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Daddy's Little Secret: A Tale of Incestuous Romance

by Rowan Betencourt

Published: 2024-06-28. 84,795 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Extreme Contents

Ashley has spent her entire life after graduating from college trying to support her family: watching her husband work long hours away from home, birthing and raising three children mostly on her own, and sacrificing everything for the sake of her loved ones. But she has a vacation coming up, time to spend all by herself at home...until when her "Golden Week" is spoiled by an unexpected home renovation. Needing to get away, she flees her house to find somewhere she can enjoy some peace and quiet. Without knowing why, Ashley finds herself driving back to her old childhood home where the first love of her life--her father--still resides.

Reuniting with her Daddy brings Ashley back to remembering all of the dark, tormented love that she carried for him after her parents' divorce. Over the course of the coming days, Ashley's going to get her Golden Week in a way that she never expected--she'll have to come to grips with the life she left behind, the responsibilities she has now, and struggling with the choice of which life she'd rather have.

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