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Man of Power 16: Out Of Control

Korben Hunter



Man of Power 16

Out of Control

Korben Hunter

© Sultry Publications 2025


Bookapy License

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please go to https://bookapy.com/ and acquire your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


All characters, situations, events, places, activities and artefacts in this story are fictional. Vikas is a fictional character, his ad agency is fictional, his world is fictional, the industry he works in is a figment of imagination, the people he interacts with are fictional. This is a story written purely for entertainment and all the elements in this are fictional, created for the purpose of making the story interesting and enjoyable. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, shall be considered a coincidence for which the author and the publisher shall not be responsible.

License Statement

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit your favourite ebook retailer to purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Adult Content Warning

Please be advised that this is a very adult story, what would be called X-rated in the US content rating system and XXX by the internet rating. There are a lot of sexual situations and graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and women contained in this story.


This story includes a lot of sexual language including many hard core terms. This is a story written for entertainment and the situations as well as the actions performed by the characters are not real nor is it advised to follow their example in real life. The story includes many examples of polygamy, polyandry, cheating, cuckolding, pseudo-incest (sex with in-laws) and some elements of BDSM. This is a story from fantasy and is not meant to be followed in real life.


Readers are advised to exercise discretion while reading the story and not get immersed in it to the point that it blurs the boundaries between real and fantasy. This is meant to be fun, read it purely for enjoyment. The description of any acts in this story is not an indication that they are endorsed by the author or the publisher.


It is not the intent of the author and publisher to insult, defame, damage, degrade or demoralise any person, group, sect, religion, gender or industry. This a story based on fantasy written for enjoyment.


I have been doing this for a while now – generating images with AI to illustrate the dresses that my characters wear in the story. The photos are created by AI, so they are not always an accurate depiction of the dress I am describing but they are close and getting closers as the technology evolves but still, use the photos as a reference but pay attention to the description of the dress as the accurate design of the dress.


As you would have noticed, I use the dresses not just for adornment of the character’s body but also as a point for flirting, make-out etc. All those actions will be based on the description that I provide for the dress or outfit.


I am still quite interested in get your feedback on the photos, if they helped in getting an idea of the design of the dresses, did they add to your enjoyment of the story or was it the other way around?


Let me know what you think.


Thank you.




Table of Contents


Series Info

Chapter 1 – Sahay Has a Great Day

Chapter 2 – Dinner Date With Neha

Chapter 3 – Saif Is A Loving Husband

Chapter 4 – Neha Is Dessert

Chapter 5 – Neha is in Trouble

Chapter 6 – Kareena Shares a Story

Chapter 7 – Neha Delivers a Message

Chapter 8 – Rani Shares a Truth

Chapter 9 – Sahay Serves His Mother

Chapter 10 – Neha Plans Her Future

Chapter 11 – Neha Gets Branded

Chapter 12 – Kareena Lives a Fantasy

Chapter 13 – Rakul and Sophie Fight

Chapter 14 – Kareena On The Street

Chapter 15 – Raima Reports For The Project

Chapter 16 – Jahnvi Serves Breakfast

Chapter 17 – Katrina Is Not Easy

Chapter 18 – Sharmila Loses Her Cool

Chapter 19 – Rashmika Can Be Naughty

Chapter 20 – Palak Works Out

Chapter 21 – Rashmika Is A Distraction

Chapter 22 – Working With Rashmika

Chapter 23 – Sharmila Learns The Truth

Chapter 24 – Nargis Reports For Work

Chapter 25 – Alia Is Interested Or Not Interested

Chapter 26 – Kritika Meets A Stranger

Chapter 27 – Shriya Talks Back

Chapter 28 – Shopping for Vikas

Chapter 29 – Kritika Steals a Moment

Chapter 30 – Palak Learns Her Mistake

Chapter 31 – Vansh Does a Shoot

Chapter 32 – Raima In A Panic

Chapter 33 – Surveen Visits Her Team

My Other Books



With this story I feel like the more I write the more there is to write. I am finding it incredible and perplexing that Vikas hasn’t yet left for US when I had actually planned that trip for book 4 and 5. But even after fifteen books and in fact, even after this one, I don’t see a way he can get there soon as there is just so many events lined up before then.


It’s not just me wanting him to claim more new sluts every day, I do like that but he can do that after he comes back as well, the stuff that is blocking his way is logistically important to be done before he leaves. Let me give you examples and see if you agree with me.


Vikas had to break and claim Neha before he leaves so that she can carry on her love story with Guddu while Vikas is in US and also meet her mother-in-law a couple of times. Then when Vikas comes back we can get on with their engagement. Well, logically we can’t because the period between his first trip and second trip is covered fully by the Sam story “Flying High” but I have a couple of good ideas to resolve that.


Remember how Vikas wanted to get his private cabin renovated to add a bathroom for his whores? That work needs to be started before he goes so that it can be completed in his absence with minimal disruption to his life. A man as smart as Vikas would plan it that way. Same thing for Sonali’s house going into renovation, same for the projects that VisCom has got from Royal, which means the dinner party has to happen before he goes.


In addition to these there are some overdue events like taking over the business at Crewing Partners, an interview with Karishma Kota, claiming some of the hottest sluts from CP staff and so on and so forth.


With so much stuff going on which needs to be talked about, you can understand why I have written three books kin this series back to back. But as you have been liking them and giving me encouraging feedback I can assume that that’s a good thing.


I hope you will like this book just as much.



Korben Hunter


Series Info

A quick recap for this series. In the first book Vikas meets Kajal, their romance grows and they get married. Vikas also takes control of his mother-in-law - Sonali. After his marriage with Kajal, Vikas takes her and her family on their honeymoon as a family trip.


The second book covers their journey on the honeymoon during which they travel to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. They also take a cruise in those parts. On this journey, we find that Kajal enjoys it when Vikas claims pretty girls and tells her about it.


In the third book, Vikas and the rest of the family are back in Bombay and everybody goes back to their business. We meet a few more characters as Vikas continues to run and expand his business. His circle of influence grows and he conquers new beauties.


In the fourth book, Vikas has many opportunities where he meets beautiful women in his office, in his business sphere and in commercial alliances. He exploits these opportunities in his unique masterful style.


In the fifth book, Vikas works on expanding his business but also takes possession of some stunningly beautiful women, some as models but others in his business circle.


In the sixth book, Vikas is travelling to Delhi with Rhea for her fashion show. This book covers that journey and part of his first day in Delhi. You meet some of his old friends and some new ones that he makes because you know, Vikas is Vikas.


In the seventh book, Vikas was very much involved in the fashion show and although he had not come for that, he does have a lot of fun there. The fashion show is full of sexy, gorgeous girls who are not shy and do not mind mixing with a handsome ad-agency owner on a social level. When the seventh book ended Rhea had just won the first prize for her dress in the fashion show.


In the eighth book Vikas is still in Delhi with Rhea and the events of the fashion show are unfolding. When we last saw Rhea, she had just won the first prize in the fashion show. The story carries on in this book and follows Vikas and Rhea’s weekend. Toward the end of the book they return to Bombay, so you can rest assured that the story will continue as normal in the next book.


In the ninth book, we see mostly Vikas working on his business. There are two major acquisitions in that book – Pooja Hegde and Parineeti Chopra. Vikas opens a new bank account in order to get a loan to buy Crewing Partners. He is also working on a deal with an American modelling agency to source models from there.


The tenth book sees Vikas interacting, romancing and fucking his favourite most trusted whores. Things carry on both in business and in family. Vikas finally claims Shweta, an event that had been in the offing for a long time.


In the eleventh book the story continues from where it was in the last book. Vikas is at Shweta’s in the beginning and then his business life and work life continue. Rashmika and Ravi have dinner at Vikas' and things change forever in their lives.


The twelfth book starts exactly where the last one left with Rashmika and Ravi still hanging out with Vikas. The main story in this book is the Agarwal family going to meet the Sharma family to see their daughter Neha for Guddu. That had a lot of family implications plus a blast from the past for Vikas and some secrets and some revelations.


