
rating 4.7 stars
(73 reviews)

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Cast in Time Book 2: Baron of the Middle Counties

by Ed & Carol Nelson

Language: English

Published: 2023-07-01. 61,657 Words.

ISBN: 978-1-953395-84-9

Categories: Fiction » Alternative History

Content Rating: All Ages

An Engineer finds himself in an Alternate reality, Cornwall, in the year 715 A.D. He awakens in the body of a young Baron.
A retired Lieutenant General, former head of the Army Corp of Engineers, lies dying at the age of ninety-two. Leading a full life, he is a decorated veteran of World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam.
After a long illness, he lies dying. His last thought is, "What a waste of such wonderful knowledge."
As he fades to black, the fun begins. He is to build a modern civilization without being burned as a witch!
The series continues with the Barony of Owen-nap being attacked from all sides.

Review Book

Reader Reviews

Interesting, but more is needed!

Reviewed it on July 28, 2023

Very good, but there is one area which I'm sure has been pointed out! The story runs very well when there is a lot of dialogue! Please write more quicker! I'm anxious to read the next section! Thank you very much for your tireless work. Mark


Very enjoyable book.

Reviewed it on July 13, 2023

I am enjoying this series very much. For a do-over book, it is entirely different than most of the do-overs that are out there. Most go back to when they were 14 or so. This one goes back many centuries.


It’s a heck of a saga and hopefully more books to continue it.

Reviewed it on July 10, 2023

It’s what I would call a page turner. Nuff said!

An excellent political and military story

Reviewed it on July 8, 2023

TOO SHORT! Ed Nelson (AKA Banadin) is a fine writer; very entertaining, and thought provoking. I've read at least seven of his books - starting at STORIES ON LINE, (or SOL), and following him to this site. His stories are well worth reading.


Great adventure

Reviewed it on July 7, 2023

Can't wait for the next one


Reviewed it on July 7, 2023

excellent read



Reviewed it on July 7, 2023

Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Reviewed it on July 4, 2023



Do-over stories are under rated

Reviewed it on July 4, 2023

While I have read many excellent do-over stories on SOL, they are not well represented on Amazon or other venues I have reviewed. I think it was a wise choice to start a series in this direction after the Jackson series.


Holds your interest well.

Reviewed it on July 4, 2023

Looking forward to the next book.



Reviewed it on July 2, 2023

his grasp of fairness



Reviewed it on July 2, 2023

Great Second book in the series. I can’t wait for the next book. The science/technology is realistic and the human interactions all to real. I recommend this as a good read. The beginning of the book provides enough context so someone starting with this book is not lost while not losing the interest of those who have read the first book in the series.


Reviewed it on July 2, 2023

Can*t wait for the next book.

part two of a growing tale

Reviewed it on July 2, 2023

Very good, still some minor errors to correct but well worth the read.


Errors still show but reduced

Reviewed it on July 11, 2023

still seeing not typos, but wrong word, in example. Tom Smith is getting richer by the day as his ironworks CREW. Think that should have been GREW. That is a classic spell check pass, but grammar error. Good news is that they may be getting fewer.


Many word errors

Reviewed it on July 6, 2023

Their were many word errors. Prosperous instead of phosphorus is the last one (3 paragraphs from the end). I have never seen this in any of Ed's other books.

Description of the chemical reactions and the separation of minerals were good to have in the story but did not fit as written into Ed's writing style in other stories. Richard Jackson's inventions were described and fit into the story style.

A good story that was hampered by the above problems.
Ed Patterson


great read

Reviewed it on July 4, 2023

well done. entertaining and fun read for me. note: can you turn the map 90 degrees?


Reviewed it on July 4, 2023



Needs editing

Reviewed it on July 3, 2023

Normally I don't care about grammar problems but there are so many that it distracts from reading the story.

Also there is an error about gun powder. Author keeps saying the powder is not good enough to use in cannon. Sorry but any powder that will explode can be used in muzzle loading cannon. For the first few decades or so they used just the mixed powder, called meal powder, no caking or grinding.

May be confusing muzzle loading cannon with modern artillery which does require a much higher grade.


number two not as good as the first

Reviewed it on July 3, 2023

could with a edit for spelling and continuity.


Very good update to the original story, BUT....

Reviewed it on July 26, 2023

Downloaded the epub version. There are many errors in the writing....repeating chapters/paragraphs, wrong words that sound the same but spelled differently, change of narrative from first person to second or third person...often in the same line. Finally just multiple spelling errors. Apparently I am somewhat OCD but all these problems detract from reading enjoyment.



Reviewed it on July 25, 2023

I was a little disappointed in book 2. The Beginning chapters and had a lot of the body of others were like reading Tech manuals. Chapter 18 kept repeating over and over again with a little extra content added at the end of each one. Then either chapter 19 or 20 was only two paragraphs long. When the story was actually been written it was pretty good but the rest left a lot to be desired. I really wish I could get my money back. It was not worth the $5.99.


Good story. Terrible editing.

Reviewed it on July 23, 2023

Good take on a back in time premise. Terrible editing. Multiple sections repeated.


Not well edited

Reviewed it on July 8, 2023

If you liked the first book in the series, you'll like Book 2 well enough. However having read most all of Ed's work I was disappointed in the lack of proofreading prior to publication. Too many indications that spellcheck or Grammarly were the main editing tools, to the detriment of the work! I lost count of the instances where the plural was used rather than the singular (or the reverse), where homophones were used in error, or where it was just the wrong word. It's "Welsh" Ed, not "Welch"! I hope the book gets another editting by fresh eyes before he puts it up on Amazon.


Just Tell the Story!!

Reviewed it on July 18, 2023

I bought this book because I had enjoyed reading the first book but I am very disappointed in continuation. Way too much time is spent explaining the science and engineering behind everything that the story really lags. Makes the story moves so slowly that bit is really pretty boring.