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Learning Time



Learning Time.

By Shaddoth

Copyright © 2021 Shaddoth

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

First printing edition 2021.







Chapter 1: I'm Normal (Present Day).

I, Bryan Davis, am a normal fifteen year old. I play games on the computer, read porn when mom is not home, which is almost all the time since she became the assistant DA overseeing Super Powered crime in Central City, go to school to get my As to keep mom off my back, and generally goof off with a few of my friends when they aren’t grounded. I am interested in girls, but they don't seem to be interested in me. I'm not a jock, a Super, or popular. I'm decent looking and clean which is more than I can say for one of my friends. Oh, and I read reports that my Uncles prepare for me. All thirty-six hundred of them. Uncles, not reports, although some days I feel that there are that many of those too.

I discovered that I had a Super Power in Mr. Hoxly's US History class. The ancient teacher didn't teach, he recited or read aloud from the text in the book. Somehow, he created Dittos, he didn’t use the copy machine for his handouts. They were old school dittos, ink smell and everything. We believed it was a Super Power that he used to punish his students with.

Anyway, I was staring into space at Mr. Hoxly's droning, which seemed to go on for eternity, when time stopped. But that was not all that stopped. Tracey-May's bubble from her gum was stuck in after-pop mode, extending from her mouth as it started being sucked back in by those pouty pink lips of hers.

Teach had his face in his book, so nothing different there. But the clock behind me wasn't ticking, nor was there a bored rustle or scribbles or even a beep or two from an unmuted phone game.

When I released my pencil that I was twirling in circles during my zoning out, it stayed in place three inches above my desktop, point down.

A little worried, I concentrated on the pencil to get it to move again, which worked. The pencil dropped and the room’s noise restarted as if it had never paused.

I made sure not to tell anyone, not even my Uncles. When I practiced stopping and starting time from then on, it was at home in my room, or when I was alone in a nearby park pacing the now proscribed soccer field.

My watch kept working in my false “non-time”. That was how I kept track of my ins and outs of my new Power. One month later, I could enter and exit the world of stopped time at will. But only for five minutes per eight hours. At least for that long first month.

I knew that practicing my Power would gradually extend its usage time.

I had a laundry list of experiments to try.

Time was a very cool Power for a fifteen year old boy in the first year of high school to have. Going into girls’ locker rooms, teachers’ lounges, the principal’s office (who was having two different affairs with students and one with the lunch lady), flipping skirts, tying shoelaces, undoing bras. Minor mischief in the name of science and hormones. I had no desire to hurt anyone, nor use my Powers for evil. I concluded that I was not one of the unlucky sixty-some percent of the male population which was drawn to evil after their first Super Power activation. Not that I would know or care, but mom would, some of the Uncles would too.

I was glad that I didn’t have to disappoint her or them.

In the halls between second and third hour, Helen Ellant stepped on my foot as she walked by, not even regarding me in the slightest. She was a rich bitch, who either ignored you (which included 95% of my fellow students) or got along well with you (the other 5%).

When she ignored you, she completely pretended that you didn’t exist. Impressively so. She went all out, too. Like when she walked on my foot, to an outsider it looked intentional, the rest of us thought differently. We assumed that for her to alter her course, she would have to acknowledge you. Since she couldn’t or wouldn’t, she walked on or through you. Oh, she had quite the suite of Super Powers too. She was strong enough to lift a car, and with the disgusting bonus of being rumored that the pretty blonde was immune to harm. A Tank Powerset.

When she stepped on my foot earlier, she didn't put extra weight or force on it, just a normal step. Helen had done it before to others countless times. Yet this was a first for me, but this time I wanted to get even for me and everyone else. Stopping time, I pulled down the purple thong from under her bushy skirt and tied a knot in a strategic location. I read about that on a story site that mom didn't prevent me from using – as long as the site didn't have pictures, she allowed me access to everything else since my thirteenth birthday. I flicked Helen’s skirt up, followed by yanking up her panties and pulling them snugly in place with a little extra wedgie added for grins.

“If you are mean, I will punish you.” I whispered into her cute tri-pierced ear, then smoothed her thigh length teal skirt and returned to the shoe tip marks that I had left on the tile with my favorite mechanical pencil before moving through Time for that tiny bit of retribution.

