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War in Two Universes

Hunter X Johnson

War in Two Universes

War in Two Universes

Book 6 in the Warlord and the Multiverse

Hunter X Johnson

The Safion Group


1. The Dragon Problem

2. The Gromelix Palace

3. Can the Puzzle be Unraveled?

4. The Anomaly

5. The Joys of Mespa 49

6. This Ain’t No Picnic!

7. The Planet Lopis — Capital City Fleur

8. Who is in my pocket?

9. Lisirra

10. The Grork

11. Strategy

12. Drak

13. Porquenta and the Allies

14. Off to War

15. The Ordreg and the Planet Erdmord

16. Lisirra’s parents: Zepta 2.2 and the Zaos

17. Jason’s castle Gromelikine-Final Preparations

18. The Grork Core Planets

19. Wuland

20. Aegremonth Citadel on Gromelikine


The Dragon Problem

The Core World of the Cassius Empire:

We are delighted to welcome all of you back after your triumphant campaign,” said Emperor Cassius, Jason’s favorite uncle. “Jason, did you meet your children?”

“You have got to be joking!” said Jason, “I am completely frazzled and feel as if I am being torn by so many contrasting demands I don’t know what to do next!”

“How is Philippa?” Empress Alana, his aunt asked.

“I haven’t spoken to her for a few weeks.”

“I thought Philippa was going to chop off my head when she saw me. She was so emotional during the pregnancy and I had solemnly promised that I would be back for the birth of the baby. I am more than a month late in seeing my own children. I don’t know how I can see all of them,” said Jason.

“Jason, I am going to introduce an important concept I think you should know about. You will need to listen to me very carefully, because I believe that what I tell you may assist you. I have an idea that will help you solve your problems and will provide a way for you to move forward.

“Are you following me, Jason?” Empress Alana asked.

“Aunt Alana I follow what you are saying, you have a concept you want to teach me?” Jason replied looking at her quizzically. “The way you are talking about it leads me to think it is a very difficult concept or I will have great difficulty understanding what you tell me. In matters of the heart I am somewhat early in my development.”

“I admit I am talking slowly for all those reasons. How does Cassius speak to his subjects?” Alana asked rhetorically grinning broadly. “I am not sure you are familiar with the concept of the use of broadcast technology, so I did not introduce the idea too quickly in case you became even more frustrated.”

“Alana, that is very good advice and it is very clever. I am reluctant to admit you have a good idea. I feel I have to say, sometimes even for an Empress you are too big for your boots!” Jason remarked, kissed his aunt on the cheek, then hugged her tightly. “I need to think and I need to discuss what I do with Porquenta. He has a bigger brain than me and I am sure he can suggest a good way to go about this task.”

Cassius turned to speak to Jason with a frown on his face, “Jason, I’m going to need to talk about a serious matter. Your favorite Tyrannosaurus Rex Queen, Lynas Parayekt of the Parzool is frantic to speak to you.

“Even though I am dying to hear about the urgent matter Porquenta spoke with you about earlier, you must call her.

“Too late! My secretary is waving and tells me Lynas wants to speak to you right now. She knows you are back,” said Cassius. “I have no idea what this is about, she refused to tell me, but she sounded frantic.”

The hologram formed, flickered a few times and then firmed into the image of Queen Lynas Parayekt. Jason noticed she looked agitated and was nervously fiddling with her fingers. He was surprised to see her in her human form. She began to speak without any preamble or any greetings, which was very unusual for her as she preferred lengthy formalities.

“Jason, I need your help with a pressing matter. I have a problem and it is a very serious one. I have a large group of dinosaurs who are threatening civil war. I cannot recall if I told you previously, we are divided into two totally distinct types of sentient dinosaurs. We are the Dymonix and...”

Jason interrupted her. “Let me guess they are the Gromelix.”

“How in heavens name did you know that?” Lynas asked.

“Lynas you continue to underestimate the powers of my mind, I know many things about this universe that are inscrutable to others. That is the characteristic of those who feature in prophesies,” Jason grinned as Alana moved back from the table out of Lynas’ vision and looked up at the ceiling and then put out her tongue at Jason.

“Carry on, explain the problem, I apologize for the interruption, but I will explain why I said what I said when you finish!” said Jason enigmatically.

“Jason, you continue to surprise me. I will continue with the sorry tale. We first encountered the Gromelix when our Empire was expanding. We were delighted to find more sentient dinosaurs, predators like we were, but they were smaller than us. We were friendly and unthreatening to them. They were not pleased to meet us, they were not keen to have anything to do with us. However, for reasons we do not know, even to this day, they decided to become part of the Kingdom but they tend to be paranoid, grumpy and generally irritable and often behave emotionally and irrationally.

“They do their share of everything without complaint, but they have limited involvement with us. They pay taxes without complaint and receive all the benefits our planets receive including defense. They are represented in our Parliament, participate in the Armed Forces and meet the expectations of their obligatory involvements elsewhere. They even contribute scientific findings. They supplied their quota of soldiers for the war, but otherwise had no interest in the intergalactic conflict until recently. None of their soldiers will serve for longer than a hundred years. They leave service when many of them are becoming good leaders. Not one of them has a rank higher than a captain. They simply lack commitment to anything that is part of the Kingdom and do not even broadcast our news.

“Two weeks ago, they saw a communication from you about you studying with the Azayal and then you noted the impending war with the Ghouls. I don’t know why they reacted to that particular communication. We had previous communications with you about the impending conflict and a potential role for us, but I suspect they simply did not notice and did not attend until they saw your brief communication. I don’t think they are even aware of who you are. They obviously missed all the discussions in parliament and they evidently don’t watch our news.

“Suddenly, they wanted all the background on who you were and how you came to be associated with us. They were outraged we hadn’t told them about you and had told them nothing of the war between the universes. We showed them the broadcasts of your fight with the cockroach general, the subsequent alliance with our partners, previous communications in parliament, and finally the intergalactic conflict. I noticed they watched the fight with the cockroach in parliament over and over for a week. They subsequently became more agitated and angry. They complained that no one informed them directly of these important events. They said electronic documents do not constitute information in a valid form. Events of importance needed to be told to them face-to-face.

“I had the most frustrating conversation I have ever had, with their ambassador, who threw a tantrum in front of me. He has refused all previous invitations to the palace including the one when you met many of our important people after you fought the cockroach general. The ambassador insisted they had been insulted as they had not been invited on their own to discuss the important impact you had made and the fact you had met the Azayal and were waging war on the Ghouls. They want to know why they were not invited to participate in that conflict. We reassured him there were Gromelix troops fighting Ghouls it was not enough. That was when he had his tantrum and stomped around my office shouting, then he left in a rage. My advisors and I struggled to understand what his problem was.

“They know everything about us, but we know nothing about them. We are only allowed in one restricted area on one of their sixteen planets. They do not allow tourism. They have free passage anywhere in our kingdom. They have their own king; who has had nothing to do with us. If I have spoken fifty sentences to him in a hundred thousand years it would be a lot. He has called me every day for the last two weeks and is upset. He has told me his people are not happy with us. We can no longer land on their planet.

“Yesterday he warned me of an impending declaration of war. He will declare war in the next week if we do not do the right thing. None of us here have any idea about what the right thing may be. I would like you to go and visit them. There is nothing more we can think of doing, I am feeling desperate and I need help. You are somehow involved and I hope you can end this trouble,” Lynas said. “I have tried everything I can think of and my advisors can think of to resolve the problem. We still don’t understand what the problem is we are trying to resolve and why the problem we can’t understand is leading to a declaration of war.

“Let me confirm a few things about the Gromelix if I may?” Jason asked.

“Please ask and I will do my best to answer,” Lynas said.

“They can create lightning?” Jason asked.

“Yes, no-one knows this other than our military,” Lynas said.

“They have an EMP like attack that drains power?”

“Yes, that is true, they are of enormous value in boarding ships. They drain all AIs, defensive sensors and armament,” Lynas said.

“They can fly and they have an electrical and fire attack?”

