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The Remembrance of the Reluctant Representative

by Millie Dynamite

Language: English

Published: 2021-07-12. 5,621 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Older than 17

“You realize,” he said, “Anna, it isn’t cheating if your husband doesn’t find out.”

You are traveling through Millie’s Vast Expanse – a land of seductions filled with tender, loving ecstasy or affairs of brute force where plunder and murder walk hand in hand. A place where wrongs are perpetrated with relish and revenge is extracted in a primeval frenzy. The Expanse is as broad as your imagination and as deep as your lust. Filled with adultery, fornication, brutal betrayal and occasionally tender mercies. In one long stretch of the Expanse is a particular place and time where misogynistic bosses use coercion and fear or seduction and inducement to have their way with their female employees.

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