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Daddy's Little Secret: A Tale of Incestuous Romance

Rowan Betencourt


Daddy's Little Secret

Daddy's Little Lovers: Book 2

Rowan Betencourt

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2023-24 by Rowan Betencourt

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Author's Note

my book! Readers like you are why I’m able to do this, and I appreciate every single one of you.

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Chapter one

Chapter 1

she almost hit the mailbox backing out of her driveway. The silver SUV she was driving likely would’ve suffered than just a few scratches after slamming into the concrete post, so she swerved at the last second, rolling into the street with a screech of tire rubber. Then she almost hit the contractor’s work truck parked out in front of her house, and had to avoid that as she slammed on the brakes, then slammed her fists into the steering wheel.

Shit!” She screamed aloud, since she was alone in the car without little ears to overhear her. Clenching her teeth, she spun the wheel hard, turning the car just enough to miss the other vehicle’s bumper, and sped off down the street.

The two-story Colonial filled her rear-view mirror as Ashley drove away. The house was white with dark shingles, tall windows, a column-lined porch, manicured lawn, two-car garage and a lamppost shining in the front flowerbed. It was a gorgeous house, and at that precise moment, Ashley hated it.

She dialed a number on her phone and waited for it to ring, teeth clenched, breathing hard through flared nostrils. The face of her husband, a handsome man with dark, coifed hair, was smiling back at her, part of a family picture with her and their three kids. The name “Gary” was on the screen, accompanied by a little pink heart.

The call connected. “Hi babe, I’m just about to get on the plane! What—

Why are there construction workers stomping all over our house?!” Ashley tried for about half a second’s effort to control her temper before giving up that battle. The perfect, green lawns and expensive houses passing on either side were a blur in her vision.

Gary was flustered. “B-but… Ashley, we talked about—

“I just dropped off the kids with my Mom, Gary. Then I come home and they’re tearing apart our entire fucking kitchen!” Ashley blew through a stop sign without even slowing down—the intersection was empty, but it still felt good.

Her husband made a few humming sounds, the usual noise when he was stalling for time. “I… I could’ve sworn that—ah! Ah-hah, there it is: ‘kitchen remodel,’ 6th through the 12th. It’s on our calendar, just like I thought.

“What?” Ashley pulled the car over in front of a random house near the edge of the neighborhood—a three-story red brick with white columns out front, a stone lion atop the mailbox and petunias in the flower box—and swiped through to the family calendar. A bar in yellow said Golden Week at the top, from the 6th through the 12th, the same as it had for months. “I don’t see anything—

Did you sync it? I updated it last week. I told you about all of this, Ashley. Don’t you remember?” Gary was beginning to sound annoyed, the same way he’d done since even before they got married. She’d worn a white dress with pearls sewn into the lace; the venue was packed; Ashley’s mother and stepfather were beaming.

Ashley didn’t say a word as she hit the button to refresh the calendar. Golden Week was shoved to the bottom, and Kitchen/Family Remodel popped up above it in red, like a portent of doom. Silence filled the cab, neither of them speaking, or having anything to say. Ashley’s heart was in her stomach, swirling and turning into a black hole.

Look,” he said, “I have to get on the plane. We’ll talk later.


Okay. Bye now.”

And just like that, the call dropped, and Ashley’s week of freedom was officially ruined. Sinking back in her seat, she stared out the front window of her car and sighed. Her husband was on a week-long business trip, all while er three kids—the now-teenage Dylan, and “tweenage” twins Melanie and Madison—were were driving to the coast tonight with their grandparents before going on a Caribbean cruise. Ashley was going to have the house all to herself for the first time in years, with plenty of peace and quiet, and—

Her phone rang again. Ashley peeked at the screen, connected the call. “Hi, Brit.”

Damn, girl, did somebody die?” Britnee laughed. The girls were friends since middle school; if anybody knew the right time to call, it would be Brit. “What kind of hello is that?

“The kind that just got to see my whole week off get fucked, and not in a good way.” Ashley turned her head, spotted someone peeking at her through the window blinds of the house she was parked in front of. Sitting up with a grunt, she put the car in Drive and turned out of the neighborhood. A two-lane highway stretched out ahead of her, lined with thick, green trees and tall pines wrapped in vines, following a winding, curving path into the distance.

Oh, honey! What happened?

“My husband happened, that’s what!” Ashley slammed a hand against the steering wheel again. “Fucker… I had one week all to myself—he’s gone; the kids are gone—and I was gonna sleep all week and enjoy the peace and quiet until a bunch of remodelers showed up and start tearing my goddamn house apart!”

Any lookers in the bunch? You could enjoy the eye candy, right?

Ashley snorted. “No way. I had to ‘vacate the premises’ for liability reasons. Where the fuck am I gonna stay all week?!”

Aww, Ash, I’m sorry. You could come stay with Mike and me, right?

Ashley snorted. “I could…b-but I don’t want to impose.”

Brit snorted right back. “It’s never an imposition, you know that.”

“I know, I know.” Ashley didn’t worry about Brit being offended; they’d known each other too long for that. “I can just find a hotel, I’ll be okay. Probably better if I’m alone right now anyway.”

You sure?” Brit didn’t sound convinced.

“Yeah, it’ll be fine. But you called me—what’s up?”

Nothing. I just felt like you needed someone to talk to. Guess I was right.

For a moment, there was a small bright spot in the midst of Ashley’s ruined morning and she smiled. “That’s just like you, knowing what I need. Thanks for checking up on me.”

You know it. If you change your mind, let me know, okay? We’d love to have you.

“I will. Love you.”

Love you too! And give the kids a big kiss for me when they get back.

“I will.” Ashley hung up. That was how they always ended their calls, never saying goodbye. Sometimes they talked ten times a day; sometimes weeks went by until one of them checked in on the other. It was nice to have a friend like that.

The phone rang again. She connected the call: “Hi, Mom.”

Hiiiiii!” came a chorus of three young voices on the other end. Ashley perked up a bit in her seat. There was a second of silence, and then a familiar voice came up: “Hi, honey!

“Hi, Mom!” Ashley repeated, forcing a bit of pep into her voice—if the kids were listening in, they might notice if she didn’t sound chipper. “Everything alright?”

Everything’s fine!” Lynn, Ashley’s mother, sometimes took on a matronly voice around her grandchildren that other people probably found warm and soothing. Ashley hated when she used that tone. “Burt and I were just telling the kids about all the times I took you to the beach when you were a little girl, and I suggested we could all call and say hello.

“Oh.” Ashley was glad nobody could see her face as it twisted up in annoyance. What kind of excuse for a call was that? “Well, I hope everyone has a good time. Dylan, don’t forget about your inhaler.”

I won’t.

“And girls, don’t pick on your older brother.”

There was some muffled giggling. “We won’t!” the twins said it unison.

It’ll be a wonderful time!” Mom said. “Enjoy your week off, honey!

“Thanks.” No actress in the world was good enough to pretend in response to that, but Ashley did her best. “Have fun!” Then she hung up, resolved not to answer the phone again; even tossed it into the passenger seat, put both hands on the wheel, and drove. She let the car lead the way, not following any particular path, simply keeping her mind engaged enough as needed.

Ashley thought about her marriage, about the man she’d married, where he was at that moment—not because she missed him, but because it felt like she’d been going nonstop since they got married. Marrying Gary was something Ashley did out of obligation after college, something to please her mother—Gary came from money, just like Burt, Ashley’s stepfather. Ashley didn’t want to marry, but her mother insisted on it, saying she “needed to be taken care of.”

Gary and Ashley were friends in college: he was nice, good looking, had a good job, was passable in bed. She was infertile anyway, so after a few years, Ashley figured she’d get her head on straight and figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Two pregnancies and fifteen years later, that plan had decidedly gone off the rails and it was never coming back. Dylan was born nine months to the day of her wedding date, and the twins came just over a year after that. It seemed that Ashley’s infertility was almost as imaginary as her plans for a second start in life.

The well-manicured lawns, tall trees and freshly-paved roads were all starting to thin out. The road ahead of her was stretching out into more rural country outside of town; dark asphalt lines slithered across the grey pavement like coiled snakes, and tall trees gave way to wide fields and open sky on all sides. She passed a little church, painted white with a narrow steeple, and an old billboard with a torn, faded poster that fluttered in the breeze.

