Simon the Cat
by Avery Sam
Simon the Cat
by Avery Sam
© 2014 Avery Sam
All rights reserved.
Author: Avery Sam
Contact details:
Book cover, illustration: Avery Sam
Editing, proofreading: Avery Sam
This e-book, including its portions, is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, resold, or redistributed without the permission of the author.
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Table of Contents
Golden Boy
Eternal Love
The cat came slinking into the room, looking exactly like it belonged there, even though Mariposa had never seen it before.
From her position on the sofa, Mariposa watched with surprise as the tabby made its way across the living room. The cat was strikingly good looking, with a thick, rich striped coat and neon emerald eyes. Still though, Mariposa couldn’t understand where the cat had come from. Somehow it had just materialized inside of her apartment.
The cat looked like he was quite at home, however, and nonchalantly made his way over to the sofa, where he began rubbing himself against her legs. Mariposa bent over and stroked him, feeling the delightful contrast of soft fur with ripples of strong muscle.
Purring, the cat hopped up on the sofa. Mariposa continued to pet it, marveling at the intensity of his white whiskers and wet, pink nose with the deep tawny stripes of his fur. Around his husky neck, she felt the contours of some elastic material and realized that the cat was wearing a collar. Lifting up his chin, Mariposa gasped as she read the name neatly printed on the nametag – Simon.
A wave of memories then engulfed her as her mind flashed back once more to the awful scene at the cemetery, her in-laws all convinced that she was responsible for the death of their Golden Boy. Saying goodbye to Simon was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do.
Moving out of Simon's spacious mansion and hauling her modest luggage up the three flights of stairs to her apartment had exhausted her, draining the last drops of strength that she had left in her. Collapsing on the sofa, surrounded by mute piles of forlorn cardboard boxes, she'd let herself cry, her chest heaving as she'd screamed her grief to an uncaring world.
And then, finally, she'd succumbed to the weariness and passed into a dreamless sleep, only to wake up and find a strange cat in her apartment - a strange cat wearing a necklace with the same name as her dead fiancé. Was she still dreaming? Or was still awake?
Mariposa blinked her eyes a few times. The cat was gone. The heaps of luggage and boxes still remained, as did the usual musty odor from the kitchen. Mariposa struggled to her feet only to look up in surprise and see Simon - not Simon the cat but the real Simon, the man she'd loved and lost.
"Wha?" she managed to say.
"Relax, Mariposa, it's me," said Simon, moving to embrace her. Mariposa was unable to speak, closing her eyes as she savored the warm, familiar comfort of being wrapped up in Simon's arms. A flood of warmth and feeling safe flowed through her. But then her eyes snapped open and she pulled away from him.
"But how can it be?" Mariposa stammered.
"Darling Mariposa, oh my sweet, beautiful girl, don't you know how much you mean to me?" said Simon. Mariposa could hear the quiver in his voice and inside she melted. She rushed to embrace him, flinging her arms around him as she covered his face with kisses. "Oh my sweet Simon, I don't know how it can be possible. But I am so happy to see you, my love!"
"You are my angel," said Simon, his gorgeous hazel eyes beaming. Mariposa could see the liquid swell in his eyes, his voice trembling with emotion. "I couldn't pass on to the other side without honoring my promise to you."
"Promise?" said Mariposa, furiously wiping back her tears.
"Our great promise," said Simon, his sweet, earnest face causing Mariposa's insides to slosh around inside of her, leaving her heart with a hot, sweet ache. "You and I swore to each other that we would save our carnal love for each other until our wedding night. But we never got that chance, my darling," said Simon.
Her heart beating like a hammer, Mariposa began to nod, at first slowly and then more and more rapidly, a smile stretched across her lips. She then inadvertently snorted, the thick mucus clogging her nose emitting a loud blurp. She grinned and then hiccupped, and then looked up to see Simon bursting with laughter.
Simon held out his hand. "Come, my darling and let us celebrate our love, as the spirits that be have only granted me this one night. You will go and take a shower and make all of your womanly preparations. I, on the other hand, will prepare a nice meal."
"And then?" said Mariposa, her blood beginning to hum with excitement. Ever since she had first fallen in love with the billionaire entrepreneur, she'd dreamed of this moment together - their moment together, when the flames of their lust could be allowed to burn their bodies with pleasure for the first time. But then there had been the tragic accident just one night before their wedding, and all of her hopes and dreams had come crashing down like a house of cards.
"And then," said Simon, "and then we will see where the night will take us."
Mariposa smiled and then turned on her heels, smiling to herself as she felt the heat of his gaze on her body as she sauntered off to the bedroom to get herself ready.