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Enjoying My Mind-Controlled Daughter After Making Her Fuck Our Favorite Artist #6



Enjoying My Mind-Controlled Daughter After Making Her Fuck Our Favorite Artist #6


Description: Bree and I are at our favorite indie artist's concert when an idea blooms so fucking potent that I have to pinch myself to taper my excitement. I love watching my daughter get fucked then I enjoy her after. And tonight, with Bree under MindWarp control, I'll get to watch her and our favorite indie artist fuck before I come in after. This is a dream come true. A NONCON, Mind Control/Hypnosis, DAD/Daughter Erotica Short Story with voyeurism, cuck and anal.

Published: 2025-03-02

Size: ≈ 8,412 Words

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TITLE: Enjoying My Mind-Controlled Daughter After Making Her Fuck Our Favorite Artist #6

SUBTITLE: A NONCON, Mind Control/Hypnosis, DAD/Daughter Erotica Short Story with voyeurism, cuck and anal.

Copyright © 2025 T. A. BEAU

All rights reserved.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the writer and the publisher.

WORD COUNT: 8000 words


“...you don’t know, baby, that I’m a wildfire for you!” Bree sings at the top of her lungs, her drink sloshing around in her bottle as she bumps into me again. She glances up at me, her eyes glinting with excitement. “This is so cool, Dad! I can’t believe we’re in the front row!”

I grin back at my daughter, taking a swig of my own beer as we bump to the music. We’re in the front row of a massive crowd, everyone else dancing and singing their hearts out. Up on the stage with a guitar, his frizzy hair falling across his face as he sings, is the man of the moment.


He’s the only reason we came all the way from our small town into the city, and right now, I don’t regret a second of it. How often does anyone get to watch their favorite indie artist perform live? In my case-and Bree’s-a lot. We’ve been following Grayvid around together for years now. He’s the one thing my daughter and I have in common.

We knew we had to be there the second we heard he’d be performing in the city. As soon as the tickets went live online, we were pretty much the first to purchase them. I glance down at my concert pass, bouncing on the lanyard as I vibe to the music. My daughter and I are in the VIP section. Not only that, but we’ve got a scheduled meet-and-greet with Grayvid himself after the concert.

The thought forces a wider grin onto my face, the music still filling my ears. I look at Bree as she continues dancing, watching her hips sway. She’s wearing a crop top over a short skirt that clings to her slender, curvy frame and bares her long legs, leaving little to the imagination. I can’t help licking my lips. My daughter is so fucking sexy.

...just tell me what you want me to do, baby,” she sings along with Grayvid and the rest of the crowd. As she moves, her breasts jiggle a little. Not for the first time, she bumps against me, her ass brushing the front of my pants, and I feel my cock stiffen. I clench my hand at my side, resisting the sudden urge to grab her hip and pull her closer to me.

Not now, Nate, I tell myself. She’s not under yet.

Not to mention, we’re standing in front of hundreds of other fans. Still, I can’t wait to hypnotize her tonight and shove my dick in that sweet little pussy of hers. Preferably with this music playing in the background. It’s only been a couple of days, but it already feels like it’s been forever since I heard my daughter moan and beg for me to fuck her harder. Since I felt her pussy clamp around my cock as she came hard. Since I made her lick her juices off my cock and suck me till I emptied my balls down her throat.

She backs into me again, her ass grinding against my cock even more intensely this time, and I can’t help but let out a groan. Luckily, no one can hear me over the music. Still, my cock’s stiff as a flagpole in my pants right now. I need to cum soon, or I’m going to explode.

I try to rein in my raging lust.

Later tonight, you’ll get everything you want, Nate.

I pry my gaze off my daughter, returning my focus to Grayvid, and realize I can get even more than just sex with Bree tonight.

The singer is still performing, but now he’s gazing in my direction. No, not mine-Bree’s. He’s staring right at my daughter as she dances, a hungry look in his eyes.

If I smile any harder, my cheeks just might start to hurt. I know that look. I’ve seen it in the eyes of many men over the years, men who wanted to fuck my daughter. And in the past, I’ve capitalized on that look. It’s always so easy: hypnotize Bree to say yes when the men eventually approach her wanting to fuck her. The most difficult part, if it could even be called that, is suggesting somewhere I can watch from, somewhere sort of public.

I love watching my daughter get fucked. Most times, it’s even better than fucking her myself. I get to see her every movement, her every reaction, to stroke my cock as she begs to be fucked harder. I get to see her quiver as she cums, the way her eyes roll back into her head.

But none of that would even be possible if it wasn’t for MindWarp.