“I have never heard about them flying. They do produce fire and electricity. The fire is five thousand degrees Centigrade and their lightning attack can kill up to fifty Tyrannosaurus Rexes. It jumps from one to the other. They are very dangerous. They are also more advanced than us. They do send us scientific papers, but we suspect they are way ahead of us,” Lynas said.

“Their eggs can feed off the power within an AI and they can hatch and feed within?” Jason asked.

“This is not something that we know. It is a very strange developmental path if that is true Jason. Please also tell me how you know about this and all the secret information only known to us,” asked Queen Lynas Parayekt. You know about them flying and we do not and the egg feeding off electrical power. This is bizarre. Please explain Jason!” Lynas beseeched Jason.

“The first Ghoul I met when I joined the Azayal was the Vizier to the king. The Ghouls feed off the energy of people. He was attempting to feed off me. I pulled back, depleted him further, but at the same time I acquired encrypted information from his brain. It took some time for my AI to decrypt the information, even with the help of Porquenta.

“There are memories in each Ghoul of a Gromelix that behaves in the way I described. The Ghouls are terrified of the Gromelix who lay eggs in them. I will send you the updated version of the history so you can see and hear what I found and how I used the information in the war. It seems, your Gromelix are linked to the Ghouls’ historically. How I am involved and what role the Azayal play, I will have to find out.

“I will send you the history of all that has occurred since I last met with you. I suggest you send it to the King of the Gromelix and ask his permission for me and my people to visit. I want to take my groups. Say to him we will discuss whatever he wishes. Let us disarm him a little. Tell him that we have been fighting the war and I need to relax and see my children who were born while I was away. There is a risk it could inflame him, but I doubt it. Say, I will be with him in a week. Tell him my life will not be worth living if I do not spend time with my wives and children after missing so many births,” Jason finished.

“I am feeling much relieved. The Gromelix and the Ghouls, what a strange tale. I will watch it and send it to the king as soon as I can copy it to him. Thank you very much for your help. I will call you if he does not postpone the war.

“Congratulations, Jason on the birth of your children. How many have you had so far?” A relieved Lynas asked laughing.

“Fourteen and a half million so far and I am expecting a million a week for some time. All of the babies are miraculous but one is a true miracle. Sheila, Porquenta’s representative and AI is also pregnant. Porquenta is so excited he is beside himself. I had no idea whatsoever she could get pregnant, but I am very excited and intrigued to discover how the baby will turn out. A baby with an AI has to be one of the most extraordinary events I’ve ever heard of,” said Jason, “and Alana recommends a broadcast program for me to establish a relationship with all of my children.”

Lynas laughed loudly. “Jason, I will tell that to the king of the Gromelix. Nothing I have said to him that makes sense to me, makes sense to him. Your story makes no sense to me and I suspect makes as little sense to you, therefore I expect he will find it is exactly what he wants to hear. Even listening to that last sentence makes no sense.” Lynas laughed again loudly. “I feel very much more cheerful and reassured. The bizarre and unusual has always fascinated me.”

“May I ask, Lynas, why you are in humanoid form?” Jason asked.

“One of the reasons we wanted to be able to try different forms, is the problem we face with our large size. In our large size, we are exclusively carnivores and we consume massive amounts of food. Feeding our population is exceedingly difficult. As insects or as humans we consume less food and we can eat and metabolize vegetable matter. It is more efficient for us and economical to live this way. There are enormous advantages to having smaller hands. They are much more dexterous, as are the claws the insects use. Our environment is more suitable for the humanoid form. There are some of our planets that we do not use that would be potentially much more suitable for insects. We are exploring living on these planets as insects.

“In the humanoid form, we enjoy cooking. Cooking has given us a lot in common with the diverse species in our alliance. In war, our large form is helpful, but we cannot board most ships. We use the Gromelix, but a humanoid form would help. I like having different forms. I enjoy flying as an insect and find it wonderful exercise. The sense of smell as an insect is quite extraordinary. Their resistance to radiation has been of great help to our scientists. It is much like your concept of clothing. You have dedicated clothing for different purposes. It is useful to have a dedicated body for different purposes.

“I have received your communication. I will send it on to the king with your message and I will keep you informed.” Queen Parayekt said, then waved. A few seconds later the hologram faded out.

“That was an extraordinary tale, Jason!” said Alana.

“Just wait until you watch the updated story. Watching is far better than having the story told,” said Razza. “I can hardly believe what I have gone through since I met Jason. I’m even more surprised we have survived it all. Alana our Azayal experience has made us much stronger, it was a great idea.”

“What are your future plans?” Cassius asked.

“I need to talk to the allies about the progress of the war and then make a plan to conquer the Ghouls. I have to be there. I just cannot see how I can get everything done,” said Jason. “I also made some commitments to help derive mathematics theory for the Azayal. It is not a big job but no one else seems to be able to do it. I finish one task and they send me another.”

Alana looked at Jason and raised her eyebrows and cocked her head to one side.

“Again, your aunt will come to the rescue. Go and spend a week on Porquenta with your women and babies. Take some time every day to derive the mathematical theories. At the end of the week go and see the Gromelix and sort them out in a week, that is the absolute limit of time I can give you.

“Philippa and I will liaise with Porquenta to convene a meeting of the allies in two weeks, on Porquenta. I think we need to meet Mergal face to face. In the meantime, I reckon your capable staff, along with ours and the Collective can coordinate to form a transitional plan. I will prepare an agenda with Mergal. The work will be done. The meeting is necessary to cement the trust between the leaders and firm the alliance.

“I suspect, no I know, there is some critically important key event that will occur while you meet the Gromelix. Your mere presence will bring important matters to light,” said Alana, “and I have no doubt trouble is ahead when you see the Gromelix. They are prickly and paranoid and that is a recipe for misunderstanding.”

“You can travel to the dinosaurs quickly. You take the gate from here to the Collective and another portal to the Dinosaurs. It is easy,” said Alana. “At most it will take a few hours. You don’t need to go far to see the Gromelix. I think it’s about fifty minutes.”

“I am surprised Chuck hasn’t been to visit Lynas already. My grandson is such a scamp, it wouldn’t surprise me to find he and Porquenta set up a strategy tournament there and he has been along already,” replied Jason.

Alana smiled broadly. “What can I say? He was the third one through the gate. Chuck and the Queen get on famously. He has his own room at the palace and he has several friends he has made amongst the younger tyrannosaurus rexes. He and Chloe have both been to visit and play. She is a very impressive young lady. I adore those two. Your gate fees must be horrific with the amount of intergalactic travel they do,” said Alana.

“I warned them about the cost of gate travel when I spoke with them some time ago. Philippa said they negotiated a deal with my mother in law, which cannot be revealed. They travel free from what I can see. Nothing is charged to me or Lauren. My mother in law refuses to discuss the matter. The staff on the gates know them well. They make a point of visiting the gate people. No one else apparently ever does. Chloe bakes for them.

“Chloe is the master financial strategist and I know I would lose my pants in any negotiation with her. She can argue the hind leg off a camel and leave the camel feeling happy about it.” said Jason.

Cassius looked at Alana kissed her and held her hand.

“Jason my boy, I am Emperor in name only. Welcome to Alana’s Queendom. I do the easy entertaining and she organizes all the hard stuff.”

Alana looked at Cassius lovingly. Jason left them looking into each other’s eyes.

1. Jason’s Battleship

“These gates are convenient. We traveled in seventy minutes across four galaxies. In an hour, we will arrive at Gromelikine,” said Andrea.

“I listened to the conversations the Gromelix King had with Queen Lynas Parayekt. His behavior was abominable. He reminds me of a spoiled child,” said Linda.

Jason nodded slowly. He crossed his fingers, placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his fingers. He sighed.

“I think she is ready to throw them out of the Kingdom. They don’t need to start a civil war to be freed from their union with the Tyrannosaurus Rexes,” said Jason.

“Jason, no doubt there is a big issue behind the scenes.There is no use speculating what it might be. We need to get there and start talking,” said Razza.

Jason nodded and sat back deep in thought.