Ashley’s life has taken a very distinct turn after her parents’ divorce after she was out of high school. Her mom left, marrying Burt soon after—a small home with a chain-link fenced yard was replaced by a fancy house far too big for just three people. Ashley was told not to contact Jonathan, her father, an order she deliberately disobeyed at every opportunity, but those chances were few and far between. By the time she graduated from college years in her mid-twenties and got married, she and her Dad hadn’t seen each other for awhile, and it got steadily easier to put it off as time went by. There were occasional texts, an I Love You at Christmas time, but life at home was too hectic, too busy, too all-encompassing to focus on anything but the present. She had the kids, the house, the lifestyle: vacations to take, dinners to make, schedules to meet and keep up with. There was Little League, play dates, dance classes, soccer games, doctor and dentist visits, and more. Time was something Ashley never had enough of.

Well, she had time now, didn’t she? The real question was: would he still want to see her after all that time?

Ashley turned onto a narrow gravel road, passing under the shade of a long line of beech trees. She went slow, tightening her grip on the wheel, fighting off a weird rush of dread and butterflies. The gravel trail didn’t even have a sign by the road—dozens, maybe hundreds of cars passed it every day, never thinking twice about what was at the other end of it. A square red sign was attached to the tree at the end of the line. Sun baked and spotted with rust, the words Keep Out were still clear enough to see.

At the end of the road, well out of sight of the street and surrounded by empty grass fields on all sides was a loose clump of pine and maple trees. A rusted, barbed wire fence marked the edges of the property itself. Further back, sat a small, solitary house with faded blue paint and a grey-shingle roof; it had a garage, but an older, two-door coupe was parked in the driveway. A chain-link fence framed an overgrown front lawn. Old washing machines and dryers, water heaters, refrigerators and other large items were stacked up against the garage and the small house, as though waiting for a garage sale that was never going to come. Her father was an ex-con, and for years he bought, repaired and re-sold appliances—from the looks of things, he hadn’t sold anything for awhile.

Ashley stopped on the gravel road, staring up at the house for a long time. It was always in her thoughts, but she’d never taken the time to physically visit since she’d gotten married. She didn’t bring the kids here; she damn well never brought her husband—he would’ve thought it run down and unsightly, even if he didn’t know the real history of Ashley’s time there. But to her, somewhere deep inside, it was still hers. Still home. She wanted to see it again, even if she was afraid of her father might react to her showing up.

Pulling onto the old, cracked concrete driveway, she put the car in Park. Opening the door, she carefully slid off her seat and onto the ground—it was a farther drop for her than most, since she’d been short her whole life, just like her mother. Both her eldest son and husband were more than a foot taller than she, and the twins weren’t far behind. She left her purse in the car, shut the door and started walking up to the house.

A hot, summer’s wind blew across the yard. A bird whistled in the distance; an old set of wind chimes made from old pipes gently rang from where they hung on the front porch. Ashley looked up the tall steps and climbed them slowly, fighting off some irrational hint of excitement and anxiety. It was only a house, after all.

The screen door swung in the breeze, banging softly against the side of the house. An old swing was in the shade, and a path made by thousands of unseen steps had worn a path through the short carpet leading up to the front door. A set of old, tarnished metal numbers reading 1019 hung to mark the house address—a small touch of irony, since it was the only house on that gravel road, and the only house for more than a mile in any direction.

Ashley stood there for a moment, looking up, debating whether she should knock or go get back in her car and find a hotel. Then she decided to do neither of those, grabbed the doorknob, twisted it—as expected, it was unlocked. He never locked the door.

The inside of the house was uncomfortably warm, especially on a day like that. Ashley had only put on a pair of short cut offs and a tank top with sandals to drop the kids off—with the small house baking like a hot box, even that felt like too much. The interior was also a bit dated, as decor went: a long couch and rocking chair were more than a decade out of style; the carpeting was old and frayed in places; the windows were single-paned and drafty in the winter. It was a single-story, with a kitchen off to one side and a pair of bedrooms on the other, with a family room in between. It was also filthy: clothes, old magazines, papers and more littered the floor, inches-deep in places. She could spot multiple piles of dishes in the kitchen and a faint musty smell filled the air—not the scent of rotting food, but something stale and unwelcome all the same.

Even though the house was dated, some modern-day amenities were added since her last visit: a TV was on the wall, and a small computer sat atop a desk in the far corner. It looked like a newer refrigerator and stove had been installed in the kitchen, clashing with the old linoleum floor that hadn’t changed since she was in grade school—

Then Ashley heard a low, heavy growling noise. It was coming from a canine head poking around the corner, a black nose and muzzle with a face of dark brown fur and two black ears that were pulled low and back; the beast’s lips quivered, showing off a set of white, shining teeth. She froze, her hand still on the doorknob—it was possible she could pull the door shut before the beast leapt at her, but Ashley didn’t like her chances.

“Damnit Shep, who is it?!” A man’s angry voice came from down the hallway, followed by the familiar shh-click of a gun slide being pulled, pushing a bullet into the chamber. “Damn Mormons!”

A man with more grey hair than blond came around the corner, with a week’s worth of scrubby growth on his face, a pistol in his hand and anger in his eyes. He was tall with wide shoulders, the tallest man she knew, with thick arms and hands large enough he probably could’ve wrapped them both all the way around her waist. He was a touch softer in the belly, but that was the only sign of his age catching up to him.

He was also completely naked, so there was that, too.

Their eyes met. His went wide, and the hand holding the gun went limp. The dog appeared to notice his master’s change of mood, because he stopped growling immediately and looked up in confusion.

They stared at each other for a long moment. The look on his face was comical, almost enough to make her laugh. The years apart suddenly melted away and she was a teenager again, full of love and dreams, untainted by time and fifteen long years of responsibility and weariness.

In spite of her uncertainty, an unprompted smile stretched across her face. “Hi, Daddy.”

Chapter two

Chapter 2

Daddy gaped for another moment, then looked at the gun in his hand. Fumbling, hurried and awkward, he thumbed the safety on and set it aside. Then he crossed to threshold and threw his arms around her in a tight bear hug.

It was the last reaction she could’ve expected. Ashley anticipated anger, bluster, even a demand that she leave and never come back. Instead, he embraced her like she’d been gone on a long, unplanned holiday. “Dad—!” Ashley laughed and returned the embrace eagerly before he set her down again. “You look good!” She kept her eyes forcibly locked onto his face, smiling up at him. She’d almost forgotten how larger than life he was. “Maybe a bit underdressed, though.”

Daddy smirked and shrugged a shoulder. “A/C shit the bed on me a couple weeks ago and it’s triple-digits outside. Repair guy says they’re still waiting on parts—won’t be out until next week, at the earliest. So…this is how it is right now. Hold on, let me put this away.” He picked up the gun and carried to back in the direction of the master bedroom. The dog—a German Shepherd—followed him. Of course Daddy had another dog; for him, that was nothing new. Daddy loved dogs, even if Ashley had mixed feelings about them. “You could’ve called, y’know!” he shouted back to her.

“I know! It was…kind of an unplanned thing.” Ashley was tempted to shut the front door, but the stifling air made it seem best to leave it open. Every window in the house was open but the breezes were too few or too short to help drive away the heat. She was sweating already; no wonder Daddy was stripped to his skin. But then, that was nothing new for her Daddy, either. Seeing him that way dredged up even more memories for Ashley—ones she sometimes tried not to think about, but which were never really far away.

“‘Unplanned?’” Daddy reappeared in the hallway opening, still naked, still unashamed at his sweaty state. “Come back to pick up where we left off?” he asked with a sly grin, taking a step closer.

No, that’s…that, just… No.” Ashley raised her hands to stop him. The man was a battery of sexual energy and she knew if he touched her, she’d burn out of control. It was one of the reasons she’d stayed away for so long—she didn’t trust herself. “I wanted to see you, I just didn’t know you’d be…fucking swinging in the breeze like that.” She had to look; Ashley couldn’t help herself. Daddy’s cock was soft but thick, uncircumcised, with a short tuft of pale silver hair on top. Seeing it instantly made her mouth water. Looking up to his face again, she took a short, calming breath. “Dad—I’m a married woman now.” Ashley tried to keep her eyes from wandering, but that was harder than she’d expected. “Can you at least put some shorts on?”

