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Lost Girls: A Twin Temptations Story

Marian Hayes


Lost Girls: The Book - Bookapy Edition

Incestuous Temptation on a Lost Island

Marian Hayes

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2025 by author Marian Hayes

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained in this book, including the cover models, are 18 years of age or older, period. All acts described in this book are between characters 18 years of age or older, period. Names, places, events and descriptions are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously, period. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidence.


Chapter one

Part 01

Mel and Mia are lost.

never been so far from home before. They were orphaned identical twins—similar in height and build, matching blonde hair and pale eyes; they were inseparable as they grew up together. But time began to split them apart and, one month after their twenty-third birthday, the sisters were enjoying one last trip together before Mel’s wedding later that summer.

It would be a journey unlike any other…but they didn’t know that yet.

The hum of the single engine was a deafening roar. A small, four-seat plane was flying over the Caribbean. The painted letters on the side had faded so much they could barely be read. The girls had to shout at each other to be heard over the deafening roar of the engine and the air whistling past them. But when the plane reached its peak altitude and Mel looked out the window on her side of the plane, she marveled at the water, a sea as deep and perfectly blue as anything Melody had ever seen before.

“Oh, that’s gorgeous!” she said, talking through the microphone on her headphones.

“Look, Mel! Whales!” Mia shouted into a matching headset, tugging at her twin’s shirt.

Mel leaned over Mia’s lap and saw a bundle of dark, immense shapes cutting through deep water. The ocean was so clear and blue that she could see all of them from so high up.

“That’s amazing!”

Mia laughed. “I know, right?!”

The pilot was saying something, gesturing to them at something in the distance. The girls looked at one another and then through the cockpit window up ahead. A solitary island could be seen in the distance, covered with swaying trees and dark foliage.

Mia gave a wild start. “Did you say something?”

“No, I don’t—”

“Hey, what’s that?” Mia said, pointing.

“What’s what?” Mel said. “I don’t see anything.”

“It’s there! On the island—is that…a tower?”

There was a sound, like a pinging noise, just at the edge of hearing. Mel watched her sister give a pained scream and clap both hands over her ears. The plane motor began to sputter. The pilot swore and grabbed the controls in front of him as black smoke began to billow from the engine. The propeller jerked, slowed, spun back on itself and died.

The plane plummeted. There was a loud, shrieking noise as the craft dropped like a stone, nose-diving towards the waves below. The craft groaned and gave sharp, cracking sounds as it began to come apart.

The twins screamed, and the pilot joined them just as they hit the water.


Mel awoke to the roar of the ocean in her ears. She was cold, dreadfully cold. Her mouth tasted like blood. But she was alive, floating in the water, somehow not sinking under the surface or getting dragged down by sharks—or something worse.

“Mi! Mia!” Mel spun around in the water. The plane was gone, as well as the pilot. She spotted one of the wings, broken off during the crash and floating half-submerged in the water. Atop it, her limp body about to slide off, was Mia.

Mel’s vision narrowed to a single, shining point and she began to swim, fighting the current and the waves, swimming as hard as she ever had. Her entire body was screaming at her in pain, but nothing was going to keep her away from her twin sister at that moment.

“Mia! I’m coming!” Mel shouted as she spat out a mouthful of blood and foul, salty water. The other girl was slowly sliding down the wing, in danger of being tossed off at any second. The water was choppy and rough, and Mel fought as hard as she could against it.

Just before Mia rolled off the wing, Mel caught her, hooking one arm under her sister’s as she clung to the makeshift raft. Mel started coughing, spitting out more water; the wing’s surface was smooth and slippery, and she screamed while heaving Mia back onto it. That caused her twin to start shaking and coughing as well.

“Mia! Oh, thank god!” Mel felt an urge to start crying and repressed it, fighting desperately to keep herself together. She was the older twin by six minutes—it was her job to be the strong one. “Mia!”

“Shit!” Mia opened her bloodshot eyes. “What happened?!”

“Crashed, obviously.” Mel floated in the water and turned her head around, trying to spot anything from their position. The only thing she saw was that island covered with trees in the distance, and it was already bigger than when she’d woken up—the water was pushing them towards it. “You okay?”

