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Daddys Love

Igor Pajic

Daddy's Love
Igor Pajic
Taboo Dreams

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Copyright © 2025 Igor Pajic
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Cover design by: Taboo Dreams
Tax time is always a ridiculous time of year. I got home late that night, which is usual for me in early April. From in the driveway, I heard them yelling in the house. "What the fuck," I thought, looking at my watch. 11:30. Almost the witching hour and most definitely the bitching hour in my house tonight.
I glanced around at my neighbor's houses. Most lights were out, so hopefully, my two ladies' little domestic squabble wasn't being giggled at up and down the street. I braced myself and opened the front door in time to hear my wife call my daughter a whoring slut at the top of her voice. "Ohhh-kayyy," I said slowly and calmly. "I take it that Ruby is now supplementing the household income with various clients?" The instant, if only momentary, silence was deafening. I'd always had a penchant for making flippant remarks at the right moment. When you live with two women, you take your entertainment how you can. "Don't you start your shit tonight, Rick? Ruby is about to pack her crap and get out of my house, and you can be right behind her if you don't watch it," my wife yelled. My wife is a pretty woman, perfect to me in most ways. But if there were one aspect of God's design that I could change, it would be to place a volume control knob right on her frigging forehead. "You're moving out?" I asked my daughter. "No," she uttered defiantly. I closed the door behind me, put down my briefcase, and walked over to the liquor cabinet to mix myself a drink. My wife trailed behind me, barking like a rabid Chihuahua. "Do you know what your precious little daughter's been up to tonight?" she harped. "Of course not," I thought, reaching for some scotch. "Well, let…Me…Tell…You…What… Miss Princess has been up to." I changed my mind and reached for the Hennessey and a shot glass. When my wife starts chopping sentences into one-word blocks, it is always a good time to get soused. "I decide to go to the movies, get there late, and decide to come back home," she paused for effect, and I groaned to myself, knowing just what was coming. I changed cups and dumped four fingers into a tumbler. Neat. No ice, no mixer. I didn't want to be sane or sober if I had to hear my wife for the rest of the night…or week, for that matter. "Your little trollop here was whoring with a man's nasty-ass cock all down her dirty fucking mouth!" I rolled my eyes at the ceiling, sighed, reached for another tumbler, and decided not to side with my wife tonight. "She's eighteen," I said, sealing my fate and pouring another sparkling brown liquid. Do you know how this complete, deadly quiet is in those seconds between a lightning flash and a thunderclap? The lightning flash was the sudden hard clout I felt on my back that nearly made me spill the drinks. I heard her suck in a deep breath, and I braced myself for a barrage of sounds worse than any physical punishment. "You moron! You jackass!" she shrieked. "Not in my house! NOT…IN…MY…HOUSE. She is NOT eighteen in my house! I don't fucking clean all day, slave over a hot stove, wash filthy laundry, and pick up after her ass to see MY house turned into a FUCKING whorehouse at night." "Microwave," I said. "You slave over a microwave." My wife keeps me around only because no one else will have her. I turned to see her with her mouth hanging open. "Oh, no, you did not just diss my cooking!" I shrugged. "And don't think you're going to drug me up tonight with any rum!" I looked at the two glasses in my hand and then up at her. "Oh, this isn't for you." I walked past her and handed a glass to my daughter. "Here, sweetheart. This will help get the aftertaste out of your mouth." Ruby woodenly took the glass from me and just stared at it. "You're supposed to sip it," I said. She hesitantly raised the glass to her lips and took a small sip while peering nervously past my shoulder at her mother. "Great! Just great!" The screeching started up again. "A whore and a rummy. And a god-damned father who encourages her." "Why don't you go to your room now, Ruby, and let me talk to your mother? I'll come see you in a few minutes," I said seriously. Ruby nodded and hastily retreated from the room. When I heard her door close, I turned and looked at my wife. I took a long draw from my tumbler. "So, you caught our daughter being a woman," I finally said. "A slut! A slut," she yelled. "A fucking slut disrespecting my home! And you no better putting up with her shit." "What would you have me do?" "Slap the fucking bitch into tomorrow, jackass!" "I get the feeling you already did that for me." "I didn't hit her hard enough. She's still standing!" "Come on, Dolly," I said, raising my voice for the first time that night. "Like you never sucked a cock in your life!" "NOT…IN…MY…MOTHER'S… HOUSE!" "Bullshit! In your mother's house. In my car. In the woods. At the club. Any place you could. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to, you fucking hypocrite!" "I'm talking to my husband, who I can suck and fuck any damn place and time that I feel! SHE isn't married to that dirty ass disease-ridden street punk." "And you weren't always married to this dirty ass disease-ridden street punk when we started doing all that shit that you couldn't get enough of." "We are not having this conversation. We are not having this conversation." She started walking in circles and pulling at her hair. "I never got caught. We were smarter than that piece of shit in there." "You are talking about OUR daughter," I said, getting mad. "I didn't raise my child to be like that." "Oh, you are so wrong, Miss High and Mighty. So, fucking wrong. She is a woman, and she will do women's things. Maybe her timing was wrong, but her behavior was in no way whorish or sluttish. I will talk to her, but I will not chastise or punish her." "You're just going to condone her behavior." I sighed and went to the bar to pour another drink. "Be reasonable, Dolly. Have you ever given one ounce of thought to how she feels about being caught?" "I hope she feels like shit!" "I'm sure she does. She's probably traumatized as hell." "Good. And while you are talking to her, make sure she is packing. Dawn will NOT see her in my house." "Our house," I yelled, slamming down the glass and turning on my wife. "Our house. And MY daughter will never, ever be turned out of MY house. NEVER!" "You going to choose her over me." "I would rather not have to make the choice, but if you force me, yes. She's graduating in June, has a good shot at college, and I will not see her struggling out on the street. If she wants to stay here until she's eighty, she has a home in my house." "Yeah, you would turn our house into a whore's den." I nearly slapped her then. For the first time, I almost raised my hand to a woman. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. "I will talk with her. I will not put her out of the house. I will ask her to respect your precious house in the future." "Let me ask you," she said in her low, dangerous voice. "What would you have done if you had walked in on her?" I thought momentarily while watching her smug smile and arms folded defiantly across her chest. "I would not have hit her. I would do just what I will do now: Talk to her. However, I could not vouch for her boyfriend's safety." "Now, who's being the hypocrite," she sneered. I returned to my drink, took a sip, and said, "I'm going to talk to her now," before leaving the living room. "Out of my house, you hear?" my darling wife shouted at my back. "Out…of…my…HOUSE!"