In the thirteen book, the day continues, we have family meetings to discuss some of the events , some events take place in current time, but you also see some characters preparing for the events to come in the next few days.


Fourteenth book sees the golf game being played and with it, Vikas playing his own games with smoking hot babes. This book continues the sub-plots from the last book and characters other than Vikas also heat up the screen.


The golf game continues in the fifteenth book and Vikas spends more time at the golf club with Kareena, Aishwarya and others. He even manages to claim another new piece. The second part of his day is dedicated to family, going on a double date with Guddu and his would-be wife Neha Sharma.

The other books are also available on the same platforms as this book. The first six books are also available as two trilogy bundles.


This is the most popular series and as a result it has had some spin-off's based on the main premise. These are:

Flying High - 2 books

Angel Face - 1 book

Tammy Story - 1 book

Inviting Trouble - 2 books

Family Matters – 2 books



Chapter 1 – Sahay Has a Great Day

Sahay was in great spirits when he got back home. He had spent the last few hours with Palak and Roshni. He had been treated by the utmost respect by both beautiful girls as an expert in modelling and especially on VisCom and Vikas. Palak had gone so far as to suggest that Sahay should fuck Roshni some time to get her ready for Vikas' use. Roshni hadn’t been sold on the idea but she did listen to Sahay’s advice with deference. When they had tried dresses to get his advice, Sahay had seen both Palak and Roshni fully naked. Only he knew how he had managed to not cum instantly in his pants.


He had even had lunch there with Shweta wearing a thin, cotton midi dress, her braless tits swinging free when she moved. Once when nobody was looking, Sahay had swiped Shweta’s spoon and eaten with that, enthralled by the thought he was eating her saliva. Shweta had assumed she had not taken a spoon and taken a fresh one. After lunch he had offered to help with washing dishes with Palak. Shweta had come to put a bowl in the sink and as she had leaned in, her breast had pressed hard behind Sahay’s shoulder. He had suppressed a moan with an effort.


After lunch, they had gone to the local market, Sahay, Palak and Roshni. They had not bought anything but Sahay had really enjoyed going into the shops with the two hot girls and answering their questions when they asked his advice. When coming back Palak had suggested that Sahay should walk Roshni home. He had agreed easily. Palak had kissed him full on the lips with her body pressing tightly on his. Roshni was watching the whole time.


On the way, Roshni had assumed that Sahay was fucking Palak regularly and asked questions about that, showing her curiosity. He could see that he had her respect because of that.





“Look, I am not against you banging me,” She had said, making Sahay’s cock pulse with her candour “but I don’t know if it would help with Vikas. I mean, he uses us girls like a beast, he is rough.”


“Well, of course,” Sahay said like he was an expert on the man “for him, you are just fuckmeat - you, Palak, all models. Brutal use is his way of breaking you and training you. Wo chodta nahin hai, todta hai.”


[He doesn’t fuck, he breaks you.]


Roshni’s reaction showed him that he had just gone up in her estimation “Exactly! Wo chodta nahin hai todta hai. That’s why I was like...I don’t have anything against you. You are a nice guy and I appreciate your help.”


[He doesn’t fuck, he breaks us.]


Sahay acted like sex was not a big deal for him. He shrugged “You don’t need to suck my dick for that. I am happy to help. You are Palak’s friend and Palak is my girl.”


“You are sweet.” She suddenly reached out and caressed his cheek “Alright, look, not for training or anything, but aise hi kabhi meri leni ho, I mean just for fuck if you want to nail, I will be ok with that.”


[If you casually want to fuck me.]


Sahay was smart enough not to jump with joy “We can try it if you want. No big deal either way.”


He had said the right thing. That made Roshni more eager “Please, don’t mind. When Palak suggested I should take your dick, I didn’t say yes and now you are angry with me.”


“Not at all.” Sahay was amazed at how much needy a hot girl could become if only a man could show nonchalance “It’s your choice. You have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend, so...no big deal.”


“Ok, baba, main doongi tumhein,” Roshni said “don’t be so angry now. You choose the time and place, and fuck me when you want. Main aaraam se doongi. No nakhra, ok?”


[Ok, I will take your dick. I will spread for you easily. No attitude, ok?]


He smiled and nodded, but didn’t rush in with suggestions of when to do it. He was no Vikas Malhotra but he was smart enough to not monkey with a system that was working. He just said “We will talk about it.”


When they got to her place, she kissed him. It was on the cheek but it was a full firm kiss with her tits pressing on his chest.


“Sorry, I can’t, you know...” She said.


“Totally.” Sahay shrugged and turned “See you.”


He had just gone two steps when she called him “Sahu!”


Sahay stopped and turned. Roshni covered the distance between them with long steps. She took his face in her hands and kissed him full on the lips. It was a long kiss with her tongue in his mouth, her breasts rubbing on his chest and their breaths mingling into an erotic blend.


“I can’t have you thinking I am a cocktease.” She smiled “Let me know when you want to do me.”


Then she turned and walked into her house. Sahay walked away with a big smile and a raging hard-on.


In that mood he had actually gone to VisCom. Being Sunday, the office was closed, but Sahay had spent almost two hours just chatting with the security guard. As it turned out, the security guard noticed a lot of things and without knowing why Sahay was asking, he told him a lot of stories including the fact that the company was full of pretty girls and nearly all of them had a crush on the big boss. The guard talked favourably of the big boss saying that he was a down-to-earth and friendly person but also mentioned that he liked pretty girl and didn’t seem to care that he was married.


When Sahay left there, he felt like he really was an expert in all things VisCom. His euphoric mood also had a mix of excitement as he came home because now he knew he would not be tortured by his step-sisters. He had the power over them now. He closed the door and started taking his clothes off. He was planning to masturbate thinking about Shweta again – his smoking hot mother-in-law who was a whore for her boss. Already his cock was hard with excitement.


The gentle knock on his door told him it must be Jahnvi. She must have been waiting for him to come home. Sahay smiled and said “Come in.”




It was indeed Jahnvi and she was carrying a tray with a glass of juice on it. She was wearing a very tiny pink lace tank top. Sahay noticed that he could see even her nipples in that top as it was too small for a bra. Her skirt was long but it was tied very low on her hip and not only bared her left leg all the way, it even exposed part of her pelvic slope, showing the absence of panties as well. The skirt was sheer below her mid-thigh and moved to bare leg as she walked. What he loved most was that she stood still and submitted to his inspected on as he ran his eyes up and down her young, gorgeous body.


She offered him the glass “I made fresh orange juice for you.”


“Thanks.” Sahay did not reach for the glass. He was only standing in his underwear and for once, he was not embarrassed “Let me change first.”


He calmly pushed his boxers down and the sound of the glass on the tray told him that it shocked Jahnvi. He liked it. He walked around, casually letting her see his naked dick as he put the underwear in the laundry basket. His dick was small, he knew that, but it was erect and hard right now. Sahay didn’t care what she thought about it because she was in his power anyway. He took out a fresh pair of boxers and put them on. He didn’t bother to wear anything else but went to sit on the bed.


Jahnvi immediately came to him. He took the glass. Jahnvi stood deferentially. Sahay took a sip then looked at her “Did you shave your pussy?”


“Yes, of course.” She nodded “You had told me to.”


“Show me.” Sahay said casually though his dick was pulsing in his pants. The strongest high is the high of power and Sahay was intoxicated right now.


He liked that Jahnvi didn’t hesitate. She put the empty tray on a table and untied her skirt. Sahay felt his throat dry as he looked at her bare pussy now clean shaven.


“Come here.” He said.


Jahnvi walked up to him.


“Spread your legs.”


Jahnvi opened her legs.


“Wide!” he said more strictly.


“Sorry.” She opened her legs wider.


Reaching casually between her legs, Sahay rubbed her bare, shaved pussy lips slowly up and down with his thumb.


