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Tara Ardchlár

by Cainneach McEinri

Language: English

Published: 2024-07-12. 315,100 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction

Content Rating: Older than 13

The Órarduine have arrived in Celia system. Based on data from their exploration of Ananu from Sol system, they’ve chosen to locate their first settlement on an island plateau. This plateau is in the northern portion of the large island. One reason for choosing the island was the limited approach to it from the sea. Shortly after arriving over Ananu, they begin moving construction material and temporary habitats to the settlement site. Recognizing their vulnerability to other space travelers, the settlement layout is designed to negate this by utilizing an aspect of their ships cloaking capabilities.

They are only in Celia System a few months when a Durale task group enters the system. Their goals are to destroy the Órarduine ships and bombard the planet to make it unlivable. They cover their entry in to the system traveling among a rocky debris trailing a comet passing through Celia system.

Shortly after the Durale incident, three of the alien species who they had met in Sol system arrive for a visit. Their visit leads to them establishing informal relations with the Iridien, Atewa, and Monque worlds. Due to the location of this solar system the Atewa and Monque ask to establish a space station there. The purpose of the space station would provide maintenance and supply services to their space fleet.

On one of the Órarduine’s excursions outside of Celia system, they encounter a stranded group of ships. In coming to their assistance, they thwart a group of pirates who had designs on acquiring the stranded ships. Due to the condition of the passengers, after repairs to the stranded ships they are escorted to Celia system. In evaluating those in hibernation, errors are found in the configuration of the hibernation chambers. These errors have resulted in a decline in the passengers health and death in some cases. To resolve this, the configuration errors are corrected. Those in hibernation need to be revived before they can continue their journey, thus they are moved to Ananu to exit hibernation and recover while their situation is resolved.

The Órarduine establish agents on Atewa prime and Monque prime to facilitate trade. While the Órarduine are not yet in a position to export hard goods, they do have services they can offer. They are in need of hard goods such as refined metals.

Even though the Órarduine have left Sol system, Earth’s residents continue to join them. While the majority are seeking employment, some do so because of security concerns or outright threats. The need to provide accommodate those seeking to join them results in the staff in hibernation at An Clochán becoming active. To facilitate moving people from An Clochán to Ananu, the Órarduine lease passenger space ships from their friends in Atewa and Monique worlds. While there are some issues with the move, everyone makes a successful move.

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