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Sister and A Lover

Igor Pajic

Sister and A Lover
igor Pajic
Taboo Dreams

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Copyright © 2025 Igor Pajic
All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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Cover design by: Taboo Dreams
The baggage claim area at the airport was full of people. Some had just flown into Austin. Others were here to pick up someone just arriving. I was in this second category. A glance at the overhead display showed me that Ivy's flight from Atlanta had landed. I hadn't seen my sister in nearly a year. Her last visit had been to attend the funeral of my wife, Milly, who had been tragically killed in an auto accident. I had high expectations that this visit would be much different.
Ivy was 30 years old, about two years younger than me. She was an attractive woman, about five feet tall, with shoulder-length brunette hair, green eyes, a big smile, and a cute figure. We cared for and looked out for each other. We had a strong sibling connection. Up until the past few years, we had been very close. It nearly broke my heart when she moved to Atlanta four years ago to pursue a career. But recently, her job had turned sour, and her relationship with her boyfriend had ended. Ivy wanted to start a new chapter, so she moved back to Austin to make that new start.
I lived in a large four-bedroom house in the hill country just west of Austin. Milly and I had it built as our dream home. We both loved that house and the wonderful life we lived in it. Then, one fateful day, that all ended. After Milly's death, I thought I shouldn't continue to live in the house, but I also couldn't bring myself to leave it. That house had so many memories, mostly good ones.
Now, I was happy that I had a place for Ivy to stay while she got back on her feet. She anticipated it wouldn't take more than a few months to find a new job and a place to live. It would be good to have her close to me again.
I looked up at the top of the escalator just as Ivy began to come down from the main concourse. I waved at her as she smiled and waved back at me. She looked beautiful. I moved through the crowd toward the escalator, arriving when she reached the bottom. Ivy leaped into my arms and gave me a big kiss. It was customary to greet close family members with a big kiss. Mom and Dad had taught us that.
"So glad you're home," I told her. "I've missed you terribly."
"I'm so happy to be home," Ivy replied radiantly.
We made our way over to the baggage carousel just as the flashing light and horn announced the arrival of the luggage from her flight.
"Those two are mine!" Ivy exclaimed as she pointed to her bags.
We were pleasantly surprised that her bags were the first ones deposited on the carousel. We grabbed them and made our way to the exit. It didn't take long to reach my car in the parking garage, and we were on the highway soon after. In less than an hour, we arrived at my home.
After Ivy put her things into a guest bedroom, we sat in the living room, each holding a cold beer. We were both dressed comfortably, suitable for a warm June day in Austin. I wore a knit sports shirt, and Ivy wore a cotton tank top. We both wore shorts and sandals.
"This place looks the same. You haven't changed it very much," Ivy said, looking around the room.
"Not yet. Maybe someday," I replied. The room held many memories of fun gatherings. On one wall were photos of couples who were special friends to Milly and me. I knew someday I would put some things away and start afresh, but not yet.
"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here a while," Ivy said sincerely. "This means a lot to me. I hope I'm not inconveniencing you or in your way."
"It's not an inconvenience at all. Stay as long as you need. I doubt you will be in my way," I replied with a smile. I was happy for the company and happy I could help my sister.
"This place has such a great pool, and summer is just beginning," Ivy mentioned as she looked out the windows into the backyard. "I intend to do some sunbathing and swimming out there. You know I love pools."
"Yeah. I remember." I replied. "Swim, sunbathe, do whatever you like. The backyard is private, and I keep the pool clean and maintained. Remember, I also love the water."
We sat and talked about our lives and our work. Ivy told me about the job interviews she had already scheduled. She hoped that one of these companies would hire her. For now, we avoided discussing relationships or whether we were dating.
After talking for a few hours, we prepared and ate a light summer meal. Later in the evening, after the sun had gone down and it was beginning to cool off outside, we sat out on the patio by the pool, drank another cold beer, and enjoyed the view of the stars.
I was the first to turn the discussion to a topic we had been avoiding.
"Care to tell me about what happened with that guy you were living within Atlanta?" I asked. "What was his name? I don't remember. I only met him once, a couple of years ago."
"Corey," Ivy replied somewhat coldly. "His name was Corey Price. I lived with him for nearly three years, but we were never a good fit together."
"It took three years to learn you weren't a good fit?" I asked, a bit surprised.
"I was young and thought he would change his opinions about certain things." Ivy began. "My ego let me believe he would change to make me happy and stay with me. Eventually, I realized that he wasn't going to change."
"His opinions about things? What things? And why were they that important?" I pressed back.
"I'd rather not say," Ivy responded quietly. "Let's just say it was fundamentally important to me, and I guess his position was important to him. Neither of us would give in. Over time, it became a larger issue that we argued over."
Ivy paused for a moment, then decided to explain a bit more.
"A month or so ago, we had that argument again. It became a big blowout, and he stormed out to stay with a friend for a few days. At that time, my job was also giving me problems. My career had stalled, and I couldn't find a way forward in Atlanta. I decided I needed a new start in life." Ivy paused, then continued. "I hope that by relocating to Austin, I can find the career and lifestyle I seek. I'm so grateful you let me stay here to get back on my feet."
"I hope it all works well for you," I replied. "Again, you can stay as long as you like. You won't be an inconvenience."
"But I'm concerned that I'm interfering in your social life." Ivy retorted. "You are dating, aren't you? You do have a sex life, don't you?"
There was an awkward moment of silence. I finally spoke.
"I've had a few dates," I said. "But I've never brought any dates back to this house. I don't anticipate your presence here will interfere with my social life."
Since Milly died, my sex life has changed dramatically from frequent sex to almost no sex. Milly and I had been part of a swingers group, and we had enjoyed sex with many partners. However, that group only allowed married couples to participate. When Milly died, my participation ended, or at least until I was again married and had a wife who also wanted to swing. Searching for such a mate was difficult. And for now, I wasn't going to discuss that aspect of my sex life with my sister.
After another pause of silence, I again spoke.
"Although I may not have much of a sex life right now, I don't want to interfere in your love life," I told Ivy. "I hope you feel comfortable bringing your friends and dates here when you like. With your relationship with Corey over, you are also looking for someone special."
"Thank you for the support and the offer to stay here," Ivy replied. "Currently, there is no one special in my life. We shall see how things go."
"Sounds like both of us need to get laid." I quipped, to which we both chuckled a bit uncomfortably.
- - - - -
Within a week, Ivy and I had settled into our routines around the house. For the most part, we had our own life to live. I worked a usual downtown office job on weekdays from 8 to 5. In the mornings, Ivy often had job interviews or spent time getting reacquainted with Austin. Austin had changed a lot in the past four years. Ivy had reconnected with old Austin friends and was making new friends quickly.
Most afternoons, Ivy spent time sunbathing by the pool. Some evenings, we had dinner and watched TV or listened to music. On weekends, we occasionally did things together. Otherwise, we went our ways with our friends. We had no ownership of each other's lives, and everything worked well.
I made it a point to take Ivy out at least once a week for dinner and to visit some of my favorite nightspots. One time, we went to a club and discovered how much we enjoyed dancing with each other. Neither of us had prospects for a steady significant other, so we continued clubbing together. We genuinely enjoyed being with each other, possibly because, as siblings, there was no pressure to develop a romantic relationship. Sometimes, others approached us and asked if we were husband and wife or just in a long-term relationship. When Ivy didn't want to be bothered by some stranger, she said I was her 'very significant other.'
One Friday night at a dance club, a beautiful redhead named Misty asked to join us. The three of us had drinks and danced several songs together. Misty was more interested in Ivy than in me. Eventually, I backed out and sat at our table, watching the two women. The two females danced, touched, hugged, and kissed each other. Misty excused herself to go to the lady's room at the end of one music set. Ivy came over to me and told me she would be going home with Misty for the night. She would get a ride home in the morning. I was stunned but accepted the situation. Ivy was a grown woman and could do what she liked. I left and went on home by myself.
- - - - -
I was up and having coffee the following day when Ivy came home.
"So, you and Misty? I didn't know this side of you." I inquired.
"There are several things you don't know about me." Ivy replied, then added, "And I suspect there are many things I don't know about you, my dear brother."
Ivy poured herself a cup of coffee and joined me at the breakfast table. My curiosity made me ask more about her love life.
"If I may ask, do you have sex only with women?" I asked. "Or in addition to sex with men?"
Ivy looked at me, pausing to think before she spoke.
"Are you judging me?" She asked.
"Not judging. Just curious." I replied. "You are old enough to make your own decisions."
"If you must know, I do enjoy sex with women and with men. But, of course, only one at a time." Ivy told me. "Something I have enjoyed for several years. However, I must admit that when I'm with a man, I often consider long-term relationships, but not always. With a woman, I'm just having a fun encounter, just enjoying no-strings-attached sexual pleasure."
"Sounds like you have a healthy attitude about sex," I replied.
"Corey didn't feel that way. He wanted me to be completely faithful to him, no sex with any other person, male or female." Ivy explained. "I was willing to forego sex with other men, but I still wanted an occasional romp with another female. I don't think he was confident enough in himself or our relationship to allow that. Ultimately, that was the major issue that drove us apart."
"His loss," I added.
