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A Loving Family: A Family Matters Story

Marian Hayes


A Loving Family: The Book - Bookapy Edition

Incestuous Inter-Generational Desire

Marian Hayes

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© 2025 by author Marian Hayes

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained in this book, including the cover model, are 18 years of age or older, period. All acts described in this book are between characters 18 years of age or older, period. Names, places, events and descriptions are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously, period. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidence.


Chapter one

Part 01

Gigi is coming home.

a dark gray sky and heavy clouds, but without a hint or sound of rain. Gloria awoke early and sat up in bed, rubbing her tired eyes. She’d barely slept at all—her tummy was full of butterflies; her heartbeat was soft and quick.

Today was the day that everything changed.

The little house Gloria lived in wasn’t hers—it belonged to her father, Geno, who slept in the master bedroom. The three of them—Gloria, Geno and her daughter Gigi—all lived in that little house together until Gigi went off to college. After her recent college graduation, Gloria had rewarded her daughter with a month-long trip, a chance to relax after four long years of hard work.

Today, Gigi was coming home.

Today, everything would change.

Gloria slipped out of bed in the pale of the morning, undressed, completely stripped to the skin—her old pajamas and robe were put away. Breathing soft and quick, Gloria opened her bedroom door. The master bedroom door was shut, so no one saw her slip across the hall into the bathroom and shut the door, but the bathroom door didn’t have a lock on it—that wasn’t allowed now.

The floor was cool underfoot. As she flipped on a solitary light in the shower, the mirror on the wall showed her off with all her flaws: she was short with a soft belly, some gentle sagging in her breasts, a hint of gray at the temples. Her hair was a mess, the result of tossing and turning alone in her bed all night. Gloria was nearly into her mid-forties and feeling it more every day, but on that morning she felt as light and frantic as a feather in a breeze.

The shower hissed as she turned it on. Stepping inside, she slid the glass door shut and stepped under the hot spray, waiting for the steam to gather but somehow felt more naked than she already was. Gloria hugged herself tight, closed her eyes.

The door creaked and Gloria’s eyes immediately popped open again. Her heart fluttered at the base of her throat; her tummy folded in on itself as she trembled, full of adrenaline and excitement.

“Today’s the day.” Geno’s dark, masculine voice still heavy from sleep came from out of sight.

Gloria grabbed hold of a handle on the wall to keep herself steady. Her toes curled on the tiles below. “Yes,” she whispered.

“She’ll probably be home soon,” he added. “But there’s still time for us.”

For us. Those two words made Gloria want to fall to her knees, to reach out and pull him in with her. Instead, she tucked her other hand between her legs, squeezing her pussy mound tight as if to contain the pressure building up within it. Gasping, she nodded quickly. “Yes.”

“Get ready,” he said. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Yes, Daddy!” She felt a sharp, wicked thrill—it felt so good to call him that. Gloria had to hide so many things when Gigi was home, but the time for hiding was over for good.

The bathroom door closed and Gloria shivered from the memory of his voice. That morning was a day she’d waited for and anticipated for so long, but Gloria knew couldn’t be impatient. She had strict instructions for that morning, and knew she had to follow them to the letter.

After rubbing herself all over with hot water until her hands stopped shaking, Gloria took her usual morning shower. She stood out of the spray and rubbed herself all over with cool soap from her neck to her toes. Her breasts felt heavier and her nipples ached more than usual, but it was a pleasure just to linger, to fondle herself freely and moan into the steamy air. It’d been two weeks since Gloria was allowed to touch herself, and she indulged in the pleasure of it, the way her toes curled and her eyelids fluttered at the sensation of it.. That morning was also a day for Gloria to wash her hair, so she made sure to scrub it throughly, all while thick suds slid down her skin and clung to every curve.

Then she picked up her razor and began to scrape away any hint of unwanted hair. Using a small handheld mirror, Gloria was slow, cautious, taking her time with her own body. She didn’t mind the slight bit of flab or reminder of her aging because she knew what was waiting for her. It made her feel young again.

She knelt down on the floor of the shower, eyeing every angle, checking every inch. Gloria took her time with shaving her pussy mound, making sure to go everywhere until nothing was left behind but soft, smooth skin. That was the way her Daddy wanted it; that was what Gloria was told to give to him.