“I lost my sandals!” Mia said, carefully pulling herself higher onto the wing.

And your shorts,” Mel added. Mia’s shirt was soaked and torn, and her pair of bikini bottoms were clearly visible.

Mia blushed and pulled at her shirt, but it had little effect.

“I lost my sandals, too,” Mel said. She checked herself in the water: her shorts were still there, but there was a long gash down the front of her shirt. “Maybe when we reach land, we can—” She cut herself off with a grimace.

“Make a what?”

“Never mind. Our bag of stuff is probably at the bottom with whatever’s left of the plane.”

“And that poor man,” Mia added.

The twins were quiet for a moment after that, giving some small respect to the lost pilot. Then Mel shook her head. “Are you hurt? We need to get out of the water.”

“And go where?” Mia asked. “We’re in the middle of the ocean!”

“There!” Mel pointed towards the island in the distance, the only landmass in sight. “We can reach it if we work together!”

Mia looked uncertain, at best. “Alright, let’s try.” Cautiously, she slid down the wing and into the water next to her sister. Together, they clung to their raft and began to kick in the water, bobbing up and down as they swam. It was hard work and the girls soon began to tire, but they had no choice but to keep going: they could reach land, or drown.

“Shit!” Mia swore, panting. “It’s still so far away!”

“We have to keep trying!” Mel said. “Don’t stop swimming!”

They swam on, and on, and on. By the end, the girls had their heads down and eyes closed, heaving for breath as they kicked their exhausted, numb legs.

Then they stopped—their feet sank into submerged sand while the wing stuck and they lurched to a stop. The twins were so tired that they crouched there, panting, not moving or even talking. They were sore and weary, dripping wet and shaking from their overtired muscles.

Mel raised her head first. The late afternoon sky was still bright, with clouds passing overhead. The tall palm trees grew right up near the beach, just beyond a wide stretch of white and brown sand. No one was around; the only sound she heard was their breathing and the deafening crash of the surf.

“We… We’re here.” Mel licked her salty lips and slowly pushed up to her knees.

“Thank god,” Mia answered. She pushed as well, looking down at herself, then at Mel. “Your shirt is ruined, you know.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Mia turned around, pushing her wet hair back to look over her shoulder. “Where are we?”

Mel struggled to get to her feet, fighting past a violent shake in both of her legs that nearly sent her toppling over. Hissing through the pain, she turned and sat on the beached wing, looking out at the ocean: it, too, was endless blue as far as she could see, stretching out into forever.

“I…have no idea.”


After they had a chance to recover from the long swim, the twins had to agree on what to do next. Mel, as the oldest, often fell into the role of leader when they were together. “We should set up a small camp, start a fire and dry out our clothes,” she said. Setting her feet in the sand, she tried to lift the broken wing and struggled, but it was movable. “If we drag this up to the trees, maybe we can use it for shelter.”

Mia looked surprised. She was still staring out to sea, trying to spot for rescuers. “Shelter? Why?”

“Look for yourself.” Mel pointed at the thick clouds that were already building, swelling with the promise of rain. “It won’t be much, but maybe we can stay dry if we hurry.”

Together, the girls took hold of their former life raft and slowly dragged it up the beach towards the trees. It was slow going, and the clouds continued to build by the minute, it seemed. By the time they’d reached the trees, thunder began to burst with matching flashes of lightning.

“It’s coming!” Mia said.

“Here, help me!” Together, they managed to lift the wing up, setting the widest side between a pair of palm trees growing up close together. “Now,” Mel said, “let’s…let’s find some branches and palm fronds and lean them against both sides, and we can sit under them.”

“Good idea… Hey, Melody?”


“What’re we gonna do?” Mia cast a frightened look to the sky as thunder blasted again; the clouds had nearly swallowed up the endless blue.

“We’re going to be fine,” Mel said. She used such a decisive tone that, for a moment, she almost believed herself.

“But we don’t have any food! And nobody knows we’re here! And what about—!”