I restarted Time and looked back at the sudden shriek of “EEP!”, just to see Helen dancing on her tiptoes, before walking gingerly toward the girls’ restroom. The gossips started at her sudden odd behavior while I grinned like a Cheshire cat.


“Mrs. Harper, I would like to report a sexual assault by a telekinetic today.”

“Who assaulted you, Miss Ellant?”

“I don't know. I was walking in the hall with Ash to geology when my panties were yanked up. It wasn't hard or anything, but it was…” She blushed, half in anger, half in embarrassment.

“I will make a record of it. If it happens again let me know immediately.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Harper.”


I mused about that incident for the rest of the day. Hurrying to my last class, Biology, after being held up by a line at the printer in the boring, and for me useless but required computer class, I opened the door to another straggler, Helen, allowing the near tardy blonde the right of way. Mom did harp on being a gentleman and all that. Plus, I considered the issue between us square.

“Thank you, Bryan.” She glanced at me while I held the door. I, and those within hearing range, were shocked. I was a normal person. Someone like her had never spoken with me before outside assigned group projects.

“You’re welcome,” I grinned and then followed her in and taking my seat two rows behind the strange Super Powered girl.

“Dude, what did you do to get noticed by the Alpha?” whispered my bench mate. In Biology we shared a granite table with two to three people per six-foot slab. Roy and I had an assigned third, but Iris never came to class unless that day was named Friday – test and quiz day.

“How in the hell would I know? That was the first time ever. Are we still meeting up for a raid after school?”

“No. I got grounded again after mom caught me chatting with Emotech yesterday.”

I socked the gullible moron in the arm, “Roy, how dumb can you be. Last time she got you to use your mom's Credit Card to buy her that in-game wand, remember? Of course, your mom went ballistic.”

“I was only talking…” my immature friend whined.

“How long this time?”

“A whole month,” I winced and class started.


“Hel, are you feeling okay? You've been acting strange all day,” asked the same friend that was with Helen in the halls earlier.

“Someone used their Power on me and I'm a little jumpy.” The Alpha, acknowledged strongest of Lee High School’s Supers, admitted to her only friend for the last nine years.

“Whoever it was.… When I find out who did it, I will make them pay,” steamed the bob-cut brunette wearing a tight green sweater emphasizing her modest endowments.

“Let it go for now, Ash. They will get caught soon enough.” They had better not try anything like that again or I will pound them into the sidewalk.


I was curious but too afraid to press the matter on why Helen thanked me. School life went on.

Did Helen hear me when I spoke with her during the stopped time? Was Uncle Darius’s prediction correct?


Chapter 2: Food for thought.

Two weeks later, near my locker, a fight broke out between two of the starting JV basketball players. Just as I retrieved my notebook from my locker, the crowd pushed me back. I then bounced off what felt like a mobile steel pylon, knocking me to the ground, scattering a few loose papers from inside my binder. Nothing big, just annoying.

The mobile pylon happened to be Helen, which made sense when I thought about it; school hallways normally did not include free standing moving support pillars. She, of course, passed on by without a second glance. Again.

I was a bit more miffed this time compared to last time's brush off. I needed to cool down before I acted and had time to consider and plan. I gathered my papers while Helen and her sidekick, Ashley Kholston, strode through the surrounding mob of onlookers, causing the fight to suddenly end when more than three people were knocked down on top of Ricky. Seeing the who the culprit was, no one dared to say or do anything further.

Unbeknownst to those two Prima Donnas, their actions actually saved Ricky from a severe beating. The rest, who were casually knocked aside, suffered nothing more than bruised egos.

By third hour I had a plan.

In sixth hour, I stole a pair of scissors from art class.

I asked Mr. Chen for permission to leave early in Computer class. He didn't care since my homework for this week and next had already been handed in. I headed to Bio early and sat in my cocked chair in the back row while I pretended to read about the digestive system of a frog.

I tried to act casually and not jerk like a Pavlovian dog whenever anyone entered the classroom. That was harder than soloing an Ebenlord in World of Crusaders, the online game I played with my friends. I did manage to settle down after the ninth person entered.