As the water fell on her head, while water and soap sluiced across her skin and slid down the drain, Gloria stared at her pussy’s reflection, tingling at the sight of it. She peeled the thick lips back, staring at her engorged clit, biting her lip as she whimpered. It was thick and long as her knuckle, throbbing in the wet air; when she flicked it with a fingertip, pleasure denied to her for too long swelled in her soft belly and shot up her back. Touching herself felt wrong, but it’d been two long, agonizing weeks since her last orgasm, and the thought of waiting any longer was torture—

The door opened again. Gloria froze, biting her lip: she hovered between lust and fear and had nowhere to hide. The glass door was fogged over, but she was clearly visible by the light shining overhead.

Daddy sat down on the toilet opposite the shower door. For a moment, he didn’t say a thing. Gloria couldn’t move or even pull her hands away—she was caught in the act, as guilty as she could be.

“I’ve been waiting on you,” he said.

Gloria whimpered again, putting the razor aside quickly before slicking her hair back on her scalp. “S-Sorry, Daddy. I was just finishing, and—!”

Don’t get up.” Daddy’s voice was still low and dark, but his command caught her in the middle of pushing to her feet. “As you were.”

A sense of dread and dark pleasure filled Gloria as she choked back another whimper. Letting her head fall again, she looked back down at the glittering mirror and slowly spread her pussy lips apart, feeling even more excited now that she knew he was watching. “Daddy—”

“I said, ‘as you were.’” His voice hardened, the sound of displeasure. Daddy expected Gloria’s obedience; he always had.

“Y-Yes, Daddy!” Gloria whined even as she obeyed, beginning to flick and swirl her fat clit again, watching herself by the glare of the mirror. “I… I’m doing it again!”

“Doing what, Glori?”

She took a hot, watery gasp. “Mmmmmmm, I’m playing with myself, Daddy! With my clitty! I shaved my c-cunny just like you told me to, and…and it felt so good that I…I couldn’t stop!” Gloria felt flushed and hot, burning with shame, desire, humiliation and need.

“Even though I told you not to play with yourself this morning.” Daddy’s voice was level, even neutral, with none of his displeasure from a moment earlier.

“Yes! I’m sorry! Sorry, Daddy! I couldn’t help myself!” Gloria bit her lip and failed to choke back another long whine as she rolled her clitty around and around, trying to push herself to the melting point. At any second, he could tell her to stop and Gloria would do it. She’d hate to stop, but they both knew she’d still obey his every word.

She had to. That house belonged to him…and she belonged to her Daddy. In all the years that Gloria and Gigi lived there with him, Gigi never found out the reality of the arrangement between her mother and grandfather. Soon, that was going to change.

Daddy didn’t say anything else, but she felt the weight of his eyes on her as she pleasured herself. Gloria even turned to face the doors, casting her eyes up at the fogged, shadowy shape of him sitting only feet away, observing her. She felt more naked than ever, completely exposed and aroused. Her mouth formed a round O shape; her eyes shone as water poured down her face.

“Watch me, Daddy!” she whispered. “Watch! Watch!” Gloria thrust out her hips towards him. She leaned back on one hand while the other rubbed her clit fast and loud, wanting him to hear it. “Mmm, I shaved for you! I’m so wet for you! Listen!” She slid a pair of fingers inside her wet fuck hole, pumping it, filling the shower with the sound of her arousal. “Do you hear it, Daddy?! Do you?!”

“I do, sweetie.” Daddy had his hands atop his knees, but the fingers were gripping them tight.

“I’ve waited so long…! So long, Daddy!” Her voice rose in pitch until she sounded almost feverish, and she didn’t stop masturbating. She couldn’t stop. It was for him. Everything was for him.

Daddy said the sweetest words she’d been hoping for. “Then finish up, sweet girl.”

“Yes! Oh god, yes!” Gloria let her head fall back and returned to her needy clitty, going as fast as she could—pulling on it, flicking it back and forth, rubbing on all of the sweet spots she knew. She was so close already, and in moments, Gloria climaxed and shrieked like she had as a woman twenty years ago. “Ohhhhhh! Cumming, Daddy! Cummiiiiiing!” Her hips bounced and jerked atop her heels while she rutted against her fingers, craving something thicker and harder. It was torture to know his cock was so close, but to also knew she couldn’t have it.