- - - - -
Although we hadn't lived in the same house since high school, about 15 years earlier, we soon felt comfortable around each other in various forms of attire. Our at-home attire became very casual. I often wore just shorts and a T-shirt. Ivy would wear a tank top and running shorts. Usually, she was bra-less, and her nipples poked out the thin material of her tank top. She noticed how I would stare at her well-defined breasts. And Ivy would sunbathe out by the pool, wearing a skimpy bikini. She enjoyed teasing me.
One evening after dinner, we sat in the living room, drinking wine and listening to music while we talked. I was sitting on the sofa wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Ivy was lounging on the far corner of the loveseat, which was at a right angle to the couch. Her legs were on the loveseat, and her feet pointed at me. She wore a T-shirt, shorts, and a pleated cotton summer skirt.
I had dimmed the lights, and Ivy was playing one of her favorite playlists on her phone through the home audio system via a wireless connection. The setting was very conducive to an enjoyable conversation. We were well into our second bottle of wine when the conversation turned to our mutual lack of a steady sex partner. Soon, we were comparing our desired characteristics for a great lover.
"I would like someone fun, sexy, smart, caring, sensitive, and a great kisser," I said. "I don't think that is too much to want in a lover."
"I agree. All of that." Ivy replied. "And they must be good in bed."
I was a bit concerned that our discussion may turn to sex. Still, the wine and the music lowered our inhibitions, so I decided to continue down this line of conversation. Ivy also appeared to be interested in discussing sex. She shifted in her seat as if to get more comfortable. In the process, she bent her left leg and slightly parted her legs. Her skirt rose some, giving me a view of the inside of her thigh. Damn, she looked sexy.
"Yeah." I agreed. "Of course, they have to be a good lover."
"They need to know when, where, and how to touch me," Ivy said in a soft sultry voice.
She stared at me while she placed her hand on her knee, then slid down to her inner thigh. Her skirt moved higher, exposing her pink panties to me. My eyes moved back and forth between her panties and her eyes. She knew, and I knew, what she was doing. She was teasing me again and enjoying doing so. I could feel a twinge in my cock, and I shifted in my seat, giving my cock a bit more space as it became aroused. I knew this could be a dangerous game, but I was thoroughly enjoying playing this way with her.
"My lover must have great oral skills." Ivy continued. "I love it when a tongue pleasures my clit and gives me fabulous orgasms. And, they must be able to make love for a long period, giving me multiple orgasms."
By this point, her legs were spread wide open, and she was displaying her panty-covered crotch to me as her finger slowly ran up and down the inside of her thigh. My cock was growing in my shorts, and I shifted again.
A change in the music provided a redirection of our interactions. The song "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac began playing with its sensual beat and sultry vocals by Stevie Nicks. Our parents loved the Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits album, and they played it frequently when Ivy and I were young.
"Oh, I love this song!" Ivy exclaimed as she leaped to her feet in the middle of the room. As the music played, she danced for me, swaying her hips and holding her arms like a bird soaring in the wind. I sipped my wine while watching my sister and her sensual movements.
As the next song, "Over My Head," began to play, Ivy continued to dance while staring at me with a mischievous grin. She reached down, grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, and pulled it over her head before tossing it onto the floor. All the while, I was watching her, and she was watching me as she continued swaying to the music. Ivy was wearing a pink bra that matched her panties. She filled the bra out well, likely a C-cup.
"Damn, you're sexy," I whispered. "I don't know why some guy or girl hasn't swept you off your feet."
Ivy smiled back at me. "The right lover just hasn't come along." She said while she continued to dance to the music.
The next Fleetwood Mac song, "Sara," began playing, and Ivy's dance movements became more pronounced. She was twirling around, swinging her arms, and swaying to the music. I loved watching my sexy sister. Without missing a beat to the music, she unfastened the button on her hip, unzipped the skirt, and let it fall off.
I'm sure my eyes were wide open as I watched my sister dancing sensually to the music, dressed in only her pink bra and panties. I finished my glass of wine and put the empty glass on the end table. I was so bold as to whistle at Ivy. She smiled and winked at me.
She continued dancing as the next song, "You Make Loving Fun," began. She turned away from me and showed me her cute little butt in those skimpy pink panties. She reached behind herself and unfastened her bra just before she turned back around and flung her bra onto the loveseat. She continued dancing while facing me, in only her panties, allowing me to stare at her fabulous tits. My cock was getting hard, and I was sure she could see the bulge in my shorts.
Ivy moved closer to me while still swaying to the music. When the music stopped, she straddled my legs and then sat down in my lap, facing me, her panty-covered pussy pressed against my hard cock, still inside my shorts.
"I love you, brother," she said just before planting a wet kiss on my mouth.
I was stunned by her actions. It was also thrilling and erotic. But this was my sister that I was lusting for.
"I love you also," I replied.
We stared into each other's eyes, attempting to determine what each thought and what we would allow ourselves to do. Ivy took my hand and placed it onto her soft but firm breast. God, that felt so wonderful.
She moaned as we kissed again. These kisses were becoming more than the sibling kisses we had shared. My hand began caressing her breast, my fingers playing with her hard nipple. She wiggled her crotch on my cock, and she could likely feel it throbbing.
We kissed again, our lips parted, our tongues touching, and then we explored the other's mouth.
I was in ecstasy. My heart was pounding. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. All of this felt so incredibly wonderful to be kissing someone I loved, and she loved me. My hand was on the flesh of her breast. Her pussy and my cock separated by only a few layers of thin material.
But she was my sister. I couldn't have sex with my sister. Could I?
After what appeared to be several minutes of passionate kissing and touching, my more rational brain took control. I gently pushed Ivy away from me and looked at her.
"I want to do this. But I can't. We can't." I spoke.
She looked at me, disappointed, and then nodded in agreement.
"I guess you are right," Ivy said as she backed up, moved off me, and turned to pick up her clothes.
I had a great close-up view of her incredibly sexy ass.
"Sister, I have to tell you that you are so sexy, and you have an incredible ass," I said, then added. "You know that if you weren't my sister, I would be fucking you right here, right now."
Ivy turned her head, looking over her shoulder at me, allowing me to still look at her ass.
"If you weren't my brother," she replied, "I would want you to be doing exactly that."
In the following days, Ivy often wore only a t-shirt and panties when just the two of us were home. No bra. No shorts. No skirt. I think we both wondered what might happen between us if this final barrier stopping us were to fall. Most nights, as I fell asleep alone in my bed, I was having thoughts of sex with my sister, and my cock was hard and aching. These nights, masturbation was standard and my only source of relief.
- - - - -
One afternoon in late June, the air conditioning failed in my office building. We were all told to take the rest of the day off and go home. I arrived home at about 2 PM, knowing that Ivy would not be expecting me. And indeed, she wasn't.
I entered the house and initially couldn't find my sister. Then, while standing in the living room, looking out the window towards the pool, I saw Ivy. She was lying face down on the chaise lounge, sunbathing. I could see that cute ass of hers. She was completely naked, and her skin was covered in a sheen, likely a combination of suntan oil and light perspiration. She looked so sexy. I felt my cock twitch in my pants.
I stood there for several minutes like a voyeur. Then, as I was watching, she turned over onto her back, her naked front side completely visible. I could see that her nipples were hard. It also appeared that she was unaware I was home or watching her. I backed away from the window and changed into more comfortable clothing.
While undressing in my bedroom, I considered joining Ivy by the pool. I was naked and decided to look at her again from my upstairs window before putting my swimsuit on.
Ivy was still lying on her backside on the lounger, and she was still naked. She had spread her legs, allowing her feet to fall off the sides of the lounger and onto the patio. I couldn't tell if she could see me in the upstairs window. As I watched, she placed her left hand on her breast and began playing with her nipple, just as I had done a few days earlier. Then she dropped her right hand between her legs and started running a finger over her pussy lips. It was the first time I saw her completely bare down below. She must have shaved or waxed all her pubic hair. I held my cock in my hand and felt it getting hard.
I watched as Ivy's hand movements became more intense. She was squeezing her tit and fucking her pussy with her fingers. Sometimes she was shoving two or three fingers inside her pussy, and then she would furiously rub her clit. She used her feet and legs to hold herself, and she began thrusting her hips upward as if fucking a lover. Her head moved side to side, and at times, I thought I could hear her moaning. I began stroking my cock, and I picked up the underwear I had removed in case I needed to catch my ejaculation.
I watched and masturbated as Ivy pleasured herself down below on the patio. She was finger fucking herself faster and harder, and I could hear her moans. Then suddenly, she shoved her fingers deep inside her pussy while she thrust her hips up and held them there. She moaned loudly, and her body began to shudder.
I stroked my cock a couple more times and knew I was about to explode. I swiftly moved my underwear to cover the head of my cock just as I had my orgasm and began spewing my cum. My body shook, and my legs weakened as if I was about to collapse. But I stood there and watched my sister. Her orgasm eventually waned, and she lowered herself back onto the lounge. She pulled her wet fingers out of her pussy and slowly slid them one by one into her mouth and sucked them clean. Meanwhile, I had unloaded a sizable amount of cum into my underwear.
I looked back at my sister, and it appeared she was looking at me with a smile. I quickly moved away from the window and decided to shower to cool off and clean up. After my shower, I dressed in a T-shirt and shorts and went downstairs. I could hear the water running in the guest bathroom and knew Ivy was also showering.
