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I did not receive the book on my kindle

In order to receive books directly on your kindle, you need to allow our sender email (kindle@bookapy.com) to send you ebooks by email. Amazon will block emails from senders that are not explicitly pre-authorized to send books to your kindle.


To pre-authorize Bookapy to send you ebooks do the following:

  1. Go to Amazon.com, and log into your account
  2. From the 'Account & Lists' menu select 'Manage your contents and devices'
  3. In that contents management page, click the 'Preferences' Tab.
  4. Scroll down to 'Personal Document Settings' and click on it.
  5. Scroll down to the 'Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings' where you'll find your kindle's email address. You'll need it for the kindle mailer configuration.
  6. Under 'Approved Personal Document E-mail List' click 'Add a new approved e-mail address'
  7. Copy the email address and paste it into the email address field and click 'Add Address'
  8. Now you're ready to receive files from the site on your kindle via email

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