Not yet. Not until Daddy said.

Gloria leaned back on both hands, gently swaying back and forth in the steaming heat. “Mmmmmmmm… Thank you, Daddy… I just wanted to feel good…” She felt a touch drunk, flush with pleasure and satisfaction while she rocked back and forth.

“You waited a long time for that, didn’t you, sweet girl?” Daddy sounded amused, but it was good natured, the kind that came with a tender smile and gentle touching.

“Oh yes, Daddy.” Sometimes going so long between orgasms made having one all the sweeter, but it wasn’t her first choice. Sometimes she and her father went weeks or longer without intimacy or physical pleasure, and every single time Gloria was relieved when it was over.

Gloria spread her legs wide, clutching her knees while spreading herself wide open; her smooth, hairless holes might not have been as tight as a younger woman’s, but she showed them off proudly for him all the same. “You see, Daddy? See what I did just for you?”

“Mm-hm, I do.” She heard him push to his feet with a soft huff, looked up to see him open the door and shut off the water. “Time to get out, Glori.”

Gloria pushed up to her feet and up to the shower door. Daddy was a tall man with short, silver hair and a stubbled face; he was covered in silver curls across his body and limbs, with a nest of curls between his legs. He was also naked, just like she was, but she couldn’t enjoy the view as he covered her head with a towel and began to scrub it dry.

Drying her off took several minutes as he handled the job himself. Gloria knew better than to try and take the towel from him, and raised her arms or opened her legs wide when urged, her skin tingling as the thick cotton ran over her skin. She sighed with pleasure as he rubbed under and around her breasts, and bit her lip when he was scrubbing between her legs.

Just when she thought he was through, to Gloria’s surprise, Daddy stepped into the shower with her. There was room for both of them but she felt trapped in it with him since he was blocking the way out. She felt conflicted, torn between concern at his surprising behavior and the excitement of being so close to him.

“Face the wall,” he said, urging her to turn around. “Put your hands up, sweetie.”

The feel of his hands about her hips made Gloria take a slow, calming breath. Turning away from him, she set her hands on the cool, wet wall. Daddy suddenly and abruptly pushed her feet wide apart, pulled her hips back, pressed her ass tight against his crotch.


“Hush.” His command was short but softly-spoken. Daddy reached under her, fingers sliding across her soft belly before reaching for her mound which she’d shaved clean for him. He reached down with both hands to fondle her, caressing cunny and bottom together, moving his fingers slowly.

“Mmmmm!” Gloria shuddered and widened her stance even further. Her clit was swelling up again, longing to be touched. “Daddy! Please! Please more!”

A hard, moist smack of his hand across her bottom made Gloria jerk and cry out. “I’m only making sure you got all the hair like I told you to,” he said, sounding like a man concentrating on his task at hand. “Stay still.” But even as Daddy commanded her not to move, he began stroking her clit again, pleasuring her just because he could.

Holding a position while her Daddy played with her was almost impossible, but Gloria tried her best. Curling her hands into fists, she opened her mouth while goose flesh bubbled across her naked skin. “Oh god…! Oh! I love how you touch me! Feels so good!” Her clitty thickened and throbbed against his fingertip all while his other hand continued stroking her thighs, the crack of her ass, and her thick mound, searching for hairs she’d missed.

“You’ll cum again if I keep this up,” he said, a smirk in his voice.

“Mm-hm!” Gloria’s head bounced up and down quickly. “Can I, Daddy? Please?!”

“Mmm… No, sweetie.” Daddy pulled his hands away, chuckling as Gloria’s legs twitched and she looked ready to sink to her knees. He spoke softly into her ear. “Now go to my room and wait there. I’ll be there soon. Be ready for me.”

“Yes, Daddy!” Spry and excited as ever, Gloria smiled up at him before she stepped out of the shower and the bathroom. The master bedroom door was the largest bedroom in the house with its own bathroom, a spacious closet, and a king sized bed. Gloria crawled onto the middle of the bed and went onto her knees, legs spread apart—that was the way he liked best for her to wait for him.

The room was dark and gray with no lights on, same as the rest of the house and the skies outside. The bed was unmade, as if he’d rolled right out of it to come find her. The bathroom door was closed but the closet was open—every bit of clothing that once hung inside was removed, stowed and hidden away, same as Gloria’s closet in her bedroom. It was part of Daddy’s plan, his preparations for that day.