I tapped on my daughter's bedroom door and heard a soft "Come in." She lay face down, her head turned away from me. I rested my drink and bottle on her dresser and locked the door. I did not want dear Dolly barging in on our conversation. However, her ranting soliloquy still filtered into the room, albeit robbed of its volume. "Honey, can we talk?" She nodded her head. "Well, can I see your face while we talk?" She shook her head no. OK. I grabbed a sip of my Hennessey. "Did you finish your drink?" I asked, spying on her empty glass on the bedside table. She nodded yes. "Want another?" She nodded again, and I poured half a glass on her. "You know…I feel like a fool talking to your back." She didn't respond for a few seconds, and then I thought I heard a muffled sob. "Are you ashamed of me, Daddy?" she asked quietly. Yes, she had been crying. I could hear it in her voice. "No, honey," I said gently. "I'm not." Another pause. "Why not?" "Well, if you'll face me and talk, one adult to another, maybe I will tell you." "I'm too embarrassed," was her muted response. I sighed and asked: "Mind if I sit down? My feet are killing me." She shook her head. Carefully, I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned my back on the headboard. I closed my eyes and tried to think of what to say next. "You haven't done anything wrong in my view. You just had some bad luck with timing. Your mother is just shocked. She'll come around by morning." "No, she won't. I messed up big." "Maybe you messed up, but you weren't doing anything your mom and I weren't doing at your age. It's just that no parent wants to know that their child is doing what they used to do. Parents, believe it or not, are just a bunch of hypocrites. We remember what we used to do and hope and pray our kids aren't doing it. We tend to forget that our kids are human, too." "Then you don't think I'm a slut?" "No," I said. "You are my little band and will always be my heart." "I still don't understand why you aren't mad at me." "Well, let's just say I will be mad at you if you don't stop hiding in a pillow and turn around and face me. If you want to act like an adult with your boyfriend, at least have the respect to talk with me like an adult." "OK," she said. "Give me a second?" She raised her arm to her face and sniped it across her eyes. She turned over and pulled herself up to a sitting position beside me. Her eyes were cast downward as I looked at her. I could see she had been crying. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted it to face me. "Now, what are those tears about? You faced down your mom without a second thought, but now you cry?" "Just the embarrassment, I guess." "Hmm, yes, the embarrassment. Tell you what. You don't have to be embarrassed in front of me. Everybody has sex at some point in their life. It's just natural. But this is what we'll do. I don't want you sneaking around, doing it in a car in some dark place. That's too dangerous. We'll find a secret spot for me to leave motel money for you. Use it when you need to, no questions asked. OK?" She just stared at me blankly. "I'll take that as a yes. One other thing, I hope you're using a condom." Silence. Then… "Uh…Dad…" in a hushed voice. "Sweetheart?" My heart was pounding. Visions of becoming a granddad or having a very sick daughter on my hands tumbled through my brain. She lowered her head. "Well, um, I'm a virgin." OK. That caught me by surprise. "Oh. So…uhm…your mom walked in on what would have been your first time?" "Heck no," she suddenly laughed. "With Antoine? Oh, heck no! A blow job and a feel-up were all he was getting. That's all any guy ever gets." So now I was in way over my head. What should I say to that? "Here," I said, reaching the bedside table and handing her her glass. I grabbed mine. "Drink it before it gets…. room temperature." My daughter laughed again. She has this sweet laugh that changes pitch like music. "Dad! You're speechless. I've never seen you speechless!" She suddenly spun around and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and neck in a tight hug. Some of her Hennessey splashed onto the bed. "Thank you, Dad, you're so great." And she kissed my cheek quickly. Oddly enough, the only thought in my head was if my five o'clock shadow was prickly. She sat back and took a long sip of her drink. "Boys," she said after we had a few seconds of staring into our liquor. "Boys. So dumb. So predictable. So shallow. They don't want me. They want my body. And they're dumb enough to think I don't know this. But I like them too, but not enough to go all the way with them. I want someone I can love, and I can't love those prancing, preening jerks with no thoughts of the future except whether or not he's gonna get laid this weekend or look good in front of his boys. I give a hand job or a blow job, he gets me off with his hands, and he goes home with a shit-eating grin. Fair trade-off for a date, I guess." I took a long, long swallow of my liquor. "OK. We can file that under the way; the department has too much information. She giggled and sidled up against me. I stretched my left arm over her shoulder and snuggled her into my side. We sat like that silently for a few minutes. "I miss this, you know, Dad." "Hmmm?" "Yeah. We used to watch TV like this when I was a kid. We haven't done this in years. I used to feel so warm and comfy I'd just fall asleep." "I remember." She turned her head to look up at me. "Why'd we stop?" "Well, uh, one day, you sort of filled out, and it wasn't appropriate anymore." "You're a woos, Dad." She snuggled tighter against me. "Uh, huh," was all I could say as I enjoyed the warmth of my daughter in my arms and dreamed of the adorable child she used to be. My reverie was interrupted by a sudden banging on the door. We both simultaneously started. My wife's cranky voice filled the room: "Since you two misfits want to be all psycho-babble shit and talk and all rather than just giving that slut a good ass whipping till she bleeds; I am going to my sisters for the night. I'm not staying in no house with a stinking whore. Not me! Not under the same roof!" Her voice trailed off down the hall. "Not me. Not any god-fearing woman in the same house with a harlot, a Jezebel, a Mary Magdeline!" We heard the front door slam, and the car pulled out and zoomed down the road. Ruby and I looked at each other for a second, then laughed. "Didn't…Mary…Magdeline…get converted…to Christ?" My daughter gasped out between snickers. "Someone had to keep the disciples from getting bored on the road," I said, and we began another round of laughter. A few minutes later, when we could hold our glasses relatively still again, I refreshed our drinks. "We're going to get drunk," Ruby said. "No. You're going to get drunk. I'm already there." "Oh," she said and drained her glass. "Mind if I catch up, then?" "Of course not," I refilled her glass. "You got anything better to do?" "Maybe," she whispered and turned her head up towards me. Her face was just inches away from mine. "Maybe I do." She leaned her head forward and placed her lips against mine. I opened my mouth and received her kiss. It was warm and moist and sensual. Her lips crawled across mine, her mouth opening to devour my lips, mine opening wider to take hers in. I sucked on her upper lip as her lower one caressed mine. Our mouths opened together, and our tongues briefly met before our lips closed and we parted. We stared into each other's eyes, not thinking; we were just giddy with the moment. My heart raced like a marathon runner, and my stomach flipped. After a moment, I thought about placing my glass on the bedside table. I removed her glass from her hand and rested it aside as well. My right hand slipped across her stomach and around her waist as we stared into each other's eyes. We were lying side by side as we slid lower on the bed. I studied her pretty pecan-colored face. I smoothed a few strands of hair from over her almond-shaped eyes, then slid the back of my right hand across her cheek and shoulder and around her back. Her full lips were parted, and her slightly wide, but pert nose flared ever so slightly as she breathed. I opened my mouth and took her lips into mine again. We kissed slowly, delicately, like two heart-sick lovers finding each other for the first time and memorizing each tender moment. Our embrace tightened, and the kiss deepened. Her breasts pressed into my chest, and my loins reacted. My erection grew; she felt it, and she pressed her crotch into mine. Our oral exploration continued, tongues meeting as she raised her left leg over my right one. Her knee bent and nestled at my waist as she pressed her sex tighter against mine. Her crotch gyrated ever so slightly as she rubbed me with her sex. My arms roamed her back as hers did mine. We pressed ever closer into each other, savoring the warm pressure of each other's bodies. My right hand slid through her soft hair, and I cupped her head. The kiss grew more frantic. We wanted more of each other. Our bodies humped each other, rubbing more and more furiously against each other. I sucked her lips, engulfed her mouth. She pulled back and engulfed my mouth. Our lips and tongues danced back and forth, tasting, taking, and giving. I gripped her so tightly, feeling our ecstasy with every fiber of my being. Then suddenly, our kiss broke apart, and we were gasping for breath. She panted, studying my face as I studied hers. Our loins still rocked against each other, slowed but still rubbing. I looked at my daughter, loved my daughter, and closed my eyes. I hugged her to me. She gripped my back, and we held very still for a moment, our foreheads meeting. When we relaxed our hug, I looked at Ruby and was surprised to see quiet tears flowing from her eyes. I was even more surprised that my eyes had been leaking. "Oh, Daddy," she whispered, the first words spoken since our first kiss; how long ago? Five minutes? Ten minutes? Did it matter? "I love you, Daddy. I really, truly love you." Then she buried her face in my chest. "I love you too, Darling. I love you too," I whispered into her hair as I cuddled her. We fell asleep in each other's arms. When I awoke several hours later, it was still dark out. I was lying on my back, my left arm embracing my daughter. Ruby was sprawled across me, gaspednd the bulge in my pants grew until it contacted her thigh. I tried to will it down, but it strained further, threatening to burst through its confines. I thought about my daughter. Thought about what I suddenly wanted to do with her. I had no second thoughtlets gasping. I relived the kiss from the first contact to the l gasped mind if she wanted as much as I wanted. Was this real, and? Would it continue? Or were we both just caught up in the emotion of the evening? In the liquor, did we both consume? I drifted back into sleep and dreamed of my daughter.
When I woke up again, it was daylight. Ruby was not in the bed with me. A few seconds later, she entered the room in a bathrobe and dried her hair. "Ah, good morning, sleepy head," she said, walked over, and kissed my lips quickly. Breakfast is ready, and there's tomato juice on the nightstand if you need it." I did. I sat up, regretted it, and held my head in my hands. Ruby laughed. "That's what you get for guzzling Hennessey straight." I gave her my middle finger and reached for the tomato juice.
