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The Windy Pines, My Second Summer

by Fanlon

Language: English

Published: 2022-03-11. 100,075 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Coming of Age

Content Rating: Extreme Contents

In Sam's first visit to The Windy Pines, he was thrust into a new life that was full of firsts. Sex, friendships, and a bit of family history to name a few. He met Jenny, who opened all kinds of doors for him, one of the big ones was Sara. He is excited to get back again, but things are going to change, and not all of it for the better. Sam will no longer be the scrawny kid he was, but he will still be that same awkward kid trying to find his way. The big problem Sam didn't see coming, Jenny. His plans for the two of them crumbled almost the minute he gets home.

Sam meets a new special friend and her older cousin. The best thing about this new friend, she is going to make Sam forget about what's bothering him, how does that happen, well... sex of course. These questions and more will be answered in the latest The Windy Pines story, My Second Summer.

What happens in the mornings with Mom when they go home? Does Sara finally choose to do it, or does she decide to say no for good? These questions and more will be answered in the latest The Windy Pines story, My Second Summer.

If you liked the sexiness and taboos of the first book in this series, you're going to love this one!

Review Book

Reader Reviews


Not as Good as Book 1

Reviewed it on March 14, 2022

While Book 1 was a story line with some sex attached, this seems to be a screw here, screw there, screw everywhere story with little story holding it together. Just wasn't what I had expcted or hoped for, your milage may vary.