When he returned his attention back to the others, Perdita caught his eye.

“Jason, I enjoyed talking with your daughter Lauren when we were on Porquenta. She is a capable and intelligent young woman and I did like her husband, Dan, very much. He is a charming and understated man,” said Perdita. “I was interested to hear what was happening on Earth.

“She told me she spoke with you about the progress the leaders have made in their discussions on Earth. I understand the nations will unify and join your house, it is only a matter of time. The leaders have had discussions with both Cassius and with Brecht Chatzke your illustrious convincing diplomatic insect mother in law. Cassius told them if they joined your house, they would become part of the Empire. Your mother-in-law told them to ignore your protestations about leading Earth; she said you are a great leader and other people will run Earth. She told them that you will keep them safe. She said you are perfectly capable and when push comes to shove you own Porquenta, Mars and Venus.”

“Earth has such a long way to go. It needs people with experience to help the planet catch up with the Collective,” said Jason. “I never thought they could ever agree on anything. I was surprised to hear how far they have gone to be prepared to unify Earth.”

Perdita nodded before continuing.

“Brecht explained all the allies would help Earth to develop. She told them the planets selected you to own them not vice versa. She informed them her daughter, the Empress Philippa, runs the show administratively on your behalf. Philippa runs thirty planets and one more will not be much more of a challenge. Brecht said Lauren has agreed to be the face of the house on Earth and she says Lauren has the ability to run Earth with her eyes closed. Most of the administration is done by an administration AI that could run twenty planets much more complex than Earth. She says few politicians are needed. The AI has rules for planets at different levels of evolution which it applies depending on the stage they have evolved to. These rules are based on past experience and extensive evidence and they work well. The law of the Empire is simple and politicians are not needed to make new laws except in rare situations. The AIs polish the laws using existing knowledge and evidence from past experience, then convert the laws into the rules they apply. There is a coherent set of laws for every developmental phase of a planet with associated sets of rules. We do it the same way in the Jumo Empire. The Collective under Ouma Chatzke have much the same system which they say was influenced by the ancients.

“Both Cassius and Brecht independently told them telepaths would quickly find and incarcerate the terrorists on the planet. They told the leaders they would assist the people of Earth in the same way they developed many planets before them. I also told Lauren to tell them how much you have done for the Jumo Empire,” said Perdita looking at him and smiling. “I suspect the sales job is done and you will be even more fabulously wealthy. Assets seem to seek you out. You are not only a black hole for trouble. You are a black hole for money! You are going to be an Emperor of a huge domain. I suspect you will be as reluctant an Emperor as you are a reluctant Warlord,” Perdita added laughing.

“I am not as reluctant as I first was to take on Earth. With Lauren in charge and Philippa helping her it will be a breeze. If Brecht and the allies help Earth develop, I will be happy to do my bit!” Jason stated smiling wanly.

“I love the sound of the administrative AI. Porquenta is very excited at the prospect of being able to participate in the development of Earth, but I suspect his real aim is he wants more manpower for Porquenta, Mars and Venus. He tells me he is busy building an AI for Earth that will deal with its entire AI and computing needs for the next hundred years,” said Jason before continuing thoughtfully.

“Earth already has integrated teams of experts from the Collective and the Empire helping with the necessary political development. With this level of assistance, I am looking forward to the prospect of helping Earth move forward reasonably quickly. Even though I joke about not wanting to run things, I am happy to do what I can. I am not a good day to day administrator, but I think I can make reasonable decisions at a high level. I watch Cassius and Brecht in action and they involve themselves only in working on major decisions. The rest of the time is selling the ideas and keeping people happy. They rarely tell people what to do.

“When I think about it they both listen a lot, give superb advice but rarely and they take long term views. Alana is a great administrator, she has superb social intelligence and is a master in the area of intelligence. Brecht is very versatile and a great leader and the best mother in law anyone could have,” said Jason. “I admire her enormously.”

“Ouma Chatzke and Cassius both say they have special programs for disadvantaged peoples. Cassius says compulsory military service makes an enormous difference to help the younger people integrate. He and Ouma Chatzke offered to help us if we don’t have the ability to cope with the volume of people involved,” said Jason.

“Linda you look like you are bursting to tell us something amusing.”

Linda laughed.

“I was speaking with Chuck and Chloe, and they are even funnier in person than when you tell stories of their adventures, Jason. Your grandchildren are exceptional young people. They are traveling the galaxies in their own shuttles with their war games teams at least once a month and are participating in strategy tournaments. In the tournaments, they fight for first place, but recently they decided they would not participate in the same tournaments unless they were really big ones. They and their teams each have outstanding reputations for innovation and unique solutions, much as you do. They have even traveled between universes. Mergal sent a ship to fetch them to visit her and to participate in a competitive set of simulations looking at the possibilities of how the Ghoul worlds could be taken. Admirals and generals participated from all the allies. Mergal hid them and their teams in a different room, with a proctor to ensure scrupulous fairness, and they competed against a thousand teams. The tournament was arranged during school holidays and they spent a week playing. They placed equal first. You can imagine the uproar that followed when the winners were announced. They are now well known in the Azayal Kingdom,” said Razza. “They and their teams present well on the media and made a big impact. Lauren says they are behaving much more maturely.

“That was why they were so secretive and only spent a day with us on Porquenta. They didn’t want to embarrass you if they did poorly, so if you didn’t know they were going and if they performed poorly you would not think less well of them. I told them not to worry about it.

“They both said they would rather surprise you after it was done. Mergal called me just before we left and told me about the initial uproar followed by their mature and gracious behavior,” said Perdita.

“They were chatting to Col. Constance Ross from Intelligence. She told them about her intelligence simulations and her father gave her intelligence simulations when she was younger. Both Chloe and Chuck wanted to try one of her simulations. She gave them a pack of her favorite simulations. Both of them disappeared soon afterwards and when they returned, they were both elated. They begged for some more. She gave them her whole suite of simulations for them to attempt when they returned home,” said Julia.

“Those are good skills to have. I found the intelligence simulations some of the most challenging of all the simulations I have done; you are constantly evaluating possible and probable implications from the data found,” said Jason.

“I am really missing Pardela. I became quite attached to her,” Razza said.

“I miss her too,” echoed Julia and Perdita.

“She said she couldn’t come with us even though she desperately wanted to come, because so much time passed while we were away, she had a lot to catch up with what was going on,” said Razza. “She is intimately involved in the restructuring of the University. She said that everything is now up in the air with a whole host of educators now spending time with the Azayal. I find it strange the Orcs and the Warriors of the Apocalypse keep themselves very much to themselves. I don’t know whether they want to be invited to participate more directly or not.

“They have willingly sent scientists to Porquenta. Maybe at the leaders meeting it could be something worth discussing. Integrating all the knowledge and education would be a monumental task, but I do think there may be holes and vulnerabilities each of the allies have and do not realize,” said Razza.

“I understand the Coven educators are delighted to have the opportunity to participate and learn from the experiences of others. They are finding the incubator environment of Porquenta stimulating.

“My father and grandfather are keen to lift the standard of Coven education as fast as they possibly can. The morale of the people is at an all-time high, despite the war continuing. They enjoy being part of a positive alliance and they are already seeing improvements in the standard of living in the Coven. The planetary AIs are participating in all of this activity and are also enjoying the new challenges. Nuswa, Porquenta, Mars and even Venus are beginning to participate and they all have a lot to offer. Unfortunately, Venus is going to need as much work as Nuswa. The refurbishment of planetary AIs is a complex and a big job according to both Claudette and Sheila. Nuswa is excited to hear of the pregnancy of Sheila. She says she is the grandmother and it is her first grandchild. Claudette is envious of Sheila, but she is having to do a lot of work to help Mars finish her upgrades and is also spending time with Sheila working on Venus and Nuswa.

“Jason she’s going to insist that you impregnate her as well. Mars is quite jealous of Porquenta,” said Razza smiling.

“I could not believe how excited Porquenta was. He has a grandchild to focus on and even though it is a fetus he is like a mother hen watching its development. His planet is growing and thriving and he says he is fulfilling his purpose every day. He is nothing like how I imagined an AI to be,” said Razza.

