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Written in Blood: A Dark Awakening

by Millie Dynamite

Language: English

Published: 2021-10-02. 32,125 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Horror » Undead

Content Rating: Older than 17

Doctor Jane Hanson gives the account of her journey to a mysterious country to practice the medicine of the mind with one of the foremost psychiatrists of the day, Countess Valery Drago. Things are not as they had been presented, and soon, she realizes she is a pawn in a much large plan.

A precocious young girl spoke to me in some strange tongue, all the while smiling and laughing at her own witticisms, of which I could understand not one jot. I laughed with her to avoid the appearance of rudeness. The girl’s mother, who spoke some English, thanked me for my kindness and asked my destination.
“The sanatorium at Castle Drago,” as I spoke, a cloud passed over the sun. A shadow crept over us, and the temperature became decidedly chillier.
The woman’s face grew ashen. Her eyes darkened within her pale features, and her lip trembled as she beheld me. At once, the peasant woman hustled her girl into the coach.
Turning to me, she crossed herself, “God protect you.”
She reached behind her neck, unclasped, and removed her necklace with its small crucifix. Bustling over to me, the middle-aged mother placed the cross around my neck.
“May this give you protection from all the dread, terrors of the night.”

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