Living Two Lives - Book 25
by Gruinard
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Coming of Age
Content Rating: Older than 17
A coming of age story following the life and adventures of Andrew McLeod. This is the story of how a nerd gamed the system and had an amazing life.
Book 25 – a wild end to the story. (Summer of 1987).
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Reader Reviews
Next book delivery
Reviewed it on June 12, 2024
Great…. Now when can expect book 26 and beyond?yourdomemaster
Excellent reading. Very inspiring and sentimental.
Reviewed it on April 13, 2024
The books are hard to put down. I loved the whole drama and details. You feel immersed with the charachters.martin.theo974
Very Nice story
Reviewed it on March 23, 2024
Very Nice story. I am waiting the next book.bcmost
Great book!
Reviewed it on February 20, 2024
Great characters.Very well written!davebowen55555
Living two lives. Book 25
Reviewed it on February 9, 2024
Loving this series.
Reviewed it on January 8, 2024
I'm looking forward to the next set of adventuresbjornhauksson
A good ending.
Reviewed it on December 22, 2023
All over the series has been fun, interesting and well written. Loved so many things of it. Maybe the last book was the weakest as it did not have the underlying tension on what will happen to Andrew’s personal life in the future. But it was fun! Thank you! More please
Reviewed it on June 8, 2023
Leaves you wanting more about the characters. Hoping there will be a sequeljamesharrold08
Well worth it!
Reviewed it on May 25, 2023
Really good series I hope you continue the story.
Reviewed it on March 31, 2023
Great continuation of the story. It brought conclusion to Andrew's youth. But it also leaves some issues still needing continuation: grandma, sister, kids, careers, photography just to name a few. I'm looking forward to the possibility of 26, and hoping for it.templecorran
Good and interesting visit to the past.
Reviewed it on February 24, 2023
I started reading this series on SOL and was so into the story that I bought the next volume. And the next and so on!
As others have said, a great story with well developed characters. But every book in the series has typos and locations where the POV switches between 1st and 3rd person. So a lot of polishing is needed.
But $74.75 for the set?
Very, very different and a bit disturbing.
Reviewed it on February 1, 2023
Well, unlike most readers, I attended a Grammar School (but single sex) and was a member of the CCF (RAF section) and did my time at Cambridge University (Churchill rather than Jesus College). A final co-incidence is that I studied at the Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street!
A thoroughly enjoyable tale - with lots of “spot on” factual details and described environments. Most realistic about Heriots and Edinburgh (public transport, rain and playing fields) I suspect, less so about the Cambridge I experienced in the 60’s.
His recurring self doubt and indecision got on my nerves more than once.
Congrats on an epic tale!
Well done !
Reviewed it on December 21, 2022
I was totally captivated. Please continue the series. There is just so much more to hear, I find myself so invested in these characters and I am only a reader. I can’t imagine how much time and energy must go into these stories. Rest up my friend, for when you’re ready I will be there eager to continue.
Thank you for sharing!
Great story, needs severe editing.,
Reviewed it on December 17, 2022
A great story but the books are a bit rough around the edges. This requires a severe editing.
It was quite a read
Reviewed it on October 21, 2022
I took me a month or so to read the series. It has been worth it though. I feel a little bit empty with "nothing to read" any more. I mean, these characters become so close to you that you feel you really know them.
Thank you so much for sharing with us, and like other readers, I'm looking forward to the next 25 books...
I thoroughly enjoyed the series. Strongly recommend!
Reviewed it on October 19, 2022
Congratulations to Gruinard for writing such a compelling series. I'd love to read more stories in this universe.
Author request: Can the Living Two Lives books be added to Goodreads? Selfishly, I track the books / pages read in their app.
interesting ride
Reviewed it on October 6, 2022
I am here. definitely a tale worth reading
Great Series
Reviewed it on October 1, 2022
I stormed through this series like a bull in a china shop, and the story just got better with each episode. Is it greedy to ask if there is more in the pipeline for Andrew and company? I would love more, and there's so much more hinted at in this and the earlier books. Please, sir, may I have some more?