“Why? It’s my house; your Mom couldn’t take that from me, at least.” Daddy crossed the living room in front of her, smelling of sweat and tobacco, his skin glistening in the light. She watched him without trying to hide it, reminding herself of how he walked, how he moved. As long as he wasn’t looking, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of his body, aching with the need to touch what she shouldn’t. “Besides,” he continued, “you paid me a visit, remember?” Daddy bent over as he opened the fridge, pulling out a can of beer before he popped the top and took a long drink. “Where are the kids? And how’s Gary?” Shep, the dog, found a spot in a nearby corner to curl up in.

“He’s fine.” Ashley didn’t want to think about Gary right then. “He’s on another business trip until next week. Mom and Burt are taking the kids on a cruise; they’ll be back next week, too.”

“Ah. Your Mom, and…good ol’ Burt.” Daddy took a long drink of his beer; his mood had changed in an instant, turning foul before her eyes. “So what’s the occasion, baby? You haven’t been here in a long time.”

The look on his face, the sound of his voice, the names he called her—it all made Ashley want to hug herself tight. Thinking it better than to remain in the doorway, Ashley crossed over to the couch, to a spot not covered by old clothes or other mess and took a seat. “This house is filthy, Dad.”

Daddy shrugged. “I’ll clean it eventually. Don’t change the subject.”

“Gary scheduled a demolition crew to do some home improvements this week.” Her mouth twisted up, still angry at the memory. “The entire week, every day. I dropped the kids and came home to chaos. So I got pissed, got back in my car and started driving…and ended up here.”

“Gary should schedule construction more often, then.” His smirk was a dry one as he took a sip of his drink. “C’mon Ash,” he added, waving a hand at her. “Don’t sit on the couch like you’re in time out. Get over here—we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

That was precisely what Ashley was most afraid of, and the one thing she couldn’t say. Tempted to stay seated, instead she slid out of her sandals and stood up. “Sorry, Dad. I’m just…dealing with some things.” It’d been a decade and a half since she’d last seen her father in the flesh, and already it felt like insects were crawling under her sweaty skin, trying to get out. Ashley wanted to scratch herself all over. She also wanted to touch him, to slide her fingernails down his nude chest. She wanted to strip off her clothes, go to her knees and swallow his cock to the hilt. Staying away from her father had been the only way to keep such cravings at bay—it’d gotten better with time, but now she’d gone and ruined it.

Maybe she could still fight it. Maybe.

Daddy leaned across the counter to stare down at her, slowly turning the can in his hands. “You want a beer, sweetheart?”

Ashley licked her lips, tasting her own sweat. “I haven’t had a beer in a long time. That sounds good, actually.” The floor was studded with land mines of trash, clothing and other paraphernalia from the mess he’d left behind, and she tiptoed her way to the counter while watching him fetch her a drink: his back was broad and his ass was a bit pockmarked in places from age, but it was a nice view all the same.

Gary didn’t like nudity—sex was to happen in the dark, no exceptions, and as quietly as possible, as though someone might discover them if they enjoyed themselves too much. He was still passable, as lovers went, but it made her miss seeing a man’s bare flesh and taut muscle, see the gleam in his eye when his hunger got the better of him and to cry out with pleasure and satisfaction.

Gary didn’t know about Daddy, though. Nobody did. Ashley always thought that her mother suspected something, which was how Ashley ended up married in the first place. It broke her heart at first to not come see him, but a new marriage and a new child made it easy to push what she wanted aside, to focus on what others expected of her.

Daddy popped the top of the other can and set it in front of her. Ashley took a long drink, enjoying the cool, bitter tang of it as she fanned herself with the front of her shirt. “So, I’ve got time to kill and nowhere to kill it in. I can’t stay in my house until they’re through with the work. I could just get a hotel, I guess. But…I ended up here on the way.”

“Ash, the closest motel I know of is miles away, and the sort of hotel you would stay at is even farther than that.” He gave her a long, knowing look. “You looking to stay here? With me?”

“I…shouldn’t.” Ashley bit her cheek, rolled her lips and took a long, deep breath. “But I might’ve thought about it.” She could hear her mother’s voice, telling her that staying was a mistake. Ashley was being cautious, feeling him out, testing to see how he’d react to the idea. “I didn’t bring anything with me—just got in the car and drove.”

“That’s alright… If you stay here, you won’t need anything anyway.” Daddy’s eyes were focused, locked onto her face; the condensation on his beer slid down the sides to pool on the countertop. He wasn’t cautious, or worried, or hearing anyone scolding him in his own head, Ashley would bet on that. “If you stay here, that is.”

Her heart was pounding, and sweat was glistening on her face, creeping down her spine. “Right.” How could he stand this heat? Ashley felt ready to melt at any second. She couldn’t think straight. Why did she come here again? She’d struggled with impulse control her whole life, but now she couldn’t even remember the reason for coming to visit. Maybe this was a mistake—

His voice intruded on her panicked thoughts: “Does anybody else know that you’re here…?”

Ashley shook her head. “Mm-mm. Brit offered to take me in, but she thinks I’m at a hotel. Everyone else thinks I’m at home. Knowing Gary, he never even asked about whether I’d have to find somewhere to stay all week.” Her stomach was tightening up as she looked up at him. “Do you…want me to stay, Daddy?”

“I never wanted you to leave in the first place,” he answered. “Your mother made that choice for the both of us.” It was the first glimmer of anger in him, a sign that some wounds still refused to heal.

Ashley sighed, setting her can down. “Well, she’s not here to defend herself, okay? It’s just me this time, sorry.”

He sighed. “I know, baby, I know.” Daddy finished his beer in several long, heavy gulps before crushing the can in one fist, setting it down on the countertop. “Then yes—I want you to stay. But there’s a couple of rules if you do.”

“Rules?” It was so unexpected she leaned back in surprise. “I lived here more than half my life!”

“And you’ve been gone for almost half of it, too!” He twisted his mouth up, crossed his arms over his chest.

Ashley fought off an urge to scowl at him. “Fine. How many rules?”

“Only two,” he said, holding up a pair of fingers. “One: my house, my rules, and what I say goes. And two: that what happens in Daddy’s House stays in Daddy’s House… A few secrets never hurt anybody, Ash.”

Ashley knew she needed to tell him goodbye, get in her car and go find a hotel. But she didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to be the responsible one because she was alwaysthe responsible one. She didn’t want to care about what anyone else thought. She’d come this far and didn’t want to leave.

Looking her father in the eye, Ashley drained the rest of her can and crushed it in her little hand as best she could before setting it next to his. “Alright, Daddy. Deal.”

Daddy’s smirk turned into a full smile. “Wonderful.” He pushed the cans out of the way, next to a sizable pile of them already on the countertop. Then he fetched a fresh pair of beers, set them on the counter, cracked them both open. “Now: tell me about your home life.”

“My ‘home life?’”

He nodded. “I only get bits and pieces when you text me. Your mother would sooner jump in front of a speeding truck than give me any information. So…fill me in on some of what I’ve missed.”

Ashley picked up her next beer and took a long drink from it. “Well…Gary’s work takes him away from home a lot. He works for a software company, so he’s always traveling, always gone, always on the road. The kids fill up all my time—Dylan’s in Little League, the chess club and he wants to try out for theatre next year.”

“A young thespian, then.”


“Is he any good?”

“Well…” She drank again, wiggling a hand in a so-so gesture. “But he has a good time, which is what matters. The twins can’t decide if they’re alike one week or polar opposites the next. I’ve gone through so many wardrobe changes with those two it blows my mind how much we spend on clothes sometimes!” She took another drink. “Madi wants to do chorus and band after this summer, so Mel bounces back and forth between wanting to do the same or the opposite, like it’s some kind of private joke between the two of them.” She started to take another drink, only to realize the can was empty.

Daddy took it, crushed it in his hand, gave her a fresh one. “Go on.”

