Riley's New Bikini
by Lubrican
Language: English
Content Rating: Extreme Contents
I bought the bikinis on a whim. Actually, it was the towels that caught my eye and made me stop, but the bikinis were there, too, at the sidewalk vendor's stall. And I was in a hurry, so I didn't examine things very much. I trusted the girl working there to offer me information I should have sought out. Anyway, I bought matching bikinis for my wife and daughter. Turned out they were very small bikinis. My wife's reaction wasn't what I expected. My daughter's reaction blew my mind.
Review Book
Reader Reviews
real love
Reviewed it on September 20, 2023
Maybe a little different than most stories. Still Lubrican at his best.speedylewis
Riley's New Bikini
Reviewed it on March 27, 2023
5 stars!
Reviewed it on June 30, 2022
Very good story
Reviewed it on July 8, 2020
I spent my two bucks for 3 chapters and it is a very good deal. Thanks for the read.
Good read
Reviewed it on November 2, 2023
Book is ok and an easy read