“Unh!” Jahnvi moaned “You...you are my brother.”


“You have to stop saying that.” He boldly cupped her bare pussy and looked up at her “I will have to do much more with you, much more than this, before you will be ready to meet Malhotra.”


Jahnvi submitted with a nod “Did you....did you talk to...?”


“Yes.” Sahay rubbed her hot pussy with his thumb again then squeezed it in his fist “You didn’t shave it smooth.”


“I...unh...I only cleared the landing strip.” Jahnvi said.


“Let it grow a few days then I will shave you myself.” Sahay said “It needs to be fully smooth.”




Sahay confidently drank the juice before looking at her “Are you going to remind me again that I am your brother?”


Jahnvi bit her lip as that’s what she was about to say. She shook her head “I don’t want to take your time.”


“I talked to Palak about you,” Sahay got up and placed the glass on the tray “and we agreed that Vikas may like you, but....” Sahay let it dangle while he walked back to her and looked boldly in her eyes “I will have to train you before I can bring you to him. Vikas likes well-behaved fuckmeat, yes, models are just fuckmeat for him, you understand?”


That harsh line had worked well with Palak which made Sahay use it now, and it worked with Jahnvi even better.


“Of course, Sahu. I totally understand.” She nodded eagerly.


“Palak has been trained by her mom, she knows what Vikas likes, Vikas has even fucked Palak,” Sahay said proudly “but you know nothing about him. I will have to train you, mould you before I can bring you to him.”


“Will this take time?” Jahnvi said.


Sahay decided to go on the offensive “I can take you to him tomorrow and you can take your chance. But you only get one chance with him, only one. You can take it tomorrow or two weeks from now but if he rejects you, don’t come to me to train you, it won’t do any good at that time.”


“No, no, I will listen to you.” Jahnvi stepped forward and put her hand on his chest “You can train me, shave me, mould me as you think is right. I can wait. I don’t want to fuck up this chance.”


“Good.” He nodded “And Jahnvi, he won’t nail you just once –“


There was a knock on the door and Seerat’s voice came “Sahu, please, can I come in?”


“Yes, come in.” Sahu called out.


“I thought you might like some biscuits.” She offered a plate.


“With juice?” Sahu said.




The way she blushed, Sahu felt sorry for her. He said “Come here.”


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Seerat was wearing a very short, skimpy top and a tiny little micromini skirt.


In the past she had been mean to him and things were easy, but now the tables had turned so she was not sure where to go, what to say and where to look. Sahay was not so nervous. He took the plate from her and put it on a table. Then he looked at both of his young, hot step-sisters confidently.


“Nangi ho jao, dono.” He said.


[Get naked. Both of you.]


Seerat looked at him “N…nangi?”




“You want to be a model too, right?” Sahay said.


Jahnvi was already taking her clothes off. Seerat followed her and in two minutes both of them were standing fully naked in front of him. Sahay stepped forward and boldly took Jahnvi’s big, heavy breasts in his hands. She stayed easily in his grip as he fondled her tits.


“They are nice.” Sahay said “But Vikas will treat them roughly. Can you handle that?”


He really wanted to slap her tits but he was not sure of his newfound power and didn’t have the guts to go so far suddenly.


Jahnvi nodded “He is the boss, wo to jaise chahe mujhe todega, mujhe lena hi padega na.”


[He is the boss, he will break me as he wants, I will have to take it.]


“Good.” Sahay said “I will get you ready before that so you will know what to expect. I am also learning all this as Palak is going through the same process.”


“Thank you, Sahu.” Jahnvi said and turned to Seerat “Sahu is going to help train us so we don’t get rejected. You will train her too, right?”


Sahay nodded and beckoned Seerat over. She came closer and when he fondled her bare tits, she stayed close, pressing her soft, fleshy tits into his hands.


“Nice.” He nodded his approval “You shave your pussy?”


“I…I did today.” Seerat nodded.


“Open your legs.” He said.


Seerat opened her legs without protest. Sahay put his hand between her legs and rubbed her soft, smooth pussy.


“Hmmm, same problem.” He said “I will have to help you shave it smooth.”


Seerat nodded. Jahnvi said “Thank you, Sahu. We have not done it before for a powerful man, your…your help will be really useful to us.”


Keeping his left hand between Seerat’s legs, Sahay put his right hand between Jahnvi’s legs and rubbed her bare pussy as well. His cock was rock hard in his pants and he was getting an idea that was making his little shaft pulse.


“You…you both seem very tight. Let me check.” He said, trying to keep his throat from drying up “Spread your legs wider.”


Both the girls obeyed quickly. Sahay placed his fingertips on their pussy holes and pushed them in. Both of them gasped but stayed in place, impaled on his fingers.


“You feel like virgin sluts.” Sahay said like an experienced man “Tell me the truth, pehle chudi hui ho? You said you have boyfriends.”


[Have you been fucked before?


“Hum dono chudi hain, Sahu.” Jahnvi said.


[We have both been fucked, Sahu.]


“Kai baar.” Seerat said.


[Many times.]


“But our boyfriends have little dicks.” Jahnvi said.


“They don’t even hurt in our cunts.” Seerat added.


“Well, Vikas has a huge one.” Sahay said like it was his achievement “And he will rip your cunts apart.”


“Oh.” Jahnvi took a sharp breath.


“Can you train us for that?” Seerat said, obviously turned on and ready for anything.


“I will.” Sahay had noticed how both the girls were rocking slowly on their heels, grinding their wet, hot pussies around his fingers. His cock was so hard it was aching and he knew his pre-cum was pooling in his underwear.


“Thank you, Sahu.” Jahnvi said “We would like that.”


“But you have to be obedient little sluts then.” Sahay was feeling bold but having them on his fingers and feeling them so obedient was turning him on too much. His cockhead was rubbing on the inside of his underwear and he was afraid he would come any second now.


“We will be obedient.” Jahnvi said.


“Like good little sluts.” Seerat nodded.


Sahay pulled his fingers out of their cunts. They were now riding his fingers and it was too hot for Sahay to handle.


“Mom and dad will come back tonight, no?” He said.


“Yes.” Jahnvi said.


“Shit!” Sahay cursed his luck “Ok. Next time they go out for overnight, you will both sleep in my room, in my bed.”


They both nodded.


“Poori nangi.” He warned and looked at them both.


[Fully nude.]


Both of them nodded.


“We are not shy with you, Sahu.” Jahnvi said.


“Jab bologe hum nangi ho jayengi.” Seerat promised “Jo tum bologe wo karengi.”


[We will get naked whenever you say. We will do what you say.]


This was now becoming extremely hot and beyond Sahay’s control. He nodded and said “Go now before mom and dad come back.”


“Ok. Thank you, Sahu.” Jahnvi leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then they both dressed and went.


Sahay was biting his lip as he rushed to his bathroom. Today he didn’t know what to focus on as he jerked his hard cock - Shweta’s bare, wet pussy under the towel, Palak’s young, tight, naked body, Roshni’s promise to take his dick or the tight, wet pussies of his step-sisters. He was still flitting between all of these when his cock erupted in his hand.


Chapter 2 – Dinner Date With Neha

At dinner, Kajal expertly managed to put Neha on Vikas’ right without saying anything. She herself sat opposite Vikas with Guddu on her left.


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“Vikas ji, you will need to help me.” Neha said “I am not an expert in Indian cuisine and I can’t handle spicy.”


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“Sure, dear.” Vikas easily slipped his hand inside her lace cover and rested his hand on her lower back, keeping his hand below the level of the table as his fingers lingered on her bare ass crack.


Neha smiled, adjusting herself to his hand and leaning in closer “In fact, why don’t you order for me? I have no problem being guided by your wishes.”


She winked at Guddu. He smiled and nodded his approval to her approach.


Vikas gently rubbed her ass crack with one hand, holding the menu with only one hand. He consulted with Kajal and Guddu about the food, while letting his fingers graze lightly on Neha’s velvet smooth skin. While they were discussing drink, Vikas moved his hand to Neha’s thigh and slowly caressed her smooth, bare leg.