I thought half the class thought I was on drugs or something by then though.

Knowing how to act cool, and acting cool, weren’t the same. I needed to work more on that.

When Helen walked in, I half followed her with my eyes. Once she set her bag down and bent over to sit at her desk beside Ashley Kholston, I acted.

I started the timer on my watch to let me know when three minutes passed. The suddenly stilled, quiet world, which I, and I alone, owned, gave me passage as I stalked Helen Ellant.

Today's skirt was an above the knee pencil with zippers on the left side. I unzipped it and wiggled down the skirt so it passed below that firm, outthrust ass. The tight, peach, high cut silk panties gleamed under the florescent light, calling to me. With the stolen fabric scissors, I cut each side band and pulled out the material between her legs harshly. I then spanked each half bent-over cheek ten times, counting them out while admonishing Helen to be kinder to me and her fellow students.

Not having a lot of Time left, since I burned two minutes earlier in the day, I pulled up her skirt and zipped it. I was unable to clasp the clasp though, the skirt’s fit was skin tight and she was bent over instead of standing straight up which was probably how she clasped it in the first place. I did try and align the zipper to the mark left on her body before one last admonishment.

“You were bad today. You were punished by me as you deserved.” I bit her ear when my alarm vibrated. Hurriedly I tapped it still. “Bad girls get punished by me. Good girls get rewarded by me. Be good next time and be rewarded.”

I returned to my chair and tried to calm my racing heart. Fuck, Helen's panties were still in my hand. I stuffed them in my bag and sweated hard before releasing time back to normal.

Roy was absent today. He had to go out of state for a long weekend to see his father. A custody thing. Since it was Friday, Iris sat in the aisle seat, looking bored out of her skull as usual clad in her ripped black T and painted on jeans. I always wondered how that chain linking her nose and her ear didn't drive the petite girl bananas. The single blue ponytail, gathered with a black zip tie, seemed to have a life and will of its own, sometimes bouncing in rhythm of an unknown song.

Helen Jerked as if she had stepped on an electrical wire and ran Through the door to the hall crying and holding her ass with both hands. All the while crying out, 'Sorry!' The steel fire door was blown open, taking half the reinforced jam with it. Ashley chased after her friend, calling out to Helen to wait up.

Since everyone was distracted and I had thirty seconds left, I activated Time again and hurriedly put Helen's ruined panties in her open bag. Returning to my chair just in time, I sat quietly, though I did make a little scraping noise in my chair. But since everyone else did too, no one seemed to notice…


Except Iris. That devilishly cute smile of hers showed interest. In Me.

Class was interrupted, but Mr. Namath still passed out today's quiz, hoping, fruitlessly, to contain the uproar.

Neither of those two Super Powered snobs returned before class ended. Mr. Namath acted like teenaged girls running through steel doors was an everyday occurrence, not commenting on their behavior or excusing class until the final bell rang.

I was unable to escape with the rest of the class, and the reason wasn’t that I was still sweating. Right after the quiz was handed in, little Miss Iris had swapped seats to Roy's normal one. Her hand on the back of my shoulder kept me from even hoping to escape. No pressure from her hand, just her letting me know that getting up would not be in my best interest.

I knew her palm was drenched from my excessive sweat. I was worried.

Mr. Namath took both of the girls' bags with him when he exited the room. With a final smirking glance at us, the young teacher entered the busy hall, leaving me with a wild Super who was rummaging through my bag after releasing my shoulder. Each item was carefully placed on my desk. The fabric scissors last and closest to her.

“Let me see your right hand,” the petite, athletic Super asked sweetly.

Not seeing a viable way out of the mess that I had created with my excessive haste, I let her take my wrist. Iris bent over and after inspecting my hand visually, she gave a quick lick of my palm. I jumped.

“Musky. I recommend a Pinot Noir.” My full body jerk had nothing to do with guilt.

… my mind blanked, I literally had no thoughts when she said that.

“What's your phone number?”

I rattled the ten-digit number off.

“Such a quiet boy, who would have expected it of you. But then it’s always the quiet ones, isn't it?” The petite woman, yes, a fifteen-year old woman, mocked me.

“Iris, can I go home now?”