“He told me he regards me as a daughter as well. I was quite touched,” said Julia. “I spent quite a lot of time talking with him while we were on the planet. He has so many active projects, it is impossible for me to keep up even with my own AI. He tells me he’s still using only five percent of his current capacity and he told me he is keen to get more people from the Azayal and from Earth,” said Julia.

“His current interest is in building up your intelligence services. He has spoken about his plans with Chuck and Chloe and I think fired up both of their imaginations. They were excited to hear Connie was in intelligence and asked her how she learned about intelligence activities. She explained she did dedicated intelligence simulations. That added more fire to the appetites of both of them,” added Julia. “They begged to try some of Connie’s simulations.”

Jason smiled and nodded.

“They never cease to amuse and amaze me,” he remarked.

“Porquenta has been speaking with the experts from the allies and they are assisting him with the structuring and organization of his intelligence efforts. He is concentrating on decontaminating your companies,” Julia explained. “He believes you still have companies with criminal employees from the time of the priests.”

“I spoke with Chuck and Chloe after they had done three intelligence simulations. I then suggested they talk to Jacques from the Warriors and Marduk from the Orcs to see what they have. I want to draw in the Orcs and Warriors a bit more,” said Julia on a roll.

“He has never given me any intelligence sims,” said Jason. “I wonder why?”

“I will explain why. Chuck and Chloe went to speak with Porquenta to ask what he had. He said he was not aware he had any simulations of intelligence activities and said he was searching for some. He contacted Connie and thanked her for stimulating Chuck and Chloe and said the query from your grandchildren unlocked an intelligence section previously hidden within his memory. He found all the information he needed to set up his own services. He was excited and when I last saw Chuck and Chloe, they were deep in conversation with Sheila and Claudette talking about intelligence simulations.

“What do your family think about our relationship Julia, you did spend some time with them?” Jason asked.

“They loved Porquenta and enjoyed their stay. They tell me they only heard good things about you. I think they were a bit intimidated when they were exposed to the level of service we enjoy, the magnificent food and the wonders of Porquenta technology.

“Our meeting was too brief. They hardly spoke with you, Jason and that is unlike them. My mother said you have an aura that is overwhelming. She said she has never seen my father tongue-tied. They would like to meet you next time we are in the Empire on their own turf and over a meal or two. They would like us to formalize our relationship at some time,” said Julia. “My mother thinks you are a great catch, but she is scared when she hears what we have done and worries about my safety. She offered some of our warships and troops to help protect us.

“My father says you are an extraordinary man. He was most impressed to see how unpretentious you are. He says you feel more of an Emperor than Cassius. When I asked what he meant he said he could not explain it. He said even when you are joking you have a presence that makes him breathless, replied Julia.

“My father and Felix said the same. Cassius says your presence is growing quickly. He said Ouma Chatzke met the Emperor of your people a long time ago and said he had a huge presence. She said she could feel him as he approached her planet. She says you have a way to go!” Perdita volunteered smiling.

“How did you go with all of the mothers and babies?” She asked.

“I was overwhelmed with babies and with excited mothers in the Palace. They had a lottery for women who are living elsewhere to bring their babies to see me. I saw babies for half or more of every day. I was able to spend plenty of time with Philippa, Andrea, Linda, Celia, Felicia and their babies. Philippa is back to her former self and is calm and collected again,” explained Jason.

“What is happening about your wish to find a way to communicate with the mothers and children more regularly?” Andrea asked.

Jason nodded slowly.

“I had a very interesting discussion with Porquenta about establishing a relationship with the children. I said that I have always felt responsible for every child I fathered, but I am overwhelmed with the numbers of mothers and children. I said I could hardly conceive of twenty-nine million babies. He said that the number has gone up to thirty-four million as whenever I am on the ship, in the Empire or the Collective, my sperm is recovered and stored and given to my other women.

“I said even with one million babies, I couldn’t establish a relationship. He asked how he could help. I told him of Alana’s advice to use technology and to try a broadcast. He said that he thought it was a good idea, but he would like to make another suggestion. He said he will dedicate part of himself to communicate with each mother and baby every day, but he would communicate with them as if it was me. Each mother would record the development of the child with him and he would ensure each child was superbly educated. He would read to them and tell them stories as they grew older. He said later when he was more utilized, he would dedicate an AI to the task. He had the audacity to tell me my personality and mannerisms were well known to him and he could easily do my parenting job,” said Jason laughing. “I said he was rather full of himself considering his only experience in the area was one grandchild in utero. He had no reply to that, but he did laugh.”

“At first, I thought it was a ridiculous idea, but the more I thought about it, the more the idea grew on me. I did not want the mothers to be duped into believing that it is me when it is not me.

“He told me he had already spoken with all of them and asked them what they thought of this as an idea. He said that most of them said that they had already had a child with me by proxy, and they believe that it is an excellent idea. Even Philippa apparently believes that providing continuity to the child is a great idea and having comparative developmental information is of great value. He said most of the mothers shared a similar view.

“The ones with whom I have regular contact simply wanted to know when it was the real Jason or Porquenta. All the children in all the nurseries will hear their father’s voice every day and will hear children’s stories as told by their father when they reach the appropriate ages or developmental level. When they are old enough, they will be able to speak directly to their father. Porquenta will modify how I am as I get older. If any child later spends time with me, he will provide me with all the information of the background of my relationship with that child,” said Jason. “It is in a way a bit freaky, perhaps it’s more than a bit freaky, but Porquenta insists they are as much his and Mars’ people as my people. Mars is quite keen to take over with the women who were born on Mars when she has been fully refurbished.”

“I have a funny feeling; this idea is going to get bigger. I spoke with Alana and I told her what Porquenta suggested. She thought it was a fantastic idea and wondered if this could be an idea that she could implement for parents who were remote from their children and could not communicate on a day-to-day basis. She said she was going to speak to Porquenta about it. She told me children respond well to advice from an AI and they use them extensively in the Empire for career advice. AIs do well with teenagers. She thinks it’s an idea that could help many families,” said Jason grinning. “I think a new business is born and it’s a ripper!”

People, we are getting quite close to Gromelikine, the Gromelix home-world,” said Andrea, “but ground control will not let us land.”

“This childish King is beginning to frustrate me enormously and I’m getting totally pissed off with him. He likes playing foolish power games. Do any of you have any thoughts about what to do?” Jason asked.

“Chuck made a very interesting remark when I spoke with him and I have been thinking about it a lot. He said that it was clear in the minds of the Ghouls that the Gromelix are not small like the ones we have heard about, they are very large and they have small young,” said Perdita, “the question is where are the big ones? Why are they hiding? I think he is right, we are speaking with the Gromelix but we are talking to them through the children.”

“That is a very interesting idea. Chuck is a very bright and insightful young man. Why would they use immature children to deal with us and the other dinosaurs? What kind of game would they be playing? It does make some kind of perverse sense of what Lynas is talking about. Children are not interested in politics, they behave immaturely and certainly the king behaves far more like a child than an adult. It also explains why the adults are not aware of information. Children would not have the judgement to know what is important.

“What do their parents have to hide?” Jason asked.

“Andrea I am patching myself through to the idiot King. I have his direct line,” said Jason.

“Hello,” said King Nasgor Epilex.

“This is Jason Kargo and I want to know what you are up to?” Jason asked. “You are refusing to let us land despite agreeing to our visit. Not only that, I see that we have had a threat you will shoot us down if we do not depart.”

“Now Nasgor, I am tired of speaking with you and I am tired of this nonsense. Put on your mother, I can sense that she is close behind you. I will not play your childish games and pranks. I also know that you did not give your mother what was given to you for her. Now put her on before I come down and smack your bottom!” demanded Jason angrily.

He could see Nasgor was speaking from a cavern high on a mountainside. He could see the breathtakingly large entrance puffy clouds scudding past and several mountains in the distance. He could also see Nasgor was looking acutely uncomfortable, was hopping from foot to foot and was listening to a voice behind him.