“I won’t drink alcohol, jiju,” Guddu said “you know I promised.”


“You promised to drink only when I allowed you.” Vikas said “And today is a special occasion, you can drink. Plus, a glass of red wine is good for health, the problem is that people can’t stop at one. I am going to have one, you can also have one if you want, but I won’t force you.”


“Ok, Jiju, I will have one with you.” Guddu said.


“I will share with you, too, Patidev.” Kajal said.


“Cool.” Vikas nodded “We’ll get a bottle for the table then.”


“I don’t want any, Sir,” Neha said “I only drink if I am going to dance and today is not for that.”


“Come on, Neha.” Guddu said “If everybody is having -“


“Guddu,” Vikas interrupted him “don’t be like your brother and Prakash. If she wants, she can drink, if she doesn’t, that’s her choice, too.”


“Sorry, jiju.” Guddu said “I never want to be like them. I have not forgotten what happened in Thailand and why I swore off alcohol.”


“What happened in Thailand?” Neha was instantly curious “Was this on the cruise?”


“Yes, but in the city.” Guddu said.


“Not a good time to tell that story, Guddu.” Vikas said “In fact, there is never a good time to tell that story.”


“Patidev, she is going to come into our family. We should not hide things from her.” Kajal said.


Vikas shrugged. Kajal told Neha the story of how they had gone out in Malaysia to a nightclub and the guys had got drunk.


“You didn’t go?” Neha asked Vikas.


“I have a stunningly beautiful wife,” Vikas smiled “I don’t need to see other women without their clothes off.”


But his hand was on Neha’s upper thigh, caressing boldly on her inner thigh, his fingers less than an inch from her bare pussy even as he was speaking.


Neha smiled then looked at Kajal “Then?”


Kajal summarised the predicament they had faced with no taxi driver taking them and three women having to physically support the drunk men.


“Oh, my god!” Neha leaned in and looked towards Kajal but put her hand on Vikas' thighs “You all must have been terrified.”


“We were.” Kajal nodded “It was a nightmare.”


“Then?” Neha asked wide-eyed while she squeezed Vikas' thigh under the table.


Kajal told her how Vikas' hired men had come to their rescue.


“Oh, wow!” Neha rubbed Vikas' thigh “I was thinking if this was a Hindi movie the hero would come to the rescue but he was on the ship so far away, and yet....” She looked at Vikas “You had already planned this? You knew this would happen?”


“It could happen, or something like it.” Vikas’ hand was on Neha’s bare waist caressing lightly “It was just insurance.”


“My god, you are such a hero.” Neha continued to talk normally but moved her hand boldly between his legs, rubbing Vikas' thick cock as it was outlined in his pants like a stick from all her teasing. She squeezed it softly in her warm fingers “I love how protective you are of your family. I want to kiss you right now.”


“Hey, your would-be husband is sitting right there.” Vikas grinned, but his fingers were teasing her tight, bare ass crack under her lace cover.


“I won’t mind.” Guddu smiled “He is totally a hero.”


Neha squeezed and pumped Vikas' dick slowly in her warm hand as she leaned in and pressed her soft, warm lips to his cheek.


After they ordered the food, Guddu went to use the bathroom. As soon as he walked away, Neha turned to Vikas “I want to suck your cock.”


“What?” he looked at her.


“I want you to fuck my face and feed me your cum in my soup.” Neha pressed closer.


Vikas looked at Kajal “What have you told her?”


“Nothing.” Kajal showed her palms “It’s her own idea.”


“Di has told me nothing.” Neha said “I want to eat your cum. I just want to be fully yours.”


“This is not the time,” Vikas shook his head “And you need to earn something like that.”


“I will do anything for it.” Neha said “I want to be your whore.”


“You are my whore....” He stroked her cheek “Go work on Guddu.”


“Ji.” Neha came out of the table and went towards the toilets.


She met Guddu coming back. She took his hand and let him past the toilets into a small balcony that the restaurant had.


“Why are you acting like this?” She said “You were sitting so far from me in the movie also.”


“But we decided you will sit next to jiju.....” Guddu said.


“You decided.” Neha said as she pinned him to the wall and pressed her body on his until her breasts were rubbing on his chest “Aren’t you happy to see me?”


“Of course, I am, I didn’t mean -“


Neha pressed her lips and kissed him in a way that would have fried his circuits if he were a robot. So much electricity passed through his brain that Guddu wasn’t capable of any other thought than her. He put his arms around her slender body and he loved how she pressed close to him as soon as he pulled her. His hands were roaming on her back, feeling her warmth through the thin lace cover. Neha’s tongue was in his mouth, exploring, teasing, igniting the passion in his body. He moved his hands down and squeezed her ass. He had been extremely turned on by how her ass looked in this outfit and this was the first chance he was getting to grab it. His cock grew hard in record time and Guddu moaned as Neha ground her stunning hot body on his body.


“Mmmm, god, you are so hot!” He said.


She smiled and caressed his cheek “I thought you were angry because I was trying to be close to Vikas jiju. I am just doing what you told me to do. Like you said, he is the one who controls our fate, I am trying to make sure we get a decision in our favour.”


“I know.” He nodded.


“Then why do you look like you are not happy? Every time I try to get close to him, you make a face.” She lied “I want him to like me. I dressed for him like you said and I am trying....”


“I know, baby.” Guddu wasn’t sure he was making a face but he was happy to know that he mattered to her. He caressed her cheek “You are doing well. I think he is beginning to like you.”


“Really? You think so?” Neha said “I can be really charming when I need to be.”


“You are very charming.” Guddu smiled “Keep it up.”


“Listen, Kajal di just hinted that I could stay over, she asked like why do I have to go back so late tonight...” Neha said “I could stay over but....you can’t stay with me. My mom would allow me to stay at Kajal’s but not if you are sleeping in the same place. I mean, my parents are progressive but....would you come and have breakfast with me if I stay over?”


“Oh, I would love that.” Guddu said “And you could help Kajal di make breakfast, it would show her you will be good as a...you know...like the ideal daughter-in-law,”


“Wow, that’s a great idea.” Neha said “I can only make the basic things but I can help with breakfast.”


“Yes, please, stay.” Guddu said “I will come back in the morning and get to see you again.”


“Gopal, tonight you can’t stay but....” Neha leaned in and looked into his eyes “I know you said we’ll wait until the marriage, but I...I want to have sex with you.”


“What? Now? Before marriage?” He tried to look shocked but his cock was hard and he knew she could feel it as she was rubbing her smooth, warm thigh slowly back and forth on it.


“Gopal, we need to check that we are compatible, and...” Neha looked at him and bit her lip “I want to fuck you as well.”




“Not right now,” Neha said “but make a plan, find a place. I will make some excuse at home and come over to the city. Maybe a hotel room, or a friend’s place? Tum jahan loge main aa jaoungi.”


[I will come wherever you want to fuck me.]


“Mmmm, ok.” Guddu’s cock was throbbing now “I will make a plan.”


“Good. Now go back to the table. I will come later.” Neha said, but instead of releasing him, she kissed him again, hard and intense like she could not help herself. Guddu loved it and sucked her tongue, squeezing her body in his arms.


The rest of the dinner went the same way. Neha stayed close to Vikas. They all talked about family stuff and general topics. Whenever Vikas was not eating his hand was on Neha’s body, either on her thigh or on her lower back. She made it easy for him by cuddling up close and rubbed his leg under the table, and even moved her hand between his legs to rub his dick when she felt that she could get away with it.


“I am not going to have dessert.” Vikas said when the waitress came with the dessert menu “I have been drinking. But you guys go ahead.”


“Well, we have been drinking too, except Neha,” Kajal said “and I have nice ice cream in the freezer at home if anybody wants.”


“Oh, I love that ice cream.” Guddu said.


“Then you come with us. Driver can drop you home later.” Kajal said “Neha, you are staying with us tonight. I am not sending you home this late at night.”