A short while later, I was sitting at the breakfast table, drinking a glass of iced tea, when Ivy came into the kitchen. She was dressed in a clean t-shirt and thong panties.
"Been home long?" She asked as she bent over into the open refrigerator, supposedly to get a drink. I was enjoying the view of her cute ass in the tiny thong panties. I also knew the drink she retrieved was on an upper shelf. She did not need to bend over that far and expose herself to me, other than she wanted to tease me.
"No, not too long," I replied. "Did you enjoy the pool?"
"So you saw me out by the pool?" she quickly asked. I knew that I had given myself away.
"Okay. Yeah. I saw you out there," I replied sheepishly. I'm sorry I was watching you."
"I'm not," she said as she sashayed out of the room. "I hope you enjoyed the show."
We never again mentioned what happened that afternoon.
- - - - -
The July 4th holiday weekend allowed Ivy and I to spend a long weekend together. We had decided that on Saturday, we would go to a local arts festival, a popular summer event in Austin. We had been there about an hour looking at various art exhibits when I heard a familiar voice.
"Ian! Is that you?" the female voice said. "We haven't seen you in quite a while."
I turned toward the voice and saw Britny and John Taylor, friends from my swinging past with Milly.
"Hello, Britny. Hello John. How are you?" I replied as I extended my hand. I wanted to be polite to my dear friends but keep my swinging past a secret from Ivy.
"We're doing well," John replied as we shook hands.
"And who is this lovely lady?" Britny asked as she turned to Ivy with a special gleam in her eye.
"Ivy. I'm Ivy Harris." my sister replied as she extended a hand to Britny.
"Well, hello, Ivy Harris. It's so very nice to meet you," Britny said with some surprise in her voice.
I immediately knew that we possibly had a problem. When Britny heard Harris's last name, she likely assumed Ivy was my wife. But John pulled me back to face him before I could clarify that this was my sister.
"Ivy is quite lovely. Why haven't we heard about her already?" John asked.
Before I could answer, Britny was already speaking.
"Ian, you and Ivy must come over for drinks and some fun tomorrow night." Britny insisted. "We won't take 'No' for an answer. Let's say five o'clock?"
"Thank you. We accept." Ivy quickly replied. "We look forward to seeing you. I assume Ian knows where you live."
"Don't be silly. Of course, he does." Britny said as she hugged Ivy, followed by a quick kiss. "I know we will have much fun together tomorrow night."
I was about to protest when John, who still had my hand in our handshake grip, spoke.
"Now, Ian, you cannot say 'No'. You know how much Britny loves to see you," John said as he and Britny turned to walk away. Sorry to be in a hurry, but we're late for another engagement. We're glad we ran into you and look forward to tomorrow. Be there at five. Don't be late."
I was thunderstruck, standing there as John and Britny walked away. How would I explain to Ivy that we had to cancel our acceptance of their invitation for drinks the following evening?
"Ivy. There are some things about the Taylors and my history with them that you need to know." I said this in a firm voice. "This is important, and we need to talk. But not here. Let's go home."
Ivy looked puzzled but accepted what I said. Reluctantly, we left the art festival and headed home.
I was unsure of how this would go down. I wasn't the type to make up stories or tell lies, especially to my sister, so I would have to come clean about the swinging sex life that Milly and I once enjoyed. I expected that Ivy would be shocked but also that she would understand why we had to cancel on John and Britny.
- - - - -
About twenty minutes later, Ivy and I were back in our living room with all those framed photos of the swinger friends that Milly and I had sex with over the past few years.
"What is all this about?" Ivy asked me. "You are acting very strangely."
"This is a bit difficult for me to explain." I began. "Milly and I had a secret side of our life, something that John and Britny were a part of."
"You can tell me," Ivy replied. "It cannot be too bad. I doubt you all robbed a bank or anything like that."
"Oh! Nothing like that." I began. "Milly and I were part of a swingers group. We would meet other couples, and if we thought we were compatible, we would swap spouses and have sex. John and Britny were part of that swingers group, and Milly and I had sex with them, actually, many times. I had sex with Britny. Milly had sex with John. And often Milly had sex with Britny."
Ivy was looking at me, listening to my every word. It appeared she wanted to know more.
"The swingers group only allows married couples to participate." I continued. "So when Milly died, I lost my membership, so to speak. But when you introduced yourself as Ivy Harris, they assumed you were my new wife, not my sister. They likely assumed that I wouldn't marry anyone unless they also wanted to be part of the swingers scene. So they invited you and me over to their home tomorrow not only for drinks but to have sex, me with Britny, and you with John, and maybe you with Britny. I know that sounds outrageous, but I'm sure that is what they intend to do tomorrow night. I suppose I should have known this secret would eventually get out. I should have told you earlier."
Ivy looked at me and smiled. She stood up and walked over to the framed photos of the swinger friends from my past hanging on the wall.
"So these are photos of your swinger friends?" Ivy asked.
I nodded that she was correct.
Then Ivy took the photo of John and Britny off the wall, turned it over, and looked at the back.
"And the dates on the back are all the times you and Milly had sex with Britny and John?" Ivy asked.
"You are correct," I replied.
"I've already looked at all of these," Ivy continued, "and I can see that John and Britny must have been your favorites. You and Milly had sex with them more than twice as many times as with any of the other couples."
"Uh, yes. You are probably right about that." I answered, unsure why she had already looked at the back of all those photos.
"Well, brother." Ivy walked over and looked at me. "I must admit that this is not news to me. I already knew that you and Milly were swingers and that you two had sex with all these couples."
"How did you know that?" I looked at Ivy, puzzled.
"Milly told me about the swingers group from when you two attended the first 'Meet & Greet' party," Ivy said. "I already knew that Britny was your favorite. And I know that Britny and many other of these women thought you were the best lover they ever had. I expect many of them will hear when your membership has been restored."
"When did Milly tell you all of this?" Now, I was the one who had questions.
"Every time Milly and I had sex, she would tell me about the latest sexual encounters you two had within your swingers group," Ivy explained.
"What? You had sex with Milly?" I was dumbfounded. "More than once?"
"She never told you?" Ivy replied, visibly shocked. "She told me that she was going to tell you about the two of us having sex. It was the only sexual affair she had outside of your swinging activities with her."
"No! She never told me. I never knew." I replied. "How long were the two of you having sex together? Was it often?"
"Oh, my brother. I'm so sorry you didn't know." Ivy replied. "Milly and I first had sex together the night before your wedding. As you remember, I was the Maid of Honor. I planned the bachelorette party for her for the wedding eve. All the girls went to a dance club and had a great night. Later, we all ended up back at my place and had more drinks. Eventually, all the others, except Milly, left and went home. Milly had planned to stay with me, as sometimes a bride spends her last night alone with her Maid of Honor. We had a great time in bed that night but got very little sleep if you understand. I've known since then that Milly was a fantastic lover. While I was still living in Austin, we got together once or twice a month and fucked each other silly. I think that is why she wanted to try sex with other people. I suspect the idea for you two to explore the swinging lifestyle was her idea, wasn't it?"
"Oh my God! You are right." I replied. "And I felt a bit guilty that maybe I had forced her into swinging."
"No, don't feel that way." Ivy continued. "I know that both of you enjoyed the swinging lifestyle and still loved each other very much. When I moved to Atlanta, I lost maybe my best lover. Whenever I came back to Austin to visit, once or twice a year, she and I always found some time to be together. We had great sex, and she kept me up-to-date on the swinging activities you two shared."
"Oh my God!" I replied. "I was completely unaware that you knew about our activities. And I never knew that the two of you were lovers. This is all news to me."
"Well, don't feel bad that you were keeping secrets from me because you weren't," Ivy responded. "It seems that we were keeping secrets from you. I'm sorry that Milly never told you."
I had a lot to process. We sat in silence for several minutes.
"Milly told me another thing," Ivy said. "I wonder if it is true."
"What is that?" I replied.
"Milly told me you were an incredible lover." Ivy began. "She says you know how to make love to a woman, how to hold her, touch her, kiss her, and pleasure her. She told me you have a nice large cock, and it stays hard for a long time, even after you have an orgasm. Milly told me you consistently gave her multiple orgasms. It was one reason you were so popular in your swingers group. Is all that true, my brother? Are you an incredible lover?"
I was embarrassed to discuss my sexual abilities with my sister, but we were being honest with each other.
"I suppose I must admit that everything you said is true," I replied. "I enjoy sex, and I have a somewhat unique ability to please all the women."
"One last thing," Ivy added. "I suppose you haven't had much sex since Milly died. Don't you want to be with Britny again?" Ivy was blunt in her question.
"Britny was a terrific lover. Yes, I dream of having sex with her again." I replied. "But we can't meet John and Britny tomorrow. I can't ask you to go there and have sex with John and maybe Britny. And we aren't married."
"But they think we're married," Ivy replied. "You want to fuck Britny. I could use a good fuck, and I've heard from Milly that John is excellent, almost as good a lover as you are. And If I get some time with Britny, that's even better. You know I go both ways."
I was caught off guard when Milly told Ivy I was a great lover. Maybe I am, but I didn't want my sister to know that.
"But you are my sister. I can't have sex with you." I argued.
