Julie Covington McGill
by Mitchie
Language: English
Content Rating: Extreme Contents
Julie Covington McGill (Dog) - 20606 words – Michelle starts work for a large accountancy firm and becomes involved with the head of the firm, Julie Covington McGill. Michelle is led down a sexual rabbit hole and ends up having sex with not only Julie but her husband and their family dog.
Julie Covington McGill (non-dog incest) - 23173 words – In this version, there is no dog involvement so with some minor tweaks chapters 1 and 2 are the same as above. In chapters 3 and 4 things start to get very different. Chapters 5 and 6 are in fact drawn from a different series (The Lynches) and explore the family route fully. Chapter 7 sees a different conclusion from the ‘dog’ version.
The Lynches (incest)
These form part of the series i.e. chapters 5 and 6 above but are all standalone
Challenge Accepted – 6,826 words – This also involves water sports
March Madness – 5456 words – The family involvement becomes more intense/
Three’s Company – 3942 words – As the title suggests the whole family play together