
Rowan Betencourt



As of this post, I've now submitted all of my books for publication to Bookapy. It's been a very long road--almost four months!--since my arbitrary banning from my previous publisher, and I'm still thankful that Bookapy allows fiction like mine to have a home. I'm also blown away by the reception my books have had on this site, as I've sold far more than I ever expected to.

But now: what's next? I'm unsure what the answer to that question is. I've had to heavily lean back into my mainstream projects to make ends meet, which has heavily impacted my spare time to write erotica. I love doing it, and I love the stories I've created over the last couple of years. I have some unfinished stories I'd like to finish and put out in the hopes that both old and new fans find them, and I don't want to quit entirely. I refuse to give the satisfaction to those who were responsible for my downfall in the first place.

I hope that anyone who reads this will stay tuned to see what comes out in the future. And I hope that I'll have more stories to share very soon.

The Witch Wood

Of all the settings I've created, my favorite has to be the Witch Wood. I've written two novels based there so far--Dreamer of the Witch Wood and Firebrand of the Witch Wood, both available here on Bookapy. As a setting, it encompasses so many of the themes I love to write about: incest, beast, shifter, knotting, breeding sex, dominance and above all the others, nudity. It's a melting pot of kinks and ideas and I love it so much. In my days of blogging on NewTumbl, I wrote countless teasers and articles about the world of the Witch Wood and I wish I'd known to save them.

In two books so far, there hasn't been much shown of the world outside the Wood and that was done deliberately. Outside the forest is a dark, mysterious world, a fearful place where humanity rules, but humanity fears what it can't control, and the Witch Wood is a primaeval, mysterious realm that refuses to be tamed for any reason. It's why beast-men and witches live there, worshipping a goddess of magic and sex.

I have at least two more Witch Wood novels I'd love to write, if I could find the time to write them. I've been forced to diversify my income streams since I was forcibly outed from my last publisher, so time is the biggest reason more books may have to wait. Also, as much as I love the setting, fantasy erotica just doesn't sell as well as contemporary, so any further stories set in the Wood will probably be a labor of love.

Blogging on Bookapy

  - Updated:

Hi there! I'm terrible at this blogging thing so I may as well try it here right?

I used to publish my books on Smashwords until someone from SW Support appeared to have an ax to grind and I was made an example of. The erotica I write is taboo; it pushes boundaries by its very nature. If a storefront doesn't want to sell taboo erotica (Kobo, Amazon, etc), that’s fine, it's allowed not to do that. But penalizing authors who write erotica you supposedly allow them to sell just makes your entire store look hypocritical.

I'm also very thankful that Bookapy permits taboo erotica, and that they were willing to let me republish my stories. I'm hoping to publish even more in the future, and I hope that any readers who find this site or this blog will check out my work.