"From what you have said and what Milly told me," Ivy began, "at these swaps, spouses don't have sex with each other. No one would expect you and I to have sex. We would have sex with others. See? No problem."
She had a point. It would be easy to avoid having sex with Ivy if we were to swap with John and Britny. I have one last concern.
"John and Britny prefer the same-room, same-bed approach to swinging. Therefore, we would likely be in the same room, on the same bed, and have sex with another person at the same time." I said. "We would be watching each other having sex. I think that would be weird."
"Okay. I agree with that. It might be a bit weird watching each other having sex." Ivy agreed. "But that's a small price to pay if both of us get to have some great sex. At least it is in my book."
"And to look like a married couple, we would have to kiss each other," I added.
"I have no problem with that," Ivy replied as she stepped forward, put her arms around me, and locked me into a full-on, open-mouth, sensual kiss.
Our kiss lasted quite a while. We both needed love and were comfortable enough to kiss each other passionately. I was getting aroused, my cock getting hard. Ivy could feel my manhood grow as it was pressed against her belly. She reached down and took hold of my hard cock through my shorts.
"Tomorrow night, we will take care of your friend here. I think he will get a good fucking." Ivy said with a grin.
- - - - -
The next evening at five o'clock, Ivy and I were at the front door of John and Britny's home, prepared to present ourselves as a married couple with the hopes of having some fabulous sex. I was wearing slacks, a knit sports shirt, and sandals. Ivy was wearing a sexy little black dress and heels. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra, and I wondered if she was even wearing panties. She appeared eager for some unbridled sex.
Within moments, we were inside the Taylor's living room. Drinks were mandatory. Hard liquor was the quickest way to settle nerves and loosen any inhibitions. We all were drinking bourbon on the rocks, and it was having the desired effect.
"So, how long have you two been together?" John asked what could have been an awkward question.
"We've known each other for many years." Ivy was quick to answer. "But only recently, after Milly's death, did I move back from Atlanta and reconnect with Ian."
"We all miss Milly." John joined in. "She was such a wonderful lover."
"And Ian is also a wonderful lover," Britny said. She then turned to Ivy and added, "But you must know that by now."
"I've heard he has quite a reputation with your swingers group." Ivy deflected.
"So you know about our group. We are so glad that Ian found someone like you who wants to play as we do," John said to Ivy. Tell us why you were interested in our swingers group."
"I've known Ian and Milly for many years." Ivy began. "Milly confided in me about their swinging lifestyle and how much incredible sex they had. After Ian and I met you yesterday, Ian told me about your relationship with him and likely what you intend for this evening. I'm quite eager to try this."
"So, have you ever done anything like this before? Have you ever swapped partners? Ever get involved in group sex?" Britny asked.
"No. Just one-on-one sex, mostly with a male lover." With a sly smile, Ivy turned towards Britny and added, "And sometimes with a female lover."
"Are you nervous?" John asked. We often have the ladies start, and then the guys join in. It helps everyone get in the mood, so to speak before the real fun begins.
Ivy smiled and nodded her head. She appeared ready for this experience.
"Ian, will you refill all our drinks while I put on some music?" John asked me about our previous day when Milly and IInetheth Britny and John were there. I was familiar with Britny beginning the activities with my wife, the two of them dancing and then stripping together. John and Britny started things this way.
When the music started, Britny rose, kicked off her shoes, and swayed. She reached out her hand, and Ivy rose to join her, removing her boots. John and I sat, sipped our drinks, and watched the two ladies.
Ivy and Britny appeared very interested in each other, sensually swaying together and lightly touching each other. As they danced, they moved closer, holding each other's hands. Their eyes were locked upon one another, almost as if alone in the room. There was silent communication between the two women, using the touch of each other and the responses in their eyes to judge what each wanted and was willing to do.
John and I watched as Britny and Ivy embraced, their faces close together. Without a word, they both closed their eyes as their lips met in a gentle kiss. They held each other, their bodies still moving sensually to the music. Their lips parted, tongues feeling out the other, as the kiss became more passionate.
John leaned closer to me and whispered, "You know I always loved Milly, but it appears that Ivy is even hotter. Tonight should be loads of fun."
We returned our attention to the two ladies as they began unzipping each other's dresses. Ivy's little black dress and Britny's long red dress hit the floor simultaneously, pooling around their feet. Both were now dressed in only their panties. Neither had been wearing a bra. Ivy wore a black thong that matched her black dress. Likewise, Britny wore a tiny red G-string thong that matched her red dress. As they resumed their passionate kiss, their near-identical C-cup breasts pressed together.
The heat from their erotic actions was rising. I could feel my cock swelling within my pants, and I had to adjust myself, giving my cock room to grow. I could see John making a similar adjustment from my side view.
As the ladies continued their sexual dance, their hands wandered over the other's body, caressing shoulders, arms, sides, and hips. It was an erotic event to watch. Ivy was the first to put a hand on Britny's breast, and soon, Britny's hand was caressing Ivy's breast. They continued their kissing and swaying sensually to the music as the arousal grew within each. Britny's hand slid down Ivy's front and over her thong, cupping her pussy.
"You are already wet," Britny said in a sultry voice. "I have to admit that I am also very wet."
Ivy stopped moving as Britny was fingering her through her damp thong.
"Let's take this to the bedroom," Ivy said. "That's where we will play, right?"
Britny flashed a big grin, put her arm around Ivy's waist, and led her towards the bedroom. John and I quickly finished our drinks and followed the women.
By the time John and I arrived in the main bedroom, the bed had been stripped of its covers, leaving only the fitted bottom sheet. Ivy was lying on her back, with Britny partially next to her and partially on top of her. They had resumed their passionate kissing.
There were two easy chairs near the foot of the bed. John indicated that I should have a seat as he also sat down. For a while, we would watch. I began removing my clothes, as did John.
Britny had risen on her knees and was quickly pulling off Ivy's thong. I realized that Britny had already removed her G-string on the floor.
In the art of making love, Britny decided to skip some steps, such as caressing and kissing Ivy's breasts, and she moved quickly to the first main event. Within moments, Britny's head was between Ivy's legs. The sounds of wet, sloppy oral sex were easy to hear.
"Oh God, YES!" Ivy exclaimed loudly as she raised her knees and spread her legs even more to improve Britny's access to her slit. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Eat my pussy! Lick my clit! Oh, YES, YES, YES!" Ivy continued to vocalize how horny she was and how good Britny's oral ministrations were.
This situation was a bit surreal for me. I had never witnessed my sister having sex with another person. I had only seen her masturbate that one time out beside the pool. This was very different, so close, and somewhat more personal. She knew I was close by and watching, soon to be participating. I never expected her to be so vocal and craving sexual stimulation. I had seen Milly and Britny making love, and Milly was never this vocal.
Britny was also obviously horny. In addition to eating Ivy's pussy with gusto, Britny was also fingering her pussy. From both females, the pungent odor of aroused pussy was very evident and was making me very horny. I wondered when and how John and I would become involved in this.
I looked towards John, who gave me a 'Wait' signal, which was very well timed as things changed quickly.
Ivy was getting close to her orgasm. She was even more vocal; she grasped Britny's head and bucked her hips into her lover's face.
"Oh fuck! Oh Fuck! OH FUCK!" Ivy was nearly screaming as she bucked her hips into Britny's face. Britny kept licking Ivy's pussy with all the vigor she could.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Ivy screamed as her orgasm hit. She took Britny's head into a vise grip and held it still as Ivy's body shuddered, and she gasped for air. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" she kept moaning.
Ivy's orgasm peaked, and her tense body collapsed onto the bed while letting go of Britny's head. Her breathing continued heavy as she recovered from an intense orgasm. It had been incredible to watch. I had only witnessed such an orgasm from Milly a few times. I wondered if this was normal for Ivy or something special for her.
Britny backed away from Ivy's swollen, wet pussy, and she sat back on her heels. Britny's face was covered in Ivy's pussy fluids, and the broad smile on Britny's face indicated that she was loving it. John and I were watching in amazement. My cock was leaking pre-cum, and I was sure that John's cock was doing the same.
For several moments we all remained quiet, looking at each other but mainly at Ivy's pussy. I couldn't believe that I had witnessed such behavior from my sister.
And then things changed again. Ivy stretched out her arms to Britny in an invitation to hug and kiss. Britny responded by leaning over on Ivy and kissing a more gentle, loving kiss. It appeared that Ivy didn't mind that Britny's mouth was covered in her pussy fluids. Maybe the taste of herself just made it much more erotic.
John and I continued to watch as the two ladies lay next to each other, hugging and kissing. Maybe soon, he and I would get involved, but not yet.
Ivy wrapped her arms around Britny in a tight hug and rolled them over so that Ivy was now on top of Britny.
"My turn to pleasure you," Ivy said in a sultry voice as she began to kiss her way down the front of Britny's body. Britny already had hard nipples standing out, and Ivy's mouth soon latched upon one and then the other. As she sucked on one of Britny's nipples, Ivy was pinching Britny's other nipple. Very quickly, Britny was moaning in pleasure.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Britny was saying in a soft voice as she ran her fingers through Ivy's hair.
Ivy continued southward, soon arriving at Britny's shaved-smooth pussy, which was already wet from her fingering earlier. Soon Ivy was kneeling between Britny's legs while eagerly licking Britny's pussy.