Ashley drank again, a longer pull that time. “And that doesn’t even begin to touch on how much Mom spoils them when they’re with her. The girls are obsessed with talking me into buying them a puppy now, when they aren’t talking their older brother into asking for one, too. Every other day, it’s nonstop asking-asking-asking!” She took yet another drink.

“I seem to recall their mother liking dogs too,” Daddy said as in leaned in close. “Although she was a bit older at the time.”

Heat bloomed across Ashley’s face and neck at those memories. “Thanks, Dad,” she said with a glare, ignoring the urge to rub her thighs together. It seemed best to change the subject, so Ashley finished her beer in two more long gulps. “And that all goes to say that I was so looking forward to some private time this week—for months, I’ve been waiting! And then, Gary goes and fucks it all up.” She crushed the can, pushed it aside, picked up the next one she found waiting for her. “Would it have been so hard just to give me this one little thing?”

“Absolutely not,” Daddy said, sipping his own beer again. His yellow-grey hair caught the summer sunlight and it seemed to glow. Ashley got her hair color from her father, as well as some other, less visible habits and urges. “You work hard enough as it is. You deserve some time to yourself.”

She fanned herself with her shirt again, drinking more. “It’s always like that, though. I’m handling everything with the kids, and he’s either busy or never around. I get him to take Dylan to his games when he can, because they should have some kind of relationship, but…who knows if it does any good.” She threw up her hands. “The girls adore him, but even they don’t get to see him enough. It’s ridiculous!”

“And what about you?” Daddy asked. He seemed to have gotten taller somehow, larger, more imposing even while his voice became softer. “All of that doesn’t sound very fair to you.”

“Fuck, Daddy, of course it isn’t fair!” Ashley finished her latest can and crushed it herself again. “He’s never around! The house and cars are nice, I guess; the kids go to a good school; Mom’s around except, y’know, if I need any actual help while she and Burt are off vacationing in the Hamptons, or in Europe, or…who the fuck knows where else.” She waved a hand and slapped the counter for effect. “It was a miracle they were willing to take the kids this time at all!”

Daddy shrugged one shoulder. “Well, honey… I guess when you’re not white trash like we are, you can afford to spend your money anyway you like.” He straightened, set both hands on the counter. “That’s a load of shit, of course, but it sounds good, doesn’t it?”

“It’s all shit, Daddy. I don’t care if somebody thinks I’m trash, I care that I’m practically raising my kids as a single parent!” She drank from her next can, not sure where it had even come from, but a beer was a beer. “My husband’s never home—sex is random to nonexistent. I never know when he’ll be home or gone half the time. I haven’t had sex in weeks; before that, it was months. So I keep the kids and the house up, keep running myself ragged and working myself to the bone, and all of it for fuck-all and a house I can’t even enjoy for the one week I was going to have it to myself!

Ashley slumped against the counter, leaning on both arms, her head hanging down as she sighed, long and deep. Just where she’d dug up so many words and frustrations, she couldn’t say—or explain why she’d told them to her father, if all people. “Fuck, it’s hot in this house,” she said, eyeing the bright outdoors through a nearby window with anger. “No wonder you’re buck-ass naked, Daddy.”

He shrugged, took another sip. “It’s gonna be hot either way. No reason to make myself suffer.”

Looking up, she gave her father a weary smile. “Is that what I’m doing, Daddy? I’m making myself suffer?”

“Sounds like you’re suffering from a lot of things, baby girl.” Daddy leaned in closer, brushing a bit of sweat off her brow. “But you don’t have to suffer.” After saying that, he smiled at her and straightened again. “Not in this house. This is still your home whenever you want it to be.”

They looked at each other for a long time, not speaking, not saying anything. “Dad… I… I don’t know—”

“Two rules, Ashley.” Daddy held up the same two fingers. “Only two.”

Ashley licked her lips. Her head was swimming between the oppressive heat and the alcohol in her system; her clothes were soaked through. “‘What happens in Daddy’s House stays in Daddy’s House,’ huh?”


A dry, if somewhat sad smile came across her face. “Is that why we’re ‘white trash,’ Daddy? Because of what we were? The secrets we’ve kept?”

He shrugged again. “Maybe, but I don’t really care about that… Remember how it used to be?” Daddy spoke quietly, as though someone might overhear them. “When you snuck back home from college on weekends…?”

She took a soft, soothing breath. “Yes.” Ashley closed her eyes for a moment. “I always snuck out on Fridays, drove straight here, always found you waiting for me. You’d open the door, pick me up, spin me around…and you’d kiss me hello.”

Daddy’s smile was in his voice. “Best day of my entire week, every time.”

“Sometimes you couldn’t wait to even make it to bed and you’d make love to me right on the floor by the front door.” Ashley smiled. “I had rug burns for days, sometimes.”

“You were too good to wait for!”

“You said the same thing then, too.” She laughed and let her head fall to her hands with a sigh. “You always took all my clothes away, like it was some kind of game for you. I lost count of how often I went back to school without any panties on.”

“Panties, who needs them, anyway?” He snorted, waving a hand.

Ashley peeked up at him, speaking in a softer tone. “Sometimes we’d lie out in the back yard and watch the sunset together. Or take turns going from my bed to yours and back again. And we’d fuck like rabbits on Sunday nights until I had to leave to get back to the dorms before lock-out at 1am, and I’d sleep in the whole next day from exhaustion. I almost failed two classes that way one semester.” Ashley sighed again, pushing up to full height again, which wasn’t much to speak of. She rubbed at her sweaty neck, unsure of what to say. Her resolve was weakened by that time; at any rate, she had no desire to convince him to put any clothes on.

“I think about those days a lot,” Daddy said.


He nodded. “Some of the best days I’ve ever had.” Daddy shrugged, but it was obvious he was upset. “You’ve moved on, and I’ve tried to be happy for you. But…” Now he sighed. “I miss you.”

“You do, Daddy?”

“Yes. Very much.”

“I…” She took a breath, knowing both what she should do, and what she wanted to do. Ashley stared for a long time, thinking, debating, deciding. Finally, she stood up and walked around the counter to face him, looking up at him. It was so hard not to touch him, to reach for him, to give into all of her dark, wanton urges about him. Years of conditioning could be held off, but she couldn’t ignore them forever.

Daddy stared back at her, not backing down or hesitating, then leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers. His kiss was long and hot, tasting of salt and desire. Daddy took a breath and curled his thick arms around her, crushing Ashley to his chest, making her whimper in surprise as he picked her right up off the ground again. He was taller than most men she’d met, and she was so short that being in his arms felt like she was flying, if only for a moment. Ashley had inherited her mother’s small stature, and her father’s oversized hunger.

He sat her on the counter, pushing the mess of empty cans to one side. The Formica was blessedly cool under her cutoffs, a contrast to the heat of her skin and his roaming mouth as he kissed down her cheek and neck. When he began to pull the tank top over her head, she hesitated, reaching a hand up to take his. “Daddy…! N-no, we shouldn’t—!”

“The hell we shouldn’t,” he growled. Then the tank top was over her head, but she didn’t have a bra to go with it: Ashley’s breasts were too small to need one. He ran his hands over her sweaty back and shoulders, pressing quick, loving, adoring kisses over her chest, licking the sweat from her nipples, turning them stiff with just a swipe of his tongue.

“Daddy!” Ashley cried out his name, head back, mouth wide open as she moaned. Sometimes, the game they’d played so many times meant that she tried to convince him not to fuck her—Daddy liked it when she resisted him; it excited him. At that moment, after so many years apart, she wasn’t sure whether her resisting was playing make-believe or not.

He moaned back in answer. “Fuck, but I missed hearing that.” His voice was dark and hungry, coming through clenched teeth.

In spite of his tone, his words made her laugh, ending with an unexpected hiccup. “Silly Daddy.” Ashley ran her hand across his shoulders. She marveled at his size, his strength, the way he seemed incredibly tense all of a sudden, like the wrong word or touch might set him off; Daddy shivered at the faintest drag of fingernails across his shoulders. “You did miss me.”

“I told you I did.” Daddy started to unfasten the button of her shorts. “And these are next.”