Mia!” Her sister looked stricken, staring at the sandy ground in her wet shirt and swimsuit. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll figure it out… Now, let’s hurry.”

The girls set up their shelter as the storm approached. While Mia finished and shored up the walls to block out as much rain as possible, Mel gathered as many dry sticks as she could find. After digging a shallow hole in the sand, she set up a pile of firewood and tinder in it. She then started rubbing a pair of sticks together, over and over, until a thin hint of smoke rustled in the breeze.

“C’mon, c’mon!” Mel grumbled, rubbing over and over until her sticks were almost too hot to hold. The bits of tinder smoked and finally caught and began to smolder. Moments later, a small fire was burning.

“Mel, that’s it!” Mia laughed and gave her twin a cold, wet hug.

“At least it worked.” As soon as she finished speaking, the thunder crashed again and a sudden torrent began to fall. Some water dripped from the edges of the wing but their little shelter stayed mostly dry.

“Well,” Mel said, “it’s cramped and not totally dry, but it’s better than sitting in the rain, right?”

Mia nodded and held out her hands to warm herself with the fire. Even so, she shivered as wind leaked through the pipes fronds. “H-How long do you think we’ll be s-stuck here?”

“Dunno. Hopefully not long.” As the minutes ticked by and they huddled close to the fire, Mel didn’t feel like she was getting any warmer. Mia kept looking at her and shivering, then smiling in silent apology.

Finally, Mel made a decision and pulled at her torn shirt. “Mia—take off your clothes.”

Mia blinked in surprise, but she didn’t object. “You’re sure?”


“What about Steven? Won’t he get upset?”

The mention of her fiancé’s name made Mel pause, but she had to push through it. “…not if we don’t tell him. It’ll be our secret.”

“Just like old times,” Mia said with a tiny smile.

“Yeah… Old times.” Mel crawled to the end of the shelter closest to the tree. Leading by example, she took off her ruined shirt, shorts, and the bikini she’d worn underneath; her naked body bristled with gooseflesh and she could feel the heat of Mia’s stare behind her as she hung the items on a set of branches sticking out from the trunk. “Now gimme yours.”

Mia surrendered her garments next. The girls were physically identical, right down to the pair of heart-shaped tattoos they’d gotten during their junior year in college of a pink heart below their navels…at least, that was how Mel described it the first time her fiancé asked about it. Mel caught a glimpse of her sister’s matching tattoo, seated atop her pussy mound—it was a lasting reminder of their years away at University, of choices that Mel struggled with as she got older. Both women were smooth as well after hair removal treatments before their trip, so as not to worry when wearing their bikinis.

Once the clothes were hung up to dry, Mel sat down beside her twin and in moments she started feeling warmer. The fire was doing its work quickly, warming up the inside of their little shelter.

“I’m sorry I ruined the trip,” Mel said, hugging her legs to her chest.

“You didn’t do it.”

“Yes, I did!” Mel scowled at her younger sister. “It was my idea to go for a plane ride. If I hadn’t done that, none of this would’ve happened!”

“So, it happened.” Mia said with a smile. “You didn’t know the plane would crash.”

“I guess.” Mel looked back into the crackling flames. “Hey Mia?”


“Right before the crash, I heard something, and then you screamed. What did you hear?”

“I don’t know.” Mia sat up straighter, pressing closer to her twin. Mel had tried not to stare at her sister’s nudity, but it was difficult. “But after we crashed, I had a dream.”

“You did? What did you see?”

Mia looked up, as though she could see through the roof of their small shelter. “I saw that radio antenna again, the one we saw from the air.”

“Really.” Mel leaned forward, looking more closely at her sister. “Did anything happen?”

“I heard a noise or something, while the tower just stretched up into the sky. It pulsed, over and over, like a dull ringing sound.”

“That’s what I heard too!” Mel fed more wood to the fire, which had managed not to blow out or be smothered from the dripping water. “I wonder what if was.”

“I don’t know,” Mia said again.