“No Nasgor, I do not want to hear a story. Put your mother on to speak with me… You don’t fool me for a second and you are in serious trouble with me already… You didn’t tell your mother she was supposed to watch something that was sent to you… Nasgor you will not lie to me!” said Jason fiercely.

Nasgor looked very awkward hopped from foot to foot and was anxiously scratching his side.

“Nasgor, I can see you are trying to think of what to say. You’re getting yourself into more trouble. I know you are but a child and your parents are probably both there. I will not play this game. I know the Gromelix have a problem, but I insist I talk to a responsible adult about solving it. Put on your mother!” said Jason in his most parental voice.

Jason saw a huge head come into the image.

“How dare you order my son around!” The large head said.

“And it is nice to meet you Queen Dragon,” said Jason flippantly. “I suspected you were all dragons not dinosaurs, but Queen Lynas does not know this. How should I address you?”

The large head sighed audibly and appeared to cogitate for several seconds.

“I am Queen Elizaveta Epilex, how do you know about us?”

“Let me transmit the file I wanted you to watch which your dear son did not tell you about. My AI will send two files, the first smaller one is the one most relevant to you for our discussion to come. The second is more detailed and will provide the context of the story. Watch the first and decide if you want to see me. Watch the second at your leisure. The first will take you half an hour. Call me back when you have watched it,” said Jason flatly.

Jason’s AI sent the files when the receiving address was given to him. He cut the connection.

“Watch the attitude change when she calls back,” said Jason. “Let’s have a snack while we are waiting, I think it will be a long day.”

They ate and chatted for nearly an hour before the Queen got back to them.

The huge head reappeared along with several other huge heads.

“Jason, I will introduce you to our senior Dragon Council.” The Queen said and proceeded to introduce the others who remained silent thereafter. Jason introduced those who were sitting with him who likewise chose to remain silent.

“First, I would like to apologize to you for our rudeness to you and the Queen of the kingdom, Lynas Parayekt. I watched the first five minutes of your riveting presentation of your encounter with the Azayal and the Ghoul vizier, before I called my colleagues. We watched the remainder of the presentation together and had a brief discussion.

“I will renew our invitation for all of you to visit us. Please take a shuttle and you will see a flight path appear in front of you as you approach the ground. You will be guided to this cave which houses our palace and home,” said Queen Elizaveta Epilex, “and in the meantime, we will begin watching the other holo-presentation.”

The faces faded and as all transmission cut out Razza turned to Jason.

“That went a hell of a lot better! I wouldn’t be surprised if they started off the whole thing as a prank and have been stuck with the consequences since then and now they can’t think of a way to rectify the situation. They look like a very proud people to me,” added Razza as they walked towards the hangar to catch a shuttle.

The shuttle pilot followed a broad green pointer which formed in front of the shuttle when they hit the atmosphere. Fifteen minutes later they reached a dinosaur sized multi-shuttle shelf with fifty gigantic Dragon shuttles parked on it. The shelf had no visible supports and they could see no sign of its attachment to the cave. They found an empty space on the platform and debarked.

“I hope this shelf is not going to float off,” said Razza.

There was a wide gap between the shelf and the cave entrance.

“Walk over the gap. It is a firm but invisible ramp,” came the Queen’s booming voice from within the cave.

Jason led the way over the ramp that felt like any other firm surface. Half way across he looked down and saw the ground six thousand feet below and saw hundreds of dragons flying lazily in the currents. The mountain formed a sheer cliff in front of the shelf and looked like a canine tooth as it rose to a peak thousands of feet above. The air was balmy and comfortable despite the elevation of the cave. The entrance was bleak, but imposing, showing nothing beyond. The floor was of smooth solid rock. As they walked forward a monstrous cavern opened fifty yards from the entrance. An austere castle stood bravely carved into the rock and was the same color as the dark brown rock. It had a Zen like simplicity and it was built for function not for style.The castle looked as though it had been roughly hewn from the heart of the mountain.

The Queen, Elizaveta Epilex stood beyond. In real life, she looked even bigger than Jason expected. She was twice the size of the Queen Lynas Parayekt of the Tyrannosaurus Rexes.

“Welcome to my Castle,” she boomed deafeningly while beckoning them forward. Jason could see heavily armed guards, with assault rifles the size of frigate cannon, watching warily in the distance.

“We will sit in the garden as I do not know what furniture will be suitable for you. I regret we have not done the appropriate research to seat and entertain you comfortably.”

Jason shed his clothes and put them in his backpack before turning into his dinosaur form. The others did the same.

“I did not know you could do that!” The Queen boomed looking startled.

“When you have time to watch the presentation in full, you will understand a lot more,” Jason boomed in reply.

The Palace stretched endlessly into the mountainside. They walked for fifteen minutes before they reached a sparsely decorated but impressive meeting room with a smoothly carved stone table and the same familiar benches the Tyrannosaurs used. The wall was smooth and filled with intricate but large colorful battle scenes painted directly on the rock. A portrait of a dragon hung behind the large bench at the head of the table.

As soon as the Queen and the Council sat down, the tension in the room rose to be palpable.

“I regret we have not had the opportunity to watch the remainder of the presentation, as we had several issues that we had to discuss that arose from our last discussion,” said Elizaveta Epilex.

“Some of us are far from sure you can help us and add any value to solving our problem,” said Coccydioborgus Effulix Senior Counsel to the Queen irritably. “What do you know of our problems?”

“I know very little of your problems. I will summarize what I know. You have a serious issue with the kingdom and for some reason you have sent your children to do adults’ work. Whether that is a problem or not I have no idea. That you have chosen to hide yourselves from the others may or may not be the problem. Queen Lynas Parayekt hoped I could be a mediator. Until you define your real problems I am not going to indulge in guesswork,” said Jason equally irritably.

Coccydioborgus Effulix belched blue flame and acrid smoke from his mouth. Razza looked startled. Jason belched a green flame and a foul yellow smoke that wafted to the ceiling where it was stirred by a huge fan lazily circulating the air. A pungent smell filled the air. The Gromelix looked at each other and seemed agitated. Jason remained silent and looked at the Queen.

She quickly regained her composure and turned to face Jason.

“Our people are at least a million years older than the dinosaurs. Unlike them we have historical records to show we were genetically designed. We don’t know from what template, but we have many common genes with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. You cannot distinguish our children from the children of Tyrannosaurus Rexes. We have no history prior to us becoming sentient. Our records of the early years are incomplete. Our creators were beings like yourselves. We did not know the reasons for our creation, but we have dreams of a purpose that we cannot clarify.

“There are evil creatures a composite of two types of beings, one a parasite upon the other who attempted to befriend us and soured us on relationships with others. The fact our creators abandoned us still rankles to this day. We were distressed and discomforted to see your form.

“The Tyrannosaurus Rex have been honorable during the time we have known them and we have been part of the kingdom. They leave us be, collect trivial taxes and we fulfill our obligations to them. Our children serve as politicians, our youngsters fight for them until the age they begin to look like dragons.

“One of our children may have mentioned the Azayal and also possibly the Ghouls. We resented not being told about these important matters. We felt we had been betrayed. We felt it was more honorable to declare war, than it is to simply say we wish to separate ourselves from a people we considered honorable and then did not inform us of important events,” the Queen said.

“Hear Ye,” thundered the others.

Jason shook his head as if to clear it — “I would’ve expected more from you than this absolute nonsense,” said Jason. “First of all, you send your children to be ambassadors and then you receive little information from them that is of value. They are children and they have no useful perspective on the importance of events. They create an impression of your people that does you no justice and then you react adversely to a so called lack of information. That information was provided to your children. The child King did not pass on what I had wanted you to look at before you spoke with me. I am going to give you one more opportunity to get yourselves out of this mess and explain to me properly what the problems you face are. I will not sit here and accept the drivel you are feeding me. I will wait until tomorrow morning, 10 o’clock and if I don’t hear from you that will be the last you will see of me.”

Persephone Omulix, the Sage to the Queen stood to speak. “There are matters that are not for you to hear and these are the secrets of our people. We will speak amongst ourselves, but I have my reservations about proceeding further.”

