by INtrinSicliValud
Language: English
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Content Rating: Older than 17
Swaddled in an idyllic middle-class life, Tom has it all. A gorgeous wife, Krista, whom he adores as much as she loves him. Two small children growing so fast their clothes last mere months, if that long. But he’s a haunted man, hounded by a gambling addiction.
At their anniversary, he confesses to Krista the amount of his most recent loss. But he’s cut a deal. Plus, doubled down to rid them of their mortgage debt. All he must do is gather $500k.
To ensure he does pay, Yuri and his no-neck driver, Maksim, arrive to take them for a drive. In Yuri’s lap, Krista squirms, cries, and complains, but Tom notices something strange. Both his reaction and hers. Yuri is amused and makes him an offer. Krista is to dine with the mob boss every Friday for a month until Tom gathers the funds. It’s an offer they cannot refuse.
As she goes on the dates and he struggles to amass the money, questions arise, his wife changes, becomes hotter, and more aggressive. With their world tumbling out of control, his panic, fear, and self-loathing mix with a strange arousal.
When he cannot pay, they’re both invited to Yuri’s home. What Krista does snaps Tom at last. Broken, he flails into a young woman’s embrace. Also Russian, Natalya has a secret. Unlikely as it is, they forge a bond.
At last, the full extent of Krista’s changes is revealed. Tom must make a decision, both for them and about his relationship with the young Russian girl. Can their marriage survive?