The twins were quiet for a long time after that, but it didn’t feel truly awkward to Mel. Rather, the quiet and their shared nakedness brought up old memories of their days at college, days that she’d worked hard to repress after meeting the man she was going to marry. Steven was well-connected, someone who wanted to settle down and start a family. Melody wanted that, too, but now she was stranded—naked, huddled in the dark with her sister, thousands of miles from home. She wanted a few moments of quiet to compose herself, to focus on reclaiming her new future rather than dwelling on the past.

Mia, however, had other plans. “Hey, Mel?”


The younger twin rested her head on her sister’s shoulder. “Do you remember…when the RAs at school left early for Easter break…and how when everybody else was gone, we had the whole dorm to ourselves all weekend?”

Mel had a series of flashbacks, images of hot, steam-filled showers in an empty dormitory bathroom; of sharing a cramped bed in a dark room that stank of sweat, musk and more; of long kisses and swirling tongues, and the freedom to be as loud as they wanted. Those were days when the twins could and did indulge in every vice they could enjoy, even the secret pleasures of the flesh and their desire for each other. The twins indulged themselves, learning how to pleasure each other whenever they could get away with it.

Mel’s face burned as the hot, perverse memories seared her from the inside out, spreading across her skin and pooling in her belly. She had to take a slow, calming breath before she could answer. “…yeah. I remember.”

“Do you ever miss those days?” Mia crossed her legs, baring her naked flesh, exposing her pussy without fear. The pink heart seemed to shimmer in the firelight. “I do. I think about them a lot.”

Mel fought against that heat, against the old temptations that flared to life again inside of her. It was why she’d gotten engaged, why she pushed hard for a wedding the same year as his proposal. “I do think about them sometimes.” Mia got a surprised, hopeful look on her face; it twisted something in Mel’s gut to see it, leaving her with a surge of guilt, and hunger. To distract herself, Mel pushed up to her knees, carefully peeking through the soaked fronds at the sky—it had turned pitch black and the rain was whistling from how hard it fell above them. They were both thirsty, and cupped their hands; in seconds their palms filled up with water that, while lukewarm, at least slaked their immediate thirst.

“It keeps coming down!” Mel sighed and finally closed to hole again, making sure more water wasn’t leaking through. “I think we’re stuck here for awhile.”

“Hey, there are things worse than being stranded in paradise.” Mia’s smile was faint, but it seemed genuine.

“That’s true.” Mel was quickly running out of things to talk about. It was plain as day what was on Mia’s mind—Mel didn’t need to be a twin to know what her sister was thinking—and their close proximity to each other was making it harder to concentrate and focus on more important matters, like where they were and how to stay alive. It was hard to think about almost anything but the warm, supple, beautiful girl sitting right next to her.

Mia leaned in closer; her breath was warm through her parted lips. “Melody—”

“I think I’m tired, Mia.” Mel smiled, cutting her sister off as she sat back, putting just the slightest distance between them. “It was a long swim, so let’s just lie down for a bit… Alright?” By that time, the air was so warm that she was about to break out in a sweat. Mel couldn’t think straight, couldn’t look away from her twin’s intense stare. She turned and stretched out in the sand, settling in and managing a cool, deep breath. The sand was cool and dry, which helped.

“Oh.” Mia sounded disappointed, but she recovered quickly. “I’ll lay down with you, then.” She spooned behind Mel, pressed up close, her breasts to her twin’s back and one hand across her hip. “Is that better?”

The feel of Mia’s warm body against hers was quite pleasant. “Y-Yes, thanks.” Mel closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, on staying still and not reacting. The storm and raging winds howled outside, but inside their tiny shelter the small fire popped and they were safe…but Mel wasn’t sure how safe she was while in her twin’s embrace.


Time passed—Mel couldn’t be sure of how long they both lay in the soft sand, listening to the fire and the thunderstorm. She might’ve dozed off for a bit but became aware of a gentle sensation, the feeling of fingertips sliding along her upraised thigh.

