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Summer So Hot - Book 1

by Moran

Language: English

Published: 2017-05-13. 73,320 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Coming of Age

Content Rating: Extreme Contents

A young man catches a neighbor teen virgin giving herself pleasure, blackmails her, and then his sexual world explodes in one hundred directions. His aunt, his best friend, a female nerdy classmate and others participate in this ongoing unrepentant orgy of sexual discovery and excess. Will he go too far, get caught, suffer as he has made others suffer? A 200,000+ word, two-volume adventure.

Book Two: The sexual bacchanal continues in this 50% larger volume as Kev's world of sexuality grows larger and far more complex. As more and more become involved, it becomes more difficult to keep things under wrap.Cracks form in the facade, and things become more desperate. Who will break first? Who will fall off the cliff and bring all others into the sexually-abyssal whirlpool that is forming.

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