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Mistaken Identity

by Cainneach McEinri

Language: English

Published: 2023-04-25. 234,144 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Paranormal

Content Rating: Older than 17

While Sarah óCeallaigh has advanced degrees in computer science, business administration, and financial management, she is filling the role of a real estate agent. Due to her success as an agent and her appearance, her photograph occasionally appears in the local paper’s real estate ads.
Unknown to Sarah, her photo is seen by an embezzler who is concerned about being discovered. This is because due to circumstances, her and her partner have a business relationship with the person from whom she stole the money. The embezzler is surprised at closely Sarah’s photo resembles her appearance before she had cosmetic surgery. After considering the issues, the embezzler tells an acquaintance, Liz, of how closely Sarah resembles an embezzler who stole several million from a friend of hers. She suggests to Liz that if she could get Sarah to return the money, she would receive a substantial finders fee. Liz who is a bit short on money is easily convinced the opportunity. Reviewing the information and considering Sarah’s line of work, Liz decides on a path that she feels will easily convince Sarah to return the money. Since Sarah is working as a real estate agent, Liz assumes that she either has the money hid or spent it. She figures appearance is a key aspect of Sarah’s interaction with customers. Thus she decides that altering Sarah’s appearance would convince her to return the money. Thus begins the events.

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