"Oh, Yes! Oh Yes!" Britny was muttering as she was becoming more aroused.
John and I watched with great interest and hard cocks, as Ivy was eating Britny's pussy. Then Ivy upped the game as she slid a finger inside Britny's slit, followed by a second and then a third finger. She continued to lick Britny's clit while finger fucking her hard.
"Oh my God! That feels so fucking good!" Britny exclaimed as Ivy continued pleasuring her lover.
Ivy looked back over her shoulder at John. She spread her knees as much as she could between Britny's legs, wiggled her ass just a bit, and said, "Fuck me, John."
John needed no further instructions as he moved onto the foot of the bed, knelt behind Ivy, and slid his hard cock slowly into her waiting, wet pussy. He was watching Ivy eat his wife's pussy, and he was watching his wife's expressions from all the sexual activity.
"Fuck her, John!" Britny told her husband. "Fuck her as good as she is fucking me."
I felt a bit left out, so I stood and walked to the side of the bed. Britny motioned me forward, as I hoped she would. I knelt on the side of the bed and leaned over her. Britny turned her head and took my cock into her mouth.
I just loved the way Britny sucked my cock, something I hadn't felt in about a year. I was finally back in the game, and it felt so good.
We continued for several minutes. John was fucking Ivy from behind while Ivy was eating and finger fucking Britny's pussy; all the while, Britny was sucking my cock. I mostly watched my sister and enjoyed the pleasure. I never expected Ivy to be so naughty. And then she became more so.
While I watched, Ivy raised her head and smiled at me, her face covered in Britny's fluids. Ivy turned back towards John and said, "Fuck me, John. Fuck me hard. I won't break. Make me cum."
John put a firm grip on Ivy's hips. He immediately began slamming his cock into her pussy, as I had seen him do to Milly several times in the past. Such intense fucking always gave Milly an orgasm within a minute or so.
Ivy resumed eating and fucking Britny's pussy with great abandon. The sexual intensity rose quickly for all of us. John's energy was feeding all of us. He was plowing into Ivy hard and fast. His endurance appeared endless as he fucked her hard for several minutes. I could sense that the other three of us were getting close to our orgasms.
Britny became more focused on her orgasm and less involved in sucking my cock. I pulled my cock out of her mouth. I sat down next to her, kissing her tenderly and running my hand over her breasts, occasionally pinching her nipples.
Sensing that Britny was close to the edge, Ivy redoubled her actions, which had the intended effect. Britny's orgasm hit her hard, and she screamed.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Britny kept repeating as her orgasm caused her body to shake, Ivy still between her legs.
John was tired from the intense pounding he had been giving Ivy, and he was distracted a bit as he watched his wife have an orgasm. Ivy surprised me again. She backed away from Britny and twisted away from John's cock.
"Lay on the bed beside your wife," Ivy commanded John. "My turn to fuck you."
I was holding and kissing Britny in a loving way as her orgasm began to recede. I watched as John lay on his back, his hard cock pointing up into the air. Ivy straddled him in a cowgirl position and lowered herself down upon his cock. She then began rocking her hips front to back, slowly riding his cock. But all the while, she was staring at me. Then I heard Britny's voice.
"Ian. I need a cock. Fuck me." Britny said in a firm voice.
I moved on top of Britny, between her legs. Slowly I pushed my more significant aver,  aged cock into her as I held her legs up over her shoulders.
"Oh, Ian. That feels so wonderful, " Britny said. I've waited so long to feel again, and you fill me again like only you do."
Again, this felt so very surreal. John and his wife Britny were lying on their backs, side-by-side. I was up on my knees, over Britny, my cock buried deep inside her pussy. Next to me, just inches away, was my sister Ivy riding John's cock.
We continued like this for five minutes or more. I had started slowly with Britny and was slowly building speed and force in the thrusts of my cock into her. Likewise, next to me, Ivy had begun rocking faster on John's cock.
Britny had already had one orgasm and was very aroused. It didn't take her long to cum again. She came suddenly and hard.
"Ian, I'm cumming!" Britny screamed. Her pussy was clenching my cock incredibly hard. Her body was shuddering underneath me. She turned her head and shared a long, deep kiss with her husband.
It had been so long since I last had sex this great that I also came quickly.
"Argh!" I let out a cry and threw my head back as I began to pump a pent-up load of my cum into Britny.
"Oh, Fuck Ian!" Britny exclaimed, having been caught off-guard by my sudden orgasm. "That's one quick hot load of cum."
"Don't worry. I got more." I replied while taking a quick breather. I sat back on my heels while my cock slid out of her. Meanwhile, Ivy was still rocking back and forth on John's cock.
"Turn over, Britny," I said to my lover. I want to doggy."
Britny grinned up at me, realizing that I still had my old mojo and my cock was still hard. She quickly flipped over onto her elbows and knees, her beautiful backside towards me. She resumed kissing her husband while I slid my cock back into her very wet and sloppy pussy. I immediately began pounding her pussy with long deep strokes.
Ivy turned towards me.
"Didn't you both just cum? How are you fucking her again? Ivy asked me without skipping a beat.
"I guess . . . it is a gift," I replied between thrusts and gasps for breath. "I can cum, . . . hard . . . and keep my erection . . . and keep making love."
I suddenly felt different feelings about my sister. Here we were, side by side, each fucking another person while we carried on a conversation about sex. I struggled to maintain my focus on my cock inside Britny's hot pussy. While thrusting into Britny, I took the liberty with one hand to reach over and squeeze my sister's tit.
Ivy howled. For an instant, I thought I hurt her. Then I realized that I had triggered her orgasm.
"F U C K I N G . . . . Y E S!" Ivy let out a long yell.
I still had hold of her tit and could feel her body trembling while her orgasm continued. It was another unexpected experience with my sister.
Suddenly, John flipped Ivy over so that he was on top of her in a missionary position. He began banging her pussy hard and fast. Ivy was pleasantly caught by surprise and was squealing in pleasure. I was familiar with John's techniques and knew he had moved into his 'A' game. With Milly, he often had her begging him to stop while all the time loving the intense pleasure, pain, and exhaustion.
I stepped things up with Britny, gripping her hips as I pounded her slippery, wet hole. She quickly orgasmed again, but I kept hammering away in her.
"Oh, Fuck Ian." Britny was pleading. "You are still a fucking machine."
I had played this game with Britny before. We both loved it.
"Just tell me, Tiff, when you want me to stop," I told her while fucking her as hard as I could. I felt I was finally fully back in the action, and it felt fantastic. I was so glad that my return to swinging was with Britny. We knew each other so well.
Britny buried her head into the bed, crying in pleasure and pain. I knew that she knew how to bring this to a close. So I continued.
Meanwhile, Ivy and John will go at it. I wondered if she had ever before had sex this intense. I could look down upon her next to me and see the intensity on her face. Her eyes were shut tight, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was gasping for air.
"You're a fucking god John! Fuck me! FUCK ME!" Ivy was screaming.
Britny had reached her limit. Her cunt suddenly clamped tight around my cock. She screamed, and her body was trembling hard. I could feel her orgasm pulse in her pussy which was gripping my cock.
I had my second orgasm. My body was tingling incredibly hard. I froze in place, and then I erupted, shooting jet after jet of hot cum into her. I couldn't remember when I had unloaded so much cum at one time into one pussy. Britny collapsed face-first onto the bed.
Next to me, John and Ivy orgasmed at the same time, shouting out their shared ecstasy.
"Oh god, John!" Ivy cried out. "Is that a fire hose you have?
John was holding himself up, his body above Ivy's. I could see his buttocks clench as his cock shot load after a load of his cum into her. I had heard from other women that he and I came far more than any other lovers. So I expected that Ivy had never felt so much cum at one time.
John and I both pulled out of our respective lovers and sat back. Ivy lay on her back next to Britny, who lay on her stomach. What happened next surprised me in several ways.
Britny leaned over close to Ivy.
"John cums a lot, doesn't he?" Britny asked Ivy. "If you will allow, I would love to eat John's cum out of your pussy. But only if you will let me."
In response, Ivy whispered something into Britny's ear, which I could not hear. What was said surprised Britny pleasantly as Britny grinned while she moved into a '69' position over Ivy. Britny immediately dove into Ivy's pussy, lapping up the hot cum leaking out of her crack.
I moved around behind Britny so that I could watch Ivy eating Britny's pussy. I was surprised to see Ivy lying there, open-mouthed, allowing my cum to slide out of Britny's pussy which was being held a few inches above Ivy's mouth. Britny was clenching her vaginal muscles to force globs of cum out of her slit and into Ivy's mouth. Ivy was looking up at me with a devilish look in her eyes.
'Fuck' I thought to myself. My sister wanted me to watch her eat my cum. What a naughty girl!
As I watched, Ivy raised her head so that she could insert her tongue into Britny's pussy and scoop out another load of my cum. Ivy then lowered her head, all the while keeping her eyes on my eyes. She opened her mouth and let me see my cum covering her tongue. Her tongue played with my cum, and then she swallowed it. As I stared in amazement, Ivy repeated this process of 'scoop cum, display cum, play with cum, and then swallow cum' three more times.
When she was finished eating my cum, Ivy looked into my eyes. She said, "Ian, did you enjoy watching me eat your delicious cum?"
