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Short Cuts

by Chad Brink

Language: English

Published: 2022-03-05. 26,734 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Apocalyptic

Content Rating: Older than 13

This book contains two short stories in the 'Make the Cut' universe.

"Shelter" Story one, Tells the story of Hannah Crather who is a young girl who survives the end of the world only to awake in the future to face new struggles. Chapter one of this short story was first published online in late 2020 but now contains a new second chapter. The story takes place in main timeline just after part one of the first book. The second chapter takes place just after the events of book three.

"Endings and Beginnings" is a new story dealing with John Abrams and his family. This story is set between books three and four in the main story timeline.

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