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Disparate Housewives

by Rollie Lawson

Language: English

Published: 2014-08-13. 170,153 Words.

ISBN: 9781312433809

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance

Content Rating: Older than 17

Meet the housewives of Chrystal Court, the street you wished you lived on! There’s Paige Turner, young, beautiful, newly married, and new to the neighborhood. Across the street is Georgia Cummings, a ‘merry widow’ with a taste for younger men. Next door is Terri Tallman, real estate agent by day, swinger and adult website model by night. Then there’s Brenda Houseman, young mother of two, with secrets she’d prefer her husband not know about. Finally, at the end of the court, is Barbara Blockings, unhappily married and looking for the satisfaction she’s not getting at home. This is an adult and erotic romp, with romance and drama in the mix as well.

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