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The Chronicles of Malcolm Harris: Fear No Evil

by Terrance G Kilpatrick

Language: English

Published: 2023-05-23. 170,682 Words.

ISBN: 9781453730362

Categories: Fiction » Horror » Undead

Content Rating: Older than 13

While investigating a crime scene involving animal sacrifice, and occult activities, Malcolm is allowed by the detective in charge of the investigation, to act as a consultant on the things found at the crime scene. When the arrested individual is interviewed, Malcolm begins to see that this is something more than just an obscure blood sacrifice group practicing black magic. Like an onion being peeled, the layers of this mystery begin to reveal a much larger conspiracy of evil that the world is totally clueless to deal with, or much less comprehend. The arrested high priest dies a mysterious death while in custody, a death no one can explain. Malcolm’s and Luis Martinez’s (the investigating detective of the Dade County Sheriffs Office in Miami) research led them to the backcountry of Colombia. Here they find the source of the cult they are investigating. But is it really? After being attacked, and losing their friend and guide, Rosalva, Malcolm and Lou split up, with Malcolm being able to make it back to the hotel in Bogota. Here, Malcolm is again attacked by the mysterious cult that is bent on destroying him. But this time, a mysterious force repulses them. This same force kidnaps Malcolm, via chloroform, and the next thing he knows is he is somewhere back in the states, lying on a bed in a very posh and luxurious bedroom of an extravagant mansion. Who kidnapped him? After waking up from the drugs, Malcolm is taken to a room, where he is forced to watch a demonstration of reality and power from a creature he never believed existed. A vampire! But this vampire is not your typical (if there is such a thing) vampire. This one is the queen of vampires. The most powerful one of them all, and as Malcolm finds out later, there are a lot of them. Thousands of them. After this demonstration, and later the breaking of his will, she is introduced to him formally. It is here she slowly begins to reveal her plans, and how he fits into them. The last thing she wants is Malcolm dead. Malcolm has what she really wants. A genuine immortality! Not the kind she has, with its limitations, and eventual damnation. But the kind he has, the kind promised to those believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Vampires are very intuitive, and as such they can read people emotionally, intellectually, and most of all spiritually. She can sense there is something very special about Malcolm. And she wants it. Desperately!

She has managed to maintain her humanity, and therefore her soul with it. She is something of an anomaly when it comes to vampires. Her three personalities are as individual as can be, and are manifested as three different women. Malcolm finds his faith tested and retested. He learns to exist as a guest in the house of the Queen of the Order of the Red Velvet. This is made possible by four angels sent to provide a hedge of protection against the demons who possess the bodies of the vampires. Malcolm finds out that this is what a vampire really is: A corpse kept alive supernaturally by a vampire demon. His long talks with her reveal her nature as well as her history to him. She also reveals her affection toward him. But more than that, her plans regarding the clans of vampires in the world have a direct involvement role for him. A dangerous one!

This story involves the theme of redemption and forgiveness. This vampire queen is ready to give up her eternity on earth and eventual Hell, in order that she might gain forgiveness and perhaps attain salvation. But she doesn’t want to leave the earth in peril from the remaining undead that still walk the earth. Therefore, she must prepare Malcolm for the battle of his life, and perhaps for the world, while even yet, preparing for the battle of her life. The battle for her soul!

While investigating a crime scene involving animal sacrifice, and occult activities, Malcolm is allowed by the detective in charge of t

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