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Amity Series: #1 - Storm

by Kris Me

Language: English

Published: 2021-05-20. 105,290 Words.

Available as part of the Amity Collection

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Content Rating: Older than 17

This is the first of 7 books.

Well fuck me, how does a twenty-first-century thirty-five-year-old Earth guy survive in the Dark Ages, as I saw them, and on an unknown planet?

It all started when I brought a box of books and found a strange metal box at the bottom of it. That box changed my life in ways I would never have believed possible.

Chronologically, this story starts before the Delta series but finishes after that time. This book can be read as a separate entity from that series since it centres around a different planet. However, this series will link back to the Delta series in later books. Reading, At a Price and The Job first are also recommended.

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