Home - Bookapy Book Preview

Erin's Dozen

Free Dessert Publishing





Free Dessert Publishing



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Summer Camp Gazette

About the Author

More Summer Camp

Preview of Best Laid Plans

Also by Big Ed Magusson


Welcome to Summer Camp Swingers!

If you’re not familiar with Nick Scipio’s Summer Camp Swingers universe, boy do you have a treat ahead of you! The main story follows Paul Hughes as he comes of age in a world of nudism and swinging and is over a million words long and counting. You can find the main story through Nick’s site and his Patreon.

With such a large world, there’s plenty of room for side stories. This is one a companion story to Nick’s story Best Laid Plans and takes place in the spring of 1984 . If you’re interested in more of my work, you can find the bulk of Chris Coulter’s adventures at my site, Big Ed’s Place.


Erin flipped through her textbook and grimaced. She had twenty-five more pages of reading before she could even start the essay. She leaned back in her dining room chair and surveyed the stacks of spiral notebooks, three ring binders, and other heavy textbooks scattered across the table. She blew out a long breath and reached for her cup.

She took a sip of water, moistened her lips and turned back to her textbook. The ticking of the clock from the living room almost rang through the silent house—a reminder of Poe’s Telltale Heart, from English class all those years ago. She read down the page and took notes in a spiral notebook to the side. Paul’d said that in college, they could just highlight passages, since they owned the books and not the school. College sounded better and better.

Freedom, she thought, so close I can taste it.

She turned the page and kept reading.

Five or six or seven pages later, she heard the door between the garage and the kitchen open. She picked up her now empty water glass and wandered into the kitchen.

Beth stood next to the refrigerator unloading groceries from two bags onto the counter. She turned her head when Erin walked in and smiled.

“Need some help?” Erin asked.

“Sure, honey. Put the things into the pantry?”

Erin nodded and started fishing them out of the bag.

“Is your dad home?” her mom asked.

“No,” Erin said, “he called, though. He said he’d be home around five.” She checked the kitchen clock—almost four-thirty. She’d been studying solid since getting home from school.

“Good, I won’t have left for the airport by then.”


“I thought I told you. Susan has tickets to a Broadway show. So, it’ll just be you and your dad this weekend.” She shot her a devilish grin. “I’m sure you’ll keep busy while I’m gone.”

Erin furrowed her brow at the playful glint in her mom’s eye. What’s she mean by that?

“I should be back Sunday afternoon,” her mom continued. “How’s the homework?”


“A lot of it?”

“Yeah, but not too bad, now that I’ve gotten into it.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Might as well. I don’t have anything else to do. Leah and Mark are doing that family thing all weekend. I thought I might go to the mall tomorrow.”

“You need something?”

“Nah. Just hanging out.”

Her mom nodded and leaned back against the counter. Her eyes flicked from Erin’s toes to her head and she smiled. “Are you thinking of some new clothes for college? Maybe it’s time to get you an adult wardrobe.”

I have an adult wardrobe, Erin thought. But she put a smile on. “We could do that.”

“Maybe have a girls’ shopping trip,” her mom continued.

“I could go with dad.” No arguments, no second guessing my choices…

“Well, if you do, have your dad pay for it.”

Erin snorted softly and couldn’t suppress a smile. That’s exactly what she’d been thinking. “Anything?”

“Within reason.”

Erin forced her chin to not drop. No protracted negotiations about price and style, like shopping with Mom? “Uh… okay.”

“I need to go pack,” her mom said as she brushed her hands together. “I’m proud of you, honey.”

Erin nodded, refilled her water glass, and returned to the dining room.

At five almost on the dot, the door from the garage opened again. A moment later, her dad walked into the dining room. Erin looked up from her homework and smiled. He looked sharp in his pilot’s uniform. He stood by her side and put his hand on her shoulder. His body seemed to vibrate, like he was excited about something. She looked at him curiously.

“Hey, kiddo,” he said, “where’s your mom?”