"Did your mother get back?" I asked after a few tentative swallows. "No, but she called this morning." "She talked to you?" "Well, I don't know if you call her saying, "Oh, it's the bitch," talking, but she did ask for you. I told her you were out cold. So she lectured me and told me what my aunt thinks of me. Said she'd maybe be back this afternoon and that you'd better be sober." "Oh. How'd you feel about what your aunt had to say?" She shrugged. "I don't know. I expected something like that. "So, you're, OK?" "Yeah. This'll blow over. Last night was crazy, that's all." "Well, I'm glad to see someone's being mature about this." She smiled at me and gave her hair a couple of last violent rubs with the towel. "And…er…speaking of last night," I stammered. "With you and me, I mean…" "Dad," she walked over to me, sat on my lap, draped her right arm over my shoulder, and smiled. "Last night was perfect." She kissed me, caressing my right cheek with her left hand. Her kiss was open-mouthed, hungry, and lingering. "Just perfect." She gave me another quick peck and then patted my cheek. "You need a shave. Come, let's have breakfast." She grabbed my hand, pulled me off the bed, and led me to the kitchen. She had laid out two plates side by side. On one plate were scrambled eggs, bacon, breakfast links, and toast. A small plate held globs Scrambled pot steamed on a hot plate. "Wow, you went all out! I'd g were on one plate Otten used to a bowl of Cheerios," I smiled at her. "Sit, let's eat," she smiled back. Any questions about the prior evening were subtly answered during that breakfast. Our knees bumped first, sending tingles of electricity through me. Then our lower legs were touching, rubbing lightly across each other. As we discussed the coming day, her left hand reached my thigh and rested there. "Dad," she said solemnly when the meal was almost over. "Last night, in my room…" "Was perfect for me too." She looked down and smiled. I know she blushed, though seeing it through her complexion is impossible. "I, well, never felt that way when kissing boys before. It was like there was something…more." "Love?" "Yeah, I think so. Crazy, isn't it?" "I hope not," I said, placing my right arm across her shoulders and hugging her lightly. She pecked my lips. "If I kissed a boy on a date and I had felt like that, I'd be killing myself hoping he'd ask me to be his girlfriend." She looked down and stared at her lap. My heart started fluttering again, and that ache grew in my midsection. I was suddenly frightened. Could she really mean…? Did she want…? What if I said the wrong thing now? What if saying nothing was the wrong thing? I agonized briefly before remembering something she said last night: "Dad, you're a wus." I took a deep breath. "Ruby, be my girlfriend?" "Oh, my God!" she shouted, jumping out of her chair, onto my lap, and straddling me. "Yes, yes!" she shouted in between, plastering my mouth with kisses. Oh, yes!" She hugged me tightly, her head resting on my shoulder. I'm sure there were tears in her eyes again because there were a lot in mine.
Well, her mother came home later that afternoon, much calmed down but still with a palpable aura of frost about her. She barely looked at Ruby, and when she did, anger and accusation still flashed in her eyes. I got the silent treatment, too, which was a welcome relief. I had other things on my mind today, and I was glad there were no sparring matches to ruin my mood. I was high with life. High with a newfound love. Ruby and I went about the household chores on Saturday. Still, we smiled, winked, or stuck out our tongues surreptitiously at each other. When we'd pass one another in the hallway or a room, we'd manage to brush arms or fingertips secretly. Once, when she needed to reach something behind me in the kitchen cupboard, she'd even managed to rub a breast against my arm. Boy, I fought valiantly against having an erection as her mother was standing right next to us! Eventually, the day ended, and I suggested a family outing to the theater. "I'm not in a movie-watching mood," Dolly said. "Why don't you and the harlot go so I can disinfect my house." Ruby gave her a look that would curdle milk, but it didn't linger, so she rushed to her room to get ready. I floated on cloud nine during my first date out with my daughter. Things could not have gone more perfectly!
"Touch me, Daddy," my baby whispered. We were in the darkened theatre, snuggled into the far back corner. My left arm was around her, the seat's middle armrest was folded, and she pressed herself hungrily into my side. Her legs were curled up in the chair, showing an obscene amount of thigh. Her arms, though, were resting modestly in her lap. She wore a light grey miniskirt with a powder-blue halter top, leaving her midriff and cute belly button bare. The outfit was calculated to both piss off her mother and make me horny. I had to duck-walk to the car. Any guy reading this should know why! I had worried about her being cold in the theatre, but she assured me that her date would keep her warm. The movie went on for half an hour when she asked her question. She had been curled tightly in my arm since the lights had gone down. We'd been touching for all that time. So, her request had to be for something more intimate. I lifted her chin with my right hand and kissed her briefly. "Are you always so brazening on your first dates?" I asked. "Do you always talk so much?" she answered, lightly biting my lower lip. I chuckled softly and bit her lip back. She tried to bite my mouth again, and our lips wrestled into a full-fledged, tongue-swallowing, 'can't get enough of you' kiss. Her left hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me fiercely to her. Our lips locked tightly, and soon, our kiss mellowed out into a soft, leisurely exploration of each other's mouths. My right hand found the bare left side of her stomach. I felt her skin tremble briefly at the touch, and a tingle of electricity ran up my arm. Her stomach was smooth and toned, warm to the touch. My palm moved delicately over it, causing a few more light tremors. I massaged my fingertips into her flesh and groped upwards. I felt the outline of her lowest rib and then, sending shivers through both of our bodies, contact the lower bulge of her left breast. I let out a slow breath and closed my eyes. My penis was hard and aching delightfully. I was about to fondle my daughter's breast! I must confess to some nervousness at this point. This was too good to be true. My body shivered with nervous anticipation and built-up adrenaline. "Oh, God, touch me," her shaky voice whispered. I slid my hand upwards, brushed her hardened nipple with my fingers, felt her stiffen at the fleeting touch, and then fully grasped her hand-sized breast. I felt her rapid breath in my ear, her quick heartbeat against my hand. I clasped her breast tightly. Not wanting to let go. I relaxed a little and started rubbing the outer areas of her breast with my fingertips. Every few seconds, I let my palm brush her nipple. I was rewarded with a sharp intake of her breath with each subtle contact. She pushed her breast hard against my hand and gasped. "Daddy, oh, Daddy! Really, really, touch me!" I reached my hand in from the top of her bra, found her nipple, and twirled it between my thumb and forefinger. I moved my hand around a little awkwardly because of the pressure from the fabric of her bra. I pulled my hand out and reinserted it from the bottom of the cup. I fumbled a little with her fleshy breast before she put her hands under her halter and fiddled with the front clasp of her bra. It sprung free, and suddenly, her unrestrained breast was bouncing in my hand. God, it was firm and tight. I hadn't felt a breast this full since I was a teenager. At that point, I longed more than anything else to lift her blouse and lower my head to her bosom for a nice long suck on her nipples. At the thought, I quickly pinched her nipple and pulled on it until my fingers slid off the tip. She gasped. "Do that again, Daddy," was her soft whisper. "Do that again." I did as my baby asked, putting slightly more pressure into the pinch. "God! Again. Please, again!" I repeated my action again, this time lightly twisting her nipples. Her breath caught then relaxed, and she started squirming in the chair. Her thighs were rubbing slowly against each other, and her right hand gripped my thigh. I played with her breast, leaving her nipple alone and causing a soft whimper. I stroked the top where the swelling of her breast blended into her chest. My fingers dribbled down the left curb of her globe, and I lightly, oh so lightly, let my palm graze her nipple for just a second. I continued fingering the outside of her breast, moving down underneath, cupping the weight of her tit in my hand. My fingers roamed underneath, tickling the buried underside of her breast and chest. My hand slid out, and I grazed my thumb across her nipple, eliciting her now-familiar gasp. I noticed her thighs were rubbing a little more rapidly, and her squirming was more urgent. I brought my fingers to the top and, like a guitar player, strummed them repeatedly across her nipples. She pressed forward against my hand, and her hand on my thigh clenched tightly. "Daddy…." She squealed under her breath, and her body shook once, twice, and then a third time. She sagged against me, breathing heavily. I kissed the top of her head and kept my hand resting lightly over her breast. Ruby started to move the hand on my thigh. It roamed upward and came into contact with my erect penis. It was my turn to take a sharp breath. I hadn't realized just how sensitive it had become in my lust or my daughter. Ruby didn't hesitate to run her hand up the entire length and then find the zipper to my pants. Using both hands, she got the zipper down, reached into my pants, and tried to free my hard-on. It was too stiff to come out, and regretfully, I had to release her breast to give her a hand in unlimbering it. After a few seconds, it popped free and stood up proudly in the darkened theatre. Ruby just stared at it with her hands resting idly in my lap. "It's beautiful," she murmured. She turned slightly in her seat to face it and took the base of the shaft in her right hand. "Shit," I said, and my whole body stiffened. Her touch was like a lightning bolt shooting shock waves through me. She moved her hand up slowly, and my penis jumped in response. Her hand moved delicately and agonizingly slowly up the shaft. She reached the top, ran her fingers over the head, lubing them with pre-cum, and glided her fingers one by one down the underside of my penis. When she reached the bottom, I gripped my chair's armrest so hard that I thought it would break. Then she whispered: "God, I wish I could take it in my mouth now." I almost lost it right then as she simultaneously gave the bottom of my shaft a hard squeeze. She held her grip and slowly moved her hand up and down about a half inch. She kept this motion while squirming in her seat and doing something under her skirt with her left hand. She leaned forward and straightened her legs, and I glimpsed a wisp of cloth sliding down them. When she was curled back up in the seat, she held her panties in her left hand. "Holy shit," I thought as I felt myself grow even harder. She dragged her silk underwear lovingly across the tip of my penis. She twirled the fabric lightly and spiraled it down my shaft. The sensation was unbearable. The smooth, wispy fabric tickled parts of my penis that I didn't know I had. I bucked my hips upwards, encouraging the contact. She wrapped my penis in the panty and stroked down with it while her firmly emplaced right hand stroked upwards. The feeling was unbearable. The soft, smooth silk above and her firm hand below made me want to cum. But she kept her motions slow enough that I couldn't. I wanted desperately to grab her hands, speed up her motion, and rush to my climax. I struggled to maintain discipline as my hips did an undistinguished dance in my chair. She released her hold on my penis and let the panty fall to my groin. My shaft stuck up through one of the leg holes. Her right hand grasped my shaft again, this time also grabbing the engulfing panty. She slid its silk up and down my entire shaft several times in a smooth, rhythmic motion. Her left hand gathered some more of my pre-cum and started playing with the tip of my dick. Jesus, she was driving me crazy. She started moving her right hand up and down faster, and about the same time, I started bucking my hips up into her smooth, silk sheath. Her left hand was stationary now, fingertips drooping downward. The motion of my cock generated by her other hand was sufficient to send the top of my dick flicking against her moist fingertips. "Aw, Ruby," I gasped, gripping her tightly, my left arm still around her shoulders. I slid that hand down, found the bottom of her halter top, slid under it, and grabbed her breast. I kneaded and massaged her boob roughly as she toyed with my penis. That feeling was building up inside me, and my body grew tenser and tenser as she milked me. I gritted my teeth and strained against release. "I can't wait to taste you, Daddy," she whispered in my ear, and I released a mighty burst that was stopped expertly by her hovering left hand. She kept pumping as my semen gushed upward, coating her hands and seeping back down onto my penis and her panties. I was breathing raggedly now as she eased off on the speed of her pumping motion. She stroked me more and more slowly as my penis softened, and she coaxed out the last of my cum. She gathered her panty together carefully, wiping her cum coated hands on it. She found a clean spot and used that to clean up my penis. Then she lifted it off and carefully folded the silk garment with everything inside. She pressed it into my right hand when it was a neat little square, kissed me on the cheek, and said: "For you."
