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Sacrificial Lamb: Sacrifice Tales Part Two

by Mary Not Wollstonecraft

Language: English

Published: 2023-05-01. 5,046 Words.

Available as part of the The Sacrifice Tales Collection

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Paranormal

Content Rating: Older than 17

Sacrificial Lamb is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and desperation. Can a vampire’s thirst for blood be appeased?

In 1896, the sleepy town of Lazarus by the Sea, Maine, feared the worst when the Anderson family disappeared. For months, the vampire Lazarus ravaged the community. Oddly, Lazarus’s interest changed from women to men after the Andersons vanished. Unknown to the town, Lazarus was gone, and Lacey Anderson, who destroyed him, replaced his terror with her own.

On New Year’s Eve, 1896, Jamison Williams heard the call from a beautiful, mysterious woman who quickly captured his mind, body, and soul and made him her protector. Jamison discovered beneath her alluring facade the bloodthirsty vampire hungered for more than his blood and wealth. All too late, Jamison Williams realized he was a stepping stone, and she wasn’t interested in him. Lacey Anderson desired his only child, his son, Adam.

Her appetites are boundless. Blood, wealth, power aren’t enough. She covets everything you can give.

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