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Lost With Nothing to Lose

by Vincent Berg

Language: English

Published: 2018-12-05. 114,246 Words.

ISBN: 9781941498965

Available as part of the Not-Quite Human Collection

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Space opera

Content Rating: Older than 13

Unable to find a home and acceptance on Earth, an intrepid band of misplaced youth seeks their ancestral home among the stars. The home they find isn't what they hoped. The home they discover is a hostile place, involved in a huge interstellar war with a hostile alien species, and the newcomers are viewed as untrusted interlopers. Faced with an untenable situation, they seek to change the rules, risking arrest, trial and even death in hopes of fixing a world they know little about. To win friends they must prove the unprovable, defeat an unstoppable enemy, and convince the Tandorians ready to kill them that they know them better than they know themselves.

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