
rating 5.0 stars
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The Adventures of Young Will Potter — A Seafaring Novel

by Peter Argonis

Published: 2024-04-07. 156,836 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Historical » United Kingdom

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Older than 17

Will Potter, merchant’s apprentice in a small Devon port, runs afoul of the law when he beats up a rival over a girl. Given a choice between prison and volunteering for the Royal Navy, he joins the company of a small Navy sloop bound for New South Wales. He lands in the clover, being chosen as helper for the purser of the sloop. Read how young Will finds his calling and a sweet wife, and even wins glory at the Battle of Trafalgar.
A new story in the Anthony Carter Universe of seafaring tales.
With a glossary of Royal Navy organisation, nautical terms and the regulations.
Thank you to my editor, Old Rotorhead, for an amazing job, done with diligence and much meaningful input!

Review Book

Reader Reviews


Different point of view

Reviewed it on June 18, 2024

Interesting in that it looked at this universe from a different perspective


Great story, as usual!

Reviewed it on June 10, 2024

Another exciting story from a great author...


Most enjoyable

Reviewed it on June 1, 2024

More, More.


Intriguing story

Reviewed it on May 26, 2024

Another fun edition to the Anthony Carter universe. It exposes a different side of the British Navy that I never thought about. I will read it about every 4or 5 months until I really understand it. Cannot recommend it too much


Historically accurate tale.

Reviewed it on May 24, 2024

I enjoyed it immensely as I enjoy all of this author's works. A grand tale.


Again, a wonderful novel by Mr. Argonis

Reviewed it on May 17, 2024

It was very interesting to see the age of sail from a new position. A well-executed book showing the authors knowledge of the period and the royal fleet in particular.

An account of the sea from the ships Purser

Reviewed it on May 17, 2024

A valiant account of peace and war from the eyes of an orphan on his rise. As an enemy of a particular landed gentry to a hero of a battle.



Reviewed it on May 7, 2024

It is a great stand alone story in the Anthony Carter universe, and the main characters know of and interact (at least peripherally) with many of the lead characters in other stories from that universe. A young man from a lowly beginning proves himself as a sailor, purser, husband, and business man, and ends up becoming a no ones surprise but his own. This is a great story in and of itself, and I find myself looking forward to Royal Marine Lieutenant Will Potter's further adventures with his lovely wife Abigail and their circle of friends at all levels. When will the next book be availa????ble


The entire Anthony Carter Universe

Reviewed it on April 30, 2024

Can't believe it's been almost 20 years since I found and devoured "In the Navy" but I've been a fan ever since. Every time I've seen a new offering from Argon show up a big smile comes over my face. Decided it was high time I made a small financial offering that barely touches the amount of pleasure I've gotten from reading your work. Thanks again and I sincerely hope there will be many of your stories to read in the future.


Well written. Great plot

Reviewed it on April 26, 2024

Loved it

Great seafaring story

Reviewed it on April 19, 2024

really love his sea stories


thanks to the appendix's I can understand the navel jargon

Reviewed it on April 18, 2024

As Usual An Excellent read Thanks for Appendix 5 now I can relate navy time to land time

Another 5 star winner

Reviewed it on April 17, 2024

Another fine Navel story by Mr Argonis!


Eldcelllrl t story

Reviewed it on April 13, 2024

I have read most of his stories once or twice. This story was different in that it was not a captain, but about the daily life and duties of a purser. Just an excellent story, like his other stories.

Jochen K.

Loved it - as expected (it's "an Argon")

Reviewed it on April 13, 2024

Extremely enjoyable read - just the unusual hero makes this a must-read. ### I listen to several news broadcasts every day, with a smartphone alarm a minute before the start; while reading this book I missed three of those - only vaguely remembering afterwards that there had been an alarm which I had killed without even thinking about it. ###### Very minor gripe (I'm a teacher from Germany): quite a lot of typos, even in names, such as Ouessant/Quessant (and why not use the British "Ushant"?).

Excellent book!