“Ji, didi.” Neha said.


“Do you want me to call your mom?” Kajal said.


“No, didi, no need.” Neha said “My mom said to do as you told me to.”


“Good.” Kajal nodded “Let’s go then.”


They paid the bill. Vikas got a sweet smile from the waitress for the generous tip he added.


Chapter 3 – Saif Is A Loving Husband

Kareena found Saif reading on the sofa. She came and cuddled up to him. He put his arm around her and squeezed her close but kept his book in his right hand. Kareena let him read until he finished the chapter and closed the book.




She was wearing a black lace nightie which was short and sheer, showing her milky white boobs sagging under their own weight. She was not wearing panties and her pussy was visible through the lace fabric.


“Are you ok?” She said.


“Mhmmm.” He nodded “I am great. And you?”


“I am great, too.” Kareena smiled “I just wanted to....you know...it was a big day, with lots happening. I wanted to make sure that you are ok.”


Saif looked at her and smiled “I am more than ok. I am great. Did you get the closure you needed with Vikas?”


“Mhmm, better than I thought.” Kareena nodded “What did you think of Vikas? I mean, you have met him before but that was...like...”


“I had not seen him sodomize my wife before.” Saif said.


“Well, yeah.” Kareena bit her lip “Did you mind that? Wo college mein bhi aise hi gaand maarta tha meri. And I told you he was not going to spare me.”


[He used to pound my ass the same way in college also.]


“Do you hear me complaining?” Saif smiled.


“Well, I did see you watching when he was fucking my ass,” Kareena said ”and I was thankful that you didn’t interfere but still...”


“I would not have dared.” Saif said “That was like putting your hand in the buzz saw while it’s busy.”


Kareena chucked “Well, yeah, he’s like that, but I wanted to find out if you had any reservations. Like I told you, just like Aish is his bitch, he will probably take me too. He hasn’t yet decided to own me like before but still, I have to make myself available to him, whenever he wants.”


“He had decided.” Saif said.


“What? No!” Kareena shook her head “He will nail me a few more times, break me thoroughly and test me before he puts me back on his leash. He will make me earn it.”


“He has decided.” Saif repeated firmly.


“What? How do you know?” Kareena got intrigued by his confident tone.


“You know he took me aside for a walk?”


“I know. Then?”


“He told me.” Saif said simply, but he was enjoying her intense interest.


“What? What did he say?” Kareena was facing him now and holding on to his shoulder with both hands.


“He said you are his bitch now, he will nail you when he wants, wherever he wants,” Saif felt his cock stir in his pajamas “and he will own all parts of your life.”


“All parts of my life?” Kareena looked at him “He said that?”


“Bebo, he made it very clear that he owns you now.” Saif said, feeling his cock tingle “Tum uski kutiya ho, wo jab chahe chodega tumhein, apne ghar bula ke lega tumhari, aur tumhare ghar pe, tumhare bed pe tumhari gaand maarega. He said in several different ways and laid it out very clearly, leaving no doubt that he is your owner not me, that you are his possession.”


[You are his bitch now, he will fuck you whenever he wants, he will call you and fuck you at his home, or at your home, in your bed he will nail your ass. He said in several different ways and laid it out very clearly, leaving no doubt that he is your owner not me, that you are his possession.]


“Mmmm, god.” Kareena moaned “He was always a bold motherfucker.”


Saif nodded “He looked me right in the eye and told me you are his bitch, his personal whore now. He will control your life and I won’t even be allowed to enter your holes without his permission.”


The humiliating admission was making Saif’s cock get hard and he was getting the same kind of feeling that he got in the day when he was watching Vikas jam his cock up his wife’s ass.


“He....he said that?”


“Mhmmm.” Saif nodded “He wanted to make sure that I didn’t have any problem with any of that.”


“Did you have any problem with it?”


“Bebo, I knew how he would solve such a problem if I had said that I had a problem with him owning you?”


“How?” Kareena was watching his face intently, hanging on to his every word.


“By taking you away from me.” Again Saif felt his cock tingle “You were going to be his bitch, but to keep you as my wife or not, that depended on my answer.”


“What did you say?”


“You have to ask?” Saif said “I told him you belong to his cock now. I will cooperate fully. He can call you over and keep you for a week or a month, or he can come here and fuck you everyday in our bed, I will not get in the way but also I am happy to serve as he wants.”


“Mmmmm.” Kareena pressed her lips hard on his “You have made me so happy! You don’t mind it, right? This was not just because he has the power over us?”


“Bebo, I had the hottest orgasm of my life while I was watching him sodomizing you in the shower.” Saif shared “You are a mind-blowing woman, a goddess, and the way he destroyed you....oh, god! It was so amazingly hot that I can’t tell you. My cock is getting hard just thinking about it.”


“So, if he bends me over next to Shilpa and Shamita,” Kareena looked at him “and fucks our asses, openly, in front of you, and their husbands, you...you won’t object?”


“I will get him the Vaseline so he can break your ass fully.” Saif said.


“God, you are so hot tonight.” Kareena straddled him, her big, heavy tits in his face “Do you want to fuck me?”


“I can’t.” He shook her head “I told you, he owns your holes.”


“You will be a good boy even when he is not here and can’t find out?” Kareena looked at him.


“Bebo, he is like a god, deceiving him would be like a sin.” Saif said “I love you dearly, you turn me on a lot, but I have fully accepted that you are now his bitch. And honestly, I know now that you were not satisfied by my little dick in you, you always faked your orgasms.”


“How did you....” Kareena was shocked “how did you find out?”


“I saw you having a real orgasm, many of them, while Vikas was fucking you.” Saif looked at her “When he was drilling you in the shower, you were screaming and crying in a way that left no doubt that you were really overwhelmed by his cock inside you.”


“Overwhelmed. That’s the right word.” Kareena nodded “He doesn’t ask permission. He just breaks a girl and takes over her body and mind. But baby, you are still my husband, I would not mind taking your dick in me, and I would not tell him. He would not know.”


“I would know.” Saif looked right into her eyes “I would feel like I am sullying a goddess.”


“So, you really...?”


“You are a beautiful, gorgeous woman,” Saif let his hands fondle her heavy breasts in her thin nightie “when he stuffs you full of his cock and you scream like he is killing you, that is so much more exciting to watch then putting my dick in you.”


“It’s good to know that you still like me.” Kareena smiled.


“You are a goddess. I know that and I have seen men drool after you. There is no doubt that you excite me immensely.”


“Well, I am nothing compared to Aish, but being Vikas' bitch gives me confidence. It makes me proud.”


“Mmmm.” Saif whimpered as his hips bucked “Oh, god, Aish!”


“You liked her?” Kareena grinned a naughty grin.


“She is another goddess. She was so....I mean, you can see what a strong, beautiful, confident woman she is,” Saif said “but then you see her with Vikas, behaving like a pet bitch, serving him, screaming at the top of her lungs when he destroys her with his cock, and it’s just mind-blowing.”


“You will get to see her more now that I am His whore.” Kareena said “But, Saif, I am really hot now. Talking about him does that to me. And I can feel that you are hard as well. Are you sure you don’t want to fuck me?”


Saif nodded “I am. I would not betray my promise to him.”


“Then what do you want to do?” Kareena said “Meri choot geeli hai bahut. It’s hurting also from his brutal drilling but it’s wet again, soaking wet.”


[My pussy is very wet. ]


“I can lick your pussy and ass,” Saif offered “it will make you feel better.”


“But then how will you...?”


“Maybe you can tell me a story from when you were his whore and he used you?” Saif said “Something that was really kinky and extraordinary?”


“There are lots like that.” Kareena nodded.


“I would like that.”


“Ok, let’s go to bedroom.” Kareena got off his lap and took his hand.


“By the way, Vikas has given me permission to break Katrina for him.” Saif got up and let her lead him to the bedroom.


“Are you sure, Saifu?” Kareena said “That’s not your strong point to break a girl and Katrina is smoking hot.”