I smiled back at her, not knowing how to answer her. What she had done was so erotic, but she was my sister. How do I react?
Britny turned her head back towards Ivy. "I'm finished on this end. Are you finished?"
"Yeah. I'm finished. Loved it." Ivy replied.
Britny moved over and sat next to her husband. They hugged and kissed each other.
Ivy sat up next to me. We looked into each other's eyes and paused, wondering what we would do. I knew I wanted to kiss her, so I did just that. I pulled her next to me, and I kissed my sister. We shared an erotic, sensual kiss. I could taste my cum on her tongue. Somehow, it felt so right.
We broke our kiss to see Britny dropping to her knees in front of John, and she proceeded to lick and suck his cock clean. Ivy had that devilish look in her eyes again. While maintaining eye contact with me, she lowered herself down onto her knees between my legs and began licking and sucking my cock. I flinched. I couldn't believe my sister was sucking my cock. But she was so gentle, and it felt incredible. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the pleasure she gave me.
When she finished, Ivy rose, and we kissed again.
"Thank you," I whispered, afraid to acknowledge what she had done for me.
"I'm going to clean up," Britny said as she got up and stumbled towards the bathroom.
"I'm coming with you," Ivy replied as she got up and followed Britny.
John and I looked at each other.
"Didn't I tell you tonight would be loads of fun?" John said. "That is an incredible woman you have there."
I nodded in agreement. It had been an incredible session of sex. All the more remarkable is that my sister, Ivy, participated with me. I couldn't believe it.
John and I put our clothes back on and walked back out to the living room. He picked up the two dresses on the floor and returned them to the bedroom. I fetched water bottles from the kitchen to help each of us rehydrate.
The two ladies returned, wearing dresses, and sat with us. It was almost as if nothing had happened in the bedroom the past hour. But the discussion quickly turned to our sexcapades.
"So, Ivy," John addressed my sister. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Oh yes!" Ivy replied with some enthusiasm. "That was far more incredible than I expected. And both of you are incredible lovers. Maybe the best orgasms I've ever had."
"I'm Glad you enjoyed that," John continued. If we invite you back, will you come again?"
"Absolutely!" Ivy replied. Then with a sly grin on her face, knowing the double meaning of what she was about to say, she added, "I would cum again and again."
We all chuckled at the double entendre. Britny then turned to me.
"So, Ian, have you and Ivy been having sex?" Britny asked. There was an awkward moment of silence, and then she continued. "There, in the end, it ap appeared that you were hesitant to have your sister suck your cock."
"What?" I exclaimed.
"Ian, we know Ivy is your sister," Britny said.
"How?" I asked.
"Milly told me a few years ago about your sister Ivy." Britny continued. "She told me she was having sex with Ivy and that Ivy was a great lover. Milly told Ivy about our swingers group, which she was interested in joining. The problem was that she was single, and we all know the group only allows couples."
"So you also knew that Milly and Ivy were having sex?" Again, I was shocked at the revelations. "I didn't know until Ivy told me a week ago or so."
"You didn't know?" Britny asked. She also appeared surprised that I didn't know.
I just shook my head 'No'. Again, there was an awkward moment of silence.
"To answer your question," Ivy jumped into the conversation, "Ian and I haven't had sex. Tonight when I sucked his cock was the closest we've ever come to having sex with each other. And yes, I was regularly having sex with Milly for several years until I moved to Atlanta. After that, she and I had sex only when I came back for a visit. Milly said she would tell Ian about our relationship as it was the only sex she had outside of marriage, other than with the swingers group, which they did together. I, too, was shocked recently when I learned Milly never told him."
"Just to be clear," Britny added, "We're not implying that we disapprove of siblings having sex. When John's sister and her husband come to visit us, he fucks his sister all weekend while I fuck her husband. We understand there is something special about siblings making love with each other. Just saying."
"Regardless of whether you two have sex with each other," John added, "we would love to have you as active members of the swingers group."
"Would we be welcomed? We wouldn't be a married couple." I asked if Ivy and I could participate in the group.
"I suspect some already know that Ivy is your sister," Britny responded. They will likely have a problem with you two participating as a couple. I can discuss it with those who might be concerned and convince them that the group needs both of you."
"That would be great," exclaimed Ivy.
I was surprised by her enthusiasm about joining the swingers group, but I was also pleased by the prospect.
- - - - -
Both of us were quiet on the drive home that night. I knew I had much to consider, and I suspected Ivy did.
After we arrived home, I poured each glass of wine and sat in the living room.
"I'll ask a different version of the question John asked you." I began our discussion. "Were the activities of the evening what you expected? What did you hope for?"
"Certainly more than I expected," Ivy responded. "The sex was unbelievable. I've never experienced a cock like John's. He was fantastic. I hope we will continue seeing them and others in the swingers group."
Ivy paused momentarily, lowering her eyes to the floor as if considering what else she would say to me. She then raised her head, and I could see her sometimes mischievous expression again.
"If you haven't already guessed," Ivy began, "I could be considered an oral slut. I love oral sex. I love sucking cock. I love eating pussy. I love it all wet and messy. I love eating male cum. I love eating female cum. As you have witnessed, I love eating male cum from a messy pussy. And, of course, I love having my pussy eaten orally or fucked with a cock, a real cock or a strap-on cock. Fuck! I love sex in all sorts of ways."
Again, she paused, then continued. "I hope you don't think less of me."
I wrapped my arms around my sister and gave her a big hug. Soon, we were sharing a passionate, open-mouth kiss.
"I don't think less of you," I said. "How could I? I also love sex in many ways, although possibly not as many ways as you do. I am excited that because of you, I may be returning to the swingers group, and we can experience a lot of sex with many different people."
She looked at me with what I thought was a 'longing for you'll look in her eyes. I thought she was about to say or ask something else, but she quickly turned away.
"It's been a long night," Ivy said. "I need to go to bed."
Ivy turned and left the room, heading upstairs to her bedroom. I picked up the empty wine glasses and took them to the kitchen. I turned out the lights and headed to my bedroom.
A short while later, I was naked, lying in my bed, trying to fall asleep. Physically, I was exhausted, but mentally, I was wide awake. I couldn't stop thinking about the great sex I had that night or the sights of Ivy having sex with John and Britny. I wondered how it would feel to have sex with Ivy, to be fucking her, eating her pussy, or having her suck my cock, again. Was it possible that she also wanted to have sex with me? Was that the question she didn't ask tonight?
Eventually, I fell asleep, thoughts of sex filling my head, and my cock hard as a rock.
- - - - -
The following day, I slept in later than usual. It was the holiday weekend, and I was in no rush to get out of bed because I wasn't going to work that day.
I was only partially awake when Ivy entered my bedroom, completely naked, and slid into bed next to me on my left side, her arms around me. Before saying a word, she kissed me.
"Good morning, brother," she said softly, sultry.
"Good morning, my sister," I replied. "This is different. What's up?"
"I've been thinking all night about us." she began. "I know I love you. I know you love me. I love sex, and you love sex. So I wonder why we aren't having sex together?"
"Brothers and sisters just aren't supposed to have sex," I replied, even if I didn't fully believe that myself.
"I understand the genetic thing," Ivy replied. "If we had a baby, it would be more at risk of genetic problems. But I'm on the Pill and have no plans now to have a baby. And I cannot think of any other reason we can't have sex. And then, last night, we learned that John is fucking his sister. And they are cool with that."
Ivy cuddled up closer to me. She wrapped her hand around my cock, just holding it.
"Don't you want to fuck your hot, horny, slutty sister?" Ivy asked in no uncertain terms.
The dam had broken between us. There was no reason stopping us, and I knew that.
I rolled to my left side, facing her. My left arm wrapped behind her, holding her. My right knee went between her legs, my thigh pressed up against her pussy. My right hand found her left breast, and I gently caressed her. I stared into her eyes.
"Yes, I want to fuck you," I said in reply. We passionately began kissing. I had never felt anything so exhilarating before.
We held a tight embrace as we kissed and groped each other's flesh. We rolled around the bed, sometimes side-by-side; sometimes, I was on top of her; sometimes, she was on top of me. All the while, we were kissing very passionately, like I had never kissed her before. We were no longer just siblings. We were becoming lovers.
Eventually, we paused to catch our breath. Ivy was lying on top of me with that devilish look.
"Last night, you took the opportunity to suck my cock." I began. "It's my turn to eat your pussy."
"Your wish is my command." Ivy replied, quickly turning around, putting us into a '69'. She sat down on my face, her pussy already wet with her fluids. "I assume it is okay for me to suck your cock while you eat my pussy."
Ivy didn't wait for my reply before sucking my cock head into her mouth. I was in double heaven. Her warm wet soft lips wrapped around my cock, and her hot wet pussy planted on my mouth. I shoved my tongue deep into her gash and tasted her sweet fluids. She moaned in pleasure.
We licked and sucked on each other for the better part of ten minutes, loving every moment. My jaw and tongue were getting tired, as I suspected hers. I reached around her ass with my right hand and shoved three fingers into her pussy. She squealed in pleasure as I finger fucked her while licking her clit. Soon, she was pressing down harder upon my face, and I could hear her heavy breathing, soon becoming gasps for air.