“Sure. See you tomorrow, Bryan.”

I'm SOOO Deeaaaddd. I complained internally, as I put my books, phone and those guilty scissors back in my bag. All the while Iris, with her Cheshire like grin, followed me. Watched me.

Once home, I completed my homework, showered, changed into sweats before tossing the lasagna into the oven, set the timer, then flopped on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. My traitorous thoughts raced like mad.

I didn't even hear mom arrive home from work three hours later. The timer on the microwave chased me out of my confused mental merry-go-round. I hurried to the kitchen to test the temperature of dinner, making sure it was done. After removing the thermometer, I buttered and seasoned two pieces of French bread, tossing them in the oven on a sheet of foil to bake while I set the table. Five minutes to prepare a spiced garden salad and dinner was ready.

“Mom, dinner.”

Seeing me quieter than normal, “Did anything happen at school today?” she asked.

“Some of the girls in Bio were acting odd. A fight during school, and that was it. The rest of the day was pretty normal. How did court go today?”

The rest of the meal passed normally; mom even helped me clean up after, which she rarely did. Not that I minded, mom worked hard and long hours. Frequently she returned home mentally exhausted, and all too late.

The greatest mom ever had even brought home two pieces of a caramel cheese cake from Delmar's, with which she had a glass of wine and I coffee. When I read the label of her freshly opened bottle, I almost gave the game away. Pinot Noir.

Thankfully, she had already headed out back in her sweats to sit on the porch to enjoy the late afternoon sun.

Sighing, “Fuck it. If I am going to die, I might as well enjoy it.” I brought mom's tablet to her, she normally only used it in bed or while lounging on the couch. Sitting in my usual chair on the other side of the umbrella table, I closed my eyes and pondered.

My life was about to change drastically, I thought. Let me enjoy the quiet times while I can. Ignoring the suspicious glances from my remaining parent, I unwound with her at my side until the sun started disappearing over the trees and she stood to go inside.

Patting me on the shoulder, “When you are ready to talk about it, I am here for you.”

“I know, mom, thanks.” She went up the stairs to her room for the night. I went down to mine to read the reports. I wanted to get those out of the way before Iris came by tomorrow. I had no doubt in my mind that she would visit.


Mom informed me of her 'golfing' plans while I vacuumed and dusted the house as my Saturday morning usual. I could stay up as late as I wanted on the weekends as long as I was out of bed by 8:30. One o'clock was my optimal bed time, and twelve during the week since I woke up at 7:00 for school. Before Time that was… As much as I enjoyed sleeping in, since I discovered Time, I now only needed four hours of sleep per night.

I received the 'Eyeball' after showering and putting on a good shirt along with my jeans. Thankfully, no inquisition followed her eyeballing.

Exactly at nine thirty, the bell rang.

Early by thirty minutes, I thought. I had expected Iris sometime around 10:00.

Mom watched me answer the door with an amused look. One that said she had guessed correctly.

“Hi Bryan,” greeted the cute, yet intimidating girl who was wearing a black T shirt emblazoned with a silkscreen of an outstretched fist that had the letters FFDP tattooed, one letter on each knuckle. The ubiquitous, painted on ripped jeans, and hiking boots, completed her ensemble. The linked nose chain was replaced this morning by a simple silver stud. The blue ponytail tapered to a lighter color after it passed through a black and silver clasp.

“Hi Iris, come in. Mom, this is Iris. Iris, Mrs. Davis.”

“Hello Iris, how is your mother?”

“Don't get me started. The Court is reviewing the Powers Law again and she is having kittens.”

Mom nodded sagely, she too had reservations about redoing the law regulating the use of Super Powers. I thought it would make the Conflict worse. That too was the consensus of my Uncles. More than a few thought that the proposed bill’s true intention was just for that reason. Escalation of the Conflict.

“How do you know my son?”

“I sit next to him in Biology.”


If mom was familiar with Iris …

“I'm glad that my son is growing up but please don't break him. He is still a little timid.”

“Mother, I am right here,” I complained.

“I know, dear, that is why I was gentle.”


“I'll be good, Mrs. D. You can trust me in that.”

I groaned, and mom chastised Iris. “None of that. You two are young. Plenty of time for wickedness when you are older.”