“Good.” He glanced at the stack of books and notebooks. “How’s it going?”

“I’m working through it. It’s not as bad as I’d thought.”

He smiled. “Good,” he repeated. His voice held just a tint of eagerness. “Will you be done soon? Want go to dinner somewhere fancy? Maybe Morton’s?

Her eyebrows rose. “That’s pretty fancy.”

“It’ll be fun. We can dress up. Maybe wear that blue dress you bought last year?”

If her eyebrows could’ve risen to the ceiling, they would’ve. “The one you didn’t want me wearing in public?”

He shrugged. “You’re an adult now. You should be able to wear what you want. Besides, you’ll make the other guys jealous.”

She studied his expression. Something was definitely up. He was far, far too excited for a simple dinner, despite how hard he was trying to hide it.

He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll go see how your mom’s doing and change into civvies. We’ll go after that.” Then he turned and strode out.

She took a deep breath and found her heart racing. The blue dress, she thought. The conversations with her mom last year played through her mind, when her parents had been adamant about treating her like a kid. Then her thoughts shifted to more recent conversations.

She sucked in her breath. Does this mean what I think?

Erin turned slowly in front of the bedroom mirror, checking every angle of the dress’s fit. The cornflower blue really did match her eyes. She tightened the halter top so that less of the side of her breasts showed, which made her nipples more prominent. Then she spun a little to get the skirt to flare. Even with the slit to the top of her thigh, her panties didn’t show.

She paused and took a deep breath.

Then she reached under her dress and pulled off her underwear. Her hands trembled as she did.

Am I misreading this? she thought.

She took another deep breath to steady her nerves and put the panties back in her drawer.

“Erin!” her dad called from the living room. “Ready to go?”

She took one last look in the mirror to check her hair and makeup, and then grabbed her clutch and went out the door.

Her dad stood by the couch, looking sharp in a sky blue button-down shirt and tan slacks. He’d freshly shaved and his eyes sparkled when he saw her.

“Nice,” he said as his eyes roamed down her body, “very nice.”

She blushed. “Thanks.” She lowered her eyes. “I, uh, didn’t think I’d ever get to wear it.”

“Well, you look sexy.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“Relax, let’s go.”

Outside, her dad’s Corvette sat in the driveway. He walked around to the passenger’s side and opened the door. With a wave, he handed her in.

“Quite the gentleman tonight,” she said as she slipped into the seat.

“All for you, sweetie,” he said with a broad grin. He closed the door and sauntered around to the driver’s side. Once he was seated, he shot her another smirk. “Let’s have some fun.”

Instead of taking them to the local steakhouse, he drove to one across town, on a route that took them onto the highway. He gunned it, and they flew down the road until traffic forced him to slow.

Erin glanced over when he downshifted. “You promised to teach me to drive stick. Maybe we could do that this weekend?”

“Sure,” he said. “As long as you don’t drive naked.”

“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”

“Nope,” he said. He shot her a devilish grin. “Just wish I’d been there to see it.”

She blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly. “Well,” she teased, “maybe someday you will.”

He laughed and shifted lanes for their exit.

At the restaurant, her dad gave the hostess their name and she led them to a corner table in the back with a long white tablecloth. After they’d been seated, he ordered a bottle of wine. Their waiter looked at Erin briefly, but didn’t ask for ID. Instead, he gave David a knowing smile.

Once he was out of earshot, Erin leaned forward. “What’s going on?” she said quietly. “This feels like a date.”

Her heart raced as everything clicked into place.

“Hold on. You and mom changed the rules, didn’t you?”

He looked sheepish and took a sip of water.

“You did!” she said. She thought it through and her eyebrows hit the ceiling. “You did!”

She noticed the other diners and lowered her voice. “When were you going to tell me?”

He gestured at the restaurant.

“Oh. Oh… Oh!”

She let out a deep breath and covered her excitement by taking a drink of water.

After she took a sip, she looked over the top of her glass at her father. He gave her a calm, knowing smile back.

