods
Reviewed it on June 30, 2023
Good characters, consistent plot and momentum.
Reviewed it on June 26, 2023
Well written story, with a very good plot. I hope there is a follow up book soon as I would.like to know how it finishes. I'm retired and I've got time on my.hand but it's not unlimited unfortunately. Keep writing at I hope the same high standard. Owen.juggy1
Mr. Holmes has created a wonderful universe!
Reviewed it on June 26, 2023
I hope to see more of this realm. I have thoroughly enjoyed this book!
An opening was left for a sequel.
Reviewed it on June 25, 2023
I enjoyed the story very much. The lines of the story tied together very well and all characters tied together well. Now it is time for a sequel.
Fantasy world of magic, mythology and mystery.
Reviewed it on June 24, 2023
The world created is one of magic and mystery as is the hero. His background is dark and wreathed in pain. His current life is more controlled but hardly risk free. His lack of magical ability is a strength and his experience allows him a measure of control that makes him special. His relationship with a goddess is very special and makes him more dangerous. A great engaging read. I can't wait for book 2!!