“She is but I know what Vikas can do to a stunning goddess and I am sure, I can break her for him.”


“Ok, but let me know if you need help.” Kareena said “I can give you advice or you can rehearse with me.”


“That sounds good.” Saif said, then forgot everything else as Kareena removed her nightie.


Chapter 4 – Neha Is Dessert

As Kajal entered the flat, she took her jacket off. Neha saw her and said “Yes, it’s warm in here.” and took her little wrap off as well though hers was not a jacket but a flimsy little cover. Nobody said anything.


“You guys sit in the living room.” Kajal “I will bring the ice cream.”


“I will help you.” Neha said.


Two minutes later, Neha came to the living room, handed a bowl of ice cream to Guddu and offered one to Vikas.


“No, I don’t want any,” Vikas said “I have been drinking.”


“Ok, hold this for me.” Neha said “I will be back in a minute.”


Vikas took the bowl. In another minute Kajal came in carrying her own bowl of ice cream and Neha came empty-handed.


Neha walked over to Vikas and casually slipped into his lap. She put her arm around his shoulders and pressed close “Ok, feed me.”


Guddu was shocked, he almost came out of his seat “Neha, what are you doing?”


Kajal put her hand on Guddu’s arm and signalled him to sit down and let them handle it themselves.


“What?” Neha said “You guys have been telling me that I am a rich brat, especially Vikas. So, here I am, I am a brat, now won’t you take care of me?”


Vikas smiled and fed her a spoonful of ice cream. He smiled “I have handled some brats in my time.”


He took a spoonful of ice cream himself.


“Well,” Neha kept her left arm around his shoulders, her left breast pressing into his chest “in arranged marriage when the groom’s family comes to see the girl, the girl tries to be on her best behaviour, her family makes her look like she is an angel, then later they find out what a fireball she was.”


She paused to eat another spoonful of ice cream from Vikas' hand, then continued “I don’t want to do that to you. Here I am as I am. I am a very loving person, and I like you. But I am also a brat, so you decide if you can train me, and mould me to be a good daughter-in-law or not?”


“Well, Guddu,” Vikas said, but continued to rub Neha’s bare back softly, his fingers lingering just above her ass crack “can you train her?”


“Gopal is not the head of the family, you are.” Neha said “As the daughter-in-law I will be in your possession, in your control. Any training I need my mother-in-law will give me or you will give me. Any punishment I need, you will give me. Am I right, Gopal?”


“Absolutely.” Guddu grinned “She got you there, Jiju.”


“I don’t think I will need to punish you, darling.” Vikas squeezed Neha softly “It’s you who has to decide if you can adjust in this family or not.”


“After the marriage, if I sit in your lap like this,” Neha looked at Vikas “will you push me off?”


“No, as long as you don’t do it in public.” Vikas said.


“I will do it in my engagement party.” Neha stuck her tongue out at him “Ok, ok, I won’t do it, but I will dance with you in my engagement party.”


“Sure. If Guddu doesn’t mind.” Vikas said.


Before Guddu could speak, Neha said “No. He will not have a right to object. Like you said in the car, I am like your daughter-in-law, if I want to dance with my father-in-law, then that’s my right. It’s between you and me.”


“Well....” Vikas hesitated.


“If I ask you to dance, will you look at Gopal for approval first?” Neha challenged.


“She is right, Vikas.” Kajal said “If they wanted to have a love-marriage, they could have done that themselves. If we are bringing her into our family then she will belong to us, not just to Guddu. And you are the head of the family.”


Guddu nodded “Didi is right, jiju. For us, your approval is everything. I told you before I will not marry her if you didn’t approve of her.”


“Alright, I won’t look at Guddu, and I won’t say no to dancing with you.” Vikas told Neha.


“Even after my marriage?”


“Yes, of course.” Vikas let the tip of his finger touch her bare ass crack. Her boldness was turning him on.


“And I will come and sleep between you and Kajal di on my wedding night.” Neha pushed on.


“Not on your wedding night.” Vikas shook his head.


“But other nights it’s ok?” Neha grinned.


“I didn’t say that.” Vikas said “You are too tricky.”


“But I am afraid of thunder and lightning.” Neha made a face like a little girl “Won’t you hold me if I am scared?”


“Guddu can do that. It’s his job.”


“But if he is not there?” Neha said “He is trying to fix the light fuse, then?”


“Stop writing these screenplays,” Vikas slapped her ass lightly “and tell me what sort of engagement, and also what kind of wedding you guys want?”


“Jiju, we can’t afford a big wedding,” Guddu said “I know that if we have a big wedding, the burden will fall on you and I know you are very generous with us, but you yourself had a simple wedding.”


“That’s because I don’t believe in wasting money in useless show-off.” Vikas said “But this is your life, and your wedding. Once in a lifetime occasion.”


“After our wedding, Vikas gave money to a few charities.” Kajal said “One of the charities arranges group weddings for poor boys and girls.”


“You are such a sweetheart.” Neha hugged Vikas and kissed him on the cheek.


“I will be okay with a simple wedding,” Guddu said “but Neha....”


“My dad would want a grand wedding.” Neha said “He is already planning it. He wants to pay for everything.”


“Forget him. What do you want?” Vikas said.


“I want a loving husband which I am already getting.” Neha said “More than that, you can decide what I want.”


“Don’t you have any dreams and ambitions of your own about the wedding?” Vikas said.


“Well, didn’t I just say that I will be in your control after marriage?” Neha said “You can start that control now and tell me what kind of wedding I should have.”


“Give me your bowl, Neha.” Kajal started collecting the empty bowls “I will wash them before they dry.”


“I will wash them.” Neha got up “You sit here and plan my wedding with Vikas, I mean, jiju....this is very awkward....what should I call you?”


She went out with the empty bows before Vikas could answer. Kajal smiled and went after her.


“This is not a topic we can settle tonight.” Vikas said “And we will definitely need to talk to her parents also, but start thinking about it.”


“Ok, jiju.” Guddu said “I will ask mom also.”


“Yes, I was going to say that.” Vikas nodded “Sasu Maa will have her own ideas.”


“It feels better when you call mom by name, Jiju.” Guddu said “After all, you are the head of the family.”


Neha came back. Vikas pointed to the sofa “You sit there this time.”


She stuck her tongue out at him. She was about to sit when Kajal came in and started taking Vikas' shoes off. Neha quickly knelt beside her and started helping her. Guddu looked at Neha’s bare back and licked his lips as he stared at her bare ass crack.


“You don’t need to do that, girl.” Vikas touched Neha’s head.


“Just as you can’t stop me from sitting in your lap,” Neha said as she continued untying his laces “you can’t stop me from serving you.”


“Brat!” Vikas said, but stroked her head.


“Guddu, Neha is staying here tonight.” Kajal said “I will send her home in the morning. I don’t want to send her at this time.”


“Can I...can I come and see her in the morning?” Guddu said.


“Yes, I was going to say, you should come and have breakfast here tomorrow.” Kajal said.


“Thank you, di.” Guddu didn’t try to hide his happiness.


Neha stood behind Vikas' sofa and started massaging his shoulders. When Kajal went to put away Vikas' shoes, Neha blew a kiss to Guddu and winked. He smiled and lowered his head to hide it. Neha was leaning forward, her breasts rubbing on the back of Vikas' head while she casually massaged his shoulders.


“Alright,” Kajal said as she came back into the room “Neha, do you want to change? I will call the driver to take Guddu home.”


“Ji, didi.” Neha said “Let me say goodnight to Gopal first.”


“Sure. I will go set up the guest room.” Kajal said “Patidev, do you want to get ready for bed, too?”


“Yes, I do, darling.” Vikas got up. He said goodnight to Guddu and went inside.


Neha took Guddu’s hand and pulled him outside. She took him to the corner where the lift was but did not press the button. Instead, she pinned him to the wall opposite the lift and pressed her body on his as she looked at him.