We watched the rest of the movie in each other's arms without further orgasms. My left hand stayed glued to her left breast, and her right hand rested gently in my lap on top of my exposed penis. We were cozy. At one point during the show, I started stroking her smooth thighs with my right hand. I did this for several minutes, then idly moved my hand under her mini-skirt towards her crotch. "No, not yet," she gently whispered, never noticing the movie screen. I removed my hand.
Walking out of the theatre, I stayed close behind her, idly wondering if her flouncing mini-skirt was short enough for people to see her bare ass. Once in the car, she suggested we go dancing. "Did you bring another pair of panties," I asked. She hadn't and pouted her lips. "I want to be the only one who can see your body," I said. She grinned suddenly, jumped across me in the driver's seat, and kissed me aggressively. I held onto my wildcat, copping a feel of the side of her breast with my left hand and her bare ass with my right. After about ten seconds, she broke the kiss and lay back in my arms, smiling at me. "I want to make love to you," she sighed. I looked down at my angel while stroking her delightful hip. "And I want you so badly," I said. I removed my hand from her thigh and gently massaged her left breast with the back of my hand. "I want you so bad it hurts." "But we can't tonight," she let out a long, slow breath. "Mom knows what time the movie lets out, and she'll know we weren't at the club." We stayed silently for about five minutes before I suggested we get going. We held hands in the house, squeezing little love messages and impatient longing for each other.
Dolly was already in bed when we got home. Reluctantly, I kissed my daughter good night at her bedroom door and patted her naked fanny for good measure. She entered her room but peered smilingly at me until her door closed. I trudged dejectedly across the hall to my bedroom. Dolly was reclining on the bed, reading a Harlequin and, surprisingly, dressed in one of her sexy lingerie. I was taken aback. She hadn't dressed up for me in years. "Wow," I said. "You look superb." "Well, hurry and get ready for bed. I won't wait forever," she said in a husky voice and winked. I went to our bathroom and closed the door. Shit. Shit. Shit. What is with some women? For a day and a half, she's in a pissy mood; now she suddenly wants to fuck! I shucked off my clothes and stared down at my cock. It wanted pussy, but not the pussy sprawled in my bed right now. I wondered if I'd even be able to get it up for my wife. I removed my daughter's soiled panties from my pocket and held the garment up to my nose. I smelled my come, but also a fresh, pleasant scent that was new to me. My daughter's smell. My cock sprung instantly to life. "You're a dirty, stinking bastard," I thought to myself. I would get it up for my wife, but it wouldn't be her I'd be loving while I fucked her. I stepped into the shower and paid extra attention to cleaning my penis. I didn't want my wife smelling cum on me. My preservation instinct turned out to be right on target. As I turned out the lights and hopped in bed, she was instantly on top of me. "I've been such a bitch to you," she mumbled while biting my nipples. She raked her hands down my sides and back up my chest. She was straddling my legs and nibbling her way down my chest. "I know you put up with a lot of shit from me, but I do know how to please my man," she growled and flicked her tongue into my belly button. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at her. I thought of my daughter, her pert breasts, and her naked bottom. My cock started to rise. "Yes…Big Daddy can't resist Hot Mama," she crooned as she cupped my balls. Her mouth descended on my dick just as I was thinking about the secret irony in her choice of pet name for me. Well, whatever her other failings, Dolly is a world-class cocksucker. Often, I had figured it was because of all the exercise her mouth got from her perpetual screaming and cussing. Tonight, she swallowed my cock to the hilt in one try. She held my cock locked in her throat and started humming. The vibrations traveled up and down my cock, ensuring that I wouldn't need to think about Ruby to stay hard. "Um, Uummm!" She hummed, sliding my cock out of her mouth. She licked my balls and then ran her tongue up and down my shaft. She grabbed the base with one hand and started pumping. Her mouth descended over the head, and she started licking it. I arched my hips upwards to try and get my cock back in there. She held me at bay, teasing me with her tongue and pumping with her hand. Then she slid her body up mine, crushing her breasts into my stomach and then chest as she moved upwards. She kissed my chest, neck, ears, and finally my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her and grasped her buttocks. I moved my hands back and forth over her ass, found the crack, and slid my hand down into her teddy until I was fingering her wet pussy. "You want some of that?" She growled at me. "Tell me you want some of my hot sauce." "I want you," I said half-heartedly. "I want you bad." "What do you want to do with me?" She slid her scantily clad groin back and forth across my cock. "I want to fuck you." "Just fuck me?" "I want to fuck you. I want to tear up your pussy. I want to grind you 'til you can't walk!"