“Let me speculate in an idle way from what I do know. Let us say the dreams of the Ghouls are mirrors of the dreams you have. Let us say you have dreams of laying eggs in the Ghouls and draining them or perhaps you have even infested Ghouls in the past and wish to do so again, but you do not admit it. Perhaps it is an important ritual for you and is a deep secret. Perhaps you think the Azayal are your creators. Perhaps you are agitated by all this. I don’t know, this is all idle speculation, but I know you have a serious issue and you are not sure you can solve it on your own and hate anyone else knowing your problem,” said Jason. “The problem embarrasses you.”

“Young man, you are treading on dangerous ground,” said Coccydioborgus Effulix Senior Counsel to the Queen, involuntarily belching more flame and smoke while looking daggers at Jason.

Jason doubled in size, and 18-inch claws emerged from his upper limbs. He bent his head to fit under the ceiling as he reached full height. “I hope you are not trying to intimidate me. Don’t start what you can’t finish,” said Jason belching blue flames and white smoke and a truncated electrical discharge that was followed by a loud boom!”

The Gromelix sat absolutely still, looking nonplussed. Jason saw Julia and Razza were looking amused, and then turned to see Andrea and Linda were beaming.

“We will now leave you to your deliberations. Queen Epilex we will see ourselves out. If we hear from you, we will return, if not I am pleased to have met my first dragons,” said Jason.

The Queen roused herself from a trance. “Wait I will walk you back, this is a very strange meeting, I have to say!”

She led them out and back to the landing area without a word then said: “You are a surprise to us all, please bring back the rest of your group who were with the Azayal when you return!”

She turned and walked into the cavern without a backward glance.

They changed back to their humanoid form, dressed and returned to the ship.

“I wonder what tomorrow will bring,” Razza speculated.


The Gromelix Palace

The next morning the whole group went along. There was much excitement about meeting Dragons. The group removed their clothes as before and turned into Tyrannosaurus Rexes. One of the Queen’s guards met them in shimmering armor carrying a decorative sword the length of a great white shark, in a silver sheath, and accompanied the group into the Palace and to a larger meeting room. The room was magnificent with many runes on the walls, statues, paintings and tapestries. The light looked to be made of a huge diamond that glittered brilliantly and produced a warm light that filled the room.

Elizaveta Epilex, the Queen somberly welcomed the larger group. She carefully counted them all. “Which of you did not go to the Azayal War College and is also not Azayal?” She subtracted the number and seemed to brighten up a little. “Was there a traitor amongst you who was replaced?” she asked.

“There was a traitor,” said Linda, “and he was killed. Perdita replaced him.”

“Yes, we saw him try and kill Razza’s father, the Emperor. Perdita your father is a prime minister of the Jumo Empire? Can one of you show me how you change to be an insect?” she then requested.

Perdita, who was sitting at one end of the long bench, slid off and changed into a praying mantis and then back to a dinosaur.

“We watched the long presentation far into the night and discussed the disturbing implications for us at great length. We discovered that we have dreams in common. We agreed we could see all of your faces in our dreams. Some of us have seen yours and some others’ faces since our childhoods. These dreams have been with us all our lives. Seeing all of you has made our dreams so much more real. Our dreams do, as you say, mirror those of the Ghouls. We cannot see how we can lay eggs in the Ghouls. The dream does not make sense to us. The way you showed it being done to the Ghouls is not something we can do and we cannot imagine how we do it. The youngsters cannot lay eggs and our eggs are too big to fit in a Ghoul. We are very uncomfortable thinking or talking about it. We don’t know what it all means and we are very disturbed.” The Queen said.

“I don’t like the whole way this is going. I don’t think we need to do any of this. We were going along fine and now everybody is getting worked up. We don’t need the Ghouls and we don’t need to go into this anymore. We have now met the people of our dreams, but I’m not feeling better I’m feeling worse, I am agitated and I cannot see how talking about this is going to help us,” said Effulix.

“Have any of you tried to insert an egg into an animal?” Linda asked.

They all looked at her horrified.

“So, you have and are mortified?” said Linda.

Coccydioborgus Effulix looked so angry he looked as if he would attack her . Smoke gushed from his nostrils with each breath. His face turned red. “I cannot take any more of this. This is too much!” he said and collapsed face forward onto the table with a loud bang.

The heavy table shook and Jason’s group was stunned but the Dragons seemed unaffected.

“He gets worked up like this every so often. I remember five hundred years ago this is exactly what he did when one of his relatives murdered her boyfriend,” said the Queen. “He is a very emotional dragon, but in most areas, he is wise calm and rational. However, this area of discussion is disturbing to us all and we are not sure why. We are determined to get to the bottom of this, despite the pain of so doing. We were awake all night discussing what the problem may be. We are not entirely sure what it is.”

“My guess,” said Linda, “is, you feel driven to do something you consider reprehensible.”

“That may be true,” said the Queen.

“Yet you have all tried it and cannot admit it to yourselves or anyone else!” said Linda.

The Dragons looked at her with horrified expressions.

“I suspect there is more to the dreams you are not telling us!” said Linda.

“What is going on?” Effulix said raising his head from the table looking nonplussed.

“You heard me,” said Linda continuing to pursue her avenue of thought. “Effulix, please tell us what you have dreamed but cannot stomach!” She ordered.

“We are an independent people and will not be told what to do by you or anyone else. We do what we wish and will never be the servant of any other,” Effulix said almost apoplectic with rage. Thin streams of smoke wafted from his nostrils as he spoke through his teeth.

“Effulix none of us wants to control you. You will gain control if you deal with your perceived problem and dig to find the real issues. How does it make sense to avoid control by others when you make your children your face to the outside world?” Linda continued inexorably.

“This is too hard, this is too hard!” Effulix said banging his huge head loudly on the table.

The table shook and the vibrations were felt through the floor and table.

None of the dragons seemed inclined to react.

“Effulix spit it out, tell us the other dreams. What do you have to lose?” Linda asked as she continued remorselessly.

“All right, I can’t stand it anymore. I tried to put an old egg into a calf. I couldn’t do it and I caused it so much pain. I had to kill it.” Effulix reluctantly admitted.

“Well done, you have exposed the issues, you have told us what you did. The whole world didn’t collapse. Many others probably did the same. You all feel guilty and ashamed. What of the other dream Effulix?” Linda continued.

“Why must I do this? Why must I face this shame, why don’t you pick on someone else?” Effulix plaintively complained.

“Effulix, your shame is the worst. You are the most independent and self-sufficient of them all are you not?” Linda asked.

“I am, I hate the idea but I dream of it, but in the dream, I feel free, I feel elated and I am laughing. When I wake, I feel someone else is in control of me. I will not have it” - Effulix thumped on the table to emphasize each word.

“Effulix, say the words and we will talk of this, you cannot ignore your destiny!” said Linda.

The Dragons looked at her, first startled then horrified.

“You may think you know your destiny but you may have it wrong and you are misinterpreting it. Effulix tell us what you see and how you feel in the dreams!” Linda ordered imperiously; very much the General.

Effulix looked at her with wide eyes, stuttered a few times and then spoke in a whisper. “I have a saddle on my back and some small human sits there and we fly high in the sky. In the dream, we are both joyful. I will not tolerate someone telling me what to do!”

Linda turned to Jason and indicated to him to continue. She sat back and almost fell backwards out of her chair. Everyone laughed and the atmosphere lightened.

“I want to try and put all of this together in some kind of rational framework. What do we know? Jason started speaking.

“There is a group of ancients who create AIs and live with them happily for a long time. During a battle with enemy forces, the Queen is damaged and she betrays her people and leads them astray. The ancients cannot switch them off for some reason, but they are able to remove the memory they have about how to recharge themselves. They run down over a long time but find a way to recharge themselves by extracting the life force of living beings.

“Perhaps the ancients decided to create a new enemy for the Ghouls that would lead them to discharge quickly. They genetically engineered the dragons. They used the Tyrannosaurus Rex as a template which they modified. They gave you a task and they gave you dreams to drive you. They also made you sentient ahead of the dinosaurs.