Anonymous reader
Brilliant development and fulfilling story arc. Well done.
Reviewed it on October 1, 2022
Well worth the time and money. Binged my way through all 25 as they were released over a week.
I'm still looking for more. Thank you for these 25. Now may I have some more please?
More please...
Reviewed it on November 12, 2024
Very good. I hope there is a sequel that continues with more of their lives.ginns5
A Brilliant Story
Reviewed it on July 1, 2024
Why the title - a Brilliant Story.At 86,I have read 1000's of books.But I NEVER have read a STORY as well told as this.I will not question the research you did - or did not do.I will not question some of the things you wrote about, say, testing of explosives.I accept that HOW you told these things was clear and very believable.Somewhere you commented that things were plausible, but not probable.I like to believe that this is how the whole of story wenr.I am SAD there is no epiloque, I am SAD there is no continuation.If allowed, 2 critiques I venture peculiar to me.I am not a fan of B.D.S.M.I recognize, though, it was part of the story though NOT overly so.and b) I did not have to read if I did not.I read it.In fact I got to end of book 17, bought the rest, treating myself to a chapter a day.In point of fact I routinely read two chapters a day, the day's previous for context, and that days chapter.I also still would like to have seen references back to books, say when they discussed the sex learning with Kenzie.For me as you wend your way through a two year serialization it would have helped.So, a wonderful story, well told, very believable, leaving me itching for me.RJG ,and thank yourwslacker48
Needs more.
Reviewed it on January 21, 2024
I really enjoyed this series but it seemed kinda rushed at end. Too much BDSM and photography. I liked the college and military aspects and the modeling where his creativity came out. Also the inner angst with family. It all came to a end without satisfaction. Please continue. Good Story
Reviewed it on January 1, 2024
Fascinating. Second time through. Could have been 10 or 12 chapters and been more readable and less repetitive. Waaay too much about the photo shoots, but it's easily skimmed through. It's a good story. I'm in love with Suzanne and Ara and even Heloise. ?????????
Reviewed it on October 8, 2023
Where can I find the rest of this storiy?mentipp
Reviewed it on March 2, 2023
Too much repetition
Reviewed it on February 25, 2023
The premise of the story was excellent and the reason I persevered until this chapter but too often the back story was repeated to pad out the number of words. I felt at the end short changed at spending $2.99 for a few chapters making the end price for reaching this point over sixty dollars.
Too much garnish, not enough entree
Reviewed it on January 10, 2023
Great Story. Books 22-25 wandered a lot. Snippets of story lines that were never fleshed out and great detail about things that didn’t meed to be gone into detail about. Left feeling unsatisfied.
The frog is finally boiled.
Reviewed it on October 15, 2022
Barely edible.
Oh, what could have been!
Reviewed it on March 31, 2024
I truly loved this story... Starting on SOL and continuing here from book 17 onward. Someone below said it perfectly; a great 23.5 books. You go into such great depths throughout this story, even the Dominance and submission in the last two books. But left the ending wrapped up in what seems less than a page. With your writing style, this feels incomplete. Oh, what could have been a terrific ending... Expecting more
Reviewed it on August 8, 2023
Mostly just a rehash of the previous "books". Only three or four paragraphs of new direction or new paths.phippsgarry537
Overall opinion of 25 Books
Reviewed it on June 8, 2023
Very very great 23.5 books.
Unfortunately you went a bit overboard on the BDSM starting in book 24. It seemed to veer away from the tone of the prior books and delve into semi (mostly) BDSM porn.
I would like to see where they are especially after 10 and 20 years. (2 more books?)
If you wish to comment back.
Anti Climatic Ending
Reviewed it on May 28, 2023
Up until this 25th book I was very impressed. It seems you got tired of telling a story in this one, and just made 60% of it repetitive B and D sex.
Very disappointing
Reviewed it on September 9, 2023
This book did nothing to move the story forward. If you're into BDSM porn you'll love it. Otherwise don't bother What a sorry end to a good series.