“That's my mom the ADA, proposing wickedness to her underaged son and guest.”

“Save some of your lasagna for me for tomorrow's dinner.”

Her request was followed by a sharp, odd look, one of those 'calculating mom looks'. Instead of speaking her mind, she held back what she was about to say, changing it to, “I am off golfing, I shouldn't be home until after 21:00. Have fun. Just don't forget the rules of the house.” With that admonishment, mom grabbed the keys to her Audi, and her purse, leaving two hours early for her usual Saturday 'golf' appointment.

“Your mom is unexpectedly cool,” Iris was startled at mom’s sudden and early departure.

“Yeah, she is,” I smiled.

“Show me around!” Iris demanded grabbing my hand playfully. I rolled my eyes and gave Iris a quick tour of our tri-level. Two bedrooms upstairs, one mom's, one for guests. The main floor had kitchen, dining, bath, living room. My lower level was comprised of a small family room, laundry/utility room, and my bedroom. The family room had long since been converted to my rec room and den. A 65-inch TV, computer desk, and a pair of book shelves were accompanied by a sofa and a single overstuffed old leather chair that used to be dad’s.

Iris memorized each room with a lingering gaze as she internally measured and evaluated our house. The exception was my bedroom, that earned a quick glance to judge the state of cleanliness.

“My compliments to your maid.” She gave me her usual mischievous smile.

“Thanks…” While she laughed at me, I curiously asked, “Who is the band on your shirt this time?” I hoped to guide her to a safer topic or at least just change the subject all together, “Yesterday was Benatar. I had to look her up.”

“Five Finger Death Punch. Unlock your computer,” my quicksilver guest ordered. After I evacuated my chair, the curious minx brought up Yousetube without obviously looking at any of my icons or bookmarks.

I had to admit that the band was great, for a hard rock band. Better than anything on the radio lately. After the first song, Iris turned down the volume letting the album keep playing in the background.

“What do you think?”

“I liked them,” repeating my earlier thoughts.

“Better and better.” Less mocking in her tone and more of appreciation from my pushy guest.

“What did you do to Princess yesterday?” The blunt question dispelled the casual atmosphere.

I shrugged, “She was rude to me yesterday. I paid her back.”

My new petite friend (?) laughed merrily. “I'll say that you came out on top of that exchange.”

“Why do you only come to school on Fridays?”

“No reason to come any other day. I get my tests, quizzes, and hand in my homework. I hadn't found anything interesting so far. Until yesterday when a lapdog transformed into a lion.”

“I'm not a lapdog. That's cruel,” I protested from dad’s overstuffed chair, with my legs hanging over the arm. Iris continued to sit at my computer, fiddling around. I didn't have anything to hide on it, since mom had full access. Besides the things that were hidden too well for anyone to find that was.

“Ohh, storiesonline… ooh, Let’s see; mind control, BDSM, girl-girl, and domsub. Interesting saved choices you have here.”

OKAY. Maybe I did have some secrets. As Iris scrolled through my saved library, her lips twitched. “This one looks really interesting. 'Girls school'; about a male teacher at an old-fashioned girls’ school that encourages 'corporal punishment with extras'. Gotta love the personal touch,” Iris mocked my site library choices.

“Are you having fun?”

“Oh Yeah! I'm learning tons about the mysterious Bryan Davis,” she looked elsewhere. “Why no pics though?”

“Mom said no pictures. No reason to go against her.”

Iris left my comp and plopped down on my chest, sidesaddle. That small tight ass felt solid on my abdomen while the gap between her jeans and shirt were enough for me to closely see the individual blonde hairs under her belly. “You aren't the goody two-shoes that you portray, are you?”

“I think I am just a normal guy.”

“Normal teen boys have pictures hidden on their computers somewhere, or at least on a secondary device. Normal teens don't do whatever you did to an Alpha strong enough to rip them apart with a casual flick of her wrist. Normal teens, with a gorgeous girl on them, would at least touch. Normal teens, who were terrified and panicking from getting caught one day, would not be totally at ease the next. Normal teens don't make Lamb lasagna that smells divine. I want that recipe.”


That was a preview of Learning Time. To read the rest purchase the book.

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