After he shut off the bathroom light, Gloria heard his bare feet walk further into the house. That left her alone for the moment and so she closed her eyes and reached between her legs, brushing her clit once again—by that time it was so engorged that Gloria felt like she might cum again in moments if she rubbed it fast enough. She longed to do that, so much so that she arched her back and rocked against her own fingers, but Daddy’s instructions were clear: he wanted her ready for him, and that meant she wasn’t allowed to cum.

Slowly, carefully, Gloria stroked her heavy clitty and fought to control her breathing, to not go too quickly. It felt good to move her hips, gyrating slowly in the air; it felt good to reach up with her other hand, clutching a handful of damp hair. It felt good to be desired, to be her Daddy’s lover again—it made her feel beautiful, like her tummy was tight and her breasts full and round, like she was a young woman once more.

“Hurry, Daddy!” Gloria whispered to him, eyes still closed, mouth open as she moaned. She tapped and dabbed her clit, slowly pulling at it with her fingers or reaching into her hungry cunny to rub on her G-spot. Everything made her need to cum, but still she held it at bay, not giving into temptation…but that got harder as the seconds ticked by. Soon she was gasping and groaning, hardly able to touch herself at all but Gloria stayed on her knees, still held off from cumming somehow.

“Daddy, please! Please come back!” She said it out loud, hardly able to control her own body by that point. Gloria hugged herself tight and shivered. “I need you! Need you so much!”

“Mm, is that right?” She never heard him return, but suddenly there he was, crawling up towards her from the foot of the bed. With one hand, he pushed Gloria onto her back atop the messy blankets; the other was wrapped around his thick cock. In one practiced motion, he set the swollen tip to Gloria’s slippery cunny lips and pushed inside of her while bearing down on her with his full weight.

DADDY!” Gloria screamed his name and sank her nails into his broad back, jerking hard beneath him. She was already cumming as his cock stuffed her full, sliding deeper and deeper inside of her. When he started thrusting, pounding his hips against her soft thighs, she cried out to him. “Daddy! Oh, Daddy, you’re finally fucking me again!” Tears of blissful joy were sliding down her face. “More! Fuck me more, Daddy! Fuck meeeeee!”

And Daddy did. Their reunion was wild, wet, violent and all too brief. He pounded her cunny hole with bestial fervor and clung tight to her, pinning her under his weight until she could barely breathe. Gloria knew that was the way Daddy liked to fuck best and she was his compliant, helpless, wanton lover.

“Cumming, Daddy! Cumming for you! Cumming on my Daddy’s big…fat…cock! Mmmmm!” Gloria bore down on his dick while he fucked her and she came, giving them both an earful of how hard he was pounding her, and how wet he made her.

“Nnnngh! Me too, Glori! Daddy’s cumming too!” Daddy groaned as he buried his cock into her hairless cunny as deep as it could go. His breath caught and he grunted hard, clutching at her body as he came.

Father and daughter gasped and grunted together. Gloria hugged him tight, whispered into his ear. “I waited for you, Daddy… I was a good girl!”

“You were. Good girl, Glori.” He stroked her head and nuzzled her cheek.

It wasn’t enough. Gloria wanted more. She needed more. But even as she rocked her hips under him, she rubbed her hands atop his silvery head and whispered into his ear. “Gigi… She’ll be back soon!”

“Yes, she will.” Daddy’s voice grew softer and, no surprise, hungrier.

Gloria whimpered and pressed hot, feather-quick kisses to his moist neck. “Fuck me more, Daddy! Before she comes home. Ohhhhh, I missed you so much…!”

His chuckle made her stomach quiver, like hearing something truly wicked for the first time. Gloria was forced to roll over onto her belly on the bed and face the bedroom door which he’d only left cracked open. Then his heavy weight was pinning her down and his dick was sliding inside her tight, messy cunny once more. “Ohhhhhh fuck!” Gloria smothered a scream against the covers as her fingernails sank in deep.

“Mmm… How’s this, sweet girl?” Daddy’s voice was hot in her ear. “Now we can both watch the door. Maybe she’ll even walk in on us at last.”


That was a preview of A Loving Family: A Family Matters Story. To read the rest purchase the book.

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