“So,” she said as she set the glass down, “we can’t talk about, you know, so what should we talk about?”

“How’s school going?”

She frowned. “Let’s talk about you instead. How’s work? Good trip this last time?”

“Nothing special. Miami, New York, and back. Good crew.”

“Oh?” She raised an eyebrow, asking silently for more. Good crew, as in…

He shrugged off her unspoken question. “What about you? I haven’t heard anything about Prom. That’s in a couple of weeks, right? You going?”

“Mmmm hmmm. With Justin.”

“Justin? Have we met him?”

“No. He’s just a friend.” When he raised an eyebrow, she added, “no, not that kind of friend. He’s a high school boy, Dad.”

She glanced around. None of the other diners were listening and the waiter was taking the order from another table. Still, she leaned forward and pitched her voice low.

“Besides, he has a boyfriend. I’m his beard.”

“Oh.” Her dad leaned back with a surprised look on his face.

“Dad. It’s the eighties. Prom’s convenient for both of us. After the dance, he’s gonna drop me off at the Coulters’ and go see his boyfriend.”

“So you and Leah are partying at her house?”

“No. She and Mark are having a romantic night together. I’m staying with Chris.”


“You don’t have a problem with it, do you?”

“No. Why should I? You’re both consenting adults.”

He leaned forward. “Besides,” he continued smoothly, “it’s part of what convinced your mom to change the rules.”


“Yeah, Chris and your mom have been talking a lot lately.”

The conversation died when their waiter arrived with their wine. He and David did the usual “opening the bottle dance” and then he took their dinner order. Her dad raised his glass after the man had left.

“To growing up,” he said.

“And new rules.”

He smirked and clinked his glass against hers. Then he took a sip of wine and then relaxed with a sigh. “So, how’s life in general?”

They chatted amiably and enjoyed their food until the waiter appeared with the dessert menu.

“So,” David said casually to Erin as he accepted the menu. “Do you want dessert or…?”

She shot him a you’re kidding, right? glare.

He chuckled and handed the menu back to the waiter. “Just the check.”

David growled in frustration when they hit the highway. Instead of being able to floor it in the Corvette, they were stuck in slow moving traffic molasses. The accident was so far ahead they could barely see the emergency lights. He eased his way into the one lane that was ambling along and then leaned back in his seat with a deep frown.

“Yeah,” Erin said, “this sucks.”

“No kidding.” He gave her a quick apologetic smile.

“Well, I can’t wait.”

She glanced outside. It was dark and there weren’t any cars next to them, but they still sat low enough that any passing cars would be able to see in. So she twisted to face her dad. She lifted up and wriggled until her dress was around her waist, completely exposing her pussy. She smoothed the dress back down over her ass, so that he was the only one that could see her show.

Then she slid her fingers down along her lower lips.

His eyes darted from the stuck traffic to her and back again. He barked in laughter when he realized what she was doing.

“Can you blame me?” she asked.

“No.” He slowed as another car cut into their lane further down. He shifted into first gear and then was forced to stop.

“Mmmm,” Erin said dramatically. She made a show of rubbing her clit with one finger.

Then she dipped a finger inside, between her lips, and wiggled it around. Once his eyes were on her, she brought it to her mouth. She licked her lips and then gently sucked her fingertip.

“Tease.” His eyes smoldered as he watched her, before he had to glance back at the non-moving traffic.

“Well…,” she said, “I can’t suck what I want. Not in this traffic.”

“No,” he said. He placed his hand on her thigh. “But I can do this.”

He slid his hand up.

She shivered as his fingers slowly made their way to her pussy. Her pulse raced as they reached the crease of her thigh, and then slid over her labia.

She closed her eyes and sucked in her breath when his hand finally cupped her mound. He twisted his wrist a bit, and then slid his middle finger between her lower lips. She gasped when his finger found her clit and pressed down on it.

He began moving it in small circles and she shuddered with pleasure.