“I went overboard, didn’t I?” She said “I was so nervous. He is such a....strong man. I am not that afraid even of my dad.”


“No, you did well.” Guddu put his arms around her and loved her warm and almost naked her body felt in her backless dress. He rubbed her smooth back liking that she was letting him “He is melting. If he is talking about the wedding, then we are almost there.”


“Oh, god. Thanks, baby.” She kissed him full on the lips, taking the time to massage his tongue with hers, exploring his mouth. Guddu was not as experienced as she was but Neha didn’t let it stop her from teaching him. She looked at him finally as she broke the kiss “Tomorrow morning I will help di with breakfast so he can see what a good girl I am. I was too much of a brat tonight, I am afraid.”


“He doesn’t mind that.” Guddu said “Rhea is also very bratty, but he loves her the most.”


“Oh. That’s good to know.” Neha kissed him again, this time pressing her tits harder on his chest, her thighs rubbing on his thighs. Guddu squeezed her tighter. She pushed his hands down and moaned when his fingers touched her bare ass crack. Guddu’s cock was throbbing in his pants and Neha was rubbing it with her warm, bare thigh.


He was breathless when they broke this kiss “I...I should go. You should go in, di will wonder...”


“They know what we are doing.” Neha said.


“Oh.” Guddu had not thought about it.


“We are going to get married.” Neha said “When are you going to fuck me?”


“Ummm, well, like we were saying before....” Guddu’s cock flexed hard but he didn’t have a clear answer.


“Make a plan.” Neha said “You need to make me your wife before the marriage.”


Guddu loved that thought. He nodded “I will....maybe while jiju is in US?”


“That sounds good.” Neha said.


“I just need to find a place.” Guddu said “I can’t afford a hotel.”


“Tum jahan loge main doongi,” Neha caressed his cheek “but hotel sounds a bit sleazy.”


[I will take your dick anywhere you want.]


“You are right.” He nodded “I need to see...maybe a friend’s place.”


“Mere ghar pe bhi chod sakte ho tum mujhe.” Neha leaned in and smiled.


[You can fuck me at my place also.]


“But you parents...?”


“They are not always home.” Neha smiled a cheeky smile.


“But the servants will be there, no?”


“Yes, but they won’t tell.” Neha said “I can bribe them.”




“You do want to fuck me, right?” She said.


“Of course, I do.” He didn’t have to say it, his cock was throbbing hard between her legs.


“Then find a place,” She kissed his cheek then his neck “looks like Vikas will give us his approval and I want us to test our compatibility before the engagement.”


“What if...what if we are not compatible?” Guddu said “I...I am not very experienced.”


“Then we will work on it, silly.” Neha smiled “We won’t just cancel everything. Maybe you can get some tips from your jiju. Just don’t tell your di that we are fucking before marriage. She won’t understand, I am sure your jiju will.”


“Yes, that’s a good idea.” The thought that he could get Vikas' help gave comfort to Guddu.


Neha laughed.


“What?” Guddu said “What’s funny?”


“I was just thinking if I really sleep between Kajal and jiju tonight.” Neha grinned.


“Oh.” Guddu smiled.


“Don’t get jealous.” She slapped his chest “I am just joking.”


“No, no, it’s fine. Our family is not like that.” Guddu said “Rhea sits on jiju’s lap all the time, even in front of mom and everybody.”


“And he loves her the most, you said.”


“He does.”


“Well, now she has competition.” Neha grinned.


Guddu smiled.


“We should...we have been here a long time.” Guddu said.


“I have a right to say goodnight to my would-be husband.” Neha said “But ok, I should go in. Goodnight, baby.”


She kissed him again. She did such a thorough job of it that Guddu had a raging hard-on when he left there.


Chapter 5 – Neha is in Trouble

“Oh, god, I am in deep shit.” Neha said loudly as she walked in, walked through the living room and walked into the bedroom where Vikas was changing. Kajal tossed him a shirt.


Neha grabbed the shirt mid-air and tossed it on the bed. She put her hands on his bare chest and pressed closer “You won’t need this.”


She put her hands on his chest and pushed until he fell back on the bed. She got on all fours above him, pinning him under her.


“I am in deep shit and it’s all your fault!” Neha said.


“Oh, is it?” Vikas smiled “How?”


Kajal was smiling as she stepped behind Neha and untied her dress strap.


Neha let Kajal remove her dress and pressed her bare tits on Vikas' chest “I was just outside and I was making out with my fiancé.”


“So?” Vikas looked at her “Nothing wrong with that.”


“I even asked him to find an opportunity so we can fuck.” Neha was on her elbows, with her soft, warm breasts grinding on Vikas’ chest.


“Again, nothing wrong with that.” Vikas was rubbing her bare back, his fingers moving down to cup her tight ass cheeks “He is your husband-to-be, he should fuck you at least a few times before marriage.”


“It’s actually a very good idea.” Kajal said “I should have thought of that.”


Neha looked at Kajal then at Vikas, she made a frustrated face “Don’t you guys get it? I was making out with him and making plans to fuck him but all the time I was feeling like that was my side affair. I was thinking like I have to keep him happy so that I can stay Vikas' bitch.”


Kajal lay down on her back next to Vikas. She brushed Neha’s hair from her cheek gently “But, sweetheart, that’s absolutely the right way. You will be fully Vikas' possession after the wedding and you will need to keep Guddu happy so that you two can have a happy marriage.”


“This is real, no?” Neha looked into Vikas' eyes “I have fucked a lot of men, but I have never felt so needy about anyone. You will really own me, right? I mean even after the marriage.”


Vikas put his hand behind her neck and pulled her down. She opened her lips before he pressed his lips on hers and pushed his tongue into her mouth. Neha’s neediness showed in the way she sucked his tongue and crushed her lips on his. She was fully naked except for her high heels but he was still wearing his pajama bottoms. She ground her body on his until her tits were flattened on his chest. His legs were dangling off the bed and her thighs were pressing on his. She moaned and ground her pussy on his hard cock, hard enough to feel that he was not wearing underwear inside the thin pajamas.


“Don’t worry, dear,” Kajal stroked Neha’s head while she was trying to catch her breath after that kiss “I made it a condition that you will come into this family as daughter-in-law only if he owns you, and he promised. He doesn’t break his promises.”


“That’s really romantic, you know?” Neha smiled at Vikas “Me marrying your brother-in-law, but you will hold my leash, you will fuck me whenever you want. God, it’s so hot.”


Vikas grabbed her hair and rolled on top of her “You will be my bitch, girl. Nothing romantic about it. You will be my possession. Do you understand possession?”


“I have never had anything so hot in my life.” Neha nodded “If you want to tattoo your name on my breast, I would love it.”


“Are you listening to her?” Vikas looked at Kajal.


“She is young, Patidev, and in love with you.” Kajal reached between their bodies “If you can lift up just a little....”


Kajal reached between their bodies and untied Vikas' pajama bottoms. She pulled them down “Tonight you need to break her fully and put your brand on her. Once you have fully crushed her, she will not question your intentions about owning her.”


“This has never happened to me,” Neha was breathless from arousal “your wife is right there, telling you to crush me. I have fucked married men, even more than single guys, but....oh, god! I am so hot. You should listen to her. Take me. Break me.”


Right now as Neha was pinned under Vikas, her legs below the knees were dangling off the bed. Kajal pushed Vikas “Just move up so you are not....”


But Vikas wasn’t listening. He placed his cockhead on Neha’s pussy hole and drove his cock into her young, tight vagina with a forceful thrust.


“Oh, mumma!” Neha let out a pained gasp as the heat and pain flooded her body together. She pressed her mouth on his neck and gasped loudly “Tod do! Barbad kar do mujhe! Ah, Vikas! Vikas! Chodo! Ah!”


[Break me. Destroy me! Ah, Vikas! Vikas! Fuck me! Ah!]


