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Amity Series #7 - Cataclysm

by Kris Me

Language: English

Published: 2021-11-25. 162,350 Words.

Available as part of the Amity Collection

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Content Rating: Older than 17

Storm was in a quandary, as he couldn't decide how to remove the last of the devil wizards and fulfil the prophecy. He had also heard other strange rumours concerning the corrupted magical people and more new wizards on the planet Amity. He felt a cataclysm was coming that could tear his new world asunder.

Storm also wanted to know what had happened to his other children from Earth and why they had all disappeared. He didn't believe that they were dead. Raina had found her way to him, and he could only hope the others did too. He felt they needed to come home soon.

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