Reviewed it on April 13, 2024

Absolutely brilliant!! I read though this with alacrity, enjoying every minute. Thank you for such excellent writing. I do hope that you will add further to these great stories. My heartfelt thanks! George Young



Reviewed it on April 12, 2024

A good read could not put down


Rousing yarn

Reviewed it on April 11, 2024

An engaging read and a glimpse into a time and circumstances that seem so foreign and yet the characters so relatable. "Satisfactory", as the tough captain would allow. p.s. I'll let slide the portrayal of "Treleven".


Legitimate Historical Fiction

Reviewed it on April 11, 2024

I like this genre. This is a well-researched subject by the author, and I really appreciate that because I learned a lot about life aboard a military ship during this time period. The text is flowing and believable and the action is provided at a reasonable pace. Dashing figure, he is not, but the world is built on the actions of such men and women and reflects the real.

Salty navy storytelling

Reviewed it on April 11, 2024

A wonderful story I like all naval stories like this. So nice to read another naval story.


Another great book

Reviewed it on April 10, 2024

I really enjoy “rags to riches” while being good person story.


Another Great Book from a Great Author

Reviewed it on April 10, 2024

The in-depth research that Peter Argonis/Argon does for his books makes them not only an enjoyable read, but also an exceptional reference for the period. I've read and re-read all of his books available on Stories On-Line, and enjoy them every time. I sincerely hope that he keeps publishing. It is difficult to find good authors these days, so when I find one, I cherish them. I strongly recommend this book!


One of the authors best...

Reviewed it on April 10, 2024

...and that is saying something! Most books of this sort focus on the officers and high society. This book starts at the other end, and taught me things about the role of a ship's purser of which I was completely ignorant! Well paced, vibrant characters, and a plot that is appropriate to the level while being just as gripping as admirals and kings!

Another winner in the Anthony Carter Universe

Reviewed it on April 9, 2024

Friendly and interesting characters, rags to riches, a captivating read in the Wooden Ship And Iron Man - era. Every now and than you meet old friends, "Hey that's another character from AC". I bought the book because I couldn't wait eleven weeks. I don't regret it.


When I am ha ing a bad day I turn to you.

Reviewed it on April 9, 2024

I love the story and wish there was more,I have read it three times so far just like your other naval stories which I have lost count of how many times I have enjoyed them. Please keep up the excellent story telling. Until next time THANK YOU VERY MUCH Peter Murrell


What a ride

Reviewed it on April 9, 2024

I absolutely loved this new story. There were a few grammatical errors, but it in no way took away from the story. 10/10 Will read again.


Reviewed it on April 9, 2024

Great and fun tale

Mike G

Very enjoyable!

Reviewed it on April 9, 2024

As usual from Peter Argonis/Argon, a very good read. The bookkeeping involved in the purser position isn't overwhelming the story, and actually adds some interesting elements.


Great historical story

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

Still digesting the story because I read in it one sitting. It is a rich, historical story with covering a very turbulent time in western civilization. Characters are well and fully developed. The plot is linear and fully developed. I look forward to additional books featuring AYWP.


An enjoyable read!

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

Such good reading that I didn't want the story to end!


Another victory from lowly beginnings

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

A wonderful story.


Enjoy your work

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

I have read all your books in the Anthony Carter universe and enjoyed each one of them. I hope more books are planned.


Another fantastic naval tale

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

I bought the book yesterday, and had to force myself to put it down last night to get some sleep, before finishing it today. This was another fantastic naval tale from the age of sale told expertly with great and realistic details, with a very believable cast of characters. I sincerely hope for more stories with Will Potter and from the Anthony Carter Universe in the future!


Another winner

Reviewed it on April 8, 2024

I have read all of this authors seafaring books and this his latest work is one of the best. The reader is left with the imagery of the ships in action at harbour and in the houses of the times. The author is to be commended for the research carried out and the realistic way the story is presented LOVED IT



Reviewed it on April 7, 2024

I really enjoyed this book


Pursers accounting

Reviewed it on May 15, 2024

Excellent story. Might have had some interesting filler discussing the various difficulties a purser had in reconciling the differences in the various barrel quantities/weight between such things as water,ale ,beer,spirits,etc.


true facts about Royal Navy

Reviewed it on May 4, 2024

Enjoyed the landsmen viewpoint explained neat story judt thessme