She froze, taking in a slow, sleepy breath. The fingers froze as well, hesitating for a single moment, then they slid down across Mel’s stomach and gently but insistently pushed down between Mel’s thighs. When they reached her tattoo, Mel took in a softer breath and let it go with a soft, gentle sigh. “Mmm…”

Even in her sleepy state, Mel knew she should resist, knew she needed to push that hand away—if she gave Mia an inch, her sister would take it and a mile as well. But instead, as her breathing softened, Mel turned her head and closed her eyes as her legs slid apart.

There was the sound of Mia’s breath quickening, a sound of excitement that made Mel’s heart race and her tummy go tense. When those fingers slid down across her mound and brushed across her pussy lips, she took a deeper breath and knew it was too late. “Mia, no,” she whispered.

“Hush,” Mia answered, and the elder twin immediately obeyed. Mel was the dominant sister in every scope but one: when it came to sex, Mia was unquestionably in charge. Mel had struggled and fought so hard to free herself from her twin’s desires, but now, she was caught in them again.

Mia pulled her hand away and Mel, eyes closed, heard a soft, wet suckling sound. Then the hand returned with two fingertips made slick and moist. When they swirled around her clit, Mel caught her breath; when they slid inside her pussy, she arched her back and moaned, biting her lower lip. “Mmmm… N-not so fast, Mimi!”

“I’ve waited too long for this,” Mia countered with a quick set of kisses behind Mel’s ear. “Now, you’re mine again.” Her fingers began to pump her twin’s pussy, reaching her G-spot and stroking it with firm, deep caresses.

Mel whimpered and rolled to her back in the sand. She bit down on a knuckle as their shelter began to fill with the sound of her moist pussy being pumped. She opened her legs wider for her sister’s touch because Mia would want her to…but also because she wanted to. So many secret desires she’d kept repressed for so long were bubbling up to the surface again.

Mia gave a small, wicked little giggle as she bent her head. “Did you miss me?” She took one of Mel’s nipples in her mouth and began to suckle on it.

For a brief second, Mel was angry at herself since she knew, deep down, that stripping naked was going to lead to this. But then her sister began to swirl and flick her clit again and Mel forgot all about her anger, her fear, even about any thought of being rescued—all of those things could wait. At that moment, she was reuniting with her twin in a way only they both could understand.

Mia raised her head, giving Mel a devilish grin as she moved back, sliding her tongue down her sister’s belly. Mel moaned and curled her hands in her hair.

“Don’t,” Mel begged.

Mia giggled again.

“Don’t!” Mel repeated.

The flat of Mia’s warm, wet tongue slid across Mel’s heart tattoo. It was at the center of her mound just above her clit, like icing on a cake. Mia had insisted they get them, and Mel went along, just as she always did. Now she rolled her head back in the sand and moaned even louder.

“You want it, Didi,” Mia said, her voice hungry and low as she used her favorite pet name.

“Y-Yes!” Melody answered. She opened her legs wider, dug her toes into the sand, lifted her ass up. Her gaping cunt was waiting, glistening in the orange light and dark shadows.

Do you want it, Didi?” Mia said, now as a question. She teased her sister as she peeled her soft lips apart, giving a soft, slow exhale across her slippery flesh.

“Mmmm!” Mel moaned louder and curled her hands in her hair. “Yes, Mimi, yes! Lick me! Lick me, please!”

The other girl’s tongue swirled around Mel’s swollen nub, flicking back and forth in the way Mel liked best. Her sister didn’t have facial hair prickling and poking her like when Steven went down on her, and that only made it better. “Ahhhhh!” Mel cried out, her breasts shaking as she took hold of them. Her nipples throbbed under her palms. “Yes! Just like that!”

“You missed me.” Mia looked pleased as she slid a long finger back into her sister’s wet hole, pumping with a quick, practiced rhythm. “Didn’t you, Didi?”

“I did! Missed you so much, Mimi!” Mel cried out the words in confession, driven wild by the sweetness of her sister’s touch. “Fuck, it feels so good!”

Mia was in full control and they both knew it. The sand shifted under them as she crawled on top of her twin, presenting a matching pussy for Mel’s mouth. The pink heart shimmered in the light and Mel couldn’t stop staring at it.


That was a preview of Lost Girls: A Twin Temptations Story. To read the rest purchase the book.

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