“Daddy…” Ashley bit her lip and struggled, tensing up herself. She was steadily and quickly approaching the point of no return, the place where she couldn’t come back from. “I…I don’t know if I should,” she whispered. “Is it…is it okay to want to?”

He looked up at her, in her eyes. Daddy hesitated only for a moment, then something hardened on his face. “Yes. We both want to.” Before she could argue further, he hooked his fingers in her tight shorts and lifted her right off the counter so that he could slide the tight fabric and string langurs down and off her legs at last. Now Ashley was as naked as he was, stripped bare, his to gawk at, to touch or taste or do whatever he liked. Neither of them had to comment about him wanting her—it was obvious from the cock jutting up between his legs.

“Oh, you kept the piercings!” Daddy said, a breathless catch in his voice. “And this pussy, baby…” He slid his fingers across her hairless mound, so smooth and slick. When she shivered at the sensation, he groaned. “Mm! Mm-mm-mm. I raised such a goodgirl.”

Ashley leaned back on her hands, spreading her knees, showing off her swollen quim for him. She wasn’t the tight, nubile beauty of her youth—three children and fifteen years had done its damage. “Do you still like how I look, Daddy? Even after all this time?”

“Fuck yes, I do.” Daddy licked his lips and fondled her, fingers sliding over her pussy lips, fingertip teasing her aching clit. “You’ve kept it smooth all these years.”

“Some habits are hard to break,” she said, stretching her legs open even wider for his caresses. She sighed and let her head fall back. “I always did it for you. I just kept doing it… Maybe I hoped I’d show it off for you again some day.”

“Does your husband like it?”

Ashley stiffened, fighting between her growing arousal and her father’s need to bring Gary up. “We have sex in the dark, Daddy—my bedroom’s a black hole at night. I don’t know if he notices or even cares.”

“And what about these, mm?” Daddy toyed with the curved, U-shaped barbell that was permanently pierced through her clitoral hood with one finger; a matching pair of bars were stuck through each of her nipples—they had shiny yellow beads, matching the color of her hair. “Don’t need to see anything to feel these, baby girl.”

Ashley gasped and whimpered aloud, rocking her hips, thrusting her cunt towards his probing finger. Her clitty was always so sensitive, and his caresses made her ache for more. “Mmmm! Daddy!” She took a breath, eyelids fluttering. “H-he doesn’t…didn’t argue when I told him—!” Daddy gave a gentle tug on her clit piercing and Ashley almost came in response. Clenching her teeth and closing her eyes, she whined with each breath and tried again: “I…I lied and…told him they w-were permanent.”

That’s my good girl.” Those four words out of Daddy’s mouth made Ashley want to weep for joy. She’d missed those words, having craved them for the months and years they were together, and now she bit her lip and forced the tears back as he kept stroking her clit, pulling at her piercing, prolonging her torment and pleasure together.

“Th-thank you, Daddy! Oh god… I missed you too!” She shouted it, not having to care about being overheard.

“I know, baby girl, I know.” Daddy’s voice was soft, somehow tender and strong at the same time.

“You missed my piercings?” Ashley gasped and shivered in spite of the hot day. “I g-got them for you, Daddy, remember? Do you?”

“I remember, sweetie.” His caresses continued, fingers swirling and stroking her, feeding the fire in her cunt that was already out of control. “And we got you plenty of other prizes too, as I recall.” Daddy gave a dark chuckle before the stroking continued, light and fast, rolling her clit around under his finger.

“Daddy! Oh god, yes!” She gasped his name and let her head fall back, thighs trembling and toes curling as he played with her. Nobody’s touch affected her like his did; nobody could excite her like her father could. “Daddy! More!”

I’ll give you more,” he growled. A finger, smeared with her wetness, pressed against her tight hole and slid up into her aching pussy, filling her up and stroking her tender flesh, grinding on her G-spot in the way she liked best: quick and hard, applying strong pressure.

Ashley groaned hard through her teeth, face going hot at the wet schlick-schlick of his finger. “Daddy! You’re finger-fucking me! Playing with your baby girl again! Daddy! It…it’s too good!” She felt on display, fully exposed and with nowhere to hide, but that just made it even hotter. “Did you miss my pussy too, Daddy? Miss touching me? Making me cum?”

“Yes!” he said, his finger increasing the pace. “Gonna make you cum now, baby girl. Cum! Cum for Daddy!”

“But Daddy!” Some part of Ashley still wanted to resist, but the greater part of her had already given in, already surrendered to her father’s desire—he was a force of nature, and she had no way to resist him. Even as he ordered it, her body tried to break, to reach her own orgasm; she shut her eyes right and rocked her hips against his fingers, focusing, straining, fighting to obey. “Mm! Daddy! Oh, Daddy! I…I want to cum! Cum for my Daddy! Please! Please make me cum!”

He growled under his breath and went back to tormenting her clit snd piercing, pulling and teasing them with slippery fingers. Ashley knew he was getting impatient; she wanted to cry, to shout in frustration, but then… “Oh! Oh fuck! Daddy! I-I’m cumming! Yes! Finally! Dadddyyyyy!” Her first true orgasm in far too long rolled over her with a rush of heat and left ready to crumble. Her cunt tightened, her body clenched and she grabbed his arms tight in both hands as she moaned and shuddered. It was almost painful, like her body had forgotten what pleasure felt like. She ended up leaning against him, her head on his shoulder, panting hard and fast.

Still, Ashley wanted more. She needed it. Picking her head up, she whispered: “Do you… Do you still want me, Daddy?”

“Yes, I do.” Daddy’s eyes were almost shining in the sunlight. “I fucking want you, Ash.”

She smiled, feeling a hint of tears at the corner of her eyes. “I knew you would,” she said, her throat swelling up with emotion and heartache. “I knew it as soon as I saw you.”

He picked her off the counter, holding her tight to his chest. They kissed again, a hot and heavy mingling of mouths as she wrapped her limbs around his sides, clinging on tight for her life. That house could’ve been on fire and she still would’ve cling tight to him, refusing to let go. She ground her body against his, feeling his flesh sliding across her smooth cunny, his hands tight on her ass.

Fuck,” he growled as he broke the kiss; the tension in his arms made it feel like he was ready to throw her to the floor.

“Daddy!” Ashley cried the name aloud, her face pressed tight to his shoulder. “Take me to bed! Please! I can’t wait anymore!” She was ready to burst into flames herself. If he wasn’t inside of her soon, Ashley was sure she’d die. There’d be other times to pretend to be a reluctant lover—at that moment, she wanted him.

He didn’t struggle with her weight at all while carrying her across the kitchen, through the entry room and down the hall towards the master bedroom. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the door to her old bedroom. There was the bed where she lay at night near the end of her parents’ marriage, listening to her parents making love, their physical lust defying their dying love: her father grunting and breathing hard in the dark; her mother wailing and screaming with unabashed pleasure. Ashley had lost count of the times she crept into the hallway—always knowing the perfect spots to walk on the old wooden floors so they wouldn’t creak—and slipped right up to the door to peek through the crack. She would watch enraptured as her mother’s tiny body bounced stop Daddy’s cock; or when she bent over to suck on it until thick, white jets of creamy jizz sprayed all over her face and dripped onto his legs; or—Ashley’s personal favorite—when Daddy would pin Mommy to the bed and drive his huge, throbbing dick into her tight, needy pussy, smothering her body with his, fucking her like a beast while she cried from pleasure before his cum bubbled out of her stuffed cunny hole, dripping down over her bottom and tight, pulsing asshole. At first, the cracked-open doorway was Ashley’s doing, a trick she taught herself without alerting her parents. Later on, she started finding it propped open, as though someone knew she’d be wanting to steal another peek. Someone most certainly did know, and it only served to fuel her sexual addiction even more.

The master bedroom was piled high with old clothes and work uniforms; papers, magazines, stacks of newspaper and more; bits of old tech, including a vintage television and pieces of several stereo systems, as well as a dozen other things she couldn’t name. The bed was empty, save for a rustled and unmade comforter and set of rumpled sheets. Daddy went to his knees on the edge of it before laying down on top of her, kissing her again, pressing her down with his heavy weight.