“In my culture and on my planet, there are many myths and legends about dragons. I have often wondered about the mythology of dragons and why it is so common in our stories. The dragon is part of our fantasy, but there is no history of anyone seeing a Dragon.

“The dragons are always portrayed as intelligent creatures of great magical strength. In some tales, dragons are portrayed hoarding valuable items and attacking settlements of people in others. There are also stories of people establish a relationship with them and riding Dragons to war. In all cases dragons are sentient and independent, and the relationship is seen as a voluntary partnership on both sides.

“None of these legends, however, include the Ghouls. In the Ghoul memories, it is always the younger dragons who do the infestation. There are no pictures of injuries, but the eggs are inserted somehow and they deplete the Ghoul’s energy.

“However, for reasons I do not know, the mission to attack the Ghouls that is in your dreams, did not happen.” Jason summarized and concluded.

The three dragons sat looking at Jason. He looked back at them. After what seemed like an interminable wait, the Queen turned to Jason.

“That is an interesting set of ideas. I find the idea of us being in a mythology, galaxies away most fascinating. Today has been an important day. It has been painful and embarrassing, but I feel a great weight lifted from my mind. We have not thought of these ideas and by hiding our problems we have compounded our foolishness.

“Today we decided we were to confront our issues as best we could. We asked some of the younger dragons to carry some of you on saddles. They refused unless we did the same. We have saddles made for the entire group of you, including Linda and Andrea. We will launch from the other side of the mountain. On our return, we will discuss matters further. We need to find what the flying together means,” said Elizaveta.

Jason and the two groups from university followed the Queen and other Dragons along lengthy passageways in the opposite direction from their entry until they reached the rear entrance to the castle and the other side of the mountain. The Queen opened the doors to show a huge flat area and a triangular entrance where many dragons stood. Jason noticed they had saddles on their backs. The Queen beckoned to the group to follow her. As she reached the other dragons the Queen raised her voice so all could hear her.

“The people from the Empire will change their forms and we will together experience the meaning of our dreams. In the dreams, the human and dragon must choose each other. You will know somehow if the fit will work for you.”

Jason changed form and he noticed the surprise of the assembled dragons. He dressed quickly from his pack and put on a wind cheater. He then found himself drawn to a very large dragon. He found the dragon moving towards him. They looked at each other for a few moments. Jason felt a strange sense of familiarity and calm with the process. He walked forward and the dragon moved down to the ground but lifted its forefoot as a step. Jason jumped up and used the pommel of the saddle to swing himself onto the back of the dragon. His legs felt comfortable in stirrups on both sides of the dragon built into the saddle. He felt his legs and lower body enclosed and anchored but without any visible restraint.

He saw everyone was similarly mounted with Razza being the only one mounted on a council member. She was sitting comfortably ensconced on the back of the sage who was not looking comfortable. The Dragons began to move to the entrance, Jason’s Dragon in the lead. With a mighty leap, the Dragon launched himself forward opened his wings as they fell and then climbed vertically at an extraordinary speed. The other dragons followed behind him. Further behind them followed hundreds of dragons that emerged from similar openings in the surrounding mountains. Jason could not remember feeling such an exciting and exhilarating experience. He saw farmland below and forests as far as he could see. After ten minutes, they began to level out. Jason looked back and could see elation in the faces of all of his friends.

He felt a tentative touch on his mind. He had no sense of threat, only warmth and intimacy. He allowed it in and followed it back. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed with a wonderful feeling much like meeting a beloved after a long absence while believing the other had died. It was a sense of completeness and of unity, a sense of intense joy and bliss. He was in and aware of the mind of the Dragon. It was foreign, but familiar. He felt the Dragon in his own mind and welcomed it. He felt at one with the Dragon as if they had known each other for a lifetime. The memories of the Dragon streamed into his mind from its earliest to its most recent. He felt its hopes and its dreams, it’s loves and its disappointments. His emotions fluctuated between joy and pain, misery and bliss as he felt the experiences and emotions of the life of the Dragon.

He looked around and noticed that all the dragons were gliding and looked glazed. He saw his friends intently concentrating on their own bonding process. Lazily the dragons began to turn. Jason saw the sun had moved a long way down towards the horizon. They increased their speed, but Jason felt no wind and no discomfort. Suddenly all the dragons began to rise up vertically reached an apex together turned upside down and began to move downwards to complete the somersault. Jason felt secure as the seat gripped him by his lower body, but he also felt as if he had straps over his shoulders. He felt secure as if he could not fall out. All too soon they landed.

The dragons eagerly reported to the Queen and to Effulix. The Sage, Persephone Omulix, who had previously been dour and glum, was excited and happy. Coccydioborgus Effulix was looking even more glum by the end of the explanations of what happened.

“Let us talk of this during daylight tomorrow. My people do not feel the process is yet complete and wish you to ride together again tomorrow. You will ride first, complete the process and we will talk further later in the day. I feel a person calling for me who will ride with me, who is a long way away. I know I will talk to her in my dreams tonight. I did not expect what happened today. We need to talk about the experiences amongst ourselves tonight,” the Queen said excitedly.


Can the Puzzle be Unraveled?

I would like to propose a toast,” said Sergei as he raised his glass. “To a fantastic day, it was one of the best days of my life.”

They all seemed to feel the same way and raised their glasses.

“I think we should review our thoughts and our experiences of the day,” Julia said.

“Well,” said Sergei, “I felt we made excellent progress in the morning. Linda would make an excellent interrogator. What gave you the inspiration Linda?”

“We were making no progress. We have a week here at most. I was tired of sitting around,” said Linda. “I’m sure some of you guys have some awareness of the concept of telepathy. I simply listened to the thoughts of the council and asked questions. They had asked all of you guys there for a reason and I wanted to move on to the next phase. I was tired of the ducking and diving.

“The only useful and invigorating part of the day was this extraordinary relationship I have established with a Dragon,” said Linda. “Today when we bonded to them was their first experience of telepathy and a telepathic bond. I struggle to understand how an ancient sentient group of beings could think and behave like such immature idiots. They spend too much time in each other’s company feeding into each other’s nonsense. They definitely need to get out into the wider world a bit more.

“I didn’t go searching for anything else, I simply wanted to define the issues with the Council. With my Dragon partner of the day it was a different experience entirely.” said Linda. “The experience was exactly what my experience is when I’m intimate with Jason.”

“I felt the Dragon tentatively and even involuntarily searching for contact. I allowed them in and at the same time I was welcomed in. The bond was initiated by the Dragon, and I suspect all of you had the same experience,” said Linda as she looked around the table and saw heads nodding at her. “The ancients created this relationship of that there is no doubt. The dragons do not feel the process has ended. I also feel there is an additional element and that is how we fight together. I don’t know how I know this, but I feel it very strongly and it is logical. That is the component we have to explore tomorrow. I believe it was important for them to initiate the bond not us. It was important for them to invite us to ride, not us to ask them or to suggest it. This way they retain their independence and their feelings of being in control. They were clearly thrilled with the experience. I feel terribly sorry for Counselor Coccydioborgus Effulix.

“Jason, I suggest that you call your friend Lynas and tell her you are making good progress with defusing the situation. I don’t think you should tell her any more than that. Leave the responsibility for more contact to the dragons. We promised also to call Cassius, Alana, and Brecht Chatzke. Perdita, I think it would be a good idea for you to call your father and Felix and tell them what is been happening. Mergal is also dying to hear about our trip. She loves the idea of the Gromelix,” said Linda.

“The only one I want to contact today is Lynas,” said Jason. “Before I contact the others, I want to see what tomorrow brings. I suspect we are all going to get some surprises. Is there any Dragon mythology in the Empire?” Jason asked.

“No, there is no such mythology,” said Mandy Fritzell, “and I already asked Perdita about the Jumo and the Coven guys about the Coven. There is nothing. It is interesting that it is so dominant in Earth mythology. I never asked Pardela if they had any such stories or mythology.