Then he pulled his hand away to shift.

“Nooo!” she whined.

“Gotta drive,” he said. Traffic moved a little, and the Corvette began to roll steadily, although slowly. He backed down to first gear.

“Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll do it myself.”

She stroked her clit lightly, with an eye on the traffic ahead. Unfortunately, it looked like it’d gotten into a steady flow now that everyone was in a single lane. Her dad’s eyes darted to her from time to time, but stayed largely on the road.

So she sped up, and pressed down. Her breathing grew ragged as the small waves of pleasure began. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Somewhere past the accident, the waves grew enough to push her over the edge. With a silent cry, she jerked forward and came.

Traffic freed up and he shifted to higher gear.

When she opened her eyes, he grinned at her. “Damn. That was nice.”

“That’s just the start.”

He nodded in agreement and switched lanes to pass a slower car.

After what seemed like eons but was mere minutes, they pulled into the driveway at home. Erin unbuckled her seatbelt as soon as her dad turned off the engine. They didn’t speak as they hurried up the walk. Erin almost broke into a run to keep up with her dad’s long quick strides.

He fumbled with the key, though, his own hands shaking from eagerness. Finally he got the door open. They pushed inside and he shoved it closed behind them.

She immediately sank to her knees and reached for his belt. He helped her undo his pants and yank them to his ankles. His stiff cock bobbed in front of her face.

She grinned up at him and then kissed the tip. When he groaned, she wrapped her lips around the crown and started to suck.

“Mmmm,” he sighed.

She brushed her hair back so he could see.

She feathered kisses down the shaft and to his balls, enjoying the warmth and softness of his skin, taut over his erection. When she returned to the head and licked it, his shaft twitched.

“Heh,” she said. “You liked that.”

“What gave me away?”

“Then you’ll love this.”

She wrapped her lips around his cock. Then she took a deep breath through her nostrils. She moved her head forward and kept her mouth tight around his shaft. She relaxed her throat and slowly took him all the way in.

“Oh, that’s nice,” he said.

She smiled, slowly backed off, and then took him deep again.

He let out a long sigh.

She grinned and continued to suck and lick his cock. He leaned back against the door. When she looked up, his eyes were filled with lust.

She let his cock slip from her lips and gently kissed the tip. She grinned up at him and sucked him deep again.

“Bedroom,” he said. He reached down and pulled her to her feet.

They practically raced toward the hall, shedding their clothes as they went. Erin darted into her bedroom just barely ahead of him. She climbed onto the bed, rolled onto her back, and spread her thighs.

He paused at the side of the bed. His eyes roamed over her body and he chuckled.

“You really want this,” he said.

“For years,” she said. She ran her fingers down one inner thigh and gave him a pointed look.

He climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs. The head of his cock slid along the outside of her pussy.

She shuddered and let out a ragged breath.

He did it again, slowly pressing his erection against her heat.

“Quit teasing, Dad! Just put it in!”

He pushed forward, and slowly his cock parted her lips and slid into her.

She gasped as he sank deeper—hard, throbbing, hot. He stretched her and filled her and waves of pleasure washed out from his cock through her.

Once he was in all the way, he stopped. “Ready?”

She nodded.

He began to thrust.

She groaned and urged him on by wrapping her legs and arms around him. He sped up until he was pounding her hard.

She shuddered and hung on tight. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. He fucked her with long, steady strokes until the waves peaked and she cried out.

But he didn’t stop. He paused to let her catch her breath and then started up again.

She went stiff as her second orgasm exploded through her. White lights danced beneath her eyelids. She gasped and shook, and then gasped again as she felt him shoot inside her.

He groaned, and then slowly lowered his weight onto her. His cock continued to twitch with the last spurts of come.

“Wow,” she said when she could finally speak.

“Yeah,” he said. “Pretty good, if I do say so myself.”

He lifted up so he could look into her eyes. “Happy?”


That was a preview of Erin's Dozen. To read the rest purchase the book.

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