Description: A young women desires to please her father in every way. Their relationship grows along with her experiences and finds him to be an obliging teacher in the use of her body. How does the Mom play into things? What's their long-term goal. Will they get CAUGHT?!?! Incest action by the author of Getting Caught, Changing Dynamics, The Island, Blackmailed Mom, Justice and The Haunting.
Tags: incest, masturbation, cum, oral, creampie, blowjob, piss, anal, romance
Published: 2019-03-29
Size: ≈ 15,322 Words
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by Beaverhunt
©Copyright 2019 Beaverhunt
Introduction by ahorsewithnoname: Beaverhunt was a member of my writing website for a number of years. My understanding is that he encountered serious health problems. He hasn't been seen in over three years. As per the site rules, we're publishing some of his work here. We hope for the best for him.
There are certain events that take place that set the path of sexuality and in most cases those events are quite healthy. For others, like myself, those events have lead me to have desires that are very different from the norm and tend to take on darker paths. As a result of those moments in my life, my fantasies have always come down to just one person, which is my daddy.
Think what you wish about it, since I haven’t thought those same things countless times in my mind. It’s wrong, dark, twisted, sick, and a whole host of other descriptions and none of it really fucking matters. No matter what I’ve done to fight my urges, it always comes back to daddy.
What was this moment in my life that altered the course of my life and set me on my path? It was one of our annual father-daughter camping trips, which had always been quite innocent. Daddy always viewed it as a chance for the two of us to get away from the world and strengthen a bond between us. Mommy never had any interest in camping trips and daddy made them quite enjoyable, but not in the way you’re thinking.
I had just turned 16 that year and was sent out to collect firewood, which was no different than any other year. As I was returning, I heard daddy walking towards me. There’s something that made me stop and hide, but I don’t remember the reason for it. Perhaps I wanted to jump out at him and scare daddy, or it could have been any number of things that goes through a teenage mind.
Daddy didn’t see me as he stopped to look around and for whatever reason I continued to keep myself hidden. I watched daddy as he undid his pants and knew he was there to relieve himself. Why did he not face a tree and instead face an opening in the woods, which gave me a perfect view, is a question I’ll never have an answer for.
I knew daddy went out to relieve himself close to camp, just as I did, but I never thought I’d catch him in the act. Daddy released his flaccid dick and I remember just how big his pale manhood looked as I forced myself to breath steadily. My blue eyes were drawn towards his hands as he held himself and I couldn’t look away. That isn’t quite true, because I could’ve and only lacked the desire to do so.
Call me a sick fuck all you want, but I was mesmerized by his action. He let out a sigh as a golden stream shot out and arced up a little. There was a lot of power behind his piss and I loved the sound it made as it hit the ground. Daddy had his back to the breeze and carried over the scent of his piss, which I found to be quite pleasant.
The moment was far too short lived as he shook his dick and my eyes followed his head as the last of the gold was released. Daddy tucked his dick back into his pants and returned to the camp. I almost followed right behind, since I wanted to see where his stream had landed, but chose an alternate route instead.
I returned to the sight and set the wood down as he smiled, which revealed the face of a man. For the first time, I saw him as someone other than daddy and I tried to force those initial dark thoughts to the back of my mind as bests I could. It doesn’t help that we share many of the same features, since that serves as a constant reminder of his relation to me and just how dark my desire is for him.
Nothing more came about from that trip and I was able to lie to myself a little. Shortly after we returned home is when the dreams started and they’ve been far more vivid than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my state of sleep. I can always see our shared eyes in those dreams and my hidden desire has increased greatly.
I’ve tried to catch him in various states of undress, but it’s always glimpses of his athletic body and never enough to truly satisfy my yearning for him. When mommy’s out of the house, which is often, I’ve allowed my towel to accidently open before him on countless occasions. At first, he would pull his eyes away quickly, but that started to change. After a while, his eyes lingered a little longer and I loved the way his blue eyes looked as he did it.
It was after my 18th birthday that things started to get more interesting. I would hear him come into my bedroom after mommy fell asleep and felt his blue eyes in the dark. I’ve always pretended to be asleep, since I don’t want him to come to his senses. At first, it was staying within my room for a matter of a few seconds, but his time steadily increased and now daddy approaches my bed.