"Yes. Yes. Do it!" She was rocking back and forth violently on my cock. I reached between us, spread the teddy's crotch away from her pussy, and pushed my cock up into her waiting slit. "Yesss," she groaned and pushed back onto it, forcing it all the way in. She pushed herself up into a half-sitting position and braced herself with her hands on my chest. She turned her head to look down and behind at her derriere as if trying to visually make certain my penis had found the right spot. She began undulating her hips from the waist, creating a rocking motion that swayed my penis back and forth inside her. "Mmmm, mmmmm! My man's got a cock that pleases!" She ground her pubic hair into my groin on her forward shove, then slid up and back before grinding forward again. This motion didn't really do much for me, but she could have several orgasms that way without any danger of me cumming. She rocked faster and faster, saying nasty but complimentary things about my cock. Suddenly, after a few minutes, she stiffened and started shivering. "Oh God, oh God, oh God," she repeated as her thighs clamped spasmodically against my hips and waist. Then she collapsed on me, breathing hard. Now, it was my turn to work. I clamped my arms firmly around her back, bent my knees upwards, and then started thrusting into her. My groin lifted to slam into her twat, fell back into the mattress, and rebounded to hit even harder into her. I thrust faster and faster, taking what I needed and abusing her pussy. She couldn't talk any longer but let out an "Oh, Oh, Oh" with each of my inward thrusts. I hugged her to me tighter, feeling her cushiony breasts pressed into my chest. My tempo increased to several thrusts a second as my peak approached. Her "oh's" grew louder, my hug grew tighter, and our breaths grew shorter until suddenly I halted on an in-thrust, pressed my cock as deep as I could inside her, and exploded with a torrent of cum. I felt the first burst hit inside her and splash back onto my cock. I withdrew halfway and thrust again, letting loose another spurt. With each subsequent thrust, I shot more semen into her until I was drained. My hips collapsed onto the bed, and I relaxed my bear hug. She was shuddering in an orgasm of her own, so I caressed her back until it subsided. "Man, I love it when we fuck in this position, Rick. You're the only man who's ever done it to me this way," I continued stroking her shoulders. I had heard it all before. "What's going through your mind?" she asked, stroking the left side of my face. Damn women. How do they always know when you are thinking of something besides them? I was thinking of her, but it was not something I could tell her. I had been wondering, during the after-sex wind-down, if I still really loved this woman. Tonight was not the first time those thoughts had come into my head. I had been tired of her bickering and foul-mouthed ways for a while now. I like to cuddle and be cuddled. But she rarely put me in a cuddling mood these days. Yes, we had sex many times a week, but it was not comforting sex; it was just horny-time sex. The love was gone from our lovemaking. I had to answer her. Telling the truth was out of the question, so I came close. "I just keep thinking of how, during the day, you are always fussing and cussing, but at night, you want to be all sexy and shit." "That's because you and that child always give me shit to cuss about." "Well, it sometimes makes me wonder if you really want me around." She pulled up and looked into my eyes. "If I didn't want you around, you know I would have put your shit in the street long ago. Besides," she reached back and between our legs to fondle my cock. "I could never live without this monster." She played with my cock until I started feeling it stir again. When it was hard, she rolled off me and pulled off her teddy. She got on her hands and knees. Obligingly, I got on my knees behind her and sank my cock into her vagina. Her ample, brown backside pushed back onto me. I started thrusting. I put my hands on her buttocks and spread them apart so that her anus was winking up at me. "Oh, yes. So good," she moaned. She always liked it when I spread her ass cheeks. I moved in and out of her slowly, feeling the bumps and ripples inside her pussy glide against my cock. She also moved in time with me, arching and bending her back up and down so that her pussy contracted against my cock all the way up inside her. Most women I had known just pushed their hips back and forth against me. But she worked her hips in circles while rocking from her waist. Her whole body was undulated like waves in the ocean. Even though this was doggy-style, we were both full-time workers in the sex act. I put a hand on her back and slipped it down to her right breast. It swayed back and forth against my hand. I reached further around until her nipple was flicking back and forth across my fingers. She moaned at this. She liked it when I did that. I leaned forward onto her back and did her left breast, too. After a minute, she said, "I want to feel full of you—real full of you." That was our code phrase for anal sex. A long time ago, she had once explained the sensation to me as "being full." "When you're in there, I feel you are completely inside me. I feel…full," she had said, and the phrase became our personal euphemism for fucking in the ass. I straightened up, gently slipped out of her vagina, spread her hips, and pressed the head of my dick against her anus. She pushed back, and my head popped past her anal ring. "Ugh," she blurted out, letting her head drop into the pillows. She splayed her knees wider, lowering her butt slightly, and I pushed in an inch. "Oh God," she grunted. I pulled back a little, then pushed again. I sank a few inches in and was rewarded with a high-pitched squeal. I grasped both hips and moved all the way in. "Ohhhh God, yessssss," she squealed. "Oh, Rick, tear it apart, please. TEAR-IT-A-PART!" I aimed to please them and started humping her big time. Her anus gripped my rod furiously as I began an ass pounding that had her mewling. I never lasted long in her ass with the tremendous pressure and the speed of the pounding she required. And she helped it along with tremendous muscle control and dirty language. "Damn! You're going to break that thing off in me," she shouted while compressing her innards against me in her magical way. "Break that rod off in me! Break it off! Tear my butt open, you fucker! Tear it wide open!" I gritted my teeth and tried my best to do as she commanded. Sweat ran off my forehead and splashed onto her back and into her crack. I yanked my penis in and out, watching her asshole pull and pucker with my thrusts. I looked at her pretty back arching up and down, and her head smashed into the pillow. It rocked into the cushion with each violent thrust. "Ohhhh, I'm gonna cum," she growled, and I started pushing harder. My dick was begging to cum, and I was trying desperately to hold off. I stared at the ceiling, grunting with the effort. "Cum, you bitch, cum!" I smacked her ass, watched it ripple, then smacked it again. That pushed her over the edge. She collapsed flat out on the bed, shuddering and screaming. I rode her flattened and convulsing body for three more strokes. Her hips fit smoothly into my crotch as I pressed her into the mattress and vented my semen into her bowels. She was suddenly slick inside with my cum, and I slid in and out quickly for my last few exhausted strokes. We lay like that for a few minutes, catching our breath. I enjoyed the feel of my wife's soft body below me, rising and falling with ragged breaths. Eventually, I rolled off of her and onto my back. She crawled up against my left side, snuggled her breast on my chest, and curled a leg over mine. I put my arms around her and held her close. She sighed as she pressed into me. I shivered as I thought about her. I really still loved this woman. I couldn't fathom why, but I did. "Honey," she cooed. "Uh-hum." "I'm sorry about last night. I really overreacted." "Maybe that's something you need to tell Ruby." "You know I can't do that. Besides, I wasn't wrong, I just overreacted." I felt wetness on my shoulder and chest and realized my wife was crying. "Well, I suppose anyone could easily overreact in that situation," I said. "It's just that no one wants to think about their kids having sex, much less see them." "I know, I know," I replied, rubbing her back. "But you sure scared the hell out of our kid." "Yeah, I did, didn't I?" She chuckled. "I don't think she'll be doing anything with anyone anytime soon." Oh, so little did my wife know. So little did she know. She chuckled a few more times before falling asleep and snoring. I lay awake a while longer, staring at the shadows in the ceiling and thinking of Ruby in the next room. My penis began to rise again as I recalled our evening at the movies. I smiled, thinking of her fresh enthusiasm and lack of inhibition when showing affection to me. I remember her underwear and the smell of our scents mixed together on it. I hugged my wife closer and fell asleep, smiling and dreaming of my daughter.
Something was wrong with Ruby Sunday morning. Ruby was usually up before us and rattling downstairs while we were still dragging our old, creaking bodies out of bed. Sunday Brunch was ready this morning, and we had to shout upstairs to get her out of her room. Dolly was bright and cheerful and bouncing around in her morning-after-sex high. When Ruby appeared in the dining room, she received a bubbly good morning, a hug, and a kiss from her mother but brushed it off with a half-assed "'Morning". Dolly didn't notice the attitude, but I certainly did. "'Morning, Ruby," I said. She met my eyes briefly with a blazing glare and set teeth, hashed out the same rude " Morning," and crashed down into her chair for breakfast. She devoured her food with her head down, never looking at either her mother or me, then abruptly excused herself when she was done and went back upstairs to her room. Her mother just stared at the chair Ruby had vacated. "Yes, I think I was too rough on her." "Don't worry about it," I mumbled past a mouthful of blueberry waffle. "She's a big girl. She'll come around." "Uh-huh. We'll just give it a day or two." I wished I was as confident about Ruby as I sounded to my wife. I knew Ruby wasn't bothered by my wife's prior tirade. She had been happy and cheerful when we got home last night, but her entire angst against her mother seemed forgotten. I wondered if Ruby was having second thoughts about being romantically involved with me. Maybe after two days, she suddenly realized what she was doing with her dad was wrong. Perhaps she was thinking that I had taken advantage of her in an emotionally distraught state. I started panicking. We had both been drinking that first night. God. It is unlawful sexual contact to fondle a drunk woman. And then last night. She was still on the outs with her mother. Had the theatre been a revenge thing? Had she acted unthinkingly to spite her mother? And had I, her father and protector, betrayed her trust and confidence in me by engaging in sex acts with her? My head was starting to ache, and I could feel the blood pounding around in it. "Rick! Are you listening?" I jerked back to the real world with a start. Dolly held a telephone in her hand, stretching it across the table to me. I hadn't even heard it ring. I took the phone and put it to my ear. "Hello? Oh, Mr. Brewster. No, no. We're fine. The family's good. Uh, huh. Listen, I'm fine with it. We got to do what we got to do, right? I'll get ready and be there in half an hour." I put the phone down and leaned back in my chair, eyes closed. I took a deep breath, let it out loud, and