Ashley whined and dragged her nails up his back, spreading her legs wide as she pulled away from the kiss. “Fuck me!” she said, whining into his ear. “Fuck me, Daddy! I need it, Daddy, I need you inside me! I’m gonna die if you don’t fuck my little pussy! Fuck me like you always fucked Mommy! Make me scream!”

Daddy snarled like the animal he was and pushed up higher onto his knees. “I’d forgotten what a horny little slut I had back then.”

“I’m only a s-slut because of you, Daddy!” It was a weak protest, but it was all she had at the moment—Ashley wanted him inside her more than anything. “You made me that way!”

“You’re a slut because I want you to be a slut when I fuck you.” Daddy grabbed her thighs in his hands, pushing her wide open and resting his cock across her exposed cunt, grinding against her, coating himself in her excretions. “Gonna fuck this tight pussy and make you wish you’d never left me.”

“Yes, Daddy, please!” Ashley raised her voice. “Please! Please!”

He shifted his stance, set the swollen tip of his cock into her soaked slit and pushed into her, driving down and to the hilt in one thrust.

Ashley screamed, a noise like some violent, crazed release as her nails dug into his back and her legs tightened around him. “DADDY! YES! FUCK YOUR GIRL!” She shouted her encouragement and pleasure to her father, to the one lover who knew her better than any other man alive ever could. His weight crushed her into the old bed and thick bedding; it smelled of him, his sweat and musk, even a hint of old cum—he’d probably masturbated in this very bed recently, missing her, thinking of her. It made her love him all over again; she was going to make up for all the time they’d lost, she promised that to herself.

Daddy grunted and took a hard breath, then began to pound his little girl into the bed they’d shared for many years, the same bed he’d fucked her mother on. “Fuck you like I fucked your Mommy, mm?” Daddy snorted a laugh. “Fucking you was always better, baby.”

“Yes! Yes!” Tears and sweat slid down Ashley’s face while she rocked and humped up against him. It’d been too long since she’d been fucked at all, and because it was him, it excited her that much more. Ashley closed her eyes tight and shook her head back and forth, whipping her sweaty blonde hair about. “I love it, Daddy! Gonna cum again soon! Cum in my Mommy and Daddy’s bed again! Yessssss!” Her second climax hit Ashley like a lightning bolt, making her shake and spasm under his heavy body, nails drawing dark, fiery lines across his back. It was so sudden that after struggling for her first climax, the next one took her by surprise.

Daddy clenched his teeth and stared down at her, his eyes burning into her and right through her as he pounded her little hips into the bed. The hard slaps of his sweaty flesh to hers were wonderful, tapping hard against her swollen clit, grinding her piercing into her flesh. Ashley stared up into his eyes and couldn’t look away. She didn’t want to look away. She wanted to memorize his face, to burn it into her memory for the next time she was fumbling around in a pitch-black room with her husband, wishing she could be pleasuring her father instead.

“Yes,” he said, his voice starting low and building in volume and ferocity each time: “Yes! Yes! YES!” Daddy drove down hard against her, burying his thick shaft to the hilt each time, loins grinding against hers. “Cumming! Daddy’s cumming, baby! Nnngh!” He sank down on top of her, wrapping her up tight in his arms, still grinding against her with his cock nestled tight and deep in her sweet little honey hole.

When he held still at last, she smiled a wide, satisfied smile and moaned for him, low and deep. “Mmmmmmmmmm, Daddy… Daddy’s shooting me up with all his thick, hot cum. I always loved stealing Mommy’s cum all for myself.” She licked her lips, unable to move her hips any longer because of his heavy weight, but she still had both her hands and her voice. “Did you really miss my pussy, Daddy? It missed you soooooo much.” Ashley slid her nails down as far as she could reach, scratching over the curve of his ass. “Are you gonna fuck me even more to make up for all the time I was gone, Daddy?”

Her father swept some of the sweat from his face. “I’m going to fuck you enough to make up for all that lost time… By the end you’ll wonder if you were ever gone at all. Count on that, sweet girl.”

Ashley thought that sounded like a very good idea.

Chapter three

Chapter 3

house was still and stifling. Ashley and Daddy were both coated with sweat, and her father’s cum was leaking out of her fresh-fucked pussy—in all, she couldn’t think of anything that could possibly be better than that. She stretched her arms high over her head, giving a squeak of a groan. “Mm, Daddy—I haven’t been fucked like that since the last time you fucked me… How was it?”

“Very, very good.” Daddy looked quite pleased with himself. He slid his hands over her tiny breasts, fingers teasing her pierced nipples. “Am I a better lover than Gary?” he asked in a soft, hungry tone as he leaned in, using his tongue to tease the barbell on her left nipple.

Ashley’s stomach oozed into the soles of her feet. “Daddy…” She shivered and turned her face away. “You don’t have to keep asking about him.”

“Yes, sweetie, I do.” Daddy’s smirk turned dark for moment, and an impish light sparkled in his eyes: steel grey, the same color as hers. “He stole you from me, so I’m going to steal you back by giving you some of the best fucking you’ve ever had in your life.”

Ashley knew her father well enough to know that he’d follow through on his plan—if there was anything he was good at, it was holding a grudge. “Daddy, you… You don’t have to—!”

“Oh, but I do.” Daddy’s cock was softening by that point, but he started a slow, gentle thrusting of his hips, using her lubrication and his spent seed to help him start fucking her again. “I know you better than anyone, Ash. I know exactly what you need. And I…” His hips kept moving, kept grinding against her, his cock thrusting inside of her while both hands slid up to cup her cheeks. “…want you, baby girl.”

Ashley caught her breath, frozen by the intensity of his stare and the weight of his body. Her clit was still sensitive, even more than usual, and she had to bite her lip hard not to gasp or cry out. “Want what, Daddy? Sex? M-my body?”

Control.” Daddy kept moving, kept thrusting, as if he could will himself into having the stamina for another round so soon after the first. “You’re mine again…aren’t you, Ash?”

She closed her eyes tight. Sparks started dancing in them from the delicious strokes and the sensation of his coarse silver bush against her hairless puss. “Yes, Daddy.”

“You’re mine…and you’ll do whatever I tell you to this week, won’t you, Ashley?” His cock started to swell again, to fill up and churn the mess in her cunt into a heated slick; the sounds of her pussy slurping and squelching around his dick were both alarming and arousing.

Ashley felt the sting of tears at the corners of her eyes. “Yes, Daddy,” she said, no more able to deny him than she could stop breathing.

“You’re mine,” Daddy said. “You’ve kept your pussy smooth all this time because I told you to. You got piercings because I wanted them.”

“Yes, Daddy!”

His smirk looked more and more confident and his hips started driving harder. The wet sounds of her cum-filled pussy being pumped, feeling it dribbling down onto the bed was making her feel flushed, overheated. “You’re a slut because I made you into a slut, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t mean to be a slut, Daddy!” Ashley whined and caught her breath, fighting between years of conditioning herself, of having self-control and not giving into her desires…and an even older desire, the one that had her on her back with her father’s cock pumping her pussy in the first place. “I…! I c-can’t help it!” She cried and clutched at his shoulders, rocking her hips up against his. “I need you too much!”

“And deep down you like being my slut, don’t you, sweetheart?” He purred it into her ear like some monstrous, hungry tomcat ready to eat her up. “You want to be my baby again, don’t you, Ash?”

“Yes, Daddy, yes!” Ashley was trapped, caught by her father’s fierce stare and the power of his voice. She couldn’t deny her own desires, however torn she was over following them. “I’m your baby girl again, Daddy! I’m yours! I love being yours!” By then she was holding tight to him, as aroused by his words and his dominant stare as by his fucking. She was the sexual monster he’d made her into, born and bred to be his little fucker. Time had kept them apart, but it couldn’t unmake what she was.

“You’re mine,” he repeated, “and you’re going up tell me if your Daddy is a better lover than your husband.”

