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Three Daughters and the Three Rules

by Pablo Diablo

Language: English

Published: 2018-11-05. 15,012 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance

Content Rating: Extreme Contents

A father and widower has three beautiful adult daughters. Discovering two of them in bed with two young men, he sets down some rules, and punishments if broken. Eventually, the girls seduce him, out of love. But the adventure doesn't stop there. What happens? Arrest? Death? Aliens? No, none of that! Something very special, and, ongoing, and . . . read!

Introduction by ahorsewithnoname: A number of years ago, a writer by the name of Pablo Diablo appeared at a website that I run. I noted the name and initially thought, hmmm, Pablo the Devil, wonder if he might be trouble. Turned out, far, far from the truth. Paul, PD's first name, was a gentle soul. We ended up having many conversations, some about writing, some about illness, but by a large margin, the most we had were about baseball. Paul and I were both very passionate about the New York Yankees. He was very fortunate to live near the spring training complex for the Yankees. He'd tell me of his visits, the players he'd meet and watch, and yes, I was jelly (jealous). During the season, though, that was when our discussions heated up. We both had our stories, our managerial ideas, and high aspirations for the team. Paul was ill, his wife too, both with cancer, and a number of years ago, Paul no longer came to the website. Patiently, we waited, me, his fans, hoping that he didn't get hit with COVID to exacerbate things. To date, no one has heard from him for years. As per our terms, I'm publishing this to honor Paul, his love and support of the website and friends there, and I hope he is smiling down upon us.

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Reader Reviews



Reviewed it on January 26, 2025

Liked the book read it on Storiesonline and again on Bookapy, So you can say I really liked the Story and the way things went.


Awesome Erotica

Reviewed it on November 8, 2024

Fun read