

Bookapy - Into Cart

Rough Diamond

by Ernest Bywater

Language: English

Published: 2019-10-30. 62,900 Words.

ISBN: 978-1-312-13243-6

Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Adventure

Content Rating: Older than 7

An Australian schoolboy discovers he can move small objects with his mind. His family moves to Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA and he uses his special skill to 'win' money at casinos. His exceptional skills at winning bring him some unwanted attention from some people, including the Department of Homeland Security. He objects to their actions and soon a state of war exists between his family and the DHS (and the people behind them).

This fast paced story tells how he and his family take on a major US government department and The Group behind them misusing government power. The odds are heavily in favour of one side - but which side?

Author's Note: If the e-books have any faults please let me know so I can upload corrected files.

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