Yes, Daddy!” She pushed her head back and groaned. “I…! Fuck! Every…every time he fucks me, I think about you. When I’m sucking his cock, I wish it was yours! I scream your name in my head when he fucks me because he won’t make a sound the whole time! He won’t even fuck my ass, and I just wish I could tell him about how many times you fucked all my holes in a single night!” Ashley curled both hands into her hair, moaning aloud as her torment continued. “There, are you happy now?” She felt dark, even dirty, and glared up at him. Sex with Daddy was amazing, but keeping her lovers separate in her mind was hard enough without his need to muddy the waters.

“Not quite. But I’ll make it up to you.” Daddy chuckled and nuzzled her cheek, as though in apology or to soothe her. Then he gave a soft whistle. “Shep! Kiss!”

Ashley blinked in confusion, staring up at her father in bewilderment. “‘Kiss?’” Then came the sound of the Shepherd padding into the bedroom, his claws clicking on the hard floor below. A moment later, she heard the sound of sniffing, a soft whisper to contrast with the regular creak of the bed and the continued wet pumping of her pussy around her Daddy’s stiff, driving dick.

Confusion quickly melted away for something else: anticipation or dread, Ashley wasn’t sure which. Daddy just smiled and slowed his thrusting as the dog began to push his snout up between their legs, whiskers tickling her smooth thighs.

“Dad… Daddy, no. No!”

Yes,” he said with something evil in his eyes. When Ashley tried to struggle or pull away, he pinned her hands to the bed and pressed more hot, quick kisses to her neck.

“Daddy! D-daddy! No! Not again! Please, Daddy, don’t—!” Then it came just like Ashley knew it would: Shep’s tongue began to lap and stroke her bottom and swept up along the crack of her ass, licking up all of her father’s spent jizz, bathing her asshole with quick, forceful excitement. “Daddy!” Ashley gasped and squirmed on the bed, clutching at his arms, eyes gone wide. “Oh fuck! Daddy!” Shep started to tongue her asshole, pushing inside of it, rimming her little brown star to get every last drop of cum clean. “Fucker! You planned this!”

“Once my slut, always my slut,” he answered, his voice tense in her ear. “I’ve waited a long time for this, baby girl.”

Ashley began to pant hard like a beast herself as Shep’s tongue quickly broke down her resistance. “He—! He’s inside me, Daddy! Oh god!” She tried to open her legs wider, loving the dog’s attention and hating what it was making her do. She might’ve fought the dog off another time, but Ashley was long past fighting now.

Daddy’s eyelids were half-closed as he licked his own lips, taking a breath. “Remember Sparks, baby? How I found you in bed with him one time after your mother left?” His breathing was quickening at the sounds she made, at the crazed lust on her face. “You were crying because you were tied to him and didn’t know what to do.”

“And—!” Ashley gave a loud cry as the tongue began to sweep upwards, curling and twisting across her pussy next, which Daddy was still fucking with his long, slow strokes. “A-and I was so afraid that I—mm! fuck!—that I c-couldn’t get away! Daddy! Oh my god!”

Daddy closed his eyes, a look of pain and pleasure so mixed and melted together it was impossible to tell what he was feeling at that moment. “Yessssss,” he whispered as the dog’s tongue bathed them both, cleaning and caressing without end.

“Daddy! No more, please! I’m begging, Daddy!” Her father knew exactly what he was doing, what a slut she’d been for his dogs in the past. Ashley sobbed from the helpless position she was in, from the feeling of fullness only her Daddy could give her and the devilish whip of the dog’s long tongue, which reached all the way around to her clit, jostling and catching the curved bar. That, combined with his strong hands, heavy weight and the sweet allure of their wicked fucking meant she didn’t hold out for long. “Cuh—! Cumming! Fuck, Daddy, I’m cumming again!” Ashley gave a cry of loss and wild delight as her next orgasm came, and that one was especially potent given that Shep was the reason for it. Her cunt clenched down tight around Daddy’s dick, milking him, squeezing him tight. Her needy pussy was like a bottomless pit, always craving more of his cock, more of his seed, more of whatever he could give to her.

Daddy was floating in a sweet haze of pleasure, gasping for breath. “Sparks was…was such a good dog…” He stroked her face, opening his eyes to peek down at her. “You… You looked so good every time I watched y-y-you—!” Daddy’s voice broke as Shep’s tongue bath increased in intensity; the hound whined as he pushed in closer, driving his tongue right inside Ashley’s cum-filled cunt, stroking both her pulsing walls and his throbbing cock at the same time.

“Daddy! Daddy! FUCK!” Ashley arched her back and squealed, half out of her mind by the sensations inside of her. The dog’s long, wriggling tongue seemed to be coiling and curling around Daddy’s cock with each new thrust, reaching places she hadn’t had touched in years. Digging her heels in, opening her mouth wide, she sobbed with helpless delight and desire. “Fuck me more, Daddy! Please! No more Shep, Daddy! I’ll be good! I’ll be good! Your good baby! Your slut! Can’t…! Can’t take it anymore!

“Shep!” Daddy’s command was enough to make the dog end his feasting—the Shepherd gave a sound of complaint before backing onto the floor and searching for another clean place to lay down. Then another round of hard, forceful fucking began as Daddy kissed Ashley’s mouth, making it hard to breathe while his large body pressed and rocked atop of hers and his renewed dick drove deep into her center while his loins rubbed and pounded against her clit.

“Daddy! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Daddy! More! Fuck my pussy more, Daddy! Yes!” Ashley’s vocabulary had shrunk significantly while she was lost in a haze of sex, lust and hunger. She was her Daddy’s again, his sweet slut and lover, his to fuck as much as he wanted. That was her role before she left him—now, they were just picking things back up where they’d left off.

“You like Daddy’s cock, mm?” he asked, ass rising and falling, cock driving in hard and fast. “You missed it? Is Gary’s cock as good as your Daddy’s, baby girl? Can he fuck your slutty little cunt like I can?”

“N-no, Daddy!” The words tasted like mush in her mouth; she was even drooling from the force of his fucking. “Yours is s-so much better!”

“Silly girl,” Daddy said through clenched teeth. “Gonna fuck you so much this week you’ll never want his cock ever again!” He sounded angry but also determined, focused on a simple mission with an intent to make it into reality.

All Ashley could do was squeeze her pussy tight and cling to her father even tighter. The noises her cunt made because of him made Ashley’s face burn hot—more wet slurps and squelches, even loud queefing as air escaped the tight seal of her cunny lips around his driving dick. But he never slowed down even for a second, and her swollen clit could only take so much punishment. “G-gonna cum again! Cum for you, Daddy! Cum just like Mommy! Mmmm!”

Daddy growled and bent his head down, putting all his strength and effort into a second climax so soon after the first. Ashley coiled her legs around his thighs, held his arms tight and fought for the right words to say even as her orgasm turned the world white behind her closed eyes. She clenched her cunny tight around his thrusting dick, trying to pleasure him even more. “Daddy! Pussy feels good, Daddy? All wet and tight for you, Daddy?!”

“Yes!” he answered, voice tense, body trembling from the effort and need to cum again. “So good, baby! You’re such a good girl for Daddy! I could fuck you for days and still not stop!”

“Promise? You promise?!” Ashley fought to not start weeping again, but could hear it in her own voice. “I need that, Daddy, I need it! Fuck my baby cunny, Daddy! Fuck your little girl! I’m yours again, Daddy!” In desperation to satisfy him, her feverish mind fell into older fantasies. “N-need my big, angry Daddy to fuck me and cum inside me before Mommy gets home! Please, Daddy! Fuck my little pussy good! Need your cock so bad, Daddy! Fuck me like Mommy, Daddy! My pussy’s better! I’m your baby now! Please, Daddy! Please! Please, god, Daddy, PLEASE!

Daddy raised his head and roared out from his next orgasm, such a loud and violent reaction that Ashley was sure he really was angry with her. Curling his arms tight around her, Daddy came again as he thrust deep into her belly, a favorite of his, proof that she’d satisfied him yet again. His cock twitched and jumped, spasming from the effort of flooding her waiting womb with more of his seed.

Ashley hugged him tight. “Mmmm… So good, Daddy. Thank you. Thank you…”

He fought to catch his breath first, then rushed his head to kiss her sweaty temple. “Fuck, that was good.”

“You…sound a little better.” Ashley smiled at him.

“I am,” he said, touching her face. “Good girl.”

