Sam and Kim #1 In the Beginning
by Millie Dynamite
Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance
Format: EPUB
Content Rating: Older than 17
Sam and Kim met and fell in love in Mile High City. She's 18, and he’s 28, but despite their age difference, they’re ready to move onward and upward with their relationship. Sam and Kim have discovered a passion that defies convention. They’ve fallen hard for each other. But a secret lurks beneath the surface as their relationship deepens. When Kim, vibrant and fiercely independent, uncovers a shocking rumor, she must know if it’s true.
During dinner at an expensive restaurant, Kim asks the question.
“Are you a gigolo?” she asks. The music fades into nothingness as the silence becomes unbearable. Her curiosity was laced with disbelief. Sam’s nod sends shockwaves through their connection, and he wrestles with the implications of his profession while pouring his heart out to her.
“I love you, Kim,” he insists, yearning for her to see beyond the surface.
As they navigate the tumultuous waters of love, loyalty, and the complexities of Sam’s chosen life, Kim is forced to confront her beliefs. Does love transcend the barriers of his clients and the lifestyle he leads? Or will the weight of his profession overshadow their budding romance?