It’s been over a year since I discovered the course while browsing the dark web. At first, when I saw it, I figured it was some kind of lame joke or a scam. The course promised absolute submission through hypnosis. All I needed to do was learn techniques, triggers, and how to bring subjects out of hypnosis. I would’ve scrolled past that day.

But I’ve wanted to fuck my daughter for the past three years, ever since she turned twenty. I’ve looked at her in a different light ever since she started walking around the house in miniskirts and almost completely see-through tops, her nipples poking through her blouses. Since I started hearing the moans coming from her bedroom late at night. If the course could make my dream a reality, I couldn’t afford to pass up on it. So I signed up for it, learned everything I needed to. It took me a while before I decided to test it out on Bree.

And it worked.

I’ve been using MindWarp ever since. Whenever I need my balls drained, or want to watch my daughter get fucked, all I need is to perform a technique to put her under, and she’s a willing slut for anything and anyone I want her to fuck. The best part? I’m not even forcing her to do things she wouldn’t want to do. All I’ve done is bring out her own hidden desires, her own inner slut. With MindWarp, she gets to be the cock-hungry plaything she really is, and I get to fuck her, or watch, then fuck her.

And once it’s over, she’s none the wiser.

It’s been amazing so far. Tonight, though...tonight is going to be even more special than I anticipated. It’s one thing to watch random guys fuck my daughter, but the thought of watching my favorite artist bury his cock into Bree’s pussy makes my cock grow impossibly harder. Suddenly I can’t wait for this concert to be over so we can both meet him.

Bree’s ass brushes against me again. God, if she keeps that up, I’m going to explode.

Not now, I remind myself. I need to see her get fucked by Grayvid. I need to make this work.

I tap her shoulder. “Hey, Bree,” I say in her ear, raising my voice to be heard above the music, “Grayvid’s looking at you.”

Her eyes widen instantly, and her cheeks blush a deep red. “What? No way, Dad. He can’t be. Is he? I don’t believe it.”

Even as she says those words, I can see the hope and excitement flickering in her eyes. She continues dancing to the music, but now there’s something different, more sensual, about the way her body moves. She’s not even under yet, and I can already see the desire in her eyes. She wants to fuck him just as badly as I want her to.

This is perfect. I’m still going to have to put her under, but knowing just how much she wants him sends shivers of anticipation down my spine. This is a golden opportunity, one I cannot afford to miss. Grayvid is going to fuck Bree, and I’m going to watch and stroke my cock to her moans and his grunts.

But first, I need to come up with a good enough plan. My mind’s already racing, spilling with ideas about how and when to use MindWarp so she can give me what I so desperately need. I lick my lips again. Tonight is going to be epic.

It takes me a moment to realize I’m rubbing my cock through the front of my pants. I’m so hard it’s starting to hurt, and I can barely focus on the music. All I can think of is Grayvid fucking my daughter. She’s still dancing, her ass cheeks peeking out a little from underneath her skirt. God, if there weren’t so many people around I’d put her under right now and stroke myself to her, or make her put those lips of hers to good use on my cock.

But I’m willing to wait until this is all over.

“Okay people!” Grayvid says suddenly, snapping me back to attention. “For this next song, I’m going to need one of you beautiful ladies to come up on stage. Who’s it going to be?”

The entire crowd goes wild, ladies clamoring to be picked. But I already know who the artist is going to serenade. His eyes are locked on Bree, that hungry look still in them. He’s just as eager to fuck her as I am to watch. He nods, and I spot his security heading in our direction.

“I told you he was looking at you,” I tell Bree, who only blushes harder. “He wants you on the stage. C’mon, get up there.”

“Dad, I-”

“Don’t act like you don’t want to.” I give her an encouraging nudge. “Go up to him.”

Red-faced, Bree nods and lets the security take her up onto the stage. The crowd gets even wilder, and it takes a minute for the noise to die down. Grayvid gestures toward a chair for Bree to sit, his gaze on her ass as she walks toward it.

“She really is perfect for this song,” he says, and cheers erupt from the crowd. “Aren’t you, Princess?”

Bree’s face is the shade of a ripe tomato right now.

Darling, you’re a ray of moonlight...” the singer begins.

The cheering continues, almost drowning out all other sounds. I watch Grayvid and Bree, completely transfixed as he serenades my daughter. Two of the people I love most in the world are up on that stage. Grayvid draws closer to Bree as he sings, reaching out to caress her cheek, and my cock almost rips through my pants.