looked at Dolly. "Mr. Brewster has asked me to come in. A problem with one of the accounts." "I know, I know," Dolly said. "Tax time. Happens every year. You just go, get it done, keep that money rolling in." She stood up, approached the table, and kissed my forehead. "Maybe when you get back, I'll be in the mood for you to 'fill me up' again." She gave my cock a quick squeeze and then started to clear the table. "It's probably nothing much," I said. "Maybe just an hour or two." "Oh, Rick. You know your clients. They'll probably have you there into the night trying to squeeze two extra cents off their taxes. Don't worry about me. I'm going to visit my sister this afternoon. I started to get up from the table. "Say," Dolly said. "Why don't you take Ruby with you? She has a summer job there. Maybe she can help you get it done faster. Besides, maybe with more time away from me, you can open her up and set things right with the family." "Uh," I started. "Maybe some other time? My clients, they…." "Sahhh-leeeee!" Dolly called out loudly. "Your Dad's going to the office to work. You want to run with him and see if you can help out." "OK," came the muffled response that stunned me into silence. What the fuck…? Dolly turned to me and smiled. "There, all set. Not that I really need a cock-blocker with you," Dolly grinned. "But one can never be too certain with all those hard-up secretaries running around your building." She carted the dishes into the kitchen, and I stood there, mouth hanging open like a fool. Ruby came skipping down in pink short pants and a white t-shirt decorated with pink roses. "Are you ready," she asked in an abrupt tone. "Yeah." I grabbed the keys and headed out the front door without looking back. I opened the car's passenger door for Ruby, and she shut it herself. I found the door still locked when I got to the driver's side. I didn't comment as I started the ignition and reversed the car out of the driveway. We drove silently until leaving the suburbs and heading down the county road. "Pull over here just a second," she said. I pulled right onto the shoulder and stopped beside a large oak tree. Ruby unbuckled her seat belt, leaned across me, and planted a two-second-long kiss on my lips. Then she sat back in her seat, refastened her seat belt, and stared out through the windshield, hands folded neatly in her lap as if nothing had happened. "You can drive again now," she said after a moment. I just sat there staring at her. She insisted, "Drive," so I put the car in gear and headed back onto the highway. Just before I was about to ask a question, she spoke again. "That was so you would know I am not mad at you about anything we did. However, I am mad at you." "What? Why?" I stammered. "Like you don't know." She stared out the passenger window. "No, really. I don't know." She turned and glared at me. "Yeah, right. You and Mom humping up a storm last night. Making all the noise in the world like I'm deaf or something. And right after you and I….after you and I…." My dear Ruby started crying. "Oh, geez, Ruby," I said, getting flustered myself. A gas station was up ahead, and I pulled the car into the lot. I turned to my daughter. "God, Ruby. She's my wife. What were you expecting?" "I don't know," She sobbed. "It's just that hearing you two last night hit me. She, Mom, was making love to my boyfriend. My man. It hurt inside. In my gut." I pressed back into my seat and stared at the car roof. "Oh, Ruby. This is my fault; I wasn't thinking. I just wasn't thinking. But what are we going to do now? I never had it in my mind to break up with your mom when I asked you to go with me. I assumed that we would have our love for each other on the side and your mom and I would just continue. I guess this is all very unfair to you." "No, no," Ruby shook her head. "I'm a big girl. A little naïve, but I'm an adult. I knew what I was getting into. It's just that I didn't expect you to have sex with her again so soon, especially after we, you know, last night…." I sighed. "Darling, I wish it had been as simple as just walking into the room and going to bed. That really was my intention. But your mom did herself up nicely and made up for fighting with me the other night. "But I'll tell you a secret: I couldn't even get it up until I took a whiff of your panties." She looked up at me, tears glistening in her big doe eyes. "Really?" "Really." She gave me a tiny smile. "So my panties helped?" "Your panties helped. Look, I still have them with me." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the cum-stained garment she had given me. "My new good-luck charm." She stared at the tiny garment in awe. "I'm going to keep it with me from now on. It's my most treasured possession." She fingered the panty sitting in the palm of my hand. "I suppose I can live with you and mom screwing. It's what you all are supposed to do, right? Being married and all? But, can you two do it more quietly so I don't have to hear?" "Uh, we weren't aware that you could hear us." "Hah! In that house? I have been listening to you all going at it all my life! I have to pull pillows over my ears to sleep sometimes. Do you know how gross it is to hear your parents screwing?" "Oh." "Dad! You're embarrassed! Look at you!" "Yeah, ah, look, we'd better get driving. My boss is gonna be wondering about me." I had to sit with Ruby singing "Daddy's embarrassed, Daddy's embarrassed" for ten minutes until we were at my office. At least my daughter, my girlfriend, wasn't mad at me anymore.
"I think about you all the time, you know." We were sitting in my office. I was behind my desk reading a file, and she was reclining on the sofa across from me, supposedly reading a novel. My office was pretty fair-sized. I had moved up long ago from the sterile cubicles most of the staff was crammed into. As tax manager for the accounting firm, I rated a picture window, a small conference table, and the sofa on which I'd caught many a cat nap after long nights. Today's client was one of those pain-in-the-ass accounts. You'd be surprised how many companies do not take their accountant's advice and then bawl and scream at you when they owe money at tax time. My job today was to reduce one such joker's tax liability to zero and still keep his and my butts out of jail. I already knew there was nothing I could do, but I was required to put in the requisite slop time. "Even while you're asleep?" I answered my daughter. "Especially while I'm asleep." She let out one of those soft, dreamy noises that have hardened men's dicks since time immemorial. "Do you think about me all the time?" "Since before you were born, Sweetheart. Since before you were born." I turned a few pages of the tax report. "Aw, Daddy. You know what I mean." "I do? What do you mean?" I grinned at her over the sheaf of papers. She stuck out her tongue at me and made a show of delving back into her book and ignoring me. I continued staring at her sexy, reclining form for a few minutes. My daughter is terrific and shapely. I don't just say that as a parent doting over his child. She turns heads when she walks, and I have considered buying a gun more than once during her high school dating career. Every boy in her school wants to go out with her, and she sees it as her moral imperative to tease the hell out of as many of them as possible. This she seems capable of doing just by breathing. Ruby was about 5'4'' and sported the classic "Coca-Cola" body like her mom. Her behind was a smooth round half moon, and her breasts were pert, upstanding hand-size prizes. 34B was my guess. Her skin was evenly toned and the color of unshelled pecans. She kept her shoulder-length black hair permed with a light wave and almost always wore it loose. She had a bright smile that captivated and deep brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle. My eyes roamed up her bare and slender legs, past toned thighs to where they met pink hot pants that barely covered her hips. Her belly was taut and flat, and her breasts…oh, those lovely mounds gently shaped by her bra…they rose up and down right now, gently flowing with her breathing. I wondered what they looked like, those breasts. I remembered last night. I knew she was teasing me, letting me touch them but not letting me see them. She seemed a pro at the art of enticement. Give a little, take a little. Keep the mystery going. Keep you enchanted.
"You're staring, Daddy," she said without lifting her eyes from her book. How the hell did women know these things?
"Er, yes, of course. You're much more entertaining than this report."
"At least now I have the answer to my question. Get back to work, hurry, and finish. I plan to have my own time with you today."
Well, who could resist an imperative like that? I put down the report, grabbed the phone, and dialed my boss's extension.
"Look, boss," I said. "This thing's impossible. I don't even know why this twerp uses our services. He never takes our advice, and every year, he comes in bawling at us over how much taxes he has to pay. I honestly don't know what I can do."
"Well, we had to give it a shot. At least we got a couple more billable hours out of his carelessness. Dump it on my secretary's desk, and we'll set up a meeting with him in the morning. I'm heading home now."
"OK. I have a few other accounts that need some quick tidying up. I might as well finish them while I'm here."
"As you wish. Lock up when you're done. I'll see you in the morning."
After hanging up the phone, I told my daughter, "These clients will drive me crazy. " I gathered the file, flagged it for my boss's attention, and dropped it in my outbox.
"Well, that's that. Just a couple more things to do." I got up and walked over to my file cabinets.
"Do you really have to do more work?" Ruby asked. "Can't you take a few minutes?"
I looked at my daughter, her sexy reclining shape, and forgot all about IRS codes, tax forms, and cooked numbers.
"Of course, Baby."
I went to the couch, and she sat up a moment. I sat down, and she rested her head on my lap.
"Mmm, you're so much more comfortable than a pillow."
I rested my right hand on her stomach and ran the fingers of my left hand through her hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed having her hair stroked. She let the book fall to the floor.
"We alone in the building?" she asked, resting her left hand on my right.
"Door locked?"
"Then why do we still have our clothes on?"
If there is such a thing as a spontaneous orgasm, I indeed came extremely close to one at that instant. My cock was rock hard immediately. She giggled, feeling it through her head on my lap. She rolled onto her stomach and started fiddling with my belt buckle, pants button, and zipper.
"Ah, there it is," she said, whipping my cock out. She lightly brushed it up and down with the fingers of her right hand. I almost had a heart attack.
"Has this couch been broken in yet?" she asked.
I knew what she meant.
"Uh, no."
"Well, today's the day."
She dropped her head down, took my cock in her mouth, and I ejaculated immediately.
If she was surprised at suddenly getting a load of cum, she didn't show it. She kept my pulsing organ tucked in her mouth, casually swallowing each of the four spurts while gently massaging my balls. I was stiff and tense; my muscles were locked up with the sudden orgasm. But she brought me down smoothly, softly caressing my penis with her lips and tongue. When she was sure I had finished coming, she slowly slid her lips up and off, eliciting several more twitches from my sensitive penis. She kissed the tip and then the sides several times before resting her head on my thighs, facing me and my exhausted but still hard cock. Her left hand now held it, massaging it gently and reverently.
