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Adam & Eve & The Devil



Adam & Eve & The Devil

By ahorsewithnoname

Description: Imagine you're Eve, young, beautiful, in-love with Adam, living a carefree life and you run across Satan. Being truly innocent, you accept him and his suggestions as, um, Gospel?! Naturally, Satan takes advantage of Eve, and instructs her, sexually, "for Adam's benefit" until, at the end, all hell breaks loose!

Tags: I'm hellbound, satantic corruption, erotic

Published: 2023-06-25

Size: ≈ 7,221 Words

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Adam & Eve & The Devil

by ahorsewithnoname


The warm, balmy breeze pushed the palm fronds to and fro gently, adding to the idyllic setting. Big, white puffy clouds floated high, slowly traversing the baby blue sky. A light mixture of gardenia and lilac permeated the air. The chirping of birds and a soft buzz from insects, coupled with the sultry radiance of sunlight, colored the tropical garden a paradise.


His back up against a strong cleft of branches, Adam looked for his mate and, upon finding her walking toward him, smiled warmly.

“Yes, my love?”

Eve looked up and spotted her mate resting comfortably in the large oak tree.

“Would you like to go for a walk to the water?” she asked, her voice almost music to his ears. She returned the smile.

Adam thought back to yesterday when he and Eve went for a walk to the water and remembered the beauty of the landscape, the warmth of the water, and the pleasure they shared. He felt his staff start to stiffen.

“Yes, I would!” and with that, he leaped from the tree bough and landed softly on the thick, green grass below, holding out his hand.

Eve noticed his stiffening staff and smiled wider, then offered her hand and away then went.

Neither of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans noticed the dark-haired, swarthy man skulking behind a group of dogwood. But he did notice them and then followed at a discrete distance.


The lake was a short distance away, teeming with life. There were turtles and fish and amphibians, though none of them interacted with Adam or Eve. The two were never bitten by mosquitoes nor stung by bees, never crawled upon by ants, nor bothered by any living creature.

The warm water caressed their bodies like a fine silk robe, the temperature just cozy enough to provide comfort but not too warm, which might take away from the refreshment. Both strong swimmers, they frolicked in the sun-drenched lagoon without care.

When they retreated from the water, the air was warmer than when they entered, so no chill came over their bodies. There were fruit trees a short distance away, so both Adam and Eve filled their bellies with the sweet nectareous yield until they could eat no more. Nourished, they grew sleepy and lay together on the thick carpet of grass under the large fruit tree.

It was Eve who stirred first. Hearing the sounds of small splashes, she let Adam rest and got up herself and walked the short length to the water to see the cause of the noise. It was there that she saw another man, like Adam, but with darker hair, including hair on his face. Unlike Adam, his eyes were very dark in color, and Eve found this interesting. He was throwing stones into the water, and as they would strike the surface of the water, they would skip across it before sinking beneath.

Although she was not used to another man’s presence, she had no reason for fear and walked straight over to him.


That was a preview of Adam & Eve & The Devil. To read the rest purchase the book.

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