Ace put his feet up on the table tucked into the corner of the bar and leaned his chair back to balance on two legs, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He let the smoke out with a long sigh, glancing around the bar in annoyance. For a Saturday night, it was rather dead.
“What’s up, Walker?” Smokey asked as he threw back a shot of whiskey. “You look like you just fucked your mother.”
“Jesus, can you not say shit like that?” Ace sighed as he reached for his bottle of beer. “What does that even mean?”
“You look depressed.”
“I think if I was fucking my mother, I’d have bigger problems than depression,” Ace replied with an eye roll. “I’m just bored. Nothing’s been happening.”
“Nothing ever happens in this fucking town,” Smokey laughed, lighting a cigarette. “Why are you suddenly wanting shit to happen? We’ve been through enough. I figured you liked the quiet now.”
“I’m just...tired…”
“You probably just need to get laid or something.”
Ace let out a laugh. “Seriously, there isn’t even anyone I’d want to roll in the sack with.”
“Well, nobody you can have anyway,” Smokey said with a knowing smirk.
“Shut the fuck up,” Ace growled, regretting ever telling Smokey his ridiculous fantasy. The man constantly used it against him. “Hell, the closest I’ve gotten to getting laid in like forever is flirting with some random wrong number for a couple minutes,” he told as he pulled another drag from his smoke, and Smokey looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Come again?”
“I was showing off my latest tattoo and texted the wrong number. Apparently, I made some woman’s Friday night,” he said with a little smirk.
“She knew who you were?”
“Nah, it was just my chest, but it seemed to get her thrilled,” Ace laughed.
“So what happened? Phone sex?”
“No, I was meeting up with Tricia,” he shrugged. “She never replied after I said I had to run.”
“Oh well, was probably some lonely homemaker, anyway.”
“Maybe,” Ace chuckled. He had thought little about it and now he wondered if there was some housewife out there who was so bored with life that a text from a stranger was working her up.
“Well, let’s play some pool,” Smokey suggested, “Cause that’s about all the excitement I can offer you tonight bud,” he taunted as he got up.
“Yeah, be right there,” Ace called after him as he reached for his phone, which was vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was the same number he had accidentally texted the night before.
Figure I owed you one…
There was a picture file attached and Ace opened it, the front legs of his chair making contact with the floor again as he sat up straight and bit back a groan.
“Holy fuck,” Ace sighed as he stared at the photo. He felt an actual twitch in his jeans and his mouth went dry as he beamed at the sexiest pair of wet, sudsy legs he’d ever seen. They were balanced prettily on the edge of a bubble-filled tub with candlelights.
He immediately wanted them wrapped around him.
Maybe Smokey was right.
He needed to get laid.
It took him a moment before Ace managed to form a thought that wasn’t complete filth, then typed out a reply.
Fucking hell, girl! Warn a guy first…
The reply was almost instant.
You’re welcome!
“Come on, Ace,” Smokey called from the pool table as he set up the game. Ace got up and wandered over as he typed out a message.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to concentrate on what I’m doing now that I have that picture in my head.
What are you doing?
Hanging with a friend, about to shoot some pool, and I’m most likely going to lose now.
Ace chuckled and put his phone in his pocket, grabbing the pool cue that Smokey handed to him.
“What are you smiling about?”
“Oh, nothing,” Ace said with a smirk as he set up to break. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and was suddenly annoyed that he wasn’t somewhere alone.
Olivia smiled as she laid her phone down on the edge of the tub. He wasn’t replying, and she figured he must have started his game, which led her to wonder at the game that she had just started. It felt good to do something a little crazy, and Olivia would definitely consider this absurd. She did not know who she was talking to, and wasn’t sure she wanted to know. She enjoyed the mystery. It was freeing almost; Olivia didn’t have to pretend to be something she’s not. She could just be herself. Not having to worry about her image or what she said because he didn’t know who she was, anyway.
Later, as Olivia was climbing into bed to binge some Netflix before bed, her phone vibrated and she grabbed it, smiling when she saw the number. The guy was back. Olivia bit her lip, opened the message, and giggled.
I got my ass handed to me thanks to those legs of yours. Never lost so bad in my life.
Sure, sure, blame the legs, mister.
Seriously, I couldn’t concentrate, sweetpea.
How could a pair of legs break your concentration, sir?
There was no reply for a while and Olivia was about to put the phone down when she saw the chat bubbles. She let out an awed breath at his reply.