"I never tasted cum before," she said quietly, still fiddling with my cock.
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I didn't have time to warn you. I just got so excited."
"It's OK, Daddy. I'm not upset. I wanted to taste you. I wanted you to be the first. You taste good. Strange, but good. It's a slicker, slider feel in my mouth. Just different, but good."
I stroked her hair and back, and we stayed silent for a while, at ease in each other's presence.
Eventually, she rolled over onto her back. My hand happened to end up resting on her breasts.
"Touch me," she said.
I looked down into her brown eyes. They held a dreamy quality.
I started pulling up her t-shirt. She helped, and we got it over her head and off her. While it was coming off, I watched anxiously as first her tight stomach and cute belly button were exposed. Then, as I held my breath, her lacy black bra appeared. Her nipples were stiff and poking up against the flimsy material. Next, the upper flesh of her bosom came into view. My dick hardened by a power of two.
Her shirt was off, and I stared down at my nubile child, my sexy girlfriend. My right hand resting on her warm stomach was trembling. I think she was nervous, too. I watched her breasts rise and fall several times.
"Touch me, please," she whispered with a tremor.
I felt as clumsy as a teenager as I reached for the front clasp of her bra. I fumbled with it a little, and then, abruptly, it popped open. My breath caught.
Her two full brown globes with dark brown quarter-sized areolas and stiff, half-inch nipples stared up at me. I froze, gaping at my daughter's perfect teenage breasts.
Suddenly, she turned towards me, burying her face in my stomach and hiding her breasts from my view. She wrapped her arms around my waist and clenched me tightly to her. I stroked her hair and back.
"Yes, Daddy," was her muffled response.
"You, OK?"
She didn't respond; she just continued holding me. I continued caressing her.
She shook her head.
"Uh, uh. I just need a moment, please."
I gave her all the time she needed. Eventually, she pulled her head back a little and talked to me.
"I'm OK, Daddy. It's just…nobody's ever seen my breasts before. Guys have played with them, but I never let them remove my shirt. I'm just a little embarrassed."
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Sweetheart. Your breasts are fantastic."
I don't know if that was the wrong thing to say, but she buried her head in my stomach again.
After a while, I said, "Come, sit up. Sit in my lap."
I gently pulled her arms from around me and started guiding her into a sitting position. Before her breasts came into view, she folded her arms quickly across them. I was struck by the drastic contrasts in my daughter's personae. One moment, she was a brazen tease; the next, she was a shy, innocent child. It all added up to her allure, her charm, her irresistibility.
I guided her to a sitting position on my lap so that she was facing me, her folded legs straddling my thighs. My cock stood between us, pressing lightly against her pants-clad crotch. Her head was down with her eyes closed.
"Hey," I said and lifted her chin. Her eyes met mine. I leaned towards her and lightly kissed her closed lips. I kissed her again, and she opened her mouth to return the kiss. It was a short, undemanding kiss with no tongue.
When we broke the kiss, I rubbed her upper arms and rested my hands on top of her shoulders.
"Do you want to stop?"
She shook her head.
"I want you," she said, laying her head on my left shoulder. I stroked her back. It was bare except for the loosely hanging bra. "I want to be your girlfriend. I want you to want me."
"I do want you, baby. Nothing can change that. But I don't want to do anything before you are ready."
"I am ready, Daddy. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to do it wrong. I don't want to disappoint you."
"Aw, baby," I hugged her. "You can't disappoint me."
She sat up straight and looked into my eyes, her arms still folded across her breasts.
"You could never disappoint me," I whispered and smoothed a lock of hair in front of her face. My hand slid down from her hair and rested on her left shoulder. My fingers contacted the thin black strap of her bra.
"I want you in every way possible."
I slid the bra strap over her shoulder, and it fell to her bent elbow. I did the same to her other strap.
"May I?" I asked, holding both bra straps. She nodded and slowly unfolded her arms. I made sure to gaze into her eyes and not at her breasts as I slipped the bra off her.
"Can you touch me? Down there? You're so good at that," I requested.
"Ok," she said and touched my penis with her right hand. Her other hand rested comfortably against my side.
"You do that so well," I murmured as she began slowly stroking me.
I continued rubbing her arms but bent my head slightly to pay attention to her delightful breasts, now fully open to my view. Her right nipple pointed upwards and invitingly at me. I stuck my tongue out and licked it. She stiffened and paused for a moment in her stroking of my cock. But it was just momentarily, and she relaxed, resuming her task. I kissed her nipple, rotated my tongue around her areola, and then sucked a good portion of her breast into my mouth. She moaned, and I brought my right hand around to massage her left breast. I sucked on her firm right breast for a while before switching to the left. My left hand groped her right breast, and I rubbed the saliva I had left there into her skin. My fingers slid smoothly across her lubricated nipple, flicking it and keeping her hard.
She pressed her torso against my mouth and hand. Her body started to rock. Her pelvis started moving back and forth against my penis, and her arms found their way around my back. I gave her breasts my full attention as she began to moan in time with her moving body.
I sucked her breasts harder as her tempo increased. Her crotch put increasing and more rapid pressure on my cock as she dry-humped me. Her body moved faster and faster, and it became a struggle to keep her bouncing breasts in my mouth and hands.
"Oh, Daddy, oh, Daddy," she was crying and panting. I pressed her breasts together with my hands, bringing her nipples just inches apart from each other. I flicked my tongue rapidly back and forth between them. I fit both of them in my mouth at the same time. I bit down lightly on them. I released them from my mouth and pinched and rotated both nipples between my fingers. I looked up and saw her looking down at me with glazed eyes. She bent her head and kissed me, sucking my tongue into her mouth. She clasped me harder in a bear hug and bumped her crotch violently back and forth on my cock. She broke the kiss, gasping, and threw her head backward. Her hips moved in a blur on my lap. A strained mewling sound grew from her throat, and suddenly, she stiffened, screaming. Spasms wracked her body. She dropped her head to my shoulder, shuddering violently. I held her, caressing her back as her orgasm persisted in long, pulsing vibrations. Her body quivered against mine. It went still for a couple seconds; she moved her hips and suddenly shivered again. The spasms subsided slowly, with more and more time coming between them. Finally, she let out a long, slow breath.
Ruby rocked gently in my arms, slowly pumping her crotch. She finally sat back, put her arms on my shoulders, and looked into my eyes.
"I love you," she smiled.
Her hands slid down my chest, then my stomach. She found where my polo shirt disappeared into my pants waist and pulled it out. She pulled it up and over my head and tossed it to the floor in one smooth motion. She whipped her head back, clearing her hair from her face in that tantalizing way that women do. The movement caused her breasts to jiggle delightfully as well. I was mesmerized by those breasts.
She seemed to know what I was thinking about and hugged me, squeezing those bronze beauties into my chest. Her bare flesh was surprisingly warm against me.
"Mmmmm," she said. "I just want to cuddle you like this forever."
I hugged her back, enjoying the contact.
When the hug broke, she gazed longingly into my eyes and whispered four magic words that catapulted me straight to heaven: "Make love to me."
I laid my beautiful daughter down on the couch and knelt on the floor beside her. I kissed her lips, her nose, her eyelids. I nibbled on her earlobe and caressed her cheek with my hand.
I repeatedly told her I loved her, eliciting smiles from her lovely face.
I touched her breasts, which aimed for the ceiling despite her lying on her back. I massaged her left breast while leaving a trail of kisses down her face, her neck, her upper chest, and finally, the space between her breasts. My tongue found the flesh under her right breast, and I gave a few wet strokes under there. I dragged my tongue slowly up the swelling of her breast, tasting her essence. I reached the top, avoided her nipple, and laid worshipful kisses around her flesh. I opened my mouth wide and fit as much of her breast in as possible, avoiding touching her nipple in the process. I slowly closed my mouth, letting her breast slide out until I captured her nipple with my lips. I trapped it there and flicked my tongue quickly over the top. She jerked slightly at the contact, but I kept a firm hold on that delightful nipple. I flicked it again, getting the same reaction. For long seconds, I did nothing as she pushed her breast insistently up against my mouth. Then I dragged my tongue slowly along that nipple. I brought it back across. I did it again slightly faster, and in a few seconds, I flicked my tongue rapidly across it. Her body was bucking gently against me, and her other breast bobbled loosely in my right hand. Not forgetting about it, I gave it some squeezes while the other received a tongue-lashing. I twirled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and alternatively pulled and compressed it.
Ruby had her hands clenched around my head now, pressing me into those breasts that not so long ago she was too shy to even let me see.
