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Secrets of Fathers and Empires

by Rycliff

Published: 2010-05-07. 57,781 Words.

ISBN: 9781300136705

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » First Encounter

Format: EPUB

Content Rating: Older than 13

Sean Mallory falls in love with the beautiful Brooke Kirkwood, who is the daughter of his corporate rival. Together they face the impending impact of a large meteor with the moon and the catastrophic results that will occur to the lunar colony, as well as Earth. Events spin out of their control and propel Sean and Brooke into an adventure of a lifetime. They must find a way to prevent the loss of the lunar colony, as well as preventing Sean’s corporate empire based on the success of the Lunar Development Corporation, and providing for the space flight industry from failing. They meet a technologically advanced alien race, which offer to help them. These aliens appear friendly and even glad to see them. But is everything, as it seems? Sean discovers a centuries old family secret and the truth is hard to believe. Will Brooke and Sean survive the revelation?

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