Well, when all you can think about is those legs wrapped around you, you really can’t concentrate on any game…
“Oh my god,” Olivia gasped, a flutter of sexy excitement going through her stomach.
Well, I couldn’t concentrate at work all day because I kept thinking about your v lines… so I think we’re even.
What about them?
Women like those…
Oh yeah?
Are you telling me with a body like that, that no girl has ever told you how sexy those are? Or that she wanted to run her tongue along them?
Olivia really had no idea what she was doing and why she was being so bold, but damn, it felt good to just not give a shit. It was Saturday, and Olivia had spent the day trying to dodge her mother’s calls because apparently she didn’t believe in people having a day off, so now she just wanted to forget and have a little fun.
I got to’re not married, are you?
The question made her laugh.
No, I promise I’m not. Are you?
Free as a bird. I don’t suppose you want to tell me who you are?
I kind of like the mystery. It feels easier…
Ok, I guess…
Well, I mean, if you want to keep talking, that is.
Olivia quickly continued, suddenly feeling skeptical.
Hopefully, you don’t think I’m nuts.
Nothing wrong with nuts…
Olivia laughed at that and fluffed her pillow as she curled up, forgetting about Netflix all together.
I’ll just put you in my phone as ‘Legs’
Wow, what an honor…
It is an honor. I don’t have many contacts in my phone, and none that I don’t actually know.
You don’t have a lot of friends?
Yes, and no.
Olivia waited before questioning him on that interesting response.
Well, then I’ll put you in my phone as ‘Abs’.
Well, aren’t we original… haha!
Olivia laughed and made the contact. It felt strange and exciting all at the same time and she wondered what would come of this. Maybe at some point she would know who he is, but this worked for now. Like a friend without pressure of any kind.
Legs: You still playing pool?
Abs: Nope. Lost my pride and called it a night.
Legs: Sorry LOL!
Abs: I don’t think you are…
Legs: Well, now I get to talk to you, so maybe I’m not.
Abs: So Legs, tell me about yourself…
Olivia chewed on her lip as she read the message. What could she say without giving away who she was? If she mentioned her friends, or what people knew about her, or that she worked at the newspaper, then he could surely figure it really, keeping it very personal was probably the only way to keep her identity hidden.
Legs: I’m kind of a loner. I like to stay home and read a good book or watch a good movie. I work too hard and when I’m not working; I like my downtime. I’m not really up for parties and things like that.
Abs: Don’t have many friends?
Legs: Not many, but they are good friends. How about you? Tell me about yourself. Tell me something nobody else knows.
Abs: Ahh… going for the secrets. Haha.
Legs: Just a little one… pretty please…
Abs: All right, I love to read as well….and I write…
Olivia furrowed her brow as she read the text. Why would something like that be a secret?
Legs: Why is that a secret?
Abs: Well….if you knew who I was or saw the crowd I hang with, you probably wouldn’t picture me as the intellectual type.
Legs: Hmm….
Abs: That’s all you get?
Legs: I have a question…
Abs: Uh oh… should I be worried? LOL.
Legs: I guess that depends on your response. The first time you texted me by mistake, you assumed I was the person who wrote the poem that you got tattooed. May I ask who it was who wrote the poem that was important enough to make you ink it on yourself?
Abs: My sister. She wrote it when she was thirteen and I always thought it was wonderful. I told her I would tattoo it on myself one day and she never believed me.
He had a little sister, and tattooed her poem on his body...could this man be any more adorable?
Legs: That’s really sweet. Did she like it?
Abs: Yeah, she cried. Haha.
Legs: Awww, that’s sweet. You’re very sweet.
Abs: Shhhhh, that’s a secret too!
Olivia smiled and wondered how many people actually kept secrets that showed their true self from the people around them. Probably most she figured.
Abs: Hey, it was nice chatting but I have to go.
Legs: Ok, have a good evening!
Olivia put the phone away and curled up under the covers. She didn’t really know why talking to this stranger was so intriguing. Olivia realized the crappiness of the day had completely vanished because of him. She got the hint that he was a bit of a badass from all the blurry bits of tattoos that she could see in his photo, but also got the feeling that there was more to him than what he projected. Like her, he was someone who hid things about himself from the world and the people around him.
It made Olivia feel special, being one of the assumed few who knew he loved to read and write. She wondered what other secrets she would unveil as she fell asleep thinking about her mystery man.