“Jason every trip that you have suggested I have got an enormous amount out of it even though at times I was scared out of my wits. I’m beginning to feel like a superwoman!” She said.

The others all laughed together and continued giggling for several minutes.

“What do you think our strategy should be for tomorrow?” Julia asked looking at the whole group.

“I think the responsibility is now theirs. They need to be in the driving seat,” said Amelia DiMaggio. “I would let them lead the discussion. See if they have an agenda and tentatively suggest things you think are missing.”

“I think we should ask them directly if they want to explore more. We should ask if they want to rethink considering a war on Lynas and we should tell them about our goal to attack the Ghouls. As far as their relationship with the Tyrannosaurus Rexes is concerned that is up to them” — Amelia placed her hands on the table and tapped on the table to make her points — “They need to get themselves out of their own mess.”

“Our responsibility is to prevent a war if we can, not sort out the rest of their relationship with the Tyrannosaurs. I don’t see that they have any downside if they come out as dragons, other than that the Parzool will be surprised,” said Andrea. “I have the feeling the crisis is over, bar the talking.”

“Perhaps some of them can come with us and spend some time with Porquenta and a whole group of medical scientists to find out how this whole implantation of the egg happens. They have runes everywhere. I am interested in the runes and would like to find out about their powers if any. I intend to ask them directly about their magic, powers or whatever. There has to be something of importance we can discover. Maybe we will find out some of that tomorrow,” speculated Linda.

“There is something special in the relationship for both of us. I would also want to know if they have predictions from an Oracle. I love the idea of an Oracle. Jason, you have to be part of a prediction. It is patently obvious. The black hole attracts predictions,” said Amelia leaning back, rocking perilously in her chair and grinning broadly. “I guess if I think about it the dreams are predictions, they have seen our faces in dreams for longer than any of us has been alive.”

“I am inclined to agree with the approach of not leading them. I have a feeling that our ride tomorrow will provide many of the answers that currently elude us. I am also inclined to explore their magic. It must come from the ancients. Your Ghoul sword and Warhammer are both full of runes. They must be important,” said Dominique Delouf.

“Maybe the young ones, at the time they become fertile have a small enough egg to implant into a Ghoul. It seems not, from what we were told. Is the egg really the issue?” Heinrich Harold asked speculatively.

“I’m going to talk to Queen Lynas Parayekt to reassure her and I am going to update Porquenta and see if he has any ideas. Then I am going to bed. I am too tired to give any rational thought to the best strategy for tomorrow. It’s going well and I suspect there is no best strategy. Linda acted on her instincts today and she took us forward. The events of tomorrow are going to be unexpected by us all. I am increasingly acclimating to the bizarre unusual and unexpected,” said Jason.

Jason our baby will be born in two months’ time,” Perdita said, “have you given any thought to the future of our relationship?”

“I have thought about our relationship ever since I met you. This is the first time our lives are not separate and I am enjoying your company very much. Do you want to bring the child to live on Porquenta, and continue to spend time on our common pursuits or do you want to leave the child close to your family or do you want to spend time with the child in either place? I am happy to support you in whatever choice you make,” said Jason, “I would like you to be with me, but the child has its needs.”

“Why have you not bonded with me in the same way you have with Linda and Andrea?” Perdita asked.

“Both of them initiated a telepathic bond during our first contact. I did not know such a bond even existed and I have not initiated that kind of bond with anyone. My life is unstable and I can die at any time. I am reluctant to cause the agony of the breaking of the bond if I die. If you wish to initiate that kind of bond with me, I will be happy to do so,” said Jason.

“Is there anybody else who has initiated such a bond with you?” Perdita asked.

“Philippa has and my worry has always been the attachment she has to me has become an anxious one. Her sisters also have anxious attachments to me without the issues of a bond. Perdita, what is it that you would like to happen?” Jason asked.

Perdita burst into tears. “I don’t know what I want. I would like our child to spend time with my family and with Felix. I want him to know his people. I want to continue to develop myself and spend time with you. I like being part of this group. Every day I’m stimulated and interested and I love spending time with you. I know as soon I spend time with the child, I will want to spend more time with him. I don’t want to farm him out completely to be cared for by others. I just don’t know how I can do it all.”

“I suspect we will finish here in the next two days. We will go back to Porquenta or if you wish we can go and spend some time with your family and friends. Philippa loves to spend time in the Jumo Empire and I am sure she would enjoy showing off our son Benjamin. We need to be back to meet with the leaders and then I suspect there will be a gap as preparations are made for the war on the Ghouls. After that I would like us to finish our studies with the Azayal. Somewhere along the line we need to help the Una reunite their people. I don’t know if I will be necessary for that rescue. I suspect not, but I have come to recognize I am not fully in charge of my own destiny never mind the destiny of others.

“Perdita, I would love to have you with me, I am happy to bond with you telepathically, but I don’t know what the best decisions are to make when you have the baby. I also know that things can change tomorrow. We have a Portal to the Jumo so travel is easy and convenient whatever way we go.

“I am so tired I can’t keep my eyes open. We will go to the gym tomorrow morning and we can talk if we have any further inspiration. I am sure we don’t have to make any urgent decisions,” said Jason.


The Anomaly

After breakfast, I would like all of you to come up to command central and have a look at an astounding object the sensor operators have found,” said Andrea chewing her almond croissant with relish and sipping a cup of coffee. “I am going up in five minutes and I would strongly recommend you do not delay and as a result miss what they have found.”

Andrea would not respond to any questions and led everyone up to command central where there were five sensor operators working and manipulating large holograms.

“If you look at my hologram, which I have enlarged, you will see there is a ship shaped object a half a mile beneath the surface of the planet in this valley.”

Andrea moved the focus of the hologram to show a wide valley covered with forest surrounded by tall mountain peaks.

“This ship was not visible to our sensors when we arrived. We are now detecting energy sources. The ship interior is clearly seen using our Collective sensors. You can see drones busily moving about.”

“Last night while I was asleep, I felt something calling to me,” said Jason. “It did not feel like one of the dragons, but it did feel like someone or something familiar. I felt as if it was a call from home. I first thought of Lauren, but the character of it was different. When I answered, I heard the being clearly say: ‘My Lord I am at your command’ and it then asked if I wanted my ship to be prepared. Well, I thought it was a dream and I said: ‘Activate the ship as soon as you can and prepare for war with the Ghouls’. The voice said that it was surprised they were still around, they should be inactive. I explained to the voice what they had been doing and it seemed very concerned. It was very interested to hear what happened with the Ghoul Queen. The voice told me the ship will take a day to be prepared for me, and I would be called when the ship was ready to receive me.

“It obviously wasn’t a dream. That ladies and gentlemen is my ship,” said Jason dramatically. “Two days ago, we met dragons, today I have a huge ship emerging from the ground. Tomorrow dancing girls will appear from a passing ancient civilization. Who knows what will happen next week!”

Jason chuckled.

“There is nothing to worry about or to concern yourselves with until sometime tonight when the ship will let me know it is ready. I had better warn Queen Elizaveta when we see her today. I can’t wait to tell Queen Lynas Parayekt. She will love to hear this story.”

Jason sat back and grinned.

“We leave for the planet in an hour,” said Linda dryly.

“Hang on,” said Andrea, “we are being hailed by an approaching small Azayal Fleet. They are requesting permission for the Queen and family to board. It is Mergal, Kalalal, Fallis and Relaren, they are joining us. I wonder what this is all about.”

“They sure are in a hurry, they have docked their shuttle and are on their way up. Sergei, you have been incessantly talking about Kalalal and how you miss her, it seems she has been missing you too!” Trackrof Graf remarked.

Sergei blushed.

“I have sent for some breakfast for them,” said Andrea.

“I am looking forward to seeing Mergal again. I think I am blessed with mothers-in-law,” said Jason. “We will soon find out if they have any dreams of dragons.”

Mergal swiftly walked into the room followed by her son Fallis and her two daughters; Relaren and Kalalal.

That was a preview of War in Two Universes. To read the rest purchase the book.

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