Ashley beamed that time, unable to stop herself. “Thank you, Daddy.” It felt like a moment of respite, time to catch her breath and focus on other things, but she couldn’t pull away or touch anything but him. “Remember…” She cleared her throat. “Remember how I used to watch you fuck Mommy at night, Daddy? Just before she left?” Her voice and face went hot at old memories, making her nuzzle her cheek to his neck.

I remember,” he said with that same, sly grin. “I remember seeing your face through the crack in the door when I was fucking her from behind one night like the bitch she turned into.” Daddy climbed off of Ashley at last, reaching over to a bedside table where a half-full ashtray sat next to several packs of cigarettes, orange prescription bottles and several unfinished water bottles.

“Daddy.” Ashley rolled to one side, reaching out a hand to soothe him, stroking his strong arm. “You don’t have to be angry anymore. I’m here now.”

“What? It’s the fucking truth, Ash, I won’t pretend otherwise.” He unscrewed one bottle, popping a little pill into his mouth and swallowing it with a mouthful of warm water before putting both of them back.

“Dad.” Ashley frowned, reaching for one of the bottles. “You’re not using again, are you?”

“What? No.” He shook his head. “No, baby, I’m not. That medication is mine, I promise.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, then took the vial and checked for his name. After a moment’s effort, she found it, printed above the medication: “Sil… Sildenafil?”

Daddy took the vial, put it back. “Heart medication. Don’t worry about it.” He pressed a firm kiss to her temple and stretched out beside her once more. “I remember when you got so scared the first night I spotted you outside the bedroom door. You didn’t try to peek again for over a week, as I recall.”

Ashley nodded. “Two, actually.” She lay back on the bed, stretching her arms high up, working the soreness and kinks out of freshly-used muscles. “Then you started leaving the door open for me.” She smiled up at him. “You put on a show almost every night after that… Until Mom left.”

“Well, I had an audience at the time.” Daddy leaned over, running his fingers across her flat chest and belly. “I’ve missed you so fucking bad, Ash. You don’t even know how much.”

“Yeah, I do,” she answered, looking at him with a sad smile. “I missed you, too. I just tried to convince myself that I didn’t.”

“You made a mistake.” Daddy said it softly, but he also didn’t sugarcoat it.

Ashley sighed and threw an arm across her forehead, looking up at the familiar ceiling overhead. “Probably,” she answered, just above a whisper. “But I can’t take it back.”

“You shouldn’t have married him,” Daddy said, his voice becoming harder. “You shouldn’t have let your mother tell you what to do. You were a grown woman and could make your own choices.”

“Well, I did it anyway, alright?” Ashley frowned at him. “Fuck, Daddy, you think I haven’t thought of this a million times already? I let her talk me into it and now I’m stuck. I can’t dump my kids just because I’m unhappy. I can’t be selfish.” Daddy didn’t answer that time. She could feel some of his anger dissipate, at least for the moment. Ashley rolled over and held onto him, face pressed to his chest, breathing in the stink of sweat and cum, of old musk and more that stuck to his skin. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t change what happened…but I’m here now.

For a moment, Ashley worried he might leave her in bed. When his strong arms folded around her, she buried her head and began to cry. “I’m sorry, Daddy…! I’m sorry!” She repeated it, over and over, as tears came and her throat swelled up tight. There in the bed of the man she loved—the man that made her what she was—Ashley clung tight to him and apologized over and over again.

It was a sad, solemn moment, but deep down, Ashley had to face it. Even with his arms around her and soft, gentle nothings whispered into her ear, it was a little while before the tears dried up and the sadness faded. Ashley couldn’t change the past, but what she could do was make up for it. And that week sounded like an excellent place to start.

Chapter four

Chapter 4

gone, Ashley felt a little better—the regret lingered, but it always had and she suspected it always would. Daddy waited for her to calm herself, using a handkerchief to dry her tears and press it to her nose, the same way he had when she was a little girl.

“Now blow,” he said.

Ashley did, wrinkling it up as he finished. “You and your handkerchiefs.”

“I like to be prepared.” He smirked, folding it up and putting it on the overcrowded bedside table. Then he leaned back against the headboard again.

They both continued to sweat in the stifling heat, but she wouldn’t pull away from him for anything—his flesh was life, and she craved it. Ashley was pushed up against his side, one leg draped over his; her arm was curled around a soft pillow, while she slowly stroked his cock in her other hand. “What happened to this house, Daddy?” Part of her wanted to get up and start cleaning as years of self-conditioning and mothering instincts kicked in, wanting to eliminate any sign of a mess; the other part kept her touching him, pleasing him, caressing him.

Life happened, baby doll.” Daddy shrugged and closed his eyes. He took a long breath through widened nostrils. “Feels good, Ash… I missed this, too.”

“Sounds like you missed all of me.” Ashley leaned over, stretching across his wide chest for a moment. Opening her mouth, she stretched it wide around his cock, moaning softly for him as it stretched her lips and filled up her cheeks.

“Mmmmmmm… That’s my girl.” Daddy let out a long breath and pushed her yellow hair to one side, watching her face as she swallowed his cock bit by bit. “Suck Daddy’s cock, baby… Mmm, you look so good with it in your mouth, Ash.”

Ashley tried to smirk up at him, giving him a low-lidded stare as her tongue swirled along the underside of his thick shaft, teasing him, playing with his sensitive flesh. She earned several more deep, delicious moans from his mouth as he tightened his grip in her hair. It was hard to get one up on Daddy—he knew all of her buttons, could manipulate and twist her into any shape he wanted. Secretly, deep down inside, she suspected that was one reason she’d stayed away from him for so long—her father couldn’t make her do whatever he wanted if she wasn’t around him in the first place.

But that was over and done. She couldn’t stay away from him anymore. Just touching him made her wet. Just smelling his musk and sweat made her stomach clench and her heart start to race. Just the taste of him made her want him inside her again. Ashley was her Daddy’s slut again, no matter how hard she protested. She’d find a way to make the rest of her life work around that, but right then, she didn’t have to worry about it.

“Fuck, baby!” Daddy groaned and sat up, bending over her with both hands tight in her hair. “G-gonna make me cum again if you keep that up!” His voice sounded pained again. “Fuck, I love your mouth, little girl!”

She hadn’t planned on pleasing him to that point already, but she wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. Turning about, going onto her knees between his legs, she stuck her little ass high up into the air and gave it a shake just for him. His grip in her hair was too tight to struggle or pull free from so she let him take control. Daddy used her mouth like a toy fuckhole, pulling her head up and pushing it back down again, pleasuring himself with her sweet lips and aching tongue.

Ashley had to close her eyes and not focus on the trembling in her belly and the rattling in her head—being his slut meant he could do anything he wanted to her and she would comply. She did whimper from the discomfort and ache in her neck, not to mention the affect on her equilibrium, yet she sucked and sucked as hard as she could.

He fell back against the dirty, lumpy pillows, legs spread wide apart, toes curled into the sheets. Daddy was moaning and slowed the speed of the mouth-fucking, which made Ashley’s stomach stop spinning in circles and made it easier to breathe again. She tightened both thumbs and forefingers around the base of his cock, squeezing tight to restrict the blood flow and send his nerves tingling, making his cock swell even more.

Seconds melted into minutes as she pleasured him, her creator and lover, the man she’d give up almost anything to please and would sacrifice almost anything to be with. Her heart was irreparably broken from imagining how much them being apart had hurt him, and now she would do whatever it took to make up for her mistake.

“Y-… Yes, baby girl! You swallow Daddy’s cum now, swallow every drop!” Daddy set his jaw, curled a hand around the back of her head and pushed her down hard onto his cock. Ashley fought an instinctive desire to panic, because this was what he’d taught and trained her to do, to keep her mouth opened wide and to relax as his cock pushed down her throat. Now she could feel him cumming, his cock pulsing and twitching; his thick jizz splashed against the back of her tongue and poured down her throat into her waiting, eager belly. Daddy had told her to swallow, so she was a good girl and swallowed all of it. Once that was done, she suckled even more, trying to pull every last drop out of his heavy dick.


That was a preview of Daddy's Little Secret: A Tale of Incestuous Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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