"Oh fuck, Ian. You're going to make me cum." She said as she took a break from sucking my cock.
I nibbled her clit, which set her off. She screamed, and her whole body started shaking as her orgasm hit. Fluids flooded out of her pussy, and I drank and swallowed all that I could. My face was covered in her female cum. And I loved it.
Ivy laid on top of me, letting her orgasm continue and then slowly subside. She came down from her sexual high and rolled off of me, kneeling next to me.
"If that is what your tongue can do to me," she began. She took my hard cock in her hand as if showing it to me. "I want to feel what this big boy will do to me."
Before I could say, 'Climb aboard.' she had swung her leg over my body, straddling me in a cowgirl position. She rose, pointed the head of my cock at her opening, and slowly began to impale herself on me.
"Oh Fuck! That's big!" she exclaimed as my cock stretched her open.
My cock was not a monster cock. I knew there were more enormous cocks than mine. But mine was above average, about 8 inches long and almost two inches in diameter. The girth is what the women felt as I entered them.
Ivy leaned forward and braced herself by putting her hands on my chest. She was bouncing her ass, pushing a bit further down on my cock with each bounce. It took a minute or so, but she finally bottomed out, her ass on my lap, my cock buried fully inside her. We stayed still, just experiencing the feeling. She felt tight and warm to me, but not so tight that she couldn't move some.
"I've only felt this full once before," Ivy said. "And that was with a mammoth dildo my girlfriend gave me as a gag gift. She bet I couldn't take it all in. She should have known I always take a dare. It nearly split me open, but I got it all inside me. But never again. It hurt too much."
"So, am I hurting you now?" I asked.
"No. This feels incredible, " she replied as she smiled at me. It's tight. I'm full. It tingles, maybe slightly painful, but I feel waves of pleasure overriding any pain or discomfort."
Ivy closed her eyes and sighed. I could sense her body relaxing, and I could also feel her pussy adjusting to the size of my cock. Her pussy was accommodating me, and I knew she could feel that also.
"I just can't explain how good this is now feeling." She said.
Ivy sat upright on me, letting her arms hang down by her sides. She slowly began rocking forward and backward on my cock, shifting the pressure points inside her vagina.
"Ohhhhhh. Feels so good." She repeated.
I reached up and placed my hands on her breasts, softly holding them. She put her hands over my hands, holding my hands on her tits, even pressing them a bit firmer against herself. I was enjoying watching as she took control of her pleasure. I figured that a while later, I would be in a different position, pounding her pussy with my cock. But, for now, she was controlling how we had sex and how her pussy accommodated the size of my cock.
She continued the forward and back rocking motion. Her fluids flowed, providing more lubrication, and her muscles relaxed. Soon, with each forward motion, Ivy was lifting a bit, maybe an inch or so of my cock coming out, only to be shoved back inside her on the backward rock of her body.
"Enjoying yourself?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Fuck, Yeah!" she replied. "I hope you're not planning on doing anything else today. We may be doing this all day."
I felt she was exaggerating. She likely didn't have that much stamina, but I had the time to give it a shot. It felt great for me as well.
Ivy continued rocking back and forth. She was slowly building speed, and soon my cock was sliding out and back in two inches or more. I don't know if the term 'fucking' implies a certain amount of in-and-out action, but I felt we were getting close to that point.
All this time, Ivy had been on her knees. The initial rocking was all done by hip rotations. Then she began to lift off of me by moving forward, pivoting on her knees. But she was ready to try something different. She re-positioned her legs so that she was now squatting over me, balanced on the balls of her feet. We interlocked our fingers, my hands raised above my shoulders, and she held her arms out in front of her, using me to balance herself. In this position, she could use her legs to raise and lower herself on my cock.
Very soon, she was moving up and down on me, six inches or more of my cock coming out, only to have her drop back down on me, shoving me so deep inside her I could feel the barrier of her cervix. With each plunge of my cock into her, she let out a groan. Her breath was quickening, and a slight perspiration appeared on her flesh. She was beginning a workout, and she was loving it.
"This feels so fucking good." She said. "I can't believe we hadn't done this sooner."
My cock was beginning to ache perfectly. I wasn't that concerned about premature ejaculation as I knew my cock could stay hard, and we could continue fucking. I did want to time each of my ejaculations to maximize the effect on Ivy. But I knew I likely could only have two, maybe three orgasms.
Ivy picked up the action, moving up and down faster and faster, dropping down on my cock harder and harder. She was squeezing my hands harder as the intensity of her experience was rising. She closed her eyes and let her head fall backward or sideways. Up and down. Up and down, she continued.
"Oh god. Oh god." she started to repeat.
I sensed that her orgasm was approaching, her second of the day. I was just a spectator, letting her control the action.
"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh." She kept repeating quickly as she bounced even faster upon my cock.
Then, suddenly, she froze. She squeezed my hands hard. Her vaginal muscles clenched my cock. I could feel the pulsations inside her vagina, squeezing me. She stopped breathing for a moment, then screamed out in her loudest voice,
Ivy fell forward, collapsing onto my chest. She was breathing hard, and her body was trembling.
"oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" she was now repeating softly and very rapidly. This orgasm lasted more than a minute. Then she finally calmed down.
"Jesus. That was INTENSE!" she told me.
"Are you doing okay?" I asked in a supportive voice.
"I can't believe that after those two orgasms, I'm still horny," she replied, puzzled by her condition. "My cunt needs more, a lot more."
"I can help with that," I answered. I knew she was physically drained, so it was time for me to get busy.
I wrapped my arms around my sister and kissed her as I rolled us over, her on the bottom and I on top of her. My cock was still hard and still buried in her pussy. Ivy lay there, primarily exhausted and limp. She did manage to spread her legs and raise her knees, giving me a better angle to pump my cock into her. I lifted myself on my arms as if doing a push-up over my sister.
"I can't believe you are still hard as a rock," Ivy said in amazement.
"I can't believe that I'm fucking my sister," I replied with a chuckle.
"I think we need to make up for lost time," Ivy said with a devilish look.
"I think that is a great idea," I replied as I began to push my cock in and out of her hot, wet pussy.
Ivy's pussy was an excellent fit for my cock. Snug, but not too tight. I could slide in and out of her, but there was enough friction to make it very pleasurable.
"Your pussy fits my cock very well," I said as I looked down into her eyes.
"When I'm this horny, it's not a pussy. It's my CUNT!" Ivy said, putting an exclamation on the word 'cunt'. "Now FUCK MY CUNT!" she demanded.
Ivy drew her knees up higher, lifting her feet off the bed. This motion caused her hips to swivel, opening herself up to me even more. It was apparent she wanted a serious fucking, and that is what I intended to give her.
I hooked my arms under her legs and pushed them up over her shoulders, folding her in half.
"If you want a hard fucking, I'll give you a hard fucking." I told her as I started thrusting my cock into her hard and deep.
Ivy squealed in delight. "Oh, YES! Oh, YES!"
I maintained a quick pace of thrusting and withdrawing my cock from her cunt. We both were breathing hard, grunting and groaning.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I muttered, timed with each thrust.
"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" she replied in rhythm.
I could feel the effects of releasing my endorphins, creating a euphoria in my body. This was feeling so fucking good. We continued for several minutes. Each thrust of my cock now was hitting the bottom inside her. We both groaned each time I filled her cunt. "Uh, Uh, Uh."
"Oh god! Oh God! OH GOD!" the pitch and loudness of Ivy's voice were rising. Her next orgasm would be soon.
"Come on, Ivy. Cum for me." I urged her on.
"Cum with me, Ian," she replied. "I want to feel your hot cum flood my cunt."
I leaned forward a bit more over Ivy. This increased the friction of my cock close to her clit. I went into overdrive, pounding away inside her.
Our orgasms were almost simultaneous. I felt my cock swell, my balls draw up, and I exploded just as she screamed out her orgasm. I shoved my cock into her as far as I could and held it there.
"OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" she screamed as her body began to shake and her cunt clenched my cock.
"FUCK!" I screamed as my cock began jetting big loads of my hot sticky cum deep inside her.
She could feel my cum explosions in her vagina. "OH FUCK, IAN! THAT'S...THAT'S..." and she couldn't finish the sentence as she lost words.
Ivy's hands gripped my shoulders. She locked her legs behind my ass. Her body shook in an intense orgasm as her eyes rolled back in her head. I was sure she could feel my cum overflowing her cunt and sliding down over her anus.
We stayed locked in this position for maybe two or three minutes. It was an incredible sensation, perhaps the most powerful orgasm that either of us had experienced.
Finally, she let go. She relaxed and flopped her arms and legs on the bed.
"Ian, you're incredible. I thought I was about to die and go to heaven," she said.
"I'm still horny," I replied. This time, I had a devilish look on my face.
"What?? How??? Can't be!" she exclaimed.
I pulled my still-hard cock out of her cunt and backed up a bit. I took her leg, raised it, and rolled her over onto her stomach. Taking hold of her hips, I pulled them up and spread her knees. Her face was planted in the bed sheet. Her gaping cunt was very visible, as was my cum flowing out of it and making a big mess on my bed. We would clean that up later, I thought.
"What are you doing?" she asked, almost fearfully.
"I'm going to fuck you again," I replied in a calm voice as I positioned myself behind her cute ass and took hold of her hips with my hands.