Bree looks even less composed now. She’s still blushing, but now there’s a wild look in her eyes. With her blonde hair cascading down to her shoulders and blue eyes wide with adoration and desire, I don’t think my daughter has ever looked so gorgeous. The flustered expression deepens by the second, and I can’t help wondering if she’ll look that way once she’s sitting on his cock and cumming over him.

Oh, this is going to be amazing. Grayvid’s in for the time of his life. Using MindWarp unlocked my daughter’s inner slut, and, man, the things she can do! The first time she put her lips on my cock, I nearly shot my hot load down her throat in seconds. And when I felt her hot, wet pussy clamp around me...well, that was a night I’ll never forget.

“...make sweet love by the sea...”

As the artist sings, he strokes her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. Bree is practically sitting on her hands now, like she might leap from her seat and try to touch him back, or kiss him. Her eyes are locked on Grayvid, saying more than words could. And Grayvid’s eyes reflect the same desire.

It’s more than enough to work with. They’re naturally attracted to each other. I can definitely capitalize on that. The plan in my mind is already fully formed. Tonight, two of my favorite people will fuck like wild rabbits.

And I’m going to watch.


The concert doesn’t end until a little over thirty minutes after the serenading. As the crowd starts to disperse, Bree gets off the stage and joins me in the VIP area, a wide grin plastered on her face.

“Enjoy your time with Grayvid?” I ask with a teasing smirk.

She blushes. “He was...nice.”

The look in her eyes suggests more than that, but I don’t press further. Now that the concert is over, we get to meet the singer before heading back to our hotel. I can tell from the excited look in her eyes that she’s thinking the same thing. Grayvid’s backstage, where those with VIP passes get to see him and take selfies or get his autograph.

But getting his autograph is the last thing on my mind right now.

“Ready to go meet him?” I ask Bree, who immediately nods.

We start heading backstage. On the way, I nudge her toward a secluded area. Bree frowns at me, but doesn’t protest until we’re completely out of view.

“Dad, what’s going on?” she wants to know. “This isn’t the way backstage.”

“I know, sweetie. I just want you to listen to this song by Grayvid for a moment.” I pull out my phone, open the music player and hit play.

“But we already listened to him perform,” she says. “What does-?”


She pauses, mid-speech, and her eyes immediately glaze over. I can’t help grinning. The song is a trigger to hypnotize her. During the concert, when Grayvid performed the same song, I could easily have put her under. But now’s the time.

“Can you hear me?” I ask.

She nods calmly. “Yes, Daddy.”

Absolute submission. Perfect. “I want you to do something for me. You’re going to flirt with Grayvid when we meet him, and you’re going to suggest meeting him in your hotel room. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Now, give me a kiss.”

Lust flickers in her eyes, and with a smile, she leans closer, crashing her lips over mine. I grab her hip, fondling her ass for a moment as my tongue steals into her mouth. Bree moans into the kiss, and I nearly reconsider my plan and make her take my cock right here, right now. But I can’t do that. Not when I’m so close to the very thing I want most.

I break the kiss while I still can. “Let’s go.”

Minutes later, we’re backstage, heading to the table where Grayvid is waiting. His eyes light up when he sees Bree approaching, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, and he sits up straighter.

“It’s the princess from earlier,” he says with a grin.

Bree doesn’t blush like she did on stage. The shy, reserved girl is nowhere to be seen. Still under hypnosis, she’s bolder now, more relaxed. She leans closer, bending slightly to afford him a view of her cleavage. When she speaks, her voice is low and sultry.

“Hey, Grayvid,” she says. “I’ve been dying to talk to you. You’re such an amazing singer, you know.”

A broad grin crosses his face. “I am, aren’t I, Princess?”

“Mmhmm. And when you called me up on stage...touched me like that...” She leans even closer to him, and I catch his gaze darting between her face and her breasts. “You want to meet me at my hotel room tonight? I’ll be all alone and ready for you to...touch me some more. Here’s the address.”

I turn away, humming a tune like I can’t see my daughter throwing herself at the man. When I glance at Grayvid again, his eyes are wide with surprise and unmistakable interest.

He’s definitely going to come to the hotel.

I can feel the artist’s eyes on us as we head outside. Once we’re out of view, I pull Bree aside, then snap my fingers twice and tap her on the forehead to bring her out of hypnosis. She blinks at me, confusion in her eyes, then sweeps her gaze about.

“Where are we, Dad?” she asks. “Have we already met Grayvid? Shouldn’t we be backstage right now?”

“We already met him,” I tell her with a laugh. “You must be so excited about meeting him that you’re forgetting quickly.”


That was a preview of Enjoying My Mind-Controlled Daughter After Making Her Fuck Our Favorite Artist #6. To read the rest purchase the book.

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