Within a few hard, well-measured strokes Vikas was balls deep in her cunt and Neha crossed her ankles behind his ass, her whore heels crossing each other as she tried to take him as deep as possible inside her. Her legs opened even wider and Vikas used that to penetrate her even deeper, making her moan and scream with his brutally deep thrusts. Neha was holding on to him with both arms, her nails digging into his back as his throbbing, hard cock pushed her closer and closer to the edge.


“Ah, Vikas!” She pressed her mouth on his neck but her groan still came out loud enough to fill the room as her pussy exploded like a river swelling up before flowing out to the sea.


Vikas sucked her neck and kept on drilling her cunt, his strokes crushing her ass on the bed as he took possession of her in no uncertain terms. His chest was grinding down on her tits and as her soft, heavy tits were being crushed under him, Neha was moaning and cumming hard, her hot, slick juices soaking his cock all the way to the base. The smell of her young, gorgeous body was filling his nostrils and now the strong smell of her cum was mixed in it. Vikas thrust hard, his thighs slapping her smooth, warm thighs, his cock sliding deep into her vagina like a steel piston sliding into a well-oiled hole.


Neha was breathless and panting when the orgasm finally slowed down. Vikas slowed his strokes and let her catch her breath but he kept fucking her, sawing in and out of her tight cunt, letting her feel his heavy, thick shaft penetrate her, claim her as his possession, teaching her that she was not a free woman any more, she was property, his property.


“God!” She panted and looked up at him “I can never thank you enough for taking possession of me. I have always enjoyed having a hard dick in me, fucking me hard and enjoying my beauty, but for the first time, I am learning how amazing it is to be owned, really owned, by a real man.”


Vikas smiled “Well, now you are owned. That is the purpose of tonight’s date to let you fully become my possession.”


“He will control your life now. Completely.” Kajal was next to her and stroking her head “I want you under him tonight so you could get this feeling and learn how thoroughly you will be his possession after your marriage.”


“Thank you, di.” Neha smiled at Kajal then looked at Vikas “You should marry me, in a secret little ceremony, you know, so that I will know that you are my real husband, even after I marry Gopal.”


Vikas smiled but his cock pulsed inside her. He kept stuffing her vagina fully deep with his manmeat as he shook his head “It won’t be legal or valid, darling. I am already married, legally, to her.”


He nodded towards Kajal. Neha said “It won’t be for legal status, it will be just for my satisfaction, so I can feel it in my bones who owns me.”


“I will anyway –“


“Who will you want at that secret ceremony, darling?” Kajal said.


“Kaju, you are encouraging her?” Vikas said.


“Just my sister and my parents.” Neha said “At least my mom.”


“And my mom?” Kajal said.


“Oh, she can’t know about it.” Neha squirmed as Vikas rolled his hips and his cock hurt deep inside her cunt “Anh!”


“It’s good stuff to think about.” Kajal kissed Neha’s cheek “But might not be practical. Let’s think about it later, ok? You and I can plan it together.”


“Mmmm, ok.” Neha was raising her ass and helping Vikas penetrate her as deep as he wanted. Her pussy was throbbing uncontrollably and she was moaning with each stroke as Vikas demolished her pussy like a beast. She closed her eyes and let out a long scream as her pussy erupted “Oh, god, Vikas!”


He continued to slam his massive cock deep into her cunt, his thick shaft fitting so tightly in her pussy hole that she could feel the heat generated from the friction. She was keeping her legs crossed behind him and was trying to hold his cock deep inside her but he was pulling back and slamming in, again and again. Neha closed her eyes tight and two tears rolled down her cheeks. Kajal wiped her tears and continued stroking her head while she learnt her place as her husband’s bitch.


“Oh, baby.” Neha opened her eyes “I wish you could trust me and know how completely you own me. I am now eager to marry Gopal so I can become your full-time possession.”


“What did he say about fucking you?” Vikas kept fucking her with slow strokes now.


“He said he will make a plan.” Neha said “He will try to fuck me while you are in US.”


“That’s a great idea.” Kajal said. Vikas also nodded.


“He needs to find a place where we can meet and fuck.” Neha was still squirming under him but was able to talk as he was fucking her with long but slow strokes. Her pussy was slick and soaked with cunt juices.


“Maybe I can have him fuck her here, baby.” Kajal said.


“Not in this bed,” Neha said “this is only for my real owner to crush me.”


“But there is the guest room.” Kajal said.


“Yes, I would love that.” Neha said.


“No, you cannot know about this, honey.” Vikas said “They have to fuck in private.”


“I can if I let him take me into his confidence,” Kajal said “but I don’t need to. I could create a situation....well, you will be in US, so I can give him the keys sometime and let him know in advance that I won’t come here.”


“That could work.” Vikas nodded “It’s better than him taking her to a cheap hotel.”


“Or to a friend’s place.” Neha said “I’d rather Kajal di knew our secret than a friend of his.”


“I’d rather that he fucked you at your parent’s place and your parents knew about it.” Vikas said.


“Why?” Neha looked at him.


“Oh, I don’t know.” Vikas shrugged “Just what I felt like.”


“I’d rather you fucked me at my parent’s place and my parents knew about it.” Neha looked into his eyes and liked that his cock flexed in her cunt as she said that.


“Mmmm, you are such a whore.” Vikas said as he speeded up his strokes.


“Your whore, baby.” Neha clung to him with both arms and pressed her cheek to his.


Vikas’ cock penetrated so deep into her vagina that his cockhead hit her cervix. Neha’s body jerked with the pain and she yelped loudly but Vikas' didn’t let up. He crushed her soft, young body under him and continued destroying her pussy brutally, showing no mercy on her gorgeous, delicate body.


“Oh, Master!” She cried out as her pussy erupted into a powerful orgasm and her cum lubricated his entry better than any oil. Vikas used that lubrication to pound her even harder, his cock breaking her apart and claiming her as his bitch.


“You are his bitch now, Neha.” Kajal stroked Neha’s head “This pain is part of your training. Us whores have to take this pain to learn that he is more important than us. He is the owner of our souls. Every part of you belongs to him now. Take his cock like a good whore.”


“Ah, god!” Neha screamed again as her pussy spiked. Kajal’s advice was making her even more hot and wet. Vikas' cock jamming deep in her cunt was already mind-blowing but to hear his wife’s voice in her ear, it was an unprecedented pleasure for Neha and she was writhing on the bed like a fish out of water.


“Fuck, Neha! You belong to me now!” Vikas said and grunted like an animal as his cock exploded in her vagina. He kept fucking her forcefully deep, and Neha gasped as his incredibly hot cum flooded her womb, marking her as his bitch.


“Take his seed in your womb, Neha.” Kajal said softly “this is his brand on you. Now you know who owns you, inside and out, you are his bitch now. Tum unki kutiya ho.”


“Main aap ki kutiya hoon!” Neha screamed. Her whole body was electrified now and she was trying to hold on to her sanity while Vikas was dumping his load in her, marking her as his bitch. Neha knew she will always be his possession now, no matter whom she married.


[I am your bitch.]


Neha kissed him again and again, sucking his lips, pressing her face to his, and trying to be close to him while she was trying to catch her breath and his cock was still pulsing inside her.


“Will you ever fuck me,” She looked at him “in my own house, in front of my parents?”


Vikas chuckled and shook his head.


“At least you could nail me in my room while they are in the living room,” Neha said “and they know that you are in my room and what you are doing to me?”


“This is not a porn movie.” Vikas grinned “You will be my bitch and I will fuck you regularly but the only people who will know will be you, me and Kajal. If I fuck you in your dad’s home, it will be like I fucked you yesterday when I am drilling your holes and they are outside thinking we are just talking.”


“My sister also knows.” Neha said “She heard my screams while you were pounding me yesterday. And I know that you nailed her. She told me.”


“That’s ok.” Vikas nodded “You are sisters.”


“She has given me a message to give you.” Neha said.




“I need to have your dick in my mouth while I deliver it.” Neha smiled.


That was a preview of Man of Power 16: Out Of Control. To read the rest purchase the book.

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