"You're….goanna…make me…cum again," she panted. I groped her right breast more urgently and whipped my tongue with more pressure on her left nipple. I put my left hand in her hair and stroked it rapidly.
"Yes," she said, pulling her upper body up off the couch and crushing my head to her chest.
"Yes," she said as she slammed back down.
"Yes," she said as she compressed my face viciously into her chest and started shaking.
I pulled my head out from under her grasp and continued kissing downward along her shaking torso. Her stomach quivered, and I planted kisses on it, circling to her belly button. I stuck my tongue inside.
My hands roamed down her sides to her hips. Her legs were scissoring slowly up and down as she stimulated her pussy with her thighs. I continued kissing downward until my lips met the top of her pants. I unsnapped them and worked the zipper down. She raised her hips slightly, and I put my hands underneath her and slid the pants down her legs and off. She was wearing a skimpy black thong. I ran my fingers down the fleeting material covering her crotch, and she pushed her pussy upward to get firmer contact with my hand. I reached for the top of her thong and peeled it down slowly to get my first glimpse of her pussy.
Her public hair was shaved close and cropped into a V to stay within her bikini area. I kissed her there on top of the mound just above her vagina. I pulled the thing further down, and finally, her pussy lips came into view.
She had a beautiful-looking vagina. Her mons, slightly puffy, kept everything neatly hidden and tucked away. I licked a finger and slid it between those lovely vaginal lips to find her clitoris. She was wet down there already. Really wet. My finger contacted her clitoris, and I felt her stiffen and heard her gasp. I fingered it slowly, playing with the edges and encircling it as she pressed her crotch up against my hand. Now she lifted her hips, put her hands under her butt, and started scooting her thong the rest of the way down. I stopped to help, gliding it lovingly down her slender legs. I let my hands slide along her legs as I pulled it off, and I left kisses on her thighs, her knees, her shins, and her feet along the way. I kissed my way back up her legs, spread her thighs when I reached the top, stuck my tongue on her pussy, and gave a quick lick.
"No, not that," she said hoarsely while grabbing my head. She pulled me up to her lips to kiss her.
I'd experienced girls in the past who weren't experienced with cunnilingus and felt uncomfortable when a man went down there. Well, I didn't want my sweetheart to be painful. There would be time for that kind of introduction in the future.
I kissed my darling's sweet mouth and let a hand roam up and down her torso. Her free hand reached around me and caressed my butt, roaming up and down the back of my bare thighs to where my unclasped pants had bunched up around my knees.
I broke the kiss and stared down at Ruby's beautiful face. I stroked her cheeks and forehead just below the hairline.
"You sure about this, Sweetheart?" I asked.
She nodded, her affirmation in her voice, and smiled at me. I pushed off my shoes with my feet and shuffled my pants the rest of the way off with some fancy leg work. I never took my hands from her body.
When I was fully nude, I climbed onto the couch. I settled between her open legs, braced myself on my elbows, and stared down at her.
"You're my girlfriend," I said and kissed her lips.
"You're my boyfriend," she responded, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me down for another kiss.
I slowly rocked back and forth on her, my penis sliding up and down over her pubic area. She rotated her hips from her waist, adding the friction of her movements to my penis. I adjusted my crotch little by little until the tip of my penis was sliding back and forth across her pussy lips. One of her hands reached down and gripped my ass, trying to encourage me to enter her.
A crippling thought entered my mind.
"Baby," I said, staring down into waiting eyes. "I don't have a condom."
"I don't want you to have a condom," she replied. "I want you in me, not some piece of rubber."
She interrupted me by lifting her head and giving me a long French kiss.
"I want you," she hissed when she released me. "I…want…you."
She punctuated this by pulling my hips downward. The head of my penis parted her pussy lips. She took a sharp breath through her mouth, closed her eyes, and arched her head back.
"Do it, please."
I was beyond the point of arguing. Her velvety smooth pussy lips were enfolding the tip of my penis, and the fluttery feeling had my dick on edge. I slid my dick down, sensed where her vaginal opening was, and pushed slightly. The head of my dick popped into my daughter.
Her eyes flew open, and she gasped.
"Yes, Daddy. Please, Daddy. Take me. Just take me." Her eyes were watery as she pleaded with me to take her virginity.
I moved slightly and pushed further in. She was tight. Her pussy, though lubricated with her juices, gripped my penis tightly. I pulled back a little and went again, gaining half an inch more.
"Uhhh," my daughter cried. She was wincing and had her lower lip clenched between her teeth. She looked so sexy at that moment.
I pulled out halfway and slowly pushed back in. The way was slightly easier, slightly moister. My penis was only a fourth of the way in her. A tear leaked from my baby's left eye.
"I'm hurting you," I whispered.
"No," she panted. "You're loving me. Don't stop loving me."
I caressed her face and kissed her again. She attacked me hungrily, and I felt her crotch push up against me.
I pushed down against her raised crotch and felt something inside her resisting me. A high-pitched whine came from her throat during our kiss, but she held me fast. I pushed further against that resistance, and suddenly, like feeling something snapping, I went through and fell all the way into her.
Ruby screamed and gripped me tightly. Her nails dug into my skin. She broke our kiss and bit into my shoulder.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, of fuck," she chanted several times, then relaxed. "Oh, God, you're in me, Daddy."
"Yes, I'm in you, darling," I said, stroking her hair around her face. "I'm in you."
Her hands roamed my back as I stared into her face and contemplated the fact that I was now buried to the hilt inside my daughter. I held still inside her, memorizing the feel of her insides wrapped around my penis. She was soft and enfolding, like a warm velvet glove surrounding my cock. I didn't want to ever leave her embrace, ever leave her fabulous pussy.
She started moving her hips in tiny circles below me. The feel on my penis was like a dozen soft hands strumming all over it.
She's ready, I thought to myself, to continue.
I pulled my cock backward in a slow agony of pleasure. She gasped immediately, and her pussy clamped down around my penis. I continued pulling back until halfway out, then pushed back into her tight hold. She made a mewling sound. I pulled out again, then back in at the same slow rate, widening the road and making each passage more straightforward. Her nails bit into my skin again as I did this, mixing my pleasure with intoxicating pain.
I rotated my hips now, changing the angle of my cock as I reentered her. She was getting smoother and easier to enter with each stroke. She kept rotating her own hips as I entered, her flesh touching my penis in different, unique ways as I tunneled. My rotation ensured that I bumped the edges inside her as I descended. I started letting out little moans of pleasure.
She picked up on this and started pushing faster up against me. I responded in turn by picking up the tempo of my fucking. In moments we had a steady rhythm going, and I was fucking my daughter in earnest.
"You feel so good," I groaned. "I feel like I'm getting lost in you."
"Oh, Daddy," she was saying over and over again. "Oh, Daddy, Oh Daddy, Oh, Daddy."
I ground as deep as I could with each thrust, wanting to be entirely in her. I soon felt something bumping the tip of my cock on each thrust, and Ruby gasped each time I contacted it. I was hitting the opening of her cervix, and it was turning her on big time.
"Fuck me, Daddy," She suddenly growled in my ear. "Fuck me!"
She started thrusting her vagina hard into my pelvis. I picked up the pace, flattening her into the couch. The cushions brought her hips back up at me, and I stabbed her faster and faster with my organ. She was breathing with a quick, high-pitched rasp, and I was panting just as hard. Our public regions meshed, separated, and ground against each other again. The folds of her inner pussy rippled across my cock, and she massaged it with an intensity that I could barely handle.
Ruby was suddenly shivering beneath me, convulsing in her now familiar way that meant orgasm. I continued pounding into her, free now to release myself. Her pulsating pussy fluttered against my cock, and I lost it.
"I'm coming, Sweetheart," I roared, "I'm coming in you!"
And I exploded.
I froze within her as my first blast rocketed out. I pulled back and slammed in again as the second gush of cum erupted from my rod. Again, I fired into her. Again. Again. Again. Six times, I shot semen into my precious daughter.
"Ughhhh!" I strained.
On the last blast, I collapsed on my daughter. She wrapped her legs and arms around me and held on as her own convulsions carried on for a couple minutes before subsiding.
Tears started leaking from my eyes. I turned my head away from my daughter to hide them. But she took my head in her hands, turned me to her, and started kissing the tears from my face. Her face wasn't dry either, and I smiled at her. She smiled back up at me, and we kissed.
Everything was going to be all right.
I had never really taken note of my daughter's body before. Hell, I'm an accountant. We see numbers, not figures! But my daughter's body was fantastic. I mentally kicked myself for not noticing before.

Other works by Igor Pajic

Best Sisters

Dive into the tantalizing world of “Best Sisters,” a provocative collection that explores the forbidden and exhilarating tales of sibling love


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