"I don't know if I can." She pleaded.
"Let me show you that we can," I replied as I shoved my cock back into her cunt.
"Oh God!" She screamed.
By this point, her pussy was loose and incredibly wet from her fluids and loads of my cum. I had no problems shoving my cock in and out of her. I began fucking her from behind with reckless abandonment, slamming my cock into her sodden cunt.
Her next orgasm hit almost immediately. His body was trembling. She buried her face into the mattress and kept up a continuous scream. I was concerned that I was pushing her too far.
"Tell me when you want me to stop," I told her sincerely.
Ivy paused her screams long enough to reply. "No! Don't stop. Don't you stop? Fuck me, Ian! FUCK ME!"
I was able to fuck her hard for another five minutes. Her body shook, and she screamed the entire time as she had one long, continual orgasm. Then, I had my second and final orgasm. I shoved my cock deep one last time and held it there as I again flooded her cunt with my hot cum. Load after load, I jetted into her.
"Oh FUCK!" I screamed as I held my position, gasping for air.
"ARGH!" Ivy screamed in reply, her body still shaking. Then she collapsed as she passed out.
I pulled out of her one final time and lay next to her, gently caressing her body.
A few moments later, Ivy regained consciousness.
"Was I sleeping? Was I dreaming?" she asked, a bit confused. "Or was that all real? Did I pass out?"
"Do you feel an ache between your legs?" I asked so that she could answer her questions.
"Oh God!" she exclaimed. "It was real. You fucked me so hard I passed out!"
"So I shouldn't do that again?" I asked, attempting to be facetious.
"God, no. I mean, yes. You better do that again." She replied. "That was so fucking incredible. I never imagined that sex could feel like that. Not even close to that feeling. How were you able to do that?"
"I've had some practice and wonderful lovers," I replied. "And I guess I have a rare talent that I can orgasm and stay hard. A rare man that can be multi-orgasmic."
Ivy suddenly realized the mess we had made in the bed and how much cum was still leaking out of her pussy. She cupped her crotch to minimize any further leakage.
"Oh, brother. Forgive me for the mess I'm making." Ivy said as she hurriedly got off the bed. "I need to clean up."
"Nothing to forgive. I think most of the mess is mine." I replied. "Use my bathroom if you like."
She paused and looked about as if considering her options.
"I need a shower. I'll use my bath," she replied before quickly leaving the room.
I rose and stripped the sheet off the bed, intending to put fresh linens on it later. I, too, needed a shower, so I used my own bathroom. Ivy and I would talk later.
- - - - -
About an hour later, I sat at the breakfast table sipping juice. I took a shower and put on shorts and a T-shirt. I was still thinking about the incredible sex that Ivy and I had shared. I wondered what this meant for the future of our relationship.
Ivy walked in, sexy as ever, in thong panties and a cropped top. It was apparent she was not wearing a bra. I did notice that she had fixed her hair and put on some makeup. She looked pretty.
Just as she walked in, the timer on the oven dinged. I rose to pull breakfast out of the oven.
"What are you cooking?" Ivy asked.
"I made some Pigs-In-A-Blanket for our breakfast," I replied. "Do you want some juice or coffee with these?"
"I remember mom making Pigs-In-A-Blanket for us," she replied. "Those will be perfect."
"Some protein and carbs to replace what we burned off earlier," I replied.
Ivy stopped, possibly embarrassed at what we had done.
"That sex was intense. The most intense sex I've ever had. And I've had a lot of sex." she admitted as she poured a glass of juice.
"In the past 24 hours," I began, "the sex I had with Britny and then with you was fucking incredible. And it was more sex than all I've had since Milly died. You enabled me to rejoin the swingers group. You have given me a second life."
I paused a moment and then continued. "However, we do need to talk about our situation."
Ivy sat with her juice and picked up a Pig-In-A-Blanket.
"I'm sorry..." she started, and I immediately cut her off.
"No. Nothing to be sorry about." I began. "You initiated what we both have wanted for some time. It was fantastic sex. From my view, better than I ever dreamed it would be."
"Me too," Ivy replied.
"For me, the most important question is: Was that a one-time thing? Or will we do that again?" I said.
"That's two questions," Ivy replied with a laugh. Then she got more serious. "Do you want it to happen again?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely!" I quickly replied. "Why wouldn't I want to? Don't you want to do it again?"
"Yes, I do." She replied. "But what does this mean for you and me? Do we live together? Do I get my place, and we just fuck sometimes?"
"I want you to live here with me," I replied. I hadn't thought through all the implications.
"As brother and sister in separate bedrooms?" Ivy asked. "Or do we share a bedroom?"
The tone of her voice and the expression on her face told me that her thought process was ahead of mine. She had one or more concerns.
"Honestly, I haven't thought through all the details," I replied, my eagerness slightly tempered. "What are you thinking? What concerns do you have?"
Ivy took a deep breath, carefully choosing her words.
"Ian, I enjoy living with you for many reasons." Ivy began. "I truly love you. You are a great person; you're fun to be with, and you provide me with a free place to stay. And now the sex is simply mind-blowing fantastic. I want to be with you. I want to have sex with you. But..."
She paused at 'But.' There is always a 'But'.
"But what?" I asked.
"But I don't want this to become a husband and wife thing." She continued. "Of course, we can't get married, but I also don't want to fall into that relationship. I want the freedom to have my friends, go out sometimes, and do my own thing, and more importantly, I want sometimes to have other lovers."
There. She had said it. The thing that was important to her.
"The Corey thing," I remarked as I remembered what she had told me about why their relationship ended. "You wanted the freedom to have sex with other women, and he didn't want you to do that."
"Yeah. Our relationship started going downhill when I moved into his place, precisely when I moved into his bedroom. At that point, he thought I was agreeing to a monogamous relationship. I can't agree, and if we share a bedroom, you might think that is what we have.
"The swinging sexual encounters don't count as the freedom to have sex with others, on our own, because that would be something we do together. Am I right? You want the freedom to have sex with others when and where you want to do so." I filled in the prominent piece.
"You understand, don't you?" Ivy said in a hopeful way. "Corey never got that."
"So let me see if I can propose something acceptable." I began. "Let's say you continue living here as you have been doing. You keep your room. You come and go as you like when you like. We might go out together for dinner, dancing, or a movie if that is what both of us want. We would be like friends-with-benefits, not siblings-with-benefits. You would be free to share my bed when you want. We would have sex with each other when we both wanted that. Or we might go out and enjoy another sex partner when we want. We will continue to play with the members of the swingers group, adding another form of enjoyable sex to our lives. Does that about cover it?"
"Yeah, something like that," she replied. I know that guys tend to get possessive of their lovers, but I ask that you don't do that to me. Let me have my own freedom. I will repay you with some great loving and great times playing with your group."
I stood up and reached for her to stand and embrace me.
"I love you, sister. I want to be a brother who loves you and allows you to have your freedom," I said with all earnestness. Give me a hug and a kiss."
Ivy practically jumped into my arms and kissed me. "I could never hope for a better brother."
"I have a different question, but it is related." I began. "Would you want to bring another lover, such as Misty, to our home? You are still seeing her, aren't you? And would you want me here, or should I disappear for a while?"
"You know me well. Yes, I'm still seeing Misty." Ivy admitted. "Sex with her will never be as good as what we just had. But there is just something special about girl-girl sex that a guy will never be able to achieve. I can't expect you to understand it. I ask that you accept it."
"Yes, I can accept that," I replied. "I remember that night we first met Misty, and I know she is a wonderful, special person. I hope you feel comfortable enough to invite her to come here. You could invite her over to swim in the pool. Or, possibly, you two want to go to your bedroom and fuck each other's brains out. You can do that."
We both had a good laugh about my choice of words.
"You should know some things about Misty." Ivy began. "She's had a couple of horrible experiences with men, possessive men, and battering men. Now, she only has sex with other women and likely will never have a date with a man, much less consider sex with a man. She is committed to the best girl-on-girl sex, and she is fucking fantastic at that."
"Maybe she could teach me a thing or two about making love to a woman." I chuckled.
"Good luck with that," Ivy said as she playfully slugged my arm and left the kitchen.
I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then went looking for Ivy. I found her in the living room, looking at the collection of photos of all the couples that Milly and I had sex with.
I walked in and stood next to Ivy, looking at the photos. She turned to me.
"You and Milly had a lot of great sex with all these people, didn't you?" she asked.
"Great sex every time," I replied.
Ivy took the photo of John and Britny off the wall and flipped it over.
"This one needs an update," Ivy said.
I watched as she took a pen and first drew a line under the last date, the last time Milly and I had sex with John and Britny. Below the line, Ivy wrote yesterday's date for when she and I had sex with the couple. She looked at me for approval, and I smiled back and nodded.
"You know," Ivy began, "by the end of the year, we need to add another date to the back of each of these photos. Don't you think?"
"Only one more date? Or can we add multiple dates for some couples?" I asked playfully.
"You fucking better believe we will add multiple dates on the back of some of these," Ivy replied.

Other works by Igor Pajic

Best Sisters

Dive into the tantalizing world of “Best Sisters,” a provocative collection that explores the forbidden and exhilarating tales of sibling love


That was a preview of Sister and A Lover. To read the rest purchase the book.

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