by wantsomefun
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance
Content Rating: Older than 17
High school lovers make the agonizing choice of breaking up before going off to separate colleges. Years down the road, there's a reunion. Between a broken marriage and mountainous college debt, plus years of separation, what chance is there of romance blossoming once again? From the well-known author of The Waitress, Sarah, Terror in the Snowstorm, Dad? I Have a Question, The Hunger, and others.
Reader Comments:
"Wow. I feel emotionally wrung out after that but in a good way. Thank you so much." (ct)
"Top story." (dur)
"Well written thank you for sharing." (lr)
"Very nice story." (mbs)
"Damn another great story from the great story teller. It's so easy to get lost in his stories. R.I.P. wantsomefun." (thec)