The White
by ahorsewithnoname
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Content Rating: Extreme Contents
In a world where 90% of the male population died due to a plague, it is the females that suffer a worse fate. The plague altered their DNA to the point that they could not survive for long without what became known as "the White" . . . semen. If that wasn't bad enough, the best quality, the most nourishing, came from those closest genetically, and, it couldn't be stored and needed to come straight from the source. Fellatio was more than commonplace; it was the only way to survive. But how can the male population, one-tenth that of the female population, supply enough of the White?
Reader's Comments:
"So unique! I loved it! I see you wrote this while ago...are going you going to continue it? Hope so!!" (Ah)
"What a masterfully told tale. Your descriptions were great, the storyline flowed nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful story." (rm)
"Omg, only you could conjure up a dystopian world and make it sexy as fuck! While I usually like a little more reluctance and coercion in my incest stories, this one was hot even though the sexual acts were a matter of sustaining life. I loved the Federal acronyms (you didn’t thing you’d slip an Org. ASM past me!) and as a Yankee fan, loved the Enter Sandman chapter. Great job" (Mi)
"Totally one of a kind. What kind of post-apocalyptic superman might evolve from this scourge, and what kind of twisted matriarchal societies? Told from the POV of the POTUS? Genius, dude! Awesome tale, Horse!" (ctc)
"This was a terrifying story. Was it inspired by Frank Herbert's novel The White Plague? Regardless, it combines standard incest fantasies with a dark and destructive dystopia. Certainly one of the most original works of erotica I've seen on a site. The sordid nature of the drugs only adds to the eerie sense of horror." (se2)
"I'd forgotten how good you were until I re read this story. I'm changing your name to An Intellect Without Depth. Such an amazing story, but where did it come from.
Now I know why Ivanka is with daddy." (bj)
"Dystopia and science fiction are not my usual reading fare; although I did read the story as I'm a big fan of incest. My ideal genre is incestuous romance. In a situation that would less than ideal, President Jack does not ever have to worry about "blue balls" what with the four (4) charming, loving females of his family--wife and three (3) daughters--at their frequent beck and call needs!" (bdg)
"Thought I would give this one a quick read and was captivated by the story and had to read it thoroughly to the end. As others have said before a masterful effort to make the horrendous situation become sexy and hot, very well done indeed." (j)
"Damn. I love post apoclalyptic stories but this was out of the blue unique. I loved IT. I'd dearly love to read more chapters. Excellent work." (joj)
"WOW, what a beautiful written Sci FI story that was a bazaar plot. I still love it. Every horny man’s dream of a world of women drooling over a man’s body fluids. Awesome job." (sh)
"Usually the longer stories are not my thing but with the tag lines I had to read it. Once I started there was no pulling me away from it. If we are going to have another pandemic I vote for this one." (cut)
Told from the point of view of the President of the United States, it's not meant to be a political stab at any particular party, rather, just how the situation is handled from the top down.