This has been going on for several months and I’m getting so fucking frustrated. He now pulls the sheets off of my body, a body that has long since forgone any clothing to sleep in, and stares at me in the dark as I lay on my back. I know daddy wants me every bit as I want him, but he needs more encouragement. If he stops himself from touching me tonight, then I’m going to do something to keep him in my room.
Mommy has already taken her pills at night and she’ll sleep through anything, which is a good thing for me. We have no close neighbors, which means no interruptions. Daddy has no excuse not to take this any further.
I close my eyes as the door opens and I can smell his woodsy cologne that he wears everyday. His breathing becomes a little ragged as he closes the door behind him and I can sense him getting closer to my bed. The blanket is slowly pulled away from my body and I find it hard to control my breathing.
I feel daddy’s fingers on my body for the first time as he caresses my small tits and let out a sigh as tingling sensations fill my body. Daddy pulls his hand back and I reach out for him. My eyes open and he has a look of shock on his face, but doesn’t pull back any further.
I press his hands to my hard nipples as I say, “Stay with me, daddy.”
Daddy shakes his head as he tries to avoid looking at my face. “I’m sorry, Nora. I shouldn’t be in here.”
I release his hands as I sit up and speak with a voice filled with desire. “It’s alright, daddy. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
His blue eyes meet mine as he speaks defensively. “Yes, Nora, I have. I shouldn’t be in here with you. Not like this.” Daddy’s head turns away as he continues, “This is all wrong.”
I reach out and pull his face back to mine and wait until our blue eyes settle. “No, daddy, it isn’t. I don’t care that you’re my daddy and you shouldn’t care that I’m your daughter. We want each other and all the other bullshit doesn’t matter.”
His voice is filled with confusion as he fights himself. “I can’t stay here. I’m sorry.”
He takes a step back and my eyes move down his powerful body to one of the few parts of daddy I’ve never seen, at least not like this. Daddy’s fully erect and he’s so much bigger than I ever thought possible. His dick has to be at least 8" and the girth is more than should be possible for any man.
Some of his precum is pressing out of the tip and I grin at what I see. I may not have a lot of experience, but I don’t need it to know I want daddy even more after seeing his pale wonder and the signs before me show the truth of how he feels about me.
My hands reach out for his massive shaft as I say, “Your dick says otherwise.”
His head drops as he takes another step back and I feel him drip a little onto my hand. “You’re my daughter.”
I smile warmly as I respond to his challenge. “And you’re my daddy. I don’t give a fuck about that shit and neither do you.” His lips part as he makes an attempt to say something to get me to stop, but I won’t give him the chance. “You’ve been coming in here for months and staring at my body even longer.”
His blue eyes search for something to cling to. “What about your mother?”
I shake my head as I smile a little wider. “What about her?”
There’s an internal battle within him that grows as he digs a little further. “She’d never forgive me.”
I grin as I get out of bed and press my body to his. “She’d have to find out about it first. She leaves us a alone every day and takes pills to help her sleep every fucking night. Mommy would have to be here and awake to notice anything.”
His heart is pounding in his chest and the tip of his hard dick is pressed against my flat stomach. I can feel more dripping as my hands caress his back and find he’s no longer trying to pull away at all. Daddy’s hands are caressing my cheeks as he stares deeply into my blue eyes with his own.
Daddy shakes his head, but it’s not as firm as it was before. “We can’t. I can’t.”
My hands move a little further down his warm back. “If that were true, you wouldn’t be in here at all. Ever since mommy got her job, she’s shut you out. You come in here every night and stare at my body. Then what, daddy?” I don’t give him time to respond. “You leave and jerk off with my body on your mind. It’s going to happen, because we both want it to happen.”
Daddy can’t deny the truth of my words. “That’s different...”
I cut him off. “No, daddy, it isn’t. If you want to jerk off to my body, then stay in here and do it. Shit, daddy, if you want, I’ll do it for you. I’m not mommy. I won’t say no.”
My last words take him by surprise. “How do you...”
There’s no need to let him finish. “You talk about her when you’re drunk. It isn’t often, but enough for me to know she doesn’t let you to a damn thing. Always the same position, when you can get any at all.”
He tries to force my body away as he says, “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t hear things like that about your mother.”
I pull myself close to him to prevent his escape. “I don’t give a fuck about any of it. That’s between you and mommy. What we want is between us. Mommy will never change and you’ll always have a shitty sex life, but that doesn’t have to be the case with us.”
I release his body as I fall to my knees and stare up at his face. My hands reach out for his massive dick and he doesn’t pull away. The sensation of his hard flesh beneath my fingers causes me to drip down my thighs as I slowly start to move my hands back and forth across the entirety of his wonder.
Daddy starts to sigh as his hands cover mine and I love the way he looks down at me. I know this isn’t some fucking dream, since those aren’t as real as this. After all this time, I finally know what he feels like in my hands and it’s so much better than any fantasy I’ve ever had.
I ignore the tiring sensation in my hands as his sighs turn to moans and his voice sounds wonderful in my ears. “I’m going to cum.”
I grin as I ask, “Where do you want it?”
There’s no immediate reply as his hands force mine to quicken and just manages to get out, “Tits.”
I tilt my body back a little as I say, “Cum for me, daddy.”
He lets out a grown as he lets loose his white. “Take my cum, baby doll.”
Daddy hasn’t called me that in years and I love the way he says it now far more than ever before. “Give it to me, daddy.”
I love the way his manhood feels as it twitches in my hand and the first shot of white strikes my flesh. His cum starts to drip down as he moves my hands to another location. This time he strikes my hard nipple and his moans sound wonderful in my ears. The twitching intensifies as he adjusts the angle and my other nipple is hit hard.
Our eyes remain locked tightly as the last of him is released and he pulls back from me. I feel his white dripping down from my nipples and his eyes move down my body to see what he has done.
His hands release my fingers and I press his cum into my tits for him, which has a pleasant stickiness. Daddy’s face is covered in sweat as the hunger in his eyes is satiated for the moment.
Daddy turns and leaves me on my knees as he closes the door behind him. I wish he would return and do something I can’t yet ask for, since I don’t know how he would react to me wanting him to release something else on my body. Ever since that day, I’ve wanted to know what it would feel like to feel his piss on my body, but that particular desire will have to wait.
I lie on my bed and let daddy’s cum dry on my tits as I fight the temptations to press his cum against other parts of my body. There’s no sense of needing him to return, but it would be nice if he does. Whatever is going through daddy’s mind will have to wait until tomorrow. He needed relief and I’m glad to be the one to give it to him.
I made it clear that he could do whatever he wished with me and that means he can go to sleep with mommy without bringing me any pleasure. The pleasure will come in time, but for now I’m happy just to feel him on my body.
I can’t sleep as I lay there in the dark with the hope daddy returns and the hope he doesn’t. If he returns, I don’t know what it will mean for us. Now that daddy’s been taken care of, the hunger will be gone and he may want to end this, or he may want to continue with a new hunger. This isn’t going to end, since I won’t allow it.
My narrow fingers caress my crusted nipples and I smile knowing daddy’s cum is still on me. I’m a little frustrated that he didn’t do anything else, but that’s my fault. I told daddy he can do as he wishes and didn’t put any other expectations on him at all.
Mommy’s been up for an hour now and she’s taking far too much time to get the fuck out. Daddy’s still sleeping and I want to take a shower for him. It isn’t that I want to do away with the evidence of our action, but a sacrifice must be made to make myself as presentable as possible.
She’s leaving and I wait a little longer before I get out of bed. I’m a little sore from stroking his dick, but that will change in time. My naked body is revealed to anyone that’s in the house, which happens to be my slumbering daddy and part of me hopes he wakes before I enter the bathroom.
The door to the bathroom closes behind me out of instinct and I make quick work of everything, including shaving my pussy. I’ve done it every morning for years, since daddy took greater notice. His blue eyes were already lingering by then, but being shaved left him looking a little longer.
I can hear water running from daddy’s bathroom as I dry my body and know he’s taking a shower. There’s no time for the hair dryer and I’m not about to worry about having a bad hair day. My blonde hair clings to my back a little as I walk to his bedroom and see the door to the bathroom closed.
My fingers shake a little as I sit on the edge of his bed with my legs spread wide. I’m not taking any chances of daddy thinking we made a mistake last night. My fingers spread my lips as he opens the door and I startle daddy a little. His blue eyes